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Transcripts For CNNW Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer 20171005

around the world. i'm wolf blitzer. you're in "the situation room." we're following breaking news, including new revelations about the las vegas shooting massacre. police now say the gunman, stephen paddock, was planning to escape the scene and they're expressing skepticism that he acted alone, saying he likely had help preparing for the attack at some point. tonight, there are also indications he may have looked at other potential targets, including another concert in las vegas and one in chicago. also, two sources familiar with special counsel robert mueller's russia probe say investigators met with past summer with the former british spy who wrote that dossier on alleged efforts to help the trump campaign. the fbi and u.s. intelligence committee took that dossier more seriously than they acknowledged. and now two senior officials are telling cnn that president trump plans to decertify the iran nuclear deal next week. the move falls short of completely scrapping the agreement but punts the deal to crossing which will have two months to figure out the next steps. we're covering all of that and much more with our guests, including congressman ruben keywin of nevada and our correspondents and specialists are standing by. first, let's go straight to las vegas. al alex is there. police are releasing new details? >> reporter: yes. given the amount of weapons, ammunitions, explosions and preparation, it's unlikely that the shooter acted alone. he had to have had some help. police say he may not have been planning to kill himself up in that hotel suite but to escape. las vegas police now believe that as stephen paddock was firing into the crowd below, he had already begun planning how he was going to try to get out alive. for the thousands in his sights, the shooting felt like an eternity. even with an arsenal of 23 guns and piles of ammunition in his room, we know that the hail of bullets lasted ten minutes, starting at 10:05 p.m. ending at 10:15. that's when mandalay bay security guard approached suite 135 on the hotel's 32nd floor, alone and unarmed. >> he was conducting an investigation based on customers calling in and he was personally attempting to locate what was occurring. he happened upon that doorway because it was ajar, which keyed his interest. >> reporter: paddock immediately opened fire, unloading more than 200 rounds into the hallway, some through the door hitting campos. >> we have a security officer also shot in the leg on the approxima32nd floor. >> reporter: even though paddock stopped firing on the crowd, he's convinced paddock didn't immediately kill himself. instead, he focused on escaping. >> he was doing everything possible to figure out how to escape at that point. his concern was personal concern versus what was occurring down below him. >> reporter: paddock had an even more sophisticated system than first thought to alert him to anyone approaching. two surveillance cameras on this room service cart along with another rigged in the main door's peephole as well as a baby monitor inside the room. he barricaded the door to an emergency stairwell located next to his room so no one could ender the hallway. then, in paddock's car, investigators found 50 pounds of an explosive that can be ignited with a single bullet. >> does that lead you to believe he might have been planning a bigger attack? >> you know, it remained in the car for some reason. >> reporter: these leaked photos show the sniper's nest. behind this curtain, one of the two windows that paddock shattered for two different firing positions. in addition to the concert, paddock may have had a second target. the las vegas review journal reporting that he fired at two jet fuel tanks roughly 1,000 feet past the concert goers, hitting one tank but not causing a potentially massive explosion. as investigators tried to nail down paddock's motive, they are learning more about what he did before the attack. he rented a condo in this building the weekend of september 22nd with views of the life is beautiful music festival. and according to representatives for a hotel in chicago, a person using the name stephen paddock also reserved a room there during the lollapalooza festival. >> it's disturbing that an individual was planning an attack like this in chicago. >> reporter: now, that hotel overlooks grant park in chicago which is where the music festival is held every year. there's no confirmation that this is the same stephen paddock. we don't know whether -- we know that he never checked in but at the same time, it's chilling to think that he was going around scoping out, scouting out these different music festivals. >> alex marquardt, thank you. we'll take you now to the mandalay bay hotel room where this gunman turned his suite into a fortress and his own surveillance methods. what are you learning, brian? >> reporter: jarring new information from clark county sheriff lamb b sheriff lombardo. they have evidence that he may not have intended to die in that hotel room. we got access to a room not far from the gunman's and got inside information about his planning from a former s.w.a.t. team member. stephen paddock's horrific attack on the route 91 country music festival was a very meticulously planned assault. >> he spent decades acquiring ammo and weapons and living a secret life. >> reporter: that planning, experts say, began with a sniper's nest that he chose at the mandalay bay and the targets below. k from the room, you can see paddock's broken hotel window, his line of sight to the concert venue. >> this is my first time being up here and looking at this and to me it's very erie. >> reporter: john sheehan is a retired police sergeant. from this vantage point, he says he has a clearer picture of the shooter's tactics and planning, including choosing a high room at the end of the hallway. >> he requested an east-facing room. he requested an east-facing room because if we panned over and looked to the east of where his room is, let's look, the tower is over there, there's the room that he shot from and now we pan east and we look and there's