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Transcripts For CNNW Anderson Cooper 360 20150210

train in the town of hall just south of boston. so you're stuck, you're actually stuck? >> reporter: we are stuck metaphorically and literally. the very end of the road here. if there were any light here we would be able to see boston just on the other side of the quincy bay here. but this is a snowdrift. the atlantic over there, quincy bay over there, and the wind is just whipping through here. we're in hull massachusetts. over two feet of snow. roofs have collapsed in quincy and areas in the south shore of boston. just a miserable, miserable situation here. the governor has declared a state of emergency for very good reason. a tire came off a train, just a very very wickedly terrible night here anderson. >> massachusetts, i mean it's been hit with storm after storm after storm. there's another one heading there thursday right? >> reporter: there is another storm heading here on thursday. they're trying to prepare for that. that's why part of the state of emergency, to get things shut down so they can keep the roads clear. one thing that is impressive to see here that no matter how much snow they get here in massachusetts, they can keep it off the streets. in most cases, except where we have to be right now, which there's nobody down there way, so there's not good reason to plow these roads. they aren't plowing here but throughout much of this region they're able to keep the snow off the streets. but it takes everything from snow shovels to backhoes to every piece of equipment you can imagine to keep the streets and sidewalks clear. >> miguel can you show us your vehicle? we were watching it before we went on air. it looks like you're actually stuck. >> reporter: steve, come around this way. we are in a -- show the right side of the vehicle. this is our snow -- it's not a blizzard mobile i'm calling it a weather beast. a giant expanded expedition that they've outfitted, and put in a ton of gear that we're able to go live from all night. it's a very heavy vehicle so we can get out of most situations. this is proving a little difficult for the weather beast. >> some people call it an suv. i digress. miguel i hope you get out. or at least that your heater's working or something. miguel marquez, thank you for joining ugh. we'll check in with you throughout the hour. let's go to chris welsh who is up the coast in boston. they've started to get creative about the way they're removing some of this snow. what are you seeing there behind you? >> reporter: yeah anderson i suppose you could call these a blizzard mobile if you wanted to. take a look behind me. this is a snow melter here in boston. what they're essentially doing is taking these piles these mountains of snow really here in one of these so-called snow farms, putting it into these snow melters, and these snow melters can melt snow at a rate of 350 tons per hour. now, this snow farm here take a look over here at the side of some of these mountains here anderson. this has been here for days. when all was said and done over the last couple of days they had 10,000 truck loads of snow in here. they have now gotten that down to about half of that. that's thanks to guys like these working the front-end loaders here. over the next couple of days it will get busier for them as the snow that fell today, and will continue tomorrow morning, and will be brought here tomorrow. >> the melters, oftentimes they put it over drains but i understand they can also put some of the snow in the boston harbor is that right? >> reporter: yeah that's right. that's definitely something they're considering. now, public works officials here in boston say that's a last-ditch effort. that's really the last resort. if they have to come to that. but the city has been at least reaching out to the state's department of environmental protection the agency that really needs to be notified if the city wants to start dumping snow into the harbor. we also know though that other smaller cities north of boston have officially notified the state, and have begun that process. now, they've been told they can't dump any snow that's older than this most recent snowfall. because that has to do with cleanliness, it's been sitting on the ground for a while, it's less environmentally friendly i suppose, to put that into the water. but only the past day's snow can go in. but boston not there yet. >> chris, thank you for reporting. now, we're beginning to learn more details about what a family has been through during captivity. a writer has described kayla mueller a very good citizen for the work she did for the victims in the civil war in syria. she's also a citizen of prescott arizona, where for the last year and a half those who love and know her have been living a nightmare. friday isis claimed she had been killed in an air strike. they suffered largely in silence and very much out of the spotlight. now more tonight. >> reporter: the days months pass for a year and a half in prescott arizona. kayla mueller's parents forced into excruciating silence. august 4th, 2013 isis captures their now 26-year-old daughter. there are threats her name gets out and isis will execute her. a long-time family friend. >> you have no control. you have to abide by the rules. and it was a living hell. and it has been a living hell for the family. and it is today. >> reporter: he said kayla's mother and father suffered in the hell alone, telling virtually no one except u.s. authorities. then last may, nine months after kayla mueller was taken hostage, isis sends the family proof of life confirmation. two months later, in early july a daring rescue attempt by u.s. forces to save journalist james foley. it fails. but the military finds strands of hair believed to be mueller's. just days later, on july 12th, isis announces it will kill kayla in 30 days unless the muellers pay nearly $7 million in ransom. increasingly desperate, the muellers begin reaching out to anyone they know in power. their daughter's mentor northern university professor carol thompson reaching human rights lawyers and activists. thompson is in zimbabwe on sabbatical. we spoke by telephone. >> the hundreds of people who mobilized for one month, because we were given a 30-day notice to try to create other options. because the threat was, you do a or b, or she's killed. we were trying to go beyond options a or b. >> reporter: the silence in this town held. amazingly, even in the internet age. kayla's parents personally telling parents, one slip and their daughter's life could be over. the 30 days pass and no word from isis on kayla mueller. then last month, a terrible mistake. on abc sunday news program, the white house chief of staff accidently says her first name. >> kayla's family knows how strongly the president feels about this. we will continue to work this. >> reporter: the muellers call local arizona reporters who figured it out, urging no one report kayla's name. the silence again holds. then friday. this claim by isis. but no proof, saying kayla mueller died in this building. >> what was friday like? >> ooh. friday. friday was a dark day. punched a hole through you. a big hole. you go numb. you don't want to hear it. you don't want to believe it. >> kim joins us now. of course they don't want to believe it. to not know i mean at this point there's no proof one way or the other. >> there's no proof. and they're desperate for that. so what the family is asking for, they issued a paper statement asking isis, asking the captors directly to reach out to them. the family spokesman tells us that what they want is for isis to reach them through the original channels. we don't know what that means for this family but that's what they're hoping for. they want to actually talk to the people who have been holding her. they are hoping against hope anderson. but this is a twisted lie. >> we wish them the best. kim, appreciate your reporting. set your dvr to watch 360 whenever you want. bruin jenner involved in a fatal car crash over the weekend when investigators and jenner are saying about it all when we continue. ready for another reason to switch to t-mobile. get 2 lines of unlimited 4g lte data for just $100 bucks a month. it's america's best unlimited family plan. and it's only at t-mobile. let's take a look at your credit. >>i know i have a 786 fico score, thanks to all the tools and help on so how are we going to sweeten this deal? 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[ female announcer ] over 100,000 businesses have already used zip recruiter and now you can use zip recruiter for free at a special site for tv viewers; go to welcome back. police are tonight trying to determine who's at fault for a weekend chain reaction crash in malibu california that involved bruce jenner that left one woman dead. jenner was not injured. in a statement released on sunday a day after the accident jenner called the crash a devastating tragedy and said he'll cooperate with the investigation, quote, in every way possible. los angeles sheriff's department said the investigation will focus on everyone involved in the crash. stephanie elam joins us with what happened. >> reporter: it was just after noon on saturday right about this time of day, when bruce jenner was driving his black suv towing an all-terrain vehicle on a trailer behind him. he was driving northbound on the pacific coast highway, just like we are. right here along the very stunning pacific ocean off to his left. authorities say for some unknown reason a black prius was stopped in the road ahead of him. a white lexus rear-ended the prius. jenner coming along in his suv rear-ended the white lexus right about here sending it into oncoming traffic, and where it was hit by a hummer h-2. the woman driving the white lexus, 69-year-old kim how, dies. the five passengers in the h-2 are taken to the hospital to be evaluated, and sent home. >> it's going to take quite a bit of time to analyze all the evidence all the vehicles have been impounded for examination to look for mechanical defects. >> reporter: while paparazzi were on the scene, authorities say they weren't chasing jenner. the 65-year-old who shot to fame when he won gold in the 1976 olympic de cath lon, is these days constantly surrounded by cameras, as the patriarch on keeping up with the kardashians. and changes in his appearance unconfirmed reports he's changing genders. jenner did release a statement that said in part, it is a devastating tragedy and i cannot pretend to imagine what this family is going through at this time. i am praying for them. authorities say they will be looking into the cell phone records of all four drivers. they also say that the three surviving drivers are all cooperating with the investigation, including jenner who volunteered to be tested and was taken from the scene by deputies to a local hospital to have his blood drawn. >> stephanie elam joins us now from los angeles with more. where does the investigation go from here? the sheriff said it will take a long time. >> there's a lot to go through here anderson. they've got to go through the phone records. jenner already voluntarily turned over his phone records. they have to look at all of the cars and everything involved with that. they'll go to the paparazzi and ask for the pictures that were taken, and will subpoena them if they need to. but he said all in all, to go through this it could be six months or more to see if anyone is facing charges in this case. >> joining me now is mark geragos, and criminal defense attorney of course. mark if there's no indication that paparazzi were contributing factor in this crash, does it shift the burden back to bruce jenner or how does something like this play out? is the person in the original vehicle that allegedly, whether it's stalled or slowed down there was initially rear-ended is that person held responsible? >> well there's -- literally one of the reasons why they think it will take six months but i don't know it will take that long is because they have to determine what exactly happened. why did that one car stall. number two, why did he -- why did jenner rear-end that car. and what was he doing just prior to that. and the testing to see, and have his blood taken, is to determine that there's no alcohol or drug that is going to influence or put him under the influence, such that it would have been a felony matter. the fact remains that even if there is no alcohol, no drugs, they can still do what's called a misdemeanor manslaughter and that -- in order to have that, you would have to find some violation of law which would be texting or doing something along those lines, or speeding. that then forms the basis for a misdemeanor. but first they've got to figure out exactly what happened why the one car was stalled. until they do that they're really behind the 8-ball. >> the woman who was killed, she rear-ended the car in front of her, and bruce jenner rear-ended her vehicle allegedly at this point, driving it into -- or pushing it into oncoming traffic. there's obviously a criminal investigation by law enforcement. but also obviously there's going to be civil lawsuits involved in this. and when there's a celebrity involved in this does that automatically attract a lot of attention from civil suits? >> well you can imagine that within i would guarantee you within 90 days you'll have lawsuits being filed here. that's just the nature of the beast, so to speak. >> even before a police investigation -- >> even before a police investigation. >> even before a police investigation determines who's at fault, you think civil cases will be filed? >> i don't think there's any doubt that that's going to happen. this is not an unusual circumstance for that stretch of pch. unfortunately, i know of cases, i've defended a criminal case a misdemeanor case along that stretch, back when the malibu courthouse was open. and there are accidents that happen there, and unfortunately fatalities that happen there. it's just one of the things that you face when you live in sunny southern california. >> mark, appreciate you being with us. thanks very much. we'll check in with mark later on in another case. brian williams off the air tonight for the first time. we'll get you up to date with all the developments about what is happening now with the embattled nbc anchor. what the cloud enables is computing to empower cancer researchers. it used to take two weeks to sequence and analyze a genome; with the microsoft cloud we can analyze 100 per day. whatever i can do to help compute a cure for cancer, that's what i'd like to do. 