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Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 1100PM 20150409

>> live from the kgo-tv broadcast center, this is abc7 news. >> a minor mistake leads to a major spill. tons of concrete dumped into an east bay creek. >> with the days of of clean up ahead officials must now figure out how much dan was done. >> it happened in oakland's upper rock ridge neighborhood earlier today. >> abc7 news reporter is live on clear wood drive tonight. katie? >> ama and dan, you will hear in a moment how something like this could happen. right now let me show you what is happening. this is where the water from glen echo creek is being diverted from the storm drain to the sewer system. from there it can be treated. the water in the creek is flowing because of the little bit of rain we just had and normally it would flow to lake merritt. what should be a bubbling brooke is a puddle of sludge behind townhomes. about 140 cubic yards of a material called cellular cement flowed into the creek for half a mile. >> there was a valve inadd veer at the present timely -- inadvertently left on and it was a mistake. it hospital have happened. it shouldn't have happened. >> they are replacing the pipe. as work is wrapping up a subcontractor is filling the pipe with the cement. around 11:00 al a neighbor noticed the -- a neighbor noticed the mud. workers and vacuum trucks have been removing the mess. >> we expect it to take three days for the clean up and then we will start with the res restoration to return it back to normal. >> water agencies and the fish and game have been called. biologists are taking samples and monitoring the water down creek. abc7 news. >> 16 sur surveillance cameras were trained on a brazen burglar two nights ago as he broke foo the home of san jose. leslie brinkley talked to a woman who was home alone and shared the remarkable video with us. >> you think you are secure if you have surveillance systems if you have locked doors and motion sensor lights. none of those things deer ited this burglar. >> heidi woke up when she heard a noise at 1:50 a.m. >> i turned on the app on my phone which takes a second. and i can pull up my cameras and i see outside my bedroom window that there is a man standing outside the bedroom window. >> the man wore a light colored shirt and a beanie. he circled the house casing it as she dialed 9-1-1. >> lock your door and wait in your room for the police. they are on their way. >> it was an agonizing wait. 13 horrifying minutes until the police arrived. the man put on gloves and he eventually popped open the locked sliding glass door to the kitchen. he ignored the alarm and walked bedroom to bedroom going through drawers and overturning a mattress. >> you are hearing all of this? >> i can hear thumping, but i don't know what the thumping is. >> but then he comes to your door. >> he comes to my door and my door with the double doors were closed and he starts shaking the door. >> that's when heidi took action. >> i was screaming and hitting the door from the inside telling him the police are coming and they are going to shoot you and to get a you way from my house. >> he did. he ran out the door and over the fence. a neighbor's camera caught him running to another to retrieve his skateboard and escaping on it. heidi turned over the surveillance video to san jose police. see installed extra locks and even bought herself a gun. >> i will never be sitting in my closet hoping somebody doesn't come in my room. that's a scare refeeling. scary feeling. had i had a gun i would have shot through the door. >> the false sense of security is gone now. abc news. a jury convicted the owner of a party bus company in the death of a santa cruz woman. she was killed when she fell out of the bus on the highway 17 fleer los gatos. -- near los gatos. the jury found he knew the bus door was faulty and ignored it. saint james faces four years in jail. >> one of two runways at mineta san jose international airport will shutdown for repairs. the crews will be replacing uneven and broken concrete. the work will take two months starting in july. they don't expect any significant delays for travelers. >> a new twist tonight in the racist texting scandal. an attorney for one of the officers accused of exchanging racist and homophobic texts say they cannot be fired because they waited too long to open an investigation. according to the san francisco chronicle he will argue that the department knew about the text in 2012 and did nothing about it until now. it was well past the statute out of limitations. for now the fate of the officers is in the hands of the san francisco police commission which met tonight. >> be assigned to the different hearing -- to the different police commission members as the hearing gunnels. and then from that point on we will have hearings to decide their guilt or innocence. >> eight officers have been suspended by the chief while the commission decides whether to terminate them. two have already resigned. >> guilty on all charges. the jury handed down its decision in the boston marathon bombing trial setting up tsarnaev for the sentencing phase. jurors will consider life in prison or the death penalty. marcy gonzalez has the latest from boston. >> after the lives tsarnaev took and the pain he caused the marathon bomber showed little emotion learning he could face the death penalty, convicted on all 30 charges. >> he should be held accountable for his actions. i am very thankful for each of the jury members that are making him do that. >> the jury of seven women and five men deliberated for more than 11 hours over two days. finding the 21-year-old responsible for the worst terror attack in the u.s. since 9/11. the deaths of lyndsay liu christie campbell and martin richard and the violence that followed including the murder of mit police officer sean collier. >> i am amazed and grateful. i am glad they took time to go through everything. >> the same jury will decide if he lives or dies. the defense team lead by attorney judy clark who successfully kept past clients including uni-bomber off death row will try to do the same for tsarnaev. >> they knew he would be convicted. the question is can we save his life? >> the defense is hoping to do that by convincing jurors that tsarnaev's older brother was the mastermind and an unconvincing claim to many. >> we should know in a few weeks. that's how long the sentencing phase is expected to last. they have not said if he will take the stand. >> there were a lot of people in boston the day of the bombing. he