The hemp industry is united in its desire to see the definition of hemp change to accommodate a level of naturally occurring THC at 1%, up from the current, arbitrary 0.3%. At either level, THC is so low as to not be able to get anybody high. Crappy weed from the ’70s had maybe 7-9% THC, and marijuana at dispensaries today is typically at least in the high teens if not the 20s-percent level.
The problem is that farmers can grow hemp that goes “hot” exceeds that 0.3% level which forces producers to destroy their crop and potentially get slapped with a felony from the DEA.
locations us citizens should exercise additional vigilance. the cia warned police in barcelona of a possible terror bull s-eye on las ramblas, the site of yesterday after the attacks. rob: an incredible story of survival. a man escapes death by crazed isis terrorists for the second time this year. heather: chris pauli says he was steps away from the barcelona van attack months after he walked away from a concert bombing in manchester, england. can t believe we are in the same place is another terrorist attack, hope everyone is okay in barcelona. sadly they are not. heather: more live coverage of the horrifying terror attack in barcelona, the latest from live coverage continues up next. , or activity in one place and save, where would you go?