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(vo) visit your local retailer and feel the tempur-pedic difference for yourself. tonight viewers of the "nbc nightly news" got than headlines from lester holt not brian williams. in a memo to colleagues over the weekend, williams said he's taking himself off the air for the next several days. the reason he said he's become too much part of the news due to my actions. he canceled a thursday night appearance on david letterman. his actions began with revelations that a story that he repeatedly told about a helicopter he was on in iraq was not true certainly not as he recounted it. he gave an on-air apology. after saying on "nbc nightly news" two fridays ago that his chopper was hit with an hrpg, and he said he misremembered, and he was behind the one in the convoy that was hit. stars and stripes said the downed chopper was an hour ahead of the one williams was on. the paper posted audio of their complete interview with brian williams from last week in which they asked him about the discrepancy. >> what i was told by one of the crew members who was actually on your chinook, is that you guys were like an hour behind this grouping of three chinooks who were out in front. they came under fire and the middle one was hit. >> that's the first i've heard of that. i did not think we were in trail by that far. i think that's probably a good question for tim, who i now learned witnessed the overflight. but i could not see in front of us but i thought we were just in one flotilla for lack of a better word. that's the first time i've heard that. >> again, that's from last week. tim refers to retired soldier williams mentioned in the broadcast in which he made the claim about taking rpg fire. that single story, as you doubt know is not the only one now under a microscope. more on all of it from randi kaye. >> as we left there tonight, the first signs of restlessness. >> reporter: tale also of dead bodies dysentery, and stories that now have skeptics taking a closer look at brian williams' reporting. in a 2006 interview, the "nbc nightly news" anchor shared this. >> when you look out of your hotel room window in the french quarter, and watch a man float by face down -- >> reporter: how can that be. others claim the french quarter remained mostly dry. the former general manager of the ritz-carlton hotel where williams stayed during the storm told the times picayune newspaper said the water was not deep enough for a body to float in just six to eight inches of water on the first floor. it's still unknown exactly how deep the water was. and there's more. in his own 2005 documentary about katrina, williams claimed he had heard the story of a man taking his own life in the superdome. but what he told his predecessor, tom brokaw just last year seems to go far beyond simply hearing about the suicide. >> we watched -- all of us watched as one man committed suicide. >> reporter: that story, among others, is all under investigation by nbc news including his account about getting sick from sewage water while reporting on hurricane katrina. author douglas brinkley quotes williams as saying he was fading in and out. and that the hotel was on lockdown to keep out armed gangs. >> our hotel was overrun with gangs. >> reporter: the "washington post" reports that three different people told reporters that no gangs had infiltrated the ritz-carlton. williams' coverage of israel's war with the militant group hezbollah from 2006 is also under scrutiny. in 2007 he spoke of hezbollah rockets flying beneath his helicopter. >> there were katusha rockets passing just underneath the helicopter i was riding in. >> reporter: just a year earlier, on his own blog there was no mention of that close call only that there was activity on the ground. and a rocket launch six miles away. all of this came long after the incident in iraq now in question from march 26th 2003. no mention of a rocket-propelled grenade attacking his helicopter. >> on the ground we learned the chinook ahead of us was almost blown out of the sky. >> reporter: but ten years later, williams told david letterman his was one of two army choppers hit. >> no kidding? >> rpg and ak-47. >> reporter: rpgs, and ak-47s, or nothing at all. that remains for the nbc investigators to figure out. randi kaye, cnn, new york. >> that's the back drop. tonight it's not clear if brian williams will return to the anchor desk for nbc news. joining us is a media critic for the baltimore sun. and jeff greenfield. great to have you both on. i'm sorry it's under this topic. david, you've been writing about this for the past few days. you say brian williams should step down at least as the managing editor of "nbc nightly news." why? >> what we know anderson and this story really has, you know exploded and there's all kinds of aspects of it on social media, and everywhere and charges and countercharges and all that. what we know to be true if we go back to old school journalism we say what do we know to be true at this point. what we know to be true is that brian williams lied about the helicopter he was in getting hit by rpg fire in iraq in 2003. the other stuff that the report set up that's out there is really devastating. but just limited to this. i don't think a person who has told that kind of lie -- and that's what it is don't call it misremembering don't call it anything else it's a lie -- should be the managing editor and probably not the anchor of the largest daily newscast on american television. i think that's a position of tremendous trust and tremendous prestige. especially the managing editor aspect of it. and if you're in the business of credibility, you can't have someone who tells these kinds of stories as your face and as your newsroom leader. unless unless our standards have slipped to the point where it's now okay for that kind of person to be in charge. and i think, listen i don't know. that may be something nbc says is fine we can live with it for economic reasons. >> jeff greenfield what do you make of this? everybody i know who's spent a lot of time out in the field tends to downplay all the experiences they've had of personal danger things like that. i mean how do you see this? >> i'll give you what might be a plausible scenario. and it stems from the fact that in this day and age, and you know this a hundred times better than i do the anchor has to be something other than a deliverer of gravitas. he has to be a deliverer of personality. nbc started with the news is the star. that certainly isn't true now at any network. vividness, that's why so many of you folks are put, i think, in areas where there is war, or natural disasters, or some horrible event, because there is a way that that connects. the only thing that i can figure out is that in his desire to connect more particularly with people in the military who face real danger every day, to be seen as more of a person not a multimillion dollar celebrity anchor but as a person undergoing some of what the grunts undergo. he concocted, or conflated, whatever the right word is or made up this story to be more in the center of events. now, that's a thesis. >> but jeff what's interesting about it is there were other people involved in his reporting, in all these cases. there would have been a crew with him on that helicopter. there would have been a producer with him. and other people who knew what had actually happened. so why didn't they speak up or if they did, what does it say about nbc news that nobody listened? let's commit candor here anderson. if you are the anchor of the nightly news or the anchor in waiting, how comfortable would a subordinate be to challenge that person and say, you know you're blowing smoke. >> i can tell you, my executive producer i've traveled with extensively in very dangerous places my cameramen, they like to you know take me down a few pegs every time we're out in the field. i'm sure they would be very quick to say, what are you saying? you know? >> anderson listen i think -- >> go ahead, david. >> go ahead, jeff i'm sorry. >> yes, go ahead. >> no that's okay. david, go ahead. you have a point to make. >> jeff you've worked in both cable and network tv but i think maybe -- my perception of covering this for a long time is that especially in network television, the anchor has such tremendous power, especially when they have that title of managing editor whether they flex those muscles or not, that it would be at enormous risk that you would say anything to contradict such a pr statement on their behalf. they may not be able to fire you, but you won't see air time. there's a million ways they can make your life miserable. i think that's a really honest thing that jeff said there. >> i think that's absolutely true. but i think it's a mistake for anybody to surround themselves with yes people in an environment where critical you know critical feedback is crucial. and jeff i mean do you think he should step down? >> can i say something that i used to say at cnn a lot? and i wish more people would say? i don't know. i certainly think that if the stories that are now being looked at reveal more fabulism whatever you want to call it he can't survive. i don't mean to be flip. but if brian were like a rock star and oprah winfrey and barbara walters were still around, he could go and confess to an addiction for exaggerating go to a clinic for four weeks and come out purified. i don't think for a journalist that's possible. i've been trying to think all day and asking people if you were brian williams, would you make a public mea culpa, where would you do it and what would you say? let me confess to you in my more humble life i can't come up with a credible answer. >> that's a really important point. i've been having the same thought all day. david, i'm curious to hear your thoughts on this. i think it was jeff rosen at nyu, look he should be leading on this. he should be the one pointing out what's true and what's not true. he could very easily answer the questions, well is it true did you see the body floating in the french quarter, even though there wasn't much flooding in the french quarter. were there rockets under your -- he could answer all those questions. but by remaining silent and also david to your point earlier, that the person who's leading this investigation is an investigative producer for nbc news. can that person really investigate the managing editor? because that person down the road if brian williams continues, is going to rely on brian williams agreeing to have his pieces show up on the nightly news no? >> yeah this is even worse than the nfl's bought-and-paid-for investigation of jerry rice. this person is in some ways essentially an employer at least a colleague of brian. so that's really going to be tough. anderson i think really -- both of you know this better than me but i think this is going to in the end, come down to a dollars and cents credibility decision. i think one of the things, and i think jeff i think you may have written about this as well it's not just that i think members of military families are going to have a problem with brian williams now, and i think baby boomers, too, who grew up in a culture like i did, where you don't ever exaggerate military or especially battlefield things because of the scars and what world war ii did to that generation. but i think the worst part of this now is with the young demographic, what mel enyals and post-mel len yals may not know about edward r. morrow and peter jennings but they know brian williams is a joke on their tablets and iphones and laptops. social media has just been brutal to him. and i don't know if nbc looks -- i'm sure they're testing that right now. >> no doubt. >> saying what is this doing with this guy's credibility with younger viewers. if