says he is relieved, but not ready to forgive. >> very good at forgiving. i have to say this is one instance i cannot forgive. i just cannot accept and forgive what happened. >> it is too personal. >> other runners who were there had similar comments and most are hoping for the harshest penalty possible. he faces 17 possible death sentences for four murders and 250 injuries in the terrorist attack. california is one step closer to making childhood vaccinations mandatory. a state senate committee passed a bill baring most parents from opting out of vaccinations for their children for personal beliefs. during the vote a group protested at the state capitol. >> i think vaccinations saved millions of lives and we ought to have policies that encourage full vaccination and full coverage, but that's not dwoing to happen -- not going to happen. >> they cite the rising number of measles and whooping cough cases as the biggest reason the measure is needed. >> governor brown held an emergency meeting with officials, agriculture and environmental leaders. also today another big change starting next january. new toilets and facets will have to meet new low flow efficiency standards. the guidelines are expected to save105 billion gallons of water a year. plumbers say it could create big sewage problems for homeowners. >> there is not enough water to help pass the solids and liquids. the flipping was built years ago and it was sized out for the three and a half gallons and it is not enough water. >> san francisco's public utilities chicks says low flow rules have been in place for years and they are already updating the sewer system based on the lower water supply. >> next on abc7 news. >> the stolen van of a disabled veteran with lou gehrig's disease and the abc7 viewer who saved the day. that story is coming up. >> and it is like something out of a movie. how thieves pulled off one of the biggest heists of all time. >> and submarine. the major flooding that stopped new york's commute in its tracks. >> i am meteorologist sandhya patel. the temperatures have already fallen to the 40s in some areas. ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] aaah, the amazing, delicious cinnamon and sugar taste of cinnamon toast crunch and cold milk. ♪ ♪ cinnamon toast crunch. crave those crazy squares. dude totino's blasted rolls. sweet. totino's blasted crust rolls... yeah. flavor at full blast 30,000 cases of sabra hum muss is being recalled due of possible listeria contamination. listeria can cause high fever and nausea in healthy people, but can be fatal to young children and the elderly. a lot of people are talking about this on-line go to our facebook page and we have the story there. an abc7 viewer is being credited with helping to find a stolen van. this was not just any van. it was wheelchair accessible van. alan wang has the story for us. i first met phil thomas when he dumped a bucket of ice water for the als ice bucket challenge. his wife was diagnosed with als or lieu lou gehrig's disease. she needs a specialized van to get around. >> it is a quality life issue. >> on monday kay's van was stolen and today abc7 put the word out during our midday newscast. >> i just memorized the brief description. >> the license plate and the description matched the van in his apartment complex in fremont. >> i have a tendency to know which cars fit in this neighborhood and that wasn't wuch -- wasn't one of them. >> the thomass have this to pass on. >> thank you. you have made the day for us, both my wife and myself. >> the van was trashed and the hydrolic lift and the other features were damaged so another good samaritan stepped in. classic vans of hey vard -- of hayward stepped in. several viewers called in and offered their advance too. >> now a days not everyone would do that. i can appreciate that more than i can say. >> it shows how caring people and more than a little communication can make a big difference. alan wang abc7 news. >> absolutely. now to one of the largest heists in history with a gang of thieves snatching $300 million in cash and jewels. thieves raided a security box in london's jewelry quarter. they likely got in by smashing in the elevator shaft on the roof and then went down the shaft and cut through a metal door into the vault. the crime wasn't even discovered until three days after it happened. take a look at all of this water pouring into the new york city subway in greenwich village. you can see water dumbing on to the train with passengers still inside. the flooding was caused by a watermain break. the water has been shut off and the trains are moving again tonight. incredible video. >> after the rain we had here the other day, nothing on the horizon for the foreseeable future. >> sandhya tells us if we need them. >> i would hang on to them. live doppler 7hd is showing you nothing but mainly clear conditions tonight. the recent storm did push up our percent of normal by a couple of points. it was not a big difference. moffet field that's the december rain. 73 in santa rosa and oakland 74. 92 in san jose. we need a lot more rain than that one storm that we had. sierra got some snow. they were at 5% and now they are at 8%. as we look at the temperatures right now their low in some areas are 41 in petaluma and 44 in fairfield and 49 half moon bay and 45 in napa. you know it will be on the chilly side tomorrow morning. from our east bay hills camera visibility is terrific now. mostly clear and chilly morning. mild afternoons into the weekend and there is a chance of rain early next week. here is the pacific satellite picture. the showers we had are long gone. high pressure is in control. we will keep it dry as the ridge holds on. this system will head down to the south. it will not make it. high pressure will keep us dry through the weekend and then next week we will see some changes. tomorrow morning a jacket or coat. midto upper 30s for the coldest north bay valleys. you will notice low 40s in the inland east bay valleys. the temperatures will start out in the 40s in most areas except for the sheltered valleys. it is a mix of sun and clouds. 69 san jose and on the peninsula 67 redwood city. you will need your sunscreen in downtown san francisco. 