no way to get a countersniper a s.w.a.t. sniper up at a level position to be able to effectively take this man out. >> reporter: and if you knockout this window and fire towards him, that doesn't work? >> we wouldn't be able to see him because we're not seeing deep enough into the room and only when he fires will we be able to see him. >> reporter: the choice of room put the s.w.a.t. team at a disadvantage, one multiplied by the fact that he wired the hallway with cameras so he could see a squurt guard and later police approaching. >> because of his countermeasures in the peephole and hallway, he observed the square guard and he was in fear that he was about to be breached. so he was doing everything possible to figure out how he could escape at that point. >> reporter: sheehan believes if paddock escaped, it wouldn't have been for very long. >> there's one of three ways it's going to end for an active shooter. you either commit suicide, die in a hail of gunfire with the police, you're going to shoot it out with them and you're going to be killed or you're going to continue on a preplanned rampage at locations b, c, d and e until the police finally stop you. >> reporter: so you don't mean escape meant escape for good? >> how could it? he rented the room in his own name. he's already on video coming in and out. we know who he is. he's going to be the most wanted man in the world if he does try to leave here. >> reporter: john sheehan believes it's the material found in stephen paddock's car that indicates he may have intended to continue his rampage elsewhere. police say they found 50 pounds of explosives and 1600 rounds of ammunition in the shooter's vehicle. wolf? >> very disturbing information. brian todd reporting from las vegas. let's get some more on all of this. democratic congressman of nevada is joining us, including north las vegas as well as mesquite where the gunman had a home. congressman, do you believe stephen paddock, this mass murderer, had help? >> you know, wolf, first and foremost, let me say thank you to all of america, to all of nevada who has been generous in their outpouring of love and support for our community here. it's very unfortunate what happened here a few days ago. the worst incident that could ever happen here in the city of las vegas and it's unfortunate, one bad actor who could have gotten help and we understand had some sort of mental disability, caused this harm to our city and to our country. we're healing now and moving forward and i know that our city is going to be stronger than ever after this event. >> do you think he had any help? >> you know, i believe that we're going to let the fbi do their job. i've been at central command at the fusion center with the fbi, with the dea, with local law enforcement and i know that they're working tirelessly to get answers. so as of right now we don't have a motive. they are interviewing the girlfriend and the brother. they've gone into their home. they've gone into their car. so we're still waiting to get answers for a lot of these questions that americans have. >> you suggested a moment ago that he had mental disabilities, mental problems. but there's some law enforcement officials who say he wasn't mentally ill, he was just very evil. do you know for a fact that he had mental problems? >> well, wolf, we do know, according to some of the reports that we've been seeing, is that he was on some sort of medication. his girlfriend also said that he had been facing some sort of mental breakdown. again, these are all questions that we have, all of america. we're looking forward to getting answers as the fbi and local law enforcement does their job. >> we haven't confirmed that the girlfriend, marilou danley, did say that he had a mental breakdown. where did you hear that? >> in local reports here in las vegas. again, right now there's still a lot of questions up in the air. and right now, you know, we're focused here on the ground in making sure that the victims have all of the help that they can get. i think more importantly than focusing on the shooter, we should be focusing on the victims and their families. i've been spending a lot of time at the hospitals. at one hospital, several people are still in critical condition and we want to let those folks know that we are here to support them. they are also here to support the law enforcement and the families who have been impacted by this event. >> can you give us more information about the fact that this killer actually cased other music venues while planning this massacre? >> you know, i know as much as the rest of america as far as other locations. i know that there's been reports that he has -- he had looked into other venues. and i'll tell you this, this is also personal to me. my brother works here at the mandalay bay and i also know for a fact that my other brother was at the life is beautiful festival the weekend before which, again, if reports are true, he was also planning on doing some sort of attack there. again, we just have to work together here as a community to make sure that these types of events are prevented in the future. that we set in place, you know, laws in congress that will prevent these types of issues. why aren't we talking about how did this gentleman -- how did this criminal manage to buy so much ammunition? there should be a limit to the amount of ammunition that he can buy. how did he manage to buy the bump stock without having any issues whatsoever? why aren't we talking about banning weapons -- assault weapons? why aren't we talking about universal background checks? this is what i'm asking my colleagues to do in congress. we need to make sure in congress that this type of event is prevented in future. >> he apparently got all of the ammunition, rifles, bump stock and had plenty of them, all of that apparently legally. didn't have any problems accumulating in the past year and even in years earlier all of that kind of arsenal that he clearly had in his various homes and his vehicle as well as in the hotel suite. as you know, congressman, it's been four days now since the massacre. we still don't know what drove this killer to do this. do you believe authorities are making good progress in