they think they lost that i don't think he comes back. >> it's been a stunning turn of events. it's sad no matter how you look at it. david, i appreciate you being on. jeff great to have you on as well. thank you. coming up front line report on the war in ukraine and possibility of american weapons flowing onto the battlefield. i make a lot of purchases for my business. and i get a lot in return with ink plus from chase. like 60,000 bonus points when i spent $5,000 in the first 3 months after i opened my account. and i earn 5 times the rewards on internet, phone services and at office supply stores. with ink plus i can choose how to redeem my points. travel, gift cards even cash back. and my rewards points won't expire. so you can make owning a business even more rewarding. ink from chase. so you can. ♪ nice! gr-reat! a shot like that... calls for a post-game celebration. share what you love with who you love. kellogg's frosted flakes. they're gr-r-reat! . obama said he's considering the possibility of arming ukraine in its fight against russian-backed rebels who have turned the country into the bloodiest european battleground since the former yugoslavia broke apart. massive explosion at a chemical plant last night near a separatist stronghold heavy shelling all day. european leaders including ukraine's president and russia's president are hoping to meet on wednesday for cease-fire talks. president obama who will not be attending said again today the diplomacy and economic sanctions against russia should be given a chance to work but other steps should be considered as well. >> now, it is true that if in fact diplomacy fails, what i've asked my team to do is look at all options. what other means can we put in place to change mr. putin's calculus calculus. and the possibility of lethal defensive weapons is one of those options that's being examined. >> bottom line the leaders exchanging words are one thing. two powerful forces exchanging heavy fire something else entirely. we have the report from the front line. >> reporter: the roads to a town victim to this war is lined with separatists armed with artillery, tanks. there are two state-backed armies here fighting at full throttle in eastern ukraine. they tore a hole right in the heart of this town. a stepping stone for separatists en route to the wider goal the next town. ukrainian armor little match. the damage done to this in the ukrainian defensive position shows the heavy weapons used in this conflict civilians trapped in the middle. some fleeing. but the streets that they leave littered with damaged armored vehicles. shells outgoing but life emerging from underground. we were underground for five days she says. it was terrifying. we took the kids out and came back for our things. vladimir has gone out to get bread. elderly neighbors told them they'd rather die here than leave. here closest to the new front lines, the cross fire fiercest. this used to be a nine-story building full of families. but as you can see by the hole made by this shell, it is now reduced to rubble. some trying to eke out a life here. this kind of destruction not seen here in the former soviet union for years. such a long road ahead. like so many gala and victor fled early and now saying they will not come back and are salvaging what they can. she says we just see the shooting. one side blames the other. what can we say. we just hide in the basement. the questions echoing who is the fight here for. and what will be left after it. >> what's the latest on the fighting on the ground? >> this day separatists are claiming they are encircling a town. the key road in and out is being attacked. that's a very delicate situation and will play hugely into the peace talks. it's a town that both sides want to keep hold of. >> president obama said today at a joint news conference with merkel from germany, that he's not yet decided to send lethal weapons to the ukraine. how was the news received there? >> i think any help the ukraine ukrainian military would be appreciated by them. they're in a bit of a mess. the corruption in the ukrainian government left them with a less equipped discipline of the russian military. unconvincing about whether it would go ahead. i think it was complicated to see the two leaders out there in washington at the white house, ahead of these peace talks. they weren't really as united in the threat and that the crimen might need. >> appreciate it. thanks. just ahead whitney houston's daughter new information about her case comes to light. what the investigation is now focusing on next. ♪♪ nineteen years ago, we thought "wow, how is there no way to tell the good from the bad?" so we gave people the power of the review. and now angie's list is revolutionizing local service again. you can easily buy and schedule services from top-rated providers. conveniently stay up to date on progress. and effortlessly turn your photos into finished projects with our angie's list app. visit today. ♪♪ toenail fungus? 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>> this is something that has come to light, and something that has come to us as a result of a source with the family. mystery injuries unexplained injuries they don't go into specific detail, they will only say there are apparently marks on chris tina's body that some way suggest are injuries that you cannot explain, but maybe could explain how she ended up face down in the bathtub. does it possibly suggest there was foul play here if it was something more than just an accidental drowning that took place? we don't know. but that certainly caught the attention of the families and no doubt catching the attention of the investigators as well. >> what are police saying about his boyfriend in the investigation? >> well of course he's at the center of the investigation. for obvious reasons. i mean he is the one who was both physically and romantically closest to bobbi kristina. he was also there at the time that she was discovered inside of that bathtub. does it go beyond that in other words, are there reasons to suggest there's something sinister afoot there. authorities have said nothing public about that. they are keeping their investigation very close to the vest at this point. >> yeah. as they should. martin savidge, thank you very much. sunny hostin joins me now. you have sources that have been telling you stuff. what are they saying now? >> they have said anderson that bobbi kristina did have some injuries that they're concerned about, that have not been explained to them. but they also told me just today, just recently that they're seeing positive signs that she is improving and that prayers are working, and things are getting better. and so -- >> no specifics, though? >> no specifics. but at least some good news. this is the first i've heard that the family feels that they are seeing some positive signs here. >> because obviously, the longer one is in a medically induced coma the more difficult the situation becomes, from all reports. there seems to be divisions in the family about the boyfriend. >> yeah. you know what i'm being told is that pat houston, who has a restraining order against nick gordon is not a fan. >> nick gordon was taken in by whitney houston when he was a young boy. >> when he was about 12 years old. she raised him like an adopted son, but then he had a romantic relationship with bobbi kristina. the family is very upset about that. bobby brown is especially not supportive of it. pat houston certainly isn't. there was all this information about how they were possibly married. the family made it very clear to me that they were not legally married, and that bobby brown, her father is the person in charge of her medical condition and situation at the hospital. they're also telling me nick gordon has not been allowed to see her in the hospital. the family doesn't want him anywhere near bobbi kristina. >> and her grabbedndmother arrived. >> she's 81 years old, she came in from new jersey flew in. i'm told that she is at her bedside and has been at bobbi kristina's bedside since friday. but is really concerned about her granddaughter. really concerned. >> sunny, appreciate the update. thanks very much. ahead, the boston area gets battered with snow for the third monday in a row. miguel marquez is at the top of this hour his vehicle was stuck. there you see him pushing his vehicle. we'll check back with him in a moment to see if he's out. ready for another reason to switch to t-mobile. get 2 lines of unlimited 4g lte data for just $100 bucks a month. it's america's best unlimited family plan. and it's only at t-mobile. you can't predict the market. but at t. rowe price we've helped guide our clients through good times and bad. our experienced investment professionals are one reason over 85% of our mutual funds beat their 10-year lipper averages. so in a variety of markets we can help you feel confident. request a prospectus or summary prospectus with investment information risks, fees and expenses to read and consider carefully before investing. call us or your advisor. t. rowe price. invest with confidence. i have a cold with terrible chest congestion. better take something. theraflu severe cold doesn't treat chest congestion. really? 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what are the conditions like? >> reporter: we are out. the snow beast is out. the weather beast. i'm going to jump into this. this is how thick it is. it's both snowing here and -- wow, that's how deep the snow is. it's about four or five feet i'm stuck in now. hull here has gotten about 24 -- over 24 inches of snow as has quincy and wamoth and areas like that. our producer getting in the shot. the wind is just intense down here creating huge drifts across the bay here. we should be able to see boston in this direction. but it is just socked in. it is snowing hard here still. the wind is blowing. they'll probably get up to 30 inches here before it's all over. other worldly experience here. what is amazeing that the few people who are here lights are on life goes on. the main roads are completely clear. >> i think you've gone snow giddy, snow crazy. just very briefly, there's supposed to be another snowstorm on thursday right? >> reporter: another storm coming on thursday. state of emergency declared for this area. they've taken every precaution they can in order to -- >> and we lost your audio. >> reporter: they want to keep everything clear as possible. >> we're losing your audio. go get some hot cocoa or something. thanks very much for reporting. thanks for watching. we'll be back on at 11:00 p.m. for another edition of anderson 360. the following is a cnn special report. biggest weekend ever for a film in january. "american sniper." >> the greatest war movie of our time. >> $300 million. >> hopefully we can educate those of us who aren't really familiar with the plight of a soldier and a soldier's family. >> my only regret is the guys i couldn't save. >> he knew he was serving a purpose, saving lives. >> the target of not only glory, but controversy. >> a propaganda film. >> michael moore called snipers cowards. >> he was a


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Greg Gutfeld Show 20170813

the president vows to rein death on north korea if they threaten the united states. >> they best not make threats to the united states. they will be met with fire and fury like the world has never seen. >> if north korea launched a nuclear warhead toward the united states, how long would it take to go from launch to strike? >> can we dial this back? this is an important story. but it's an unconfirmed report of a possible technological development from north korea. and suddenly on television we are talking about people hiding in caves. >> our job tonight is to care people to death about the strike. >> we never had an american president playing i'm rubber, you are glue in terms of a nuclear holocaust. there is a craziness surrealism problem in the u.s.