62 degrees. in the north bay 60s and 70s. 67 santa rosa and 50s near the beaches. in the east bay 67 oakland. union city a mix of sun and clouds inland. the a's will take on the rangers at o-dot-co coliseum. the temperature comes up to 66 at 3:30. really a nice, mild day. the uv index is running high. you know what that means. a look at the accu-weather seven-day forecast. we bump up the temperatures tomorrow. a little warmer as we head into the weekend. low to mid70s for the warmest spots. upper 50s to low 60s at the coast. and now i know this is not good. monday rain chances have faded, but we bring a slight chance of rain on tuesday. we had to push it back but that's it. >> as long as it is still there. >> it is still there for the time being. >> thank you sandhya. >> coming up next on abc7 news too close for comfort. >> a whale of a tale female announcer: get on board for better sleep! it's sleep train's interest free for 3 event! get three years interest-free financing on beautyrest black, stearns & foster serta icomfort even tempur-pedic. plus, get free delivery, and sleep train's 100-day low price guarantee. you'll never find an interest rate lower than sleep train's interest free for 3 event, on now! ...guaranteed! ♪ sleep train ♪ ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ >> oh my god. >> let's get out of here. >> some orcas got a little too close for comfort for some boaters in washington state. this video was shot in december, but it is just going viral tonight. the men were out on a tiny row boat when they came across a pod of orcas. the so-called killer whales came so close to the boat the men panicked a little bit and road as fast as they could. >> let's get out of here! >> it looks like one giant goldfish has invaded the lake in colorado. more than 4,000 of them. it may seem funny but experts say it could be an ecological disaster if nothing is done. it probably started with someone dumping their pet so nature took over from there. they may use electro shock to stun the fish and then scoop them up or drain the whole lake. >> they pro created quickly. let's talk about sports. >> follow that, shu. >> a little baseball. we will just move on. the a's got a great start tonight. plenty of offense as they shut out the rangers. chris helton brought up to start for jake peavy the answer to treating your dog's fleas and ticks is staring you right in the face. nexgard, from the makers of frontline® plus. it's the only soft beef-flavored chew that kills both fleas and ticks. vets recommend it. and dogs, well they're begging for it. nexgard is for dogs only. and hasn't been evaluated for use in pregnant, breeding or lactating dogs. reported side effects include vomiting, dry flaky skin diarrhea, lethargy and lack of appetite. use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures. recommended by vets. loved by dogs. from the makers of frontline plus. just when you think you are getting to know the roster bob melvin throws three new players into the fire. all were rookies rookies and all contributed against the rangers. you have a 10-0 shutout victory and what a season debut he was wheeling and dealing. he struck out 10 batters and 10 scoreless innings. that's back to back one hitters. the rookie and triple ender to the gap. two batters later and he just flew in from the airport 2-0a's. still in the third and now bases loaded. he was born in san jose and he crushes the tiers major league hit. top of the wall and everyone scores. after review they confirm it was not a homerun. it is 5-0a's. a scary moment in the bottom half of the inning. he tweaked his back. he was adjusted and stayed in the game. game tour is tomorrow at 12:35. giants and d-backs in arizona and nothing like an 18-inch corn dog for dinner. tums anyone? they answer in the second and back to back r.b.i doubles. he goes down the line and 2-1 giants. giants got a great start which chris heston. struck out five. bruce bochy said afterwards he will keep him around. second career start wasn't all smooth. a wild pitch and a throwing error, but his first career win. mcgee seals the deal. g-men take the game. they face the padres tomorrow afternoon in san diego. masters gets underway tomorrow this round one with bubba watson your defending champ. one of the favorites of the week on wednesday. it has been a tradition since 1960 at augusta and the winner of the par 3 has never gone on to win the masters. this event is more about the atmosphere. the legend, six times masters champion and fourth hole and takes the path and knows the sport so well. she bringing it back and guess what. it is his first hole in one at augusta. another golden bear moment. they stop to celebrate. boy, you couldn't have a better start to the masters with that right there. jack nicklaus a hole in one. >> some of the best memories ever. >> jordan spieth is my pick to win it all. >> see you on monday. >> abc7 news continues on line twitter and facebook and all of the mobile devices with ab that's our report. we appreciate your time. i'm dan ashley. >> i'm ama daetz. on jimmy >> dicky: from austin, texas, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight -- willie nelson. colin hanks. and music from edward sharpe & the magnetic zeros. with cleto and the cletones. and now, i reckon, here's jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪


Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 1100PM Repeat 20150409

(tiffany) ask yourself what you'll miss more. your children or cigarettes. for as long as i can remember, my mother smoked. she died from lung cancer when i was 16. i could not take the chance of continuing smoking and not being here for my daughter. i know how much i needed my mom still, and i didn't realize it until i had lost her. you can quit. for free help, call 1-800-quit-now. >> live from the kgo-tv broadcast center, this is abc7 news. >> a minor mistake leads to a major spill. tons of concrete dumped into an east bay creek. >> with the days of of clean up ahead officials must now figure out how much dan was done. >> it happened in oakland's upper rock ridge neighborhood earlier today. >> abc7 news reporter is live on clear wood drive tonight. katie? >> ama and dan, you will hear in a moment how something like this could happen. right now let me show you what is happening. this is where the water from glen echo creek is being diverted from the storm drain to the sewer system. from there it can be treated. the water in the creek is flowing because of the little bit of rain we just had and normally it would flow to lake merritt. what should be a bubbling brooke is a puddle of sludge behind townhomes. about 140 cubic yards of a material called cellular cement flowed into the creek for half a mile. >> there was a valve inadd veer at the present timely -- inadvertently left on and it was a mistake. it hospital have happened. it shouldn't have happened. >> they are replacing the pipe. as work is wrapping up a subcontractor