determining motivation? >> what i'll tell you, wolf, local law enforcement, from the moment they got the first call until just this morning in the latest briefing, they are working tirelessly, diligently to find answers to all of these questions that not only they have but the rest of america and the victims, particularly. again, i spent a couple hours at the hospital visiting with the victims. there's a lot of confusion. they want answers and i know that they're going to be working diligently to get those answers. but again, i want to make a call to my colleagues in congress, it's time to take action. i'm tired of seeing statements. it's time to take action. the american people deserve better. because how many more mass shootings is it going to take for us to take action in congress? it is time for congress, republicans and democrats to take action, to set in place, commonsense gun legislation that will prevent gun violence in the future. >> you think that congress will ban these so-called bump stocks? >> i believe that congress needs to listen to the american people. i know that the republican party and republican colleagues of mine listen more to the nra than they do to the american people. the majority of the american people want commonsense gun legislation and i believe that now is the time. if now is not the time, then when? this is a call that i'm making to all of my colleagues. we need your help. if you want to prevent this from happening in your backyard, we need your help to pass commonsense gun legislation to prevent gun violence in the future here in las vegas and all across america. >> congressman ruben kihuen of nevada, thank you so much. please pass on our best wishes to all of the folks in nevada right now. i know what a difficult time this certainly is. thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you, wolf. coming up, much more on the investigation into the las vegas shooting massacre. so what was the killer's motive? plus, breaking news. new revelations about the special counsel robert mueller's russia probe, including a meeting with the former british spy. what did he tell the investigators about allegations of collusion between moscow and the trump campaign? i don't want to sound paranoid, but d'ya think our recent online sales success seems a little... strange? na. ever since we switched to fedex ground business has been great. they're affordable and fast... maybe "too affordable and fast." what if... 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>> special counsel mueller met this past summer with christopher steele, a former mi-6 officer, who put together information and was hired by a washington firm paid first by an anti-trump associate. and they broke u.s. law. now, we don't know what information steele may have provided to steele's team but we know that he has previously provided the information to verify the sources that he used to put together the memos in the dossier. while most of the salacious allegations in the dossier haven't been verified, it's broad assertion that it's now accepted by the u.s. intelligence committee, wolf. >> accepted, as a matter of fact. there what are you hearing about how the dossier was viewed by the u.s. intelligence community. >> that's right. the president has called it a hoax but late last year, top officials at the cia and director of national intelligence discussed parts of the dossier on russia meddling and didn't want to explain what parts of the dossier they corroborated and were worried about revealing the sources and methods that they used to do that. james comey was worried that the fbi alone presented the dossier, then that the president-elect would look at it as a way for the fbi to hold leverage over him. when comey briefed trump in january, that's exactly what ended up happening. president trump said he thought comey was trying to hold the dossier over him, wolf. >> evan perez doing excellent reporting with your entire team. reported right here on cnn. thanks very much for that. let's get more information from our correspondents and analysts. jim sciutto, how significant is this latest piece of information that we're just learning now? >> it's significant, because it shows yet again that the dossier is not being dismissed. you have the special counsel taking the time to meet with the author of the dossier. we reported that the intelligence committee had in fact confirmed some of the elements in the dossier, including the particular meetings and conversations detailed in the dossier and took place during the times described there. it's contradicted the president who has said that the dossier, like other parts of the russian investigation, is a hoax and that it is false when a special counsel has been appointed by trump's own department of justice, taken the time to meet him with the knowledge that the intelligence community was taking this dossier seriously and able to corroborate parts of it. that contradicts, frankly, the president's story. >> john kirby, steele is a former british spy. does that give some kind of credibility to the dossier? >> i think it does. he's not just a former mi-6 officer, he was well known to agents at the fbi and cia and worked with him on a few other investigations, like the fifa soccer. he has instant credibility with them. >> gloria, how important would steele's testimony be if he came forward and testified before the various house and senate and congressional investigations ongoing right now? >> look, his testimony is very important but what we heard yesterday from chairman burr and mark warner was that they are not going to be able to talk to steele. they hit a wall with him and feel quite frustrated by it. they are saying, if we need to know we want to decide the credibility of the dossier, we need to know who his sources were and who his sources sources were and it seems pretty clear to me that steele may have some pre-existing relationships with people in the fbi, as john kirby is just saying, and felt more comfortable talking to law enforcement than talking to members of congress and could have been worried about things leaking out whereas he knows how the fbi operates. >> dana, how do you think congressional members will