-north korean relationship. >> he talks about fire and fury, i don't think it was happenstance. howie: is the press overreacting or are some journalists just scaring people. mike pence calling the press disgraceful for reporting he's exploring his options for a presidential run in 2020. is the piece on the vice president's political maneuvering really wrong? steve hilton says the american media are out of touch. is he right? i'm howard curt and this is "mediabuzz." -- howard kurtz and this is "mediabuzz." the aftermath of yesterday's violent protest in charlottesville has eclipses briefly the confrontation with north korea. here to join me is christina bellantoni. mollie hemingway and jessica tarlov. just a tsunami of media criticism for denouncing violence on many side but not naming the group that carried out these attacks that drove the car into the crowd. mollie: the media are focusing on this horribly tragic story that led to the death of a woman run over by a car who appears to be a white nationalist. but you see the media try to push and hype this rally. this is a nationwide rally and they were able to gather just a couple hundred people. you give it wall-to-wall coverage and marginalize this group or other people would say they want that kind of coverage. they want to provoke conflict and maybe the media shouldn't be playing into that quite so much. howie: by making donald trump the focus of this protest he had nothing to do with, aren't some critics in the media also being divisive? jessica: i think the media does play a divisive role in what's going on in today's society. but he spent years criticizing barack obama for not saying radical islamic terrorism. we know why barack obama refused to do that, he didn't want to alienate moderate muslims. so i think the media hasn't gone too far. if you were listening to what karl rove said with maria bartiromo, he said this is a moment when the president could have said the moral thing to condemn this by name like his daughter did this morning on twitter. howie: it's been 24 hour since this awful violence. the whole story turns to trump's response. christina: it's the president of the united states, so his word do matter and will get the focus. what's important here is condemning violence no matter who is perpetrating it. and the president should have called him out by name. his republican colleague and democrats across the aisle said you should have named this organization and condemned it. the idea that anybody who endorse any violence is wrong at the moment. this is like a tinder box. we have seen it across the country. now it's getting more severe. people need to condemn violence no matter where it's happening. at rallies or republicans or white nationalists. howie: the president did do that. i think it would have been better if he had mentioned white nationalists like his daughter ivanka did. barack obama got criticized heavily for refusing to call out radical islamic terrorists. what explains the extraordinarily media coverage on presidential language. mollie: they take the first line of a lengthy statement he gave on the violence and they just take that one statement where he says there is violence on both sides or something to that effect. he also explicitly condemns racism and talks about the need to love one another. i don't think the full statement is being included here, and i think the media has wind itself into a frenzy. country has experienced in recent years a lot of violent rallies. they are on different fringe sides, there is fringe left, fringe right. and we have seen rallies in charlotte and baltimore and new york and many other places. people understand there are fringe elements convincing themselves about being violent against their fellow american. that's not something just in one political enclave. and it's a good idea for a president to speak to all of those things. jessica: i take your point. the vast majority of white people in this country are not white supremacists or neo-nazis. every other republican was -- howie: let me turn this back to the press. it seems like to the extent the president did forcefully condemn bigotry and violence with the specific language you or others preferred, the president doesn't have much interest in that. he only wanted to make what he didn't say the story. jessica: i think the media plays a divisive role here. but i don't think they have gone too far in asking why the president chose in the to use that language today. at this moment, i don't know why the press is wrong to be asking a president who was a leader in the birther movement why he isn't using the explicit language when his daughter is and his wife has to be the first from 1600 pennsylvania avenue to condemn it with her tweet. howie: let's pull back the camera. if there is violence at a protest, we have to cover it. but there were lots of tv cameras there in charlottesville, virginia. do the media pay too much attention to these fringe groups? christina: during the republican convention there were fringe groups there. and the media spent a lot of time talking to the fringe groups. this is an element of society. this is out there. so trying to understand motivations, get them to say this is what it's about. it's a delicate situation, but it's important to listen and maybe that can solve some problems. howie: let me turn to the korea situation. the president didn't just talk about fire and fury, he kept talking about the confrontation with kim jong-un. >> he does something in guam, it will be an event the likes of which nobody has seen before what will happen in north korea. >> what will you do? >> you will see, and he will see. it's not a dare, it's a statement. howie: what do you make of the tsunami of media criticism that president trump is being reckless and escalating the situation with north korea. mollie: i personally don't like that escalating rhetoric. but the truth is it's not that much outside the norm. you had bill clinton say he could end north korea. barack obama said we could. and john mccain said we could annihilate north korea. the criticism is not born out by historical perspective. howie: does mollie have a point? is the press overreacting? jessica: i do think so. when i first heard it i had a blowback moment and said did he actually say that. then i saw the quotes in context. i think it reason the media undermines him is they don't trust him. when we saw other members of the cabinet clearly did not talk to him about the language he was going to use. mollie: the media can't be undermining him with his own words. we are watching on camera what he is saying. jessica: they can with their commentary. his words are on for 30 seconds and a bunch of pundits are talking about him and his words and if he's worse than kim jong-un. christina: one of the reasons this blew up is he hasn't talked to the press that frequently. he's on vacation in new jersey. anything he says is going to be a major story because we don't hear from him enough. howie: vice president pence ripping the "new york times" for suggesting he has ambitions in 2020. it's just a burst pipe, i could fix it. 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mollie: there always seems to be a rush to war, particularly in broadcast media. when we struck syria, there was such excitement about that. the media has gotten into patterns of escalating rhetoric even when they are condemning what the president said and not thinking through the serious continues of what a global conflict with north korea would be like. it's news worthy that north korea going through several administrations does have some of these capabilities. but we need to remember how to cover these things a little bit more balanced. north korea is a country that has interests. they aren't likely to actually bomb the united states or guam and south korea. the moment they do that, they would be utter live annihilated as many of these presidents have said. hosaid. jessica: i think there has been a lot of it blown up. if you listen to the experts there is an increased risk of a conflict. by the am not fire and brimstone. what is interesting is to see the effect on the american public. over 50% say they would be willing to go into a conflict with north korea. i think due to the media coverage like brian williams trumping it up, to use the trump word. howie: chris tina, how is the "l.a. times" handling this. continue require's important to have reality. i raised this in one of our news meetings. what would you do in the events of a nuclear attack. how do you have approach this so people can inform themselves and take it home and into schools where people are asking the question. be as sober by the as you can and get the facts out there without being hysterical. no one wants to delight in this coverage. howie: all the people in the media who don't like president trump exaggerating it. so the same partisan sniping. but it's a serious issue. mollie: it is a serious issue. but we don't like to go back decades. we like to cover what's happening at the moment. going back to the 90s when jimmy carter went to north korea and worked out this arrangement. he kinds of sabotaged bill clinton in so doing. this is a story decades in the making and a regional issue that goes back even longer. when you make everything about trump you miss out on big, significant stories. howie: when you make everything about donald trump you miss it's north korea that's stepping up the testing and rhetoric. jessica: they are the aggressor here and it's a regional issue more than anything else. the media needs to play a role in getting the facts out. if they want to push back on the white house, the media should be threading good or true information. howie: thank you very much for joining us. ahead on "mediabuzz" from l.a. some fox news commentators trashing mitch mcconnell. google fires an engineer who dares to criticize its policy on hiring women in high-tech. you don't let anything keep you sidelined. that's why you drink ensure. with 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. for the strength and energy to get back to doing... ...what you love. ensure. always be you. g new cars. you're smart. you already knew that. but it's also great for finding the perfect used car. you'll see what a fair price is, and you can connect with a truecar certified dealer. now you're even smarter. this is truecar. searching one topic. that will generate over 600 million results. and if you've been diagnosed with cancer, searching for answers like where to treat, can feel even more overwhelming. so start your search with a specialist at cancer treatment centers of america. start with teams of cancer treatment experts under one roof. start where specialists use advanced genomic testing to guide precision cancer treatment... ...that may lead to targeted therapies and more treatment options. start where there's a commitment to analyzing the latest research and conducting clinical trials-to help each patient get the personalized cancer care they deserve. start at one of the cancer treatment centers of america hospitals near you. the evolution of cancer care is here. learn more at appointments available now. what are all these different topped & loaded meals? 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the story doesn't say that mike pence is going to challenge trump. cathy: it was a story without facts. he did start a political committee. he is raising money. he hired a chief of staff that is known to be a campaign guy. his actions show he may be getting ready for 2020. it makes sense that he's upset because maybe it's the truth. howie: let me quote from the story. mr. pence has made no efforts to separate himself from the beleaguered president. and even in private he's careful to bow to the president. i'm told mike pence was truly offended. gina: going with the presumption this president is weak. a lot of conservatives will see that as a media bias in and of itself. some are saying it would be irresponsible for the vice president not to be prepared to be president. he is the next in line. some people would say that it would be irresponsible for him not to be. then when the media tries to make a story out of this other than just reporting it, but reporting it with a little jab. is there a problem there? that's what the consumers of media may have a problem with. howie: pence wasn't at the top of the piece. butted the pence camp believes such key facts were left out as a former governor he needed a pac just to pay for his travel. and was introduced by ivanka trump. cathy: he was saying the republicans are coming up with a plan b for 2020 given his numbers in the 30s. trump might be the only person who thinks he can win in 2020. the "new york times" are saying republicans are looking for a plan b and pence is one of them. if they didn't include he detail about his life it's because it wasn't about just mike pence. howie: let me turn now to mitch mcconnell who you know has been the subject of a number of attacks by various fox news hosts. lou dobbs and sean hannity. >> senator mcconnell, my message to you, if all you are going to do is whine like a 10-year-old and make excuses and blame the president for your failure after 8 months of him being in office, it's time to drain the sewer and swamp. howie: president trump was asked about this, and he said he has to get repeal and replace done. the majority leader said trump with no political experience had excessive expectations how quickly capitol hill could move. in terms of the attacks from the conservative media, it's a sign of divide between trump and the gop leaders. gina: this is the media taking great liberties. the american public doesn't see it the way the media sees it. a lot of the trump base sees the media as an enemy. the media's approval rating are far lower. howie: we are talking about conservative commentators who in a normallian would be champions of mitch mcconnell and paul ryan. but taking into effect that major initiatives are failed. gina: they have had 7 years. don't forget the uprising of the tea party movement. that was about getting rid of establishment types like mitch mcconnell who talk a good game during the campaign and don't deliver the goods. this is something that's interesting about conservatives they will criticize their own much more readily than tips those on the other side of the aisle. howie: some people on the conservative side in the media are perhaps trying to protect