is filling the pipe with the cement. around 11:00 al a neighbor noticed the -- a neighbor noticed the mud. workers and vacuum trucks have been removing the mess. >> we expect it to take three days for the clean up and then we will start with the res restoration to return it back to normal. >> water agencies and the fish and game have been called. biologists are taking samples and monitoring the water down creek. abc7 news. >> 16 sur surveillance cameras were trained on a brazen burglar two nights ago as he broke foo the home of san jose. leslie brinkley talked to a woman who was home alone and shared the remarkable video with us. >> you think you are secure if you have surveillance systems if you have locked doors and motion sensor lights. none of those things deer ited this burglar. >> heidi woke up when she heard a noise at 1:50 a.m. >> i turned on the app on my phone which takes a second. and i can pull up my cameras and i see outside my bedroom window that there is a man standing outside the bedroom window. >> the man wore a light colored shirt and a beanie. he circled the house casing it as she dialed 9-1-1. >> lock your door and wait in your room for the police. they are on their way. >> it was an agonizing wait. 13 horrifying minutes until the police arrived. the man put on gloves and he eventually popped open the locked sliding glass door to the kitchen. he ignored the alarm and walked bedroom to bedroom going through drawers and overturning a mattress. >> you are hearing all of this? >> i can hear thumping, but i don't know what the thumping is. >> but then he comes to your door. >> he comes to my door and my door with the double doors were closed and he starts shaking the door. >> that's when heidi took action. >> i was screaming and hitting the door from the inside telling him the police are coming and they are going to shoot you and to get a you way from my house. >> he did. he ran out the door and over the fence. a neighbor's camera caught him running to another to retrieve his skateboard and escaping on it. heidi turned over the surveillance video to san jose police. see installed extra locks and even bought herself a gun. >> i will never be sitting in my closet hoping somebody doesn't come in my room. that's a scare refeeling. scary feeling. had i had a gun i would have shot through the door. >> the false sense of security is gone now. abc news. a jury convicted the owner of a party bus company in the death of a santa cruz woman. she was killed when she fell out of the bus on the highway 17 fleer los gatos. -- near los gatos. the jury found he knew the bus door was faulty and ignored it. saint james faces four years in jail. >> one of two runways at mineta san jose international airport will shutdown for repairs. the crews will be replacing uneven and broken concrete. the work will take two months starting in july. they don't expect any significant delays for travelers. >> a new twist tonight in the racist texting scandal. an attorney for one of the officers accused of exchanging racist and homophobic texts say they cannot be fired because they waited too long to open an investigation. according to the san francisco chronicle he will argue that the department knew about the text in 2012 and did nothing about it until now. it was well past the statute out of limitations. for now the fate of the officers is in the hands of the san francisco police commission which met tonight. >> be assigned to the different hearing -- to the different police commission members as the hearing gunnels. and then from that point on we will have hearings to decide their guilt or innocence. >> eight officers have been suspended by the chief while the commission decides whether to terminate them. two have already resigned. >> guilty on all charges. the jury handed down its decision in the boston marathon bombing trial setting up tsarnaev for the sentencing phase. jurors will consider life in prison or the death penalty. marcy gonzalez has the latest from boston. >> after the lives tsarnaev took and the pain he caused the marathon bomber showed little emotion learning he could face the death penalty, convicted on all 30 charges. >> he should be held accountable for his actions. i am very thankful for each of the jury members that are making him do that. >> the jury of seven women and five men deliberated for more than 11 hours over two days. finding the 21-year-old responsible for the worst terror attack in the u.s. since 9/11. the deaths of lyndsay liu christie campbell and martin richard and the violence that followed including the murder of mit police officer sean collier. >> i am amazed and grateful. i am glad they took time to go through everything. >> the same jury will decide if he lives or dies. the defense team lead by attorney judy clark who successfully kept past clients including uni-bomber off death row will try to do the same for tsarnaev. >> they knew he would be convicted. the question is can we save his life? >> the defense is hoping to do that by convincing jurors that tsarnaev's older brother was the mastermind and an unconvincing claim to many. >> we should know in a few weeks. that's how long the sentencing phase is expected to last. they have not said if he will take the stand. >> there were a lot of people in boston the day of the bombing. he says he is relieved, but not ready to forgive. >> very good at forgiving. i have to say this is one instance i cannot forgive. i just cannot accept and forgive what happened. >> it is too personal. >> other runners who were there had similar comments and most are hoping for the harshest penalty possible. he faces 17 possible death sentences for four murders and 250 injuries in the terrorist attack. california is one step closer to making childhood vaccinations mandatory. a state senate committee passed a bill baring most parents from opting out of vaccinations for their children for personal beliefs. during the vote a group protested at the state capitol. >> i think vaccinations saved millions of lives and we ought to have policies that encourage full vaccination and full coverage, but that's not dwoing to happen -- not going to happen. >> they cite the rising number of measles and whooping cough cases as the biggest reason the measure is needed. >> governor brown held an emergency meeting with officials, agriculture and environmental leaders. also today another big change starting next january. new toilets and facets will have to meet new low flow efficiency standards. the guidelines are expected to save105 billion gallons of water a year. plumbers say it could