react? >> they expressed themselves pretty obviously yesterday when they had a press conference to update the state of flare investigation. not only did they say they tried to reach him through the staff, they made pretty clear that they tried personally, the senators to call and even made an appeal via the press conference for christopher steele to please talk to them. and they clearly want to know what the special counsel office wants to know, which is how he got this information -- alleged information, the sources, the methods, the backstory. but at the end of the day, there's not a lot that they can do. they can compel american citizens to come before their committee. and not somebody who is not a citizen of this country. >> yeah. and he's in britain, presumably. as you know, mark preston, the president used the publication of the dossier by some news outlets to attack the credibility of the entire russia probe. how's he doing with that line of attack? >> well, i think we've moved beyond that line of attack when there's more evidence that proves that the russians had in fact tried to meddle with the elections at the time we were looking at this dossier or there was talk about it and it was one of the first real building blocks of whether there was any russian interference in the election. i step back and say collusion because we don't know that yet. the problem with the dossier is there are very salacious details which we will not discuss here because this is a family friendly show in which many ways it was easy pickings for president trump to try to go after and to try to delegitimatize it. the fact is, we know russia has tried to interfere with our elections. the underlying thought of that da dossier is that it's true and let's see what else is true as well. >> it looks like mueller probably has a ton of information already and we're only getting little bits of it. >> that's exactly right. his investigation is a pretty tight black box. that's by design. it only helps his investigation, right, to not have the details, the extent of which he's finding leak out and he's going down pants here. each of these small revelations that we see, who he is talking to and so on shows that he's investigating these lines of inquiry, whether it be the dossier and what's contained in there about money and other influence inside of the trump campaign with trump himself but also lines of questioning on, for instance, obstruction of justice. in other words, these things that the president is dismissing out of hand and others around the president are things that the special counsel, who is empowered to investigate them, is taking very seriously. >> senator burr, the chairman of the intelligence committee, wanted to know who paid for the dossier. originally, some republicans, we're told, opposition research and then some democrats. how significant is that? who actually came up with the cash? >> look, i think it's all part of their investigation if you want to know whether the dossier is politically motivated on behalf of any one group, you want to find out who is paying christopher steele and why and when and then you have to look at christopher steele's information and you have to try and, you know, look at sourcing and analyze that and say, well, you know, this is who we spoke to, this is why it's legitimate and not legitimate. so this is why burr is frustrated but in the end mueller is going to be the one making the legal decisions here and i understand why it frustrates the congressional investigation but sometimes congress is not going to be able to get what the special counsel is going to be able to get and they are just going to have to understand that. you know, the question is, at some point would mueller and the committee share any information and we don't know the answer to that. >> if you take a look at the team that mueller has assembled of prosecutors a wealth of experience, people leaving very lucrative positions to be with this team, i assume they are coming up with significant information. more breaking news that we're following. more signs that the las vegas killer may have considered attacking other outdoor concerts. plus, details about what president trump has decided to do about the iran nuclear deal. we're learning new information. stay with us. 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>> he's kicking it over to congress, as the law is written, they have 60 days to decide whether they agree with the president and then perhaps maybe snap back some of the nuclear sanctions. technically, from the day he does it, nothing really changes, practically speaking, from the iran deal. it's still in place. if congress decides to put those sanctions back and -- well, then the deal starts to unravel because you can expect tehran to say, if you sanctions us again for nuclear-related activities, we're going to pull out of the deal. >> pull out of the deal and begin producing nuclear grade weapons. >> they can absolutely do that if they decide to pull out because we have decided to negate our obligations under this international convention. >> as you know, jim sciutto, the u.s. put this deal together with the other permanent members of the u.n. security council, germany, the atomic energy agency. how are they going to react to this decision by the president next week? >> i tell you how they are reacting now. i spoke to a european diplomat who is a party to this deal and contradicting the president on this saying that this agreement is vital to our security interests and that of our allies. contradicting the president who says that it's not in the u.s. national security interest. it's interesting, i spoke to a member of the george w. bush administration who negotiated with north korea. i asked him what would happen if the u.s. were to pull out of this deal and he said it would make the u.s. seem fickle on the international stage. remember, it has consequences, not just for this deal potentially and, again, if it goes down the path that admiral kirby just described there, it has consequences not just for this deal but if the u.s. is offering the possibility of negotiations with the country like north korea, they and other countries, even our partners, can