president trump by blaming it on mcconnell when you have a failed congressional issue. there is a responsibility on both side. >> sometimes we forget the media is the people. the media asks a tough question, and i think the fox hosts are correct. one of the fox hosts said ditch mitch. so the fox hosts are getting it right and they are speaking on behalf of the people because that's what the media is. the media serves the people. they are of the people. i think the media is getting it right. howie: let me use the remaining tame to come back to our lead story, the violence in charlottesville and the president not calling out white nationalists by name. what do you make of the covering overall? gina: i think it's sad that trump became the topic. if trump identified immediately the media would have jumped to why is he elevating their set. we know this is a tiny minority of people. that would have been the reaction from the media had he done what they are saying they wish he had done. is it an honest conversation? i don't think so. i think the thing america misses about the media and the way the media could get back into the good graces of america, forget the political correctness for five minute and have a conversation. in a tragedy like this we should be discussing the victims and the heart of america, and not discussing what the president did or didn't say. cathy: i agree. these are tough situations to cover. let's get down to the victims and talk about these thing. these are always tough topics to cover. it's tough for the media. thing are never easy for the media. howie: i hate when the spotlight gets off those who are killed or injured or wounded for political sniping that always follows these thing. after the break, one-time british operative with a unique take on the american media. boost. it's about moving forward, not back. it's looking up, not down. it's being in motion. boost® high protein it's intelligent nutrition with 15 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. boost® the number one high protein complete nutritional drink. you're searching for something. whoooo. like the perfect deal... ...on the perfect hotel. so wouldn't it be perfect if... ....there was a single site... ...where you could find the... ...right hotel for you at the best price? 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steve: definitely. i patiently try and make the argument. saying look at what's going on in the lives of working americans. not those who live in this bubble in san francisco or new york or d.c. in d.c., the wealthiest parts of the whole country. look at the lives of people outside of that. you don't have to live there or be part of it to see what's going on. there is data that tells you the story of what happened to incomes. you don't have to be part of it to understand it. i think what happened with the media is this colossal failure of empathy for their fellow americans. howie: i said throughout the campaign that the media didn't understand the people who supported donald trump. let's talk about the evening near who was fired for the diversity memo. steve: there is a bad sexism problem in silicon valley. but i think throughout corporate america. this has been going on for a long time. if you talk to working women they will tell you about their experiences. howie: it's hard to be bad in the high-tech culture because of the bro problem? steve: that's true. but the response goes to the point of narrow mindedness that i think is characteristic of our liberal elite in the media and the business world. any view that doesn't fit with the prescribed set of opinions the elite have are dismissed. it's not even taken seriously. even if you have that view, you don't have the right to be listened to. it's closing down any alternative viewpoint. howie: a quick break. more with steve hilton. the fascinating thing about many in the crowd in seattle chanting nazis go home. so clearly these protests are continuing. on the telephone with us is former boston police commissioner and fox news contributor. commissioner, davis, if these type of rallies spread across the country to other cities, how do cities deal with them? what is the appropriate action by law enforcement? >> well, eric, when you have an incident like we saw in charlottesville yesterday, the intelligence operations of every single center in the country are ramping up their review of rhetoric, their planning for meetings -- they are planning for meetings, any kind of rallies that occur, and giving the latest information that they can, from the local groups to the local police so that the police can be ready for it. and it appears here that in washington. this is a direct connection to what happened yesterday. not unusual. something that police will anticipate all over the country, but something that's certainly very troubling. eric: is there a way that police in washington and seattle, these demonstrators started at denny park earlier this afternoon and the plan is to march down to west lake park downtown. is there a way that the law enforcement can deploy to use their resources that's more advantageous than what happened in charlottesville? in other words, keep both sides apart? >> right, that all depends on the intelligence that they've had and what kind of preparation they have been able to put in place. they should have large numbers of officers available to separate the two forces here and to make sure that everybody has a chance to speak but doesn't get in close contact. the difference, though, right now that we're seeing is there doesn't appear to be the armed people that we saw in charlottesville. so, you know, at first blush on this, it appears that this is much more orderly. i don't know how many police officers are being held in the area. but it should be a formidable number, based upon what happened yesterday. eric: the protesters and the others from the nationalist protesters, i mean, you had baseball bats, it was an open carry state, they had helmets, i mean, can police prevent -- when they have weapons, can they prevent them from carrying weapons into a protest? >> it all depends on the local laws. you can deem something a dangerous weapon, if it's covered by law, in states like massachusetts that have strict firearm laws, that would not be acceptable to be bringing firearms. anybody that showed up at a demonstration like that with a firearm would be questioned and urged to leave the area. so it differs state by state. but you know, washington -- seattle, washington, has had a long history with demonstrations. eric: ed davis, we are up against the clock. we are back with the news in five minutes.he incre that i ha- four weeks without the car. okay, yup. good night. with accident forgiveness your rates won't go up just because of an accident. switching to allstate is worth it. if you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis,... ...isn't it time to let the real you shine through? 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW MediaBuzz 20170814

the president vows to rein death on north korea if they threaten the united states. >> they best not make threats to the united states. they will be met with fire and fury like the world has never seen. >> if north korea launched a nuclear warhead toward the united states, how long would it take to go from launch to strike? >> can we dial this back? this is an important story. but it's an unconfirmed report of a possible technological development from north korea. and suddenly on television we are talking about people hiding in caves. >> our job tonight is to care people to death about the strike. >> we never had an american president playing i'm rubber, you are glue in terms of a nuclear holocaust. there is a craziness surrealism problem in the u.s.-north korean relationship. >> he talks about fire and fury, i don't think it was happenstance. howie: is the press overreacting or are some journalists just scaring people. mike pence calling the press disgraceful for reporting he's exploring his options for a presidential run in 2020. is the piece on the vice president's political maneuvering really wrong? steve hilton says the american media are out of touch. is he right? i'm howard curt and this is "mediabuzz." -- howard kurtz and this is "mediabuzz." the aftermath of yesterday's violent protest in charlottesville has eclipses briefly the confrontation with north korea. here to join me is christina bellantoni. mollie hemingway and jessica tarlov. just a tsunami of media criticism for denouncing violence on many side but not naming the group that carried out these attacks that drove the car into the crowd. mollie: the media are focusing on this horribly tragic story that led to the death of a woman run over by a car who appears to be a white nationalist. but you see the media try to push and hype this rally. this is a nationwide rally and they were able to gather just a couple hundred people. you give it wall-to-wall coverage and marginalize this group or other people would say they want that kind of coverage. they want to provoke conflict and maybe the media shouldn't be playing into that quite so much. howie: by making donald trump the focus of this protest he had nothing to do with, aren't some critics in the media also being divisive? jessica: i think the media does play a divisive role in what's going on in today's society. but he spent years criticizing barack obama for not saying radical islamic terrorism. we know why barack obama refused to do that, he didn't want to alienate moderate muslims. so i think the media hasn't gone too far. if you were listening to what karl rove said with maria bartiromo, he said this is a moment when the president could have said the moral thing to condemn this by name like his daughter did this morning on twitter. howie: it's been 24 hour since this awful violence. the whole story turns to trump's response. christina: it's the president of the united states, so his word do matter and will get the focus. what's important here is condemning violence no matter who is perpetrating it. and the president should have called him out by name. his republican colleague and democrats across the aisle said you should have named this organization and condemned it. the idea that anybody who endorse any violence is wrong at the moment. this is like a tinder box. we have seen it across the country. now it's getting more severe. people need to condemn violence no matter where it's happening. at rallies or republicans or white nationalists. howie: the president did do that. i think it would have been better if he had mentioned white nationalists like his daughter ivanka did. barack obama got criticized heavily for refusing to call out radical islamic terrorists. what explains the extraordinarily media coverage on presidential language. mollie: they take the first line of a lengthy statement he gave on the violence and they just take that one statement where he says there is violence on both sides or something to that effect. he also explicitly condemns racism and talks about the need to love one another. i don't think the full statement is being included here, and i think the media has wind itself into a frenzy. country has experienced in recent years a lot of violent rallies. they are on different fringe sides, there is fringe left, fringe right. and we have seen rallies in charlotte and baltimore and new york and many other places. people understand there are fringe elements convincing themselves about being violent against their fellow american. that's not something just in one political enclave. and it's a good idea for a president to speak to all of those things. jessica: i take your point. the vast majority of white people in this country are not white supremacists or neo-nazis. every other republican was -- howie: let me turn this back to the press. it seems like to the extent the president did forcefully condemn bigotry and violence with the specific language you or others preferred, the president doesn't have much interest in that. he only wanted to make what he didn't say the story. jessica: i think the media plays a divisive role here. but i don't think they have gone too far in asking why the president chose in the to use that language today. at this moment, i don't know why the press is wrong to be asking a president who was a leader in the birther movement why he isn't using the explicit language when his daughter is and his wife has to be the first from 1600 pennsylvania avenue to condemn it with her tweet. howie: let's pull back the camera. if there is violence at a protest, we have to cover it. but there were lots of tv cameras there in charlottesville, virginia. do the media pay too much attention to these fringe groups? christina: during the republican convention there were fringe groups there. and the media spent a lot of time talking to the fringe groups. this is an element of society. this is out there. so trying to understand motivations, get them to say this is what it's about. it's a delicate situation, but it's important to listen and maybe that can solve some problems. howie: let me turn to the korea situation. the president didn't just talk about fire and fury, he kept talking about the