create big sewage problems for homeowners. >> there is not enough water to help pass the solids and liquids. the flipping was built years ago and it was sized out for the three and a half gallons and it is not enough water. >> san francisco's public utilities chicks says low flow rules have been in place for years and they are already updating the sewer system based on the lower water supply. >> next on abc7 news. >> the stolen van of a disabled veteran with lou gehrig's disease and the abc7 viewer who saved the day. that story is coming up. >> and it is like something out of a movie. how thieves pulled off one of the biggest heists of all time. >> and submarine. the major flooding that stopped new york's commute in its tracks. >> i am meteorologist sandhya patel. the temperatures have already fallen to the 40s in some areas. mmmm, they made french toast out of banana bread, then topped it with candied pecans and bananas? it's like a match made in heaven. like bacon & eggs... ...oh look, bacon & eggs. the new banana bread french toast slam. denny's. welcome to america's diner. 30,000 cases of sabra hum muss is being recalled due of possible listeria contamination. listeria can cause high fever and nausea in healthy people, but can be fatal to young children and the elderly. a lot of people are talking about this on-line go to our facebook page and we have the story there. an abc7 viewer is being credited with helping to find a stolen van. this was not just any van. it was wheelchair accessible van. alan wang has the story for us. i first met phil thomas when he dumped a bucket of ice water for the als ice bucket challenge. his wife was diagnosed with als or lieu lou gehrig's disease. she needs a specialized van to get around. >> it is a quality life issue. >> on monday kay's van was stolen and today abc7 put the word out during our midday newscast. >> i just memorized the brief description. >> the license plate and the description matched the van in his apartment complex in fremont. >> i have a tendency to know which cars fit in this neighborhood and that wasn't wuch -- wasn't one of them. >> the thomass have this to pass on. >> thank you. you have made the day for us, both my wife and myself. >> the van was trashed and the hydrolic lift and the other features were damaged so another good samaritan stepped in. classic vans of hey vard -- of hayward stepped in. several viewers called in and offered their advance too. >> now a days not everyone would do that. i can appreciate that more than i can say. >> it shows how caring people and more than a little communication can make a big difference. alan wang abc7 news. >> absolutely. now to one of the largest heists in history with a gang of thieves snatching $300 million in cash and jewels. thieves raided a security box in london's jewelry quarter. they likely got in by smashing in the elevator shaft on the roof and then went down the shaft and cut through a metal door into the vault. the crime wasn't even discovered until three days after it happened. take a look at all of this water pouring into the new york city subway in greenwich village. you can see water dumbing on to the train with passengers still inside. the flooding was caused by a watermain break. the water has been shut off and the trains are moving again tonight. incredible video. >> after the rain we had here the other day, nothing on the horizon for the foreseeable future. >> sandhya tells us if we need them. >> i would hang on to them. live doppler 7hd is showing you nothing but mainly clear conditions tonight. the recent storm did push up our percent of normal by a couple of points. it was not a big difference. moffet field that's the december rain. 73 in santa rosa and oakland 74. 92 in san jose. we need a lot more rain than that one storm that we had. sierra got some snow. they were at 5% and now they are at 8%. as we look at the temperatures right now their low in some areas are 41 in petaluma and 44 in fairfield and 49 half moon bay and 45 in napa. you know it will be on the chilly side tomorrow morning. from our east bay hills camera visibility is terrific now. mostly clear and chilly morning. mild afternoons into the weekend and there is a chance of rain early next week. here is the pacific satellite picture. the showers we had are long gone. high pressure is in control. we will keep it dry as the ridge holds on. this system will head down to the south. it will not make it. high pressure will keep us dry through the weekend and then next week we will see some changes. tomorrow morning a jacket or coat. midto upper 30s for the coldest north bay valleys. you will notice low 40s in the inland east bay valleys. the temperatures will start out in the 40s in most areas except for the sheltered valleys. it is a mix of sun and clouds. 69 san jose and on the peninsula 67 redwood city. you will need your sunscreen in downtown san francisco. 62 degrees. in the north bay 60s and 70s. 67 santa rosa and 50s near the beaches. in the east bay 67 oakland. union city a mix of sun and clouds inland. the a's will take on the rangers at o-dot-co coliseum. the temperature comes up to 66 at 3:30. really a nice, mild day. the uv index is running high. you know what that means. a look at the accu-weather seven-day forecast. we bump up the temperatures tomorrow. a little warmer as we head into the weekend. low to mid70s for the warmest spots. upper 50s to low 60s at the coast. and now i know this is not good. monday rain chances have faded, but we bring a slight chance of rain on tuesday. we had to push it back but that's it. >> as long as it is still there. >> it is still there for the time being. >> thank you sandhya. >> coming up next on abc7 news too close for comfort. >> a whale of a tale caught when i have an asthma attack... i feel scared. sometimes my parents have to take me to the hospital. i feel like a fish with no water. you know how to react to their asthma attacks. here's how to prevent them. call... visit... or call your doctor. because... >> oh my god. >> let's get out of here. >> some orcas got a little too close for comfort for some boaters in washington state. this video was shot in december, but it is just going viral tonight. the men were out on a tiny row boat when they came across a pod of orcas. the so-called killer whales came so close to the boat the men panicked a little bit and road as fast as they could. >> let's get out of here! >> it looks like one giant goldfish has invaded the lake in colorado. more than 4,000 of them. it may seem funny but experts say it could be an ecological disaster if nothing