confrontation with kim jong-un. >> he does something in guam, it will be an event the likes of which nobody has seen before what will happen in north korea. >> what will you do? >> you will see, and he will see. it's not a dare, it's a statement. howie: what do you make of the tsunami of media criticism that president trump is being reckless and escalating the situation with north korea. mollie: i personally don't like that escalating rhetoric. but the truth is it's not that much outside the norm. you had bill clinton say he could end north korea. barack obama said we could. and john mccain said we could annihilate north korea. the criticism is not born out by historical perspective. howie: does mollie have a point? is the press overreacting? jessica: i do think so. when i first heard it i had a blowback moment and said did he actually say that. then i saw the quotes in context. i think it reason the media undermines him is they don't trust him. when we saw other members of the cabinet clearly did not talk to him about the language he was going to use. mollie: the media can't be undermining him with his own words. we are watching on camera what he is saying. jessica: they can with their commentary. his words are on for 30 seconds and a bunch of pundits are talking about him and his words and if he's worse than kim jong-un. christina: one of the reasons this blew up is he hasn't talked to the press that frequently. he's on vacation in new jersey. anything he says is going to be a major story because we don't hear from him enough. howie: vice president pence ripping the "new york times" for suggesting he has ambitions in 2020. for years, centurylink has been promising fast internet to small businesses. but for 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bit more balanced. north korea is a country that has interests. they aren't likely to actually bomb the united states or guam and south korea. the moment they do that, they would be utter live annihilated as many of these presidents have said. hosaid. jessica: i think there has been a lot of it blown up. if you listen to the experts there is an increased risk of a conflict. by the am not fire and brimstone. what is interesting is to see the effect on the american public. over 50% say they would be willing to go into a conflict with north korea. i think due to the media coverage like brian williams trumping it up, to use the trump word. howie: chris tina, how is the "l.a. times" handling this. continue require's important to have reality. i raised this in one of our news meetings. what would you do in the events of a nuclear attack. how do you have approach this so people can inform themselves and take it home and into schools where people are asking the question. be as sober by the as you can and get the facts out there without being hysterical. no one wants to delight in this coverage. howie: all the people in the media who don't like president trump exaggerating it. so the same partisan sniping. but it's a serious issue. mollie: it is a serious issue. but we don't like to go back decades. we like to cover what's happening at the moment. going back to the 90s when jimmy carter went to north korea and worked out this arrangement. he kinds of sabotaged bill clinton in so doing. this is a story decades in the making and a regional issue that goes back even longer. when you make everything about trump you miss out on big, significant stories. howie: when you make everything about donald trump you miss it's north korea that's stepping up the testing and rhetoric. jessica: they are the aggressor here and it's a regional issue more than anything else. the media needs to play a role in getting the facts out. if they want to push back on the white house, the media should be threading good or true information. howie: thank you very much for joining us. ahead on "mediabuzz" from l.a. some fox news commentators trashing mitch mcconnell. google fires an engineer who dares to criticize its policy on hiring women in high-tech. howie: google fired an engineer who wrote a memo saying females are a small percentage of google engineers. he said people got offended because silicon valley is a progressive echo chamber and his comments go against ideology. the overall coverage portrays this guy as a sexist creep. mollie: so many people in the media portrayed his memo on how to be responsive to the biological differences between men and women. the media kept calling it an anti-diversity memo if you read it. it went viral. but you could read it yourself and see the wait was portrayed by various media outlets was incorrect. >> i'm not saying any of the female engineers at google are in any way worse than the average male engineer. i'm just saying that this may explain some of the disparity in representation in the population. howie: james demore writes women are more neurotic than men and this is a factor in their employment. mollie: there are all sorts of things you might take issue of even his understanding about what social science says about the differences in men and women can be argued with. but the overall memo was how to do a better job with diversity program and deal with the reality that men and women are different. this is something people try not to accept. men and women are different. they have differences that show up in all sorts of scientific analysis. men and women have on average different strength and they will choose different career paths in different ways. that's anathema to many people in the media. howie: google canceled a meeting on this topic. he seems to be milking his op-ed moment. have tech giants unintentionally turned him into a media hero. mollie: he was fired after google asked for feedback on these program. he gave feedback and then he got fired. i don't know that that's milking it. a lot of people in the country feel they are not free to engage and disagree with he sleet viewpoints. people feel this at their own workplaces and feel it on social media. that's why this has taken off and has a life of its own. howie: mollie hemingway, great to see you as always. next on "mediabuzz." mike pence denounces the "new york times" reporting that he's positioning himself for 2020. cnn fires a contributor for invoking constipated? trust #1 doctor recommended dulcolax. use dulcolax tablets for gentle dependable relief. suppositories for relief in minutes. and dulcoease for comfortable relief of hard stools. dulcolax. designed for dependable relief. ...better than a manual, and my hygienist says it does. but... ...they're not all the same. turns out, they're really... ...different. who knew? i had no idea. so, she said look for... that's shaped like a dental tool with a round... ...brush head. go pro with 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the conservatives in general and the media at this point. but there is a distrust overall. everything the media says is suspect to someone like vice president nuke pence. howie: wouldn't any vice president keep his options open? the story doesn't say that mike pence is going to challenge trump. cathy: it was a story without facts. he did start a political committee. he is raising money. he hired a chief of staff that is known to be a campaign guy. his actions show he may be getting ready for 2020. it makes sense that he's upset because maybe it's the truth. howie: let me quote from the story. mr. pence has made no efforts to separate himself from the beleaguered president. and even in private he's careful to bow to the president. i'm told mike pence was truly offended. gina: going with the presumption this president is weak. a lot of conservatives will see that as a media bias in and of itself. some are saying it would be irresponsible for the vice president not to be prepared to be president. he is the next in line. some people would say that it would be irresponsible for him not to be. then when the media tries to make a story out of this other than just reporting it, but reporting it with a little jab. is there a problem there? that's what the consumers of media may have a problem with. howie: pence wasn't at the top of the piece. butted the pence camp believes such key facts were left out as a former governor he needed a pac just to pay for his travel. and was introduced by ivanka trump. cathy: he was saying the republicans are coming up with a plan b for 2020 given his numbers in the 30s. trump might be the only person who thinks he can win in 2020. the "new york times" are saying republicans are looking for a plan b and pence is one of them. if they didn't include he detail about his life it's because it wasn't about just mike pence. howie: let me turn now to mitch mcconnell who you know has been the subject of a number of attacks by various fox news hosts. lou dobbs and sean hannity. >> senator mcconnell, my message to you, if all you are going to do is whine like a 10-year-old and make excuses and blame the president for your failure after 8 months of him being in office, it's time to drain the sewer and swamp. howie: president trump was asked about this, and he said he has to get repeal and replace done. the majority leader said trump with no political experience had excessive expectations how quickly capitol hill could move. in terms of the attacks from the conservative media, it's a sign of divide between trump and the gop leaders. gina: this is the media taking great liberties. the american public doesn't see it the way the media sees it. a lot of the trump base sees the media as an enemy. the media's approval rating are far lower. howie: we are talking about conservative commentators who in a normallian would be champions of mitch mcconnell and paul ryan. but taking into effect that major initiatives are failed. gina: they have had 7 years. don't forget the uprising of the tea party movement. that was about getting rid of establishment types like mitch mcconnell who talk a good game during the campaign and don't deliver the goods. this is something that's interesting about conservatives they will criticize their own much more readily than tips those on the other side of the aisle. howie: some people on the conservative side in the media are perhaps trying to protect president trump by blaming it on mcconnell when you have a failed congressional issue. there is a responsibility on both side. >> sometimes we forget the media is the people. the media asks a tough question, and i think the fox hosts are correct. one of the fox hosts said ditch mitch. so the fox hosts are getting it right and they are speaking on behalf of the people because that's what the media is. the media serves the people. they are of the people. i think the media is getting it right. howie: let me use the remaining tame to come back to our lead story, the violence in charlottesville and the president not calling out white nationalists by name. what do you make of the covering overall? gina: i think it's sad that trump became the topic. if trump identified immediately the media would have jumped to why is he elevating their set. we know this is a tiny minority of people. that would have been the reaction from the media had he done what they are saying they wish he had done. is it an honest conversation? i don't think so. i think the thing america misses about the media and the way the media could get back into the good graces of america, forget the political correctness for five minute and have a conversation. in a tragedy like this we should be discussing the victims and the heart of america, and not discussing what the president did or didn't say. cathy: i agree. these are tough situations to cover. let's get down to the victims and talk about these thing. these are always tough topics to cover. it's tough for the media. thing are never easy for the media. howie: i hate when the spotlight gets off those who are killed or injured or wounded for political sniping that always follows these thing. after the break, one-time british operative with a unique take on the american media. you won't see these folks at the post office. they have businesses to run. they have passions to pursue. how do they avoid trips to the post office? mail letters, ship packages, all the services of the post office right on your computer. get a 4 week trial, plus $100 in extras including postage and a digital scale. go to and never go to the post office again. howie: steve hilton was an advisor to former prime minister of britain, david cameron. he's joining us in his studio here in los angeles. you told "forbes" magazine i don't think anyone believes the "new york times" and washington times are anything but aggressive toward president trump. steve: if you look at the balance of the coverage and the commentary that come out of what we describe as the mainstream media. it's actually the whole conversation. then this element of complete condescension, i think, toward the lives and views and opinions of those people who supported donald trump in the election. there is no real attempt to understand why they may have done that, to look at the failures of the last few decade that left working people poorer, their lives tough. all that stuff that drives support. they don't want to try to understand it. howie: another quote from