is done. it probably started with someone dumping their pet so nature took over from there. they may use electro shock to stun the fish and then scoop them up or drain the whole lake. >> they pro created quickly. let's talk about sports. >> follow that, shu. >> a little baseball. we will just move on. the a's got a great start tonight. plenty of offense as they shut out the rangers. chris helton brought up to start for jake peavy may not around here, we're all about fast. that's why xfinity is perfect for me. with millions of wifi hotspots all over the place - including one right here at the shop - now we can stream all things fast and furious. you've done it again, carlos! ♪ with the fastest in-home wifi and millions of hotspots xfinity is perfect for people who love fast. don't miss furious 7 in theaters now. just when you think you are getting to know the roster bob melvin throws three new players into the fire. all were rookies rookies and all contributed against the rangers. you have a 10-0 shutout victory and what a season debut he was wheeling and dealing. he struck out 10 batters and 10 scoreless innings. that's back to back one hitters. the rookie and triple ender to the gap. two batters later and he just flew in from the airport 2-0a's. still in the third and now bases loaded. he was born in san jose and he crushes the tiers major league hit. top of the wall and everyone scores. after review they confirm it was not a homerun. it is 5-0a's. a scary moment in the bottom half of the inning. he tweaked his back. he was adjusted and stayed in the game. game tour is tomorrow at 12:35. giants and d-backs in arizona and nothing like an 18-inch corn dog for dinner. tums anyone? they answer in the second and back to back r.b.i doubles. he goes down the line and 2-1 giants. giants got a great start which chris heston. struck out five. bruce bochy said afterwards he will keep him around. second career start wasn't all smooth. a wild pitch and a throwing error, but his first career win. mcgee seals the deal. g-men take the game. they face the padres tomorrow afternoon in san diego. masters gets underway tomorrow this round one with bubba watson your defending champ. one of the favorites of the week on wednesday. it has been a tradition since 1960 at augusta and the winner of the par 3 has never gone on to win the masters. this event is more about the atmosphere. the legend, six times masters champion and fourth hole and takes the path and knows the sport so well. she bringing it back and guess what. it is his first hole in one at augusta. another golden bear moment. they stop to celebrate. boy, you couldn't have a better start to the masters with that right there. jack nicklaus a hole in one. >> some of the best memories ever. >> jordan spieth is my pick to win it all. >> see you on monday. >> abc7 news continues on line twitter and facebook and all of the mobile devices with the abc7 news app. that's our report. we appreciate your time. i'm dan ashley. >> i'm ama daetz. on jimmy kimmle, willie nelson. >> enjoy. good night. for you, i mean for you. coming up in "the mix," the cop that is making a fashion statement. his hair an unusual color but he has a good message he is trying to send. revealing underwater mystery. the quest for sea creatures never seen before. one of the most daring diamond and jewelry heists ever. an inside look at how some sophisticated robbers stole a fortune. remember, find our behind the scenes pics on instagram @abcwnn. you are watching "world news now." now." e your car unprotected. but a lot of us leave our identities unprotected. nearly half a million cars were stolen in 2012. but for every car stolen 34 people had their identities stolen. identity thieves can steal your money damage your credit and wreak havoc on your life. why risk it when you can help protect yourself from iity theft with one call to lifelock, a leader in identity theft protection? lifelock actively patrols your sensitive personal information helping to guard your social security number, your bank accounts and credit, even the equity in 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Transcripts For KOFY ABC7 News On KOFY 1130PM 20150409

workers and vacuum trucks have been removing the mess. >> we expect it to take three days for the clean up and then we will start with the res restoration to return it back to normal. >> water agencies and the fish and game have been called. biologists are taking samples and monitoring the water down creek. abc7 news. >> 16 sur surveillance cameras were trained on a brazen burglar two nights ago as he broke foo the home of san jose. leslie brinkley talked to a woman who was home alone and shared the remarkable video with us. >> you think you are secure if you have surveillance systems if you have locked doors and motion sensor lights. none of those things deer ited this burglar. >> heidi woke up when she heard a noise at 1:50 a.m. >> i turned on the app on my phone which takes a second. and i can pull up my cameras and i see outside my bedroom window that there is a man standing outside the bedroom window. >> the man wore a light colored shirt and a beanie. he circled the house casing it as she dialed 9-1-1. >> lock your door and wait in your room for the police. they are on their way. >> it was an agonizing wait. 13 horrifying minutes until the police arrived. the man put on gloves and he eventually popped open the locked sliding glass door to the kitchen. he ignored the alarm and walked bedroom to bedroom going through drawers and overturning a mattress. >> you are hearing all of this? >> i can hear thumping, but i don't know what the thumping is. >> but then he comes to your door. >> he comes to my door and my door with the double doors were closed and he starts shaking the door. >> that's when heidi took action. >> i was screaming and hitting the door from the inside telling him the police are coming and they are going to shoot you and to get a you way from my house. >> he did. he ran out the door and over the fence. a neighbor's camera caught him running to another to retrieve his skateboard and escaping on it. heidi turned over the surveillance video to san jose police. see installed extra locks and even bought herself a gun. >> i will never be sitting in my closet hoping somebody doesn't come in my room. that's a scare refeeling. scary feeling. had i had a gun i would have shot through the door. >> the false sense of security is gone now. abc news. a jury convicted the owner of a party bus company in the death of a santa cruz woman. she was killed when she fell out of the bus on the highway 17 fleer los gatos. -- near los gatos. the jury found he knew the bus door was faulty and ignored it. saint james faces four years in jail. >> one of two runways at mineta san jose international airport will shutdown for repairs. the crews will be replacing uneven and broken concrete. the work will take two months starting in july. they don't expect any significant delays for travelers. >> a new twist tonight in the racist texting scandal. an attorney for one of the officers accused of exchanging racist and homophobic texts say they cannot be fired because they waited too long to open an investigation. according to the san francisco chronicle he will argue that the department knew about the text in 2012 and did nothing about it until now. it was well past the statute out of limitations. for now the fate of the officers is in the hands of the san francisco police commission which met tonight. >> be assigned to the different hearing -- to the different police commission members as the hearing gunnels. and then from that point on we will have hearings to decide their guilt or innocence. >> eight officers have been suspended by the chief while the commission decides whether to terminate them. two have already resigned. >> guilty on all charges. the jury handed down its decision in the boston marathon bombing trial setting up tsarnaev for the sentencing phase. jurors will consider life in prison or the death penalty. marcy gonzalez has the latest from boston. >> after the lives tsarnaev took and the pain he caused the marathon bomber showed little emotion learning he could face the death penalty, convicted on all 30 charges. held accountable for his actions. i am very thankful for each of the jury members that are making him do that. >> the jury of seven women and five men deliberated for more than 11 hours over two days. finding the 21-year-old responsible for the worst terror attack in the u.s. since 9/11. the deaths of lyndsay liu christie campbell and martin richard and the violence that followed including the murder of mit police officer sean collier. >> i am amazed and grateful. i am glad they took time to go through everything. >> the same jury will decide if he lives or dies. the defense team lead by attorney judy clark who successfully kept past clients including uni-bomber off death row will try to do the same for tsarnaev. >> they knew he would be convicted. the question is can we save his life? >> the defense is hoping to do that by convincing jurors that tsarnaev's older brother was the mastermind and an unconvincing claim to many. >> we should know in a few weeks. that's how long the sentencing phase is expected to last. they have not said if he will take the stand. >> there were a lot of people in boston the day of the bombing. he says he is relieved, but not ready to forgive. >> very good at forgiving. i have to say this is one instance i cannot forgive. i just cannot accept and forgive what happened. >> it is too personal. >> other runners who were there had similar comments and most are hoping for the harshest penalty possible. he faces 17 possible death sentences for four murders and 250 injuries in the terrorist attack. california is one step closer to making childhood vaccinations mandatory. a state senate committee passed a bill baring most parents from opting out of vaccinations for their children for personal beliefs. during the vote a group protested at the state capitol. >> i think vaccinations saved millions of lives and we ought to have policies that encourage full vaccination and full coverage, but that's not dwoing to happen -- not going to happen. >> they cite the rising number of measles and whooping cough cases as the biggest reason the measure is needed. >> governor brown held an emergency meeting with officials, agriculture and environmental leaders. also today another big change starting next january. new toilets and facets will have to meet new low flow efficiency standards. the guidelines are expected to save105 billion gallons of water a year. plumbers say it could create big sewage problems for homeowners. >> there is not enough water to help pass the solids and liquids. the flipping was built years ago and it was sized out for the three and a half gallons and it is not enough water. >> san francisco's public utilities chicks says low flow rules have been in place for years and they are already updating the sewer system based on the lower water supply. >> next on abc7 news. >> the stolen van of a disabled veteran with lou gehrig's disease and the abc7 viewer who saved the day. that story is coming up. >> and it is like something out of a movie. how thieves pulled off one of the biggest heists of all time. >> and submarine. the major flooding that stopped new york's commute in its tracks. >> i am meteorologist sandhya patel. the temperatures have already fallen to the 40s in some areas. 30,000 cases of sabra hum muss is being recalled due of possible listeria contamination. listeria can cause high fever and nausea in healthy people, but can be fatal to young children and the elderly. a lot of people are talking about this on-line go to our facebook page and we have the story there. an abc7 viewer is being credited with helping to find a stolen van. this was not just any van. it was wheelchair accessible van. alan wang has the story for us. i first met phil thomas when he dumped a bucket of ice water for the als ice bucket challenge. his wife was diagnosed with als or lieu lou gehrig's disease. she needs a specialized van to get around. >> it is a quality life issue. >> on monday kay's van was stolen and today abc7 put the word out during our midday newscast. >> i just memorized the brief description. >> the license plate and the description matched the van in his apartment complex in fremont. >> i have a tendency to know which cars fit in this neighborhood and that wasn't wuch -- wasn't one of them. >> the thomass have this to pass on. >> thank you. you have made the day for us, both my wife and myself. >> the van was trashed and the hydrolic lift and the other features were damaged so another good samaritan stepped in. classic vans of hey vard -- of hayward stepped in. several viewers called in and offered their advance too. >> now a days not everyone would do that. i can appreciate that more than i can say. >> it shows how caring people and more than a little communication can make a big difference. alan wang abc7 news. >> absolutely. now to one of the largest heists in history with a gang of thieves snatching $300 million in cash and jewels. thieves raided a security box in london's jewelry quarter. they likely got in by smashing in the elevator shaft on the roof and then went down the shaft and cut through a metal door into the vault. the crime wasn't even discovered until three days after it happened. take a look at all of this water pouring into the new york city subway in greenwich village. you can see water dumbing on to the train with passengers still inside. the flooding was caused by a watermain break. the water has been shut off and the trains are moving again tonight. incredible video. >> after the rain we had here the other day, nothing on the horizon for the foreseeable future. >> sandhya tells us if we need them. >> i would hang on to them. live doppler 7hd is showing you nothing but mainly clear conditions tonight. the recent storm did push up our percent of normal by a couple of points. it was not a big difference. moffet field that's the december rain. 73 in santa rosa and oakland 74. 