you. much of the media is decadent. they have comfortable lives far removed from the crisis in america. howie: you have a $12 million house in the silicon valley. steve: i think that is one of the reasons for the bias covering is that the people who are generating that coverage, the journalists, the editors, the people who produce that, they typically live in the wealthy parts of cities like new york, washington and los angeles. and their lives are great. they have rising incomes, their neighborhoods are pleasant places and free of crime. howie: your life seems pretty great, too. steve: it is and i'm grateful for that mostly due to my fantastic wife who allowed us to have that great benefit. but there is different between being part of the elite and elitism. it's the attitude of elitism that's the problem. howie: the "times" piece says you get harassed as a conservative. someone left toilet paper with trump's face on oath. do you feel like you are in hostile territory? steve: definitely. i patiently try and make the argument. saying look at what's going on in the lives of working americans. not those who live in this bubble in san francisco or new york or d.c. in d.c., the wealthiest parts of the whole country. look at the lives of people outside of that. you don't have to live there or be part of it to see what's going on. there is data that tells you the story of what happened to incomes. you don't have to be part of it to understand it. i think what happened with the media is this colossal failure of empathy for their fellow americans. howie: i said throughout the campaign that the media didn't understand the people who supported donald trump. let's talk about the evening near who was fired for the diversity memo. steve: there is a bad sexism problem in silicon valley. but i think throughout corporate america. this has been going on for a long time. if you talk to working women they will tell you about their experiences. howie: it's hard to be bad in the high-tech culture because of the bro problem? steve: that's true. but the response goes to the point of narrow mindedness that i think is characteristic of our liberal elite in the media and the business world. any view that doesn't fit with the prescribed set of opinions the elite have are dismissed. it's not even taken seriously. even if you have that view, you don't have the right to be listened to. it's closing down any alternative viewpoint. howie: a quick break. more with steve hilton. the fascinating thing about who are these people? the energy conscious people among us say small actions can add up to something... humongous. a little thing here. a little thing there. starts to feel like a badge maybe millions can wear. who are all these caretakers, advocates too? turns out, it's californians it's me and it's you. don't stop now, it's easy to add to the routine. join energy upgrade california and do your thing. howie: we are with steve hilton, host of "the next revolution." breitbart says fluffy liberal steve hilton is the original rino. republican in name only. steve: when i was working with david cameron and making changes trying to get conservative party elected. howie: appealing to some north middle? steve: enough to win an election. something that was always hard to convey but i will do my best. it's not a betrayal of your conservative principles to try to relate them to the problems people are facing in their lives today. so one of the big things we tried to do in the u.k. was to show conservative solutions to those long-standing questions of poverty and inequality that troubled british society would actually work. showing an interest in the lives of the poorest and of working people was seen by some as some kind of betrayal. howie: this "new york times" profile published today said you see yourself on american tv as trying to unite and find common ground between trump supporters and bernie sanders supporters. steve: i think one of the really interesting things happening in politics is actually the divide is increasingly not left-right but what i would describe as the elitists and populists. you can find them in both parties. your conversation about mitch mcconnell and the establishment republicans. they are part of the problem. that agenda pro globalization, uncritical with what's going on in terms of automation. that agenda is being pursued by politicians in the left and right for the last few decades. and what you are seeing with the populist response to that. working people say we have been screwed by these changes. that's different from the alt-right conversation. hour. howie: on your show a washington times columnist says he doesn't interrupt his guest. his program is civilized. this is cable news, you can't keep this up. steve: we'll see if we keep going. howie: i interrupt people. are you trying to establish a different kinds of conversation with this show. steve: that's true. a thoughtful conversation. some of these problems that hurt people for so long in their daily lives. they require a substantive thoughtful response. and not the you are right, you are wrong left-right battle that did a disservice to people living in this country. that's what we are trying to get at. howie: steve hilton, thanks for joining us. still to come. cnn -- dumps a commentator over a nazi salute. >> i want to say something mere that i know will probably drive some one crazy. think of president trump as the martin luther king of healthcare. howie: after writing a column for the american spectator where he attacked media matters as fastist he said sieg heil. an was fired. he says cnn caused over a joke and violated his free speech right. there is no first amendment right to have a network contract if you say dumb stuff. sieg heil. why even go there. david letterman gave up the late night show. but he's going to do a series stop netflix. people can watch whenever they want. this is why outfits like to threat application and other prime videos are landing big names and spending big bucks. if you want to email us and come at me on twitte . steve: live from los angeles tonight, "the next revolution" will be televised. charlottesville white supremacists and populism, what's really going on and how we should respond? plus are the elite rigging the system to protect their privilege? we meet the man saying there's a new class war coming to america. tonight swamp watch exposes shady lobbying in washington. and the google scandal, tech companies once stood for freedom and empowerment. have they become the new big brother? evening everyone i'm steve hilton and this is "the next revolution". breaking tonight, more unrest in the


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW MediaBuzz 20170813

the president vows to rein death on north korea if they threaten the united states. >> they best not make threats to the united states. they will be met with fire and fury like the world has never seen. >> if north korea launched a nuclear warhead toward the united states, how long would it take to go from launch to strike? >> can we dial this back? this is an important story. but it's an unconfirmed report of a possible technological development from north korea. and suddenly on television we are talking about people hiding in caves. >> our job tonight is to care people to death about the strike. >> we never had an american president playing i'm rubber, you are glue in terms of a nuclear holocaust. there is a craziness surrealism problem in the u.s.-north korean relationship. >> he talks about fire and fury, i don't think it was happenstance. howie: is the press overreacting or are some journalists just scaring people. mike pence calling the press disgraceful for reporting he's exploring his options for a presidential run in 2020. is the piece on the vice president's political maneuvering really wrong? steve hilton says the american media are out of touch. is he right? i'm howard curt and this is "mediabuzz." -- howard kurtz and this is "mediabuzz." the aftermath of yesterday's violent protest in charlottesville has eclipses briefly the confrontation with north korea. here to join me is christina bellantoni. mollie hemingway and jessica tarlov. just a tsunami of media criticism for denouncing violence on many side but not naming the group that carried out these attacks that drove the car into the crowd. mollie: the media are focusing on this horribly tragic story that led to the death of a woman run over by a car who appears to be a white nationalist. but you see the media try to push and hype this rally. this is a nationwide rally and they were able to gather just a couple hundred people. you give it wall-to-wall coverage and marginalize this group or other people would say they want that kind of coverage. they want to provoke conflict and maybe the media shouldn't be playing into that quite so much. howie: by making donald trump the focus of this protest he had nothing to do with, aren't some critics in the media also being divisive? jessica: i think the media does play a divisive role in what's going on in today's society. but he spent years criticizing barack obama for not saying radical islamic terrorism. we know why barack obama refused to do that, he didn't want to alienate moderate muslims. so i think the media hasn't gone too far. if you were listening to what karl rove said with maria bartiromo, he said this is a moment when the president could have said the moral thing to condemn this by name like his daughter did this morning on twitter. howie: it's been 24 hour since this awful violence. the whole story turns to trump's response. christina: it's the president of the united states, so his word do matter and will get the focus. what's important here is condemning violence no matter who is perpetrating it. and the president should have called him out by name. his republican colleague and democrats across the aisle said you should have named this organization and condemned it. the idea that anybody who endorse any violence is wrong at the moment. this is like a tinder box. we have seen it across the country. now it's getting more severe. people need to condemn violence no matter where it's happening. at rallies or republicans or white nationalists. howie: the president did do that. i think it would have been better if he had mentioned white nationalists like his daughter ivanka did. barack obama got criticized heavily for refusing to call out radical islamic terrorists. what explains the extraordinarily media coverage on presidential language. mollie: they take the first line of a lengthy statement he gave on the violence and they just take that one statement where he says there is violence on both sides or something to that effect. he also explicitly condemns racism and talks about the need to love one another. i don't think the full statement is being included here, and i think the media has wind itself into a frenzy. country has experienced in recent years a lot of violent rallies. they are on different fringe sides, there is fringe left, fringe right. and we have seen rallies in charlotte and baltimore and new york and many other places. people understand there are fringe elements convincing themselves about being violent against their fellow american. that's not something just in one political enclave. and it's a good idea for a president to speak to all of those things. jessica: i take your point. the vast majority of white people in this country are not white supremacists or neo-nazis. every other republican was -- howie: let me turn this back to the press. it seems like to the extent the president did forcefully condemn bigotry and violence with the specific language you or others preferred, the president doesn't have much interest in that. he only wanted to make what he didn't say the story. jessica: i think the media plays a divisive role here. but i don't think they have gone too far in asking why the president chose in the to use that language today. at this moment, i don't know why the press is wrong to be asking a president who was a leader in the birther movement why he isn't using the explicit language when his daughter is and his wife has to be the first from 1600 pennsylvania avenue to condemn it with her tweet. howie: let's pull back the camera. if there is violence at a protest, we have to cover it. but there were lots of tv cameras there in charlottesville, virginia. do the media pay too much attention to these fringe groups? christina: during the republican convention there were fringe groups there. and the media spent a lot of time talking to the fringe groups. this is an element of society. this is out there. so trying to understand motivations, get them to say this is what it's about. it's a delicate situation, but it's important to listen and maybe that can solve some problems. howie: let me turn to the korea situation. the president didn't just talk about fire and fury, he kept talking about the confrontation with kim jong-un. >> he does something in guam, it will be an event the likes of which nobody has seen before what will happen in north korea. >> what will you do? >> you will see, and he will see. it's not a dare, it's a statement. howie: what do you make of the tsunami of media criticism that president trump is being reckless and escalating the situation with north korea. mollie: i personally don't like that escalating rhetoric. but the truth is it's not that much outside the norm. you had bill clinton say he could end north korea. barack obama said we could. and john mccain said we could annihilate north korea. the criticism is not born out by historical perspective. howie: does mollie have a point? is the press overreacting? jessica: i do think so. when i first heard it i had a blowback moment and said did he actually say that. then i saw the quotes in context. i think it reason the media undermines him is they don't trust him. when we saw other members of the cabinet clearly did not talk to him about the language he was going to use. mollie: the media can't be undermining him with his own words. we are watching on camera what he is saying. jessica: they can with their commentary. his words are on for 30 seconds and a bunch of pundits are talking about him and his words and if he's worse than kim jong-un. christina: one of the reasons this blew up is he hasn't talked to the press that frequently. he's on vacation in new jersey. anything he says is going to be a major story because we don't hear from him enough. howie: vice president pence ripping the "new york times" for suggesting he has ambitions in 2020. phone with our allstate agent, and i know that we have accident forgiveness. so the incredibly minor accident that i had tonight- four weeks without the car. okay, yup. good night. with accident forgiveness your rates won't go up just because of an accident. switching to allstate is worth it. her long day as anne. hair stylist starts with shoulder pain when... hey joanne, want to trade the all day relief of 2 aleve with 6 tylenol? 