92 in san jose. we need a lot more rain than that one storm that we had. sierra got some snow. they were at 5% and now they are at 8%. as we look at the temperatures right now their low in some areas are 41 in petaluma and 44 in fairfield and 49 half moon bay and 45 in napa. you know it will be on the chilly side tomorrow morning. from our east bay hills camera visibility is terrific now. mostly clear and chilly morning. mild afternoons into the weekend and there is a chance of rain early next week. here is the pacific satellite picture. the showers we had are long gone. high pressure is in control. we will keep it dry as the ridge holds on. this system will head down to the south. it will not make it. high pressure will keep us dry through the weekend and then next week we will see some changes. tomorrow morning a jacket or coat. midto upper 30s for the coldest north bay valleys. you will notice low 40s in the inland east bay valleys. the temperatures will start out in the 40s in most areas except for the sheltered valleys. it is a mix of sun and clouds. 69 san jose and on the peninsula 67 redwood city. you will need your sunscreen in downtown san francisco. 62 degrees. in the north bay 60s and 70s. 67 santa rosa and 50s near the beaches. in the east bay 67 oakland. union city a mix of sun and clouds inland. the a's will take on the rangers at o-dot-co coliseum. the temperature comes up to 66 at 3:30. really a nice, mild day. the uv index is running high. you know what that means. a look at the accu-weather seven-day forecast. we bump up the temperatures tomorrow. a little warmer as we head into the weekend. low to mid70s for the warmest spots. upper 50s to low 60s at the coast. and now i know this is not good. monday rain chances have faded, but we bring a slight chance of rain on tuesday. we had to push it back but that's it. >> as long as it is still there. >> it is still there for the time being. >> thank you sandhya. >> coming up next on abc7 news too close for comfort. >> a whale of a tale caught female announcer: get on board for better sleep! it's sleep train's interest free for 3 event! get three years interest-free financing on beautyrest black, stearns & foster serta icomfort even tempur-pedic. plus, get free delivery, and sleep train's 100-day low price guarantee. you'll never find an interest rate lower than sleep train's interest free for 3 event, on now! ...guaranteed! ♪ sleep train ♪ ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ >> oh my god. >> let's get out of here. >> some orcas got a little too close for comfort for some boaters in washington state. this video was shot in december, but it is just going viral tonight. the men were out on a tiny row boat when they came across a pod of orcas. the so-called killer whales came so close to the boat the men panicked a little bit and road as fast as they could. >> let's get out of here! >> it looks like one giant goldfish has invaded the lake in colorado. more than 4,000 of them. it may seem funny but experts say it could be an ecological disaster if nothing is done. it probably started with someone dumping their pet so nature took over from there. they may use electro shock to stun the fish and then scoop them up or drain the whole lake. >> they pro created quickly. let's talk about sports. >> follow that, shu. >> a little baseball. we will just move on. the a's got a great start tonight. plenty of offense as they shut out the rangers. chris helton brought up to start for jake peavy may just when you think you are getting to know the roster bob melvin throws three new players into the fire. all were rookies rookies and all contributed against the rangers. you have a 10-0 shutout victory and what a season debut he was wheeling and dealing. he struck out 10 batters and 10 scoreless innings. that's back to back one hitters. the rookie and triple ender to the gap. two batters later and he just flew in from the airport 2-0a's. still in the third and now bases loaded. he was born in san jose and he crushes the tiers major league hit. top of the wall and everyone scores. after review they confirm it was not a homerun. it is 5-0a's. a scary moment in the bottom half of the inning. he tweaked his back. he was adjusted and stayed in the game. game tour is tomorrow at 12:35. giants and d-backs in arizona and nothing like an 18-inch corn dog for dinner. tums anyone? they answer in the second and back to back r.b.i doubles. he goes down the line and 2-1 giants. giants got a great start which chris heston. struck out five. bruce bochy said afterwards he will keep him around. second career start wasn't all smooth. a wild pitch and a throwing error, but his first career win. mcgee seals the deal. g-men take the game. they face the padres tomorrow afternoon in san diego. masters gets underway tomorrow this round one with bubba watson your defending champ. one of the favorites of the week on wednesday. it has been a tradition since 1960 at augusta and the winner of the par 3 has never gone on to win the masters. this event is more about the atmosphere. the legend, six times masters champion and fourth hole and takes the path and knows the sport so well. she bringing it back and guess what. it is his first hole in one at augusta. another golden bear moment. they stop to celebrate. boy, you couldn't have a better start to the masters with that right there. jack nicklaus a hole in one. >> some of the best memories ever. >> jordan spieth is my pick to win it all. >> see you on monday. >> abc7 news continues on line twitter and facebook and all of the mobile devices with the ab


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