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for my pain... i want my aleve. get all day minor arthritis pain relief with an easy open cap. howie: the vice president called the piece in the "new york times" and he says it's the latest attempt to divide the administration. article said one of his aides said the pence team wants to be prepared in case there was an opening in 2020. joining us from los angeles, gina loudon, and in new york, cathy areu. gina, what do you make of mike pence pushing back so hard against this "new york times" piece that includes him in the maneuvering for 2020. gina: he's probably asking the question if he were not doing those things would the media criticize him for not doing those things, saying he's not fully on board with the conservative agenda. there has become such a chasm between the conservatives in general and the media at this point. but there is a distrust overall. everything the media says is suspect to someone like vice president nuke pence. howie: wouldn't any vice president keep his options open? the story doesn't say that mike pence is going to challenge trump. cathy: it was a story without facts. he did start a political committee. he is raising money. he hired a chief of staff that is known to be a campaign guy. his actions show he may be getting ready for 2020. it makes sense that he's upset because maybe it's the truth. howie: let me quote from the story. mr. pence has made no efforts to separate himself from the beleaguered president. and even in private he's careful to bow to the president. i'm told mike pence was truly offended. gina: going with the presumption this president is weak. a lot of conservatives will see that as a media bias in and of itself. some are saying it would be irresponsible for the vice president not to be prepared to be president. he is the next in line. some people would say that it would be irresponsible for him not to be. then when the media tries to make a story out of this other than just reporting it, but reporting it with a little jab. is there a problem there? that's what the consumers of media may have a problem with. howie: pence wasn't at the top of the piece. butted the pence camp believes such key facts were left out as a former governor he needed a pac just to pay for his travel. and was introduced by ivanka trump. cathy: he was saying the republicans are coming up with a plan b for 2020 given his numbers in the 30s. trump might be the only person who thinks he can win in 2020. the "new york times" are saying republicans are looking for a plan b and pence is one of them. if they didn't include he detail about his life it's because it wasn't about just mike pence. howie: let me turn now to mitch mcconnell who you know has been the subject of a number of attacks by various fox news hosts. lou dobbs and sean hannity. >> senator mcconnell, my message to you, if all you are going to do is whine like a 10-year-old and make excuses and blame the president for your failure after 8 months of him being in office, it's time to drain the sewer and swamp. howie: president trump was asked about this, and he said he has to get repeal and replace done. the majority leader said trump with no political experience had excessive expectations how quickly capitol hill could move. in terms of the attacks from the conservative media, it's a sign of divide between trump and the gop leaders. gina: this is the media taking great liberties. the american public doesn't see it the way the media sees it. a lot of the trump base sees the media as an enemy. the media's approval rating are far lower. howie: we are talking about conservative commentators who in a normallian would be champions of mitch mcconnell and paul ryan. but taking into effect that major initiatives are failed. gina: they have had 7 years. don't forget the uprising of the tea party movement. that was about getting rid of establishment types like mitch mcconnell who talk a good game during the campaign and don't deliver the goods. this is something that's interesting about conservatives they will criticize their own much more readily than tips those on the other side of the aisle. howie: some people on the conservative side in the media are perhaps trying to protect president trump by blaming it on mcconnell when you have a failed congressional issue. there is a responsibility on both side. >> sometimes we forget the media is the people. the media asks a tough question, and i think the fox hosts are correct. one of the fox hosts said ditch mitch. so the fox hosts are getting it right and they are speaking on behalf of the people because that's what the media is. the media serves the people. they are of the people. i think the media is getting it right. howie: let me use the remaining tame to come back to our lead story, the violence in charlottesville and the president not calling out white nationalists by name. what do you make of the covering overall? gina: i think it's sad that trump became the topic. if trump identified immediately the media would have jumped to why is he elevating their set. we know this is a tiny minority of people. that would have been the reaction from the media had he done what they are saying they wish he had done. is it an honest conversation? i don't think so. i think the thing america misses about the media and the way the media could get back into the good graces of america, forget the political correctness for five minute and have a conversation. in a tragedy like this we should be discussing the victims and the heart of america, and not discussing what the president did or didn't say. cathy: i agree. these are tough situations to cover. let's get down to the victims and talk about these thing. these are always tough topics to cover. it's tough for the media. thing are never easy for the media. howie: i hate when the spotlight gets off those who are killed or injured or wounded for political sniping that always follows these thing. after the break, one-time british operative with a unique take on the american media. ugh. heartburn. sorry ma'am. no burning here. try alka-seltzer heartburn relief gummies. they don't taste chalky and work fast. mmmm. incredible. can i try? 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steve: definitely. i patiently try and make the argument. saying look at what's going on in the lives of working americans. not those who live in this bubble in san francisco or new york or d.c. in d.c., the wealthiest parts of the whole country. look at the lives of people outside of that. you don't have to live there or be part of it to see what's going on. there is data that tells you the story of what happened to incomes. you don't have to be part of it to understand it. i think what happened with the media is this colossal failure of empathy for their fellow americans. howie: i said throughout the campaign that the media didn't understand the people who supported donald trump. let's talk about the evening near who was fired for the diversity memo. steve: there is a bad sexism problem in silicon valley. but i think throughout corporate america. this has been going on for a long time. if you talk to working women they will tell you about their experiences. howie: it's hard to be bad in the high-tech culture because of the bro problem? steve: that's true. but the response goes to the point of narrow mindedness that i think is characteristic of our liberal elite in the media and the business world. any view that doesn't fit with the prescribed set of opinions the elite have are dismissed. it's not even taken seriously. even if you have that view, you don't have the right to be listened to. it's closing down any alternative viewpoint. howie: a quick break. more with steve hilton. the fascinating thing about david letterman's comeback. it's ok that everybody ignores me when i drive. it's fine. because i get a safe driving bonus check every six months i'm accident free. because i don't use my cellphone when i'm driving. even though my family does, and leaves me all alone. here's something else... i don't share it with mom. i don't. right, mom? i have a brand new putter you don't even know about! it's awesome. safe driving bonus checks, only from allstate. sometimes i leave the seat up on purpose. switching to allstate is worth it. howie: we are with steve hilton, host of "the next revolution." breitbart says fluffy liberal steve hilton is the original rino. republican in name only. steve: when i was working with david cameron and making changes trying to get conservative party elected. howie: appealing to some north middle? steve: enough to win an election. something that was always hard to convey but i will do my best. it's not a betrayal of your conservative principles to try to relate them to the problems people are facing in their lives today. so one of the big things we tried to do in the u.k. was to show conservative solutions to those long-standing questions of poverty and inequality that troubled british society would actually work. showing an interest in the lives of the poorest and of working people was seen by some as some kind of betrayal. howie: this "new york times" profile published today said you see yourself on american tv as trying to unite and find common ground between trump supporters and bernie sanders supporters. steve: i think one of the really interesting things happening in politics is actually the divide is increasingly not left-right but what i would describe as the elitists and populists. you can find them in both parties. your conversation about mitch mcconnell and the establishment republicans. they are part of the problem. that agenda pro globalization, uncritical with what's going on in terms of automation. that agenda is being pursued by politicians in the left and right for the last few decades. and what you are seeing with the populist response to that. working people say we have been screwed by these changes. that's different from the alt-right conversation. hour. howie: on your show a washington times columnist says he doesn't interrupt his guest. his program is civilized. this is cable news, you can't keep this up. steve: we'll see if we keep going. howie: i interrupt people. are you trying to establish a different kinds of conversation with this show. steve: that's true. a thoughtful conversation. some of these problems that hurt people for so long in their daily lives. they require a substantive thoughtful response. and not the you are right, you are wrong left-right battle that did a disservice to people living in this country. that's what we are trying to get at. howie: steve hilton, thanks for joining us. still to come. cnn -- dumps a commentator over a nazi salute. this is joanne. her long day as a hair stylist starts with shoulder pain when... hey joanne, want to trade the all day relief of 2 aleve with 6 tylenol? 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[♪] arthel reporter: the justice department and the fbi, a tragic day for u.s. forces in iraq. two u.s. service members have been killed and five others injured during combat operations in the northern part of the country. an investigation is under way. but initial reports suggest the incident was not due to enemy contact. we'll bring you more details as they come in. meanwhile the justice department and the fbi on the case in charlottesville launching a civil rights investigation into the deadly car


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