reasonably ask the question, what does a deal or potential deal mean if the u.s. is pulling out of a deal that it made here? it raises real questions and you hear that from our allies right now very pointedly. >> when the president sends this to congress, how is congress going to react? >> well, they are not happy. i can't imagine that especially the democrats are happy about having this land in their laps. they believe, as jim was saying about diplomats, that this undermines american credibility in the world and now they have a 60-day clock ticking as john kirby was talking about. so they have to decide whether they rewrite this, whether they try and change the reporting requirements, whether they try and change the inspections, strengthen inspections and, you know, it's very dicey to have congress as a whole negotiate this kind of a detailed plan. and, you know, i think it's very, very tricky here. >> let me just say, wolf, to answer that question, i was doing reporting on this and a democratic senator has made this analogy saying it's like the president pulling a pen out of a grenade and giving it to congress as a hot potato to go back and forth. congress which doesn't exactly have the greatest track record of doing things even when they have to do them, even when there is bipartisan agreement that things need to -- >> and you've been doing some reporting that the president's own national security advisers are not thrilled with this decision. >> well, i was told by sources who were familiar with a meeting that h.r. mcmaster had with a group of democratic senators yesterday that the impression that mcmaster left was that he was not entirely thrilled, you're right, with the idea of decertifying because of the arguments that he was hearing from not just democrats but from republicans that there's a way to do this in a bipartisan way and all of the unknowns about what it could mean for the allies. i should tell you that i just heard from an administration source saying that that is not true, that the impression that these sources got were wrong, that h.r. mcmaster is not only behind the president but that he helped to craft this deal. but, you know, we do know from public testimony that the national security team, james mattis in particular, has been very clear that he thinks -- >> everybody stick around. more news. this coming in as well. there's a tropical storm. it's called nate. expected to threaten the u.s. gulf coast this weekend as a hurricane. another hurricane. and new orleans is now scrambling to get ready. we'll have the new forecast. from made in america and handcrafted in wisconsin. our exclusive hypoallergenic down and special breathing technology senses your body to never be too hot or too cold, so you are guaranteed the best sleep ever. starting at only $99 including shipping and a lifetime guarantee. for your best friend - our new dog beds are just as dreamy and made with the same quality and advanced technology. this offer is for a limited time, so visit today. - [announcer] presenting the shark ion flex 2x. the free-standing, cord free vacuum that can live anywhere because it has two rechargeable batteries. that means you can always be charging, even while you're cleaning. with duo clean, multiflex, and powerful suction so you can go, and go, and go again. welcome to hassle-free runtime with shark. and i'm an arborist with i'pg&e in the sierras. the drought in california has killed trees on a massive scale. any of those trees that fail into power lines could cause a wildfire or a power outage. public safety is the main goal of our program. that's why we're out removing these hundreds of thousands of hazard trees. having tools and technology gives us a huge edge to identify hazard trees. my hope is that the work we're performing allows that these forests can be sustained and enjoyed by the community in the future. together, we're building a better california. breaking news tonight, preparations are under way for a hurricane forecast to hit the u.s. gulf coast this sunday. our meteorologist tom sater is tracking tropical storm nate for us. tom, the storm is picking up speed and gaining strength? >> it most likely will. it's over land right now, wolf. that's not the best of news. hard to detect the center of the storm but in eastern honduras now, just over the border from nicaragua. already it's blamed for six precious lives in costa rica. the landslide threat is great for honduras and nicaragua and will make its way over water and off land tonight late this evening. warnings in effect for the yucatan. if you know anyone visiting in k k cancun, sustained winds are at 40 miles per hour. it only takes 39 to get to a tropical storm status. i don't think there's enough time to get to a tropical storm status. and then overnight tomorrow night, it moves into the gulf of mexico tropical storm status. overnight tomorrow night, it moves into the gulf of mexico. right now, if you notice the track, the cone of uncertainty is not very wide. it's always easier to forecast the track than the intensity. this is sunday morning between 4:00 and 6:00 in the morning, land fall in louisiana perish is possible. sit down with the family to discuss, will we have to leave? we are thinking category 1, strong category 1, but could be a 2 as well. it could rapidly intensify. that is what we have seen with all these storms. it's been a hyperactive year. the water is warmer in the western caribbean than the southern golf. let me remind you, hurricane harvey went from a 1 to a 3. notice the spaghetti plot. we have come to know these so well. here they are from lafayette to mobile. you are involved in this area as well. as it picks up, it could have enough strength to knock out powers and get toward birmingham and central areas of tennessee. could we see the winds hold together? here are the two models we are looking at. blue is european model and red is the u.s. sunday morning, we are watching this. authorities are doing their work and get gear in place for coastal erosion. stronger storms with their movement, usually produce damaging wind, not the slow one like with harvey. >> we don't need another hurricane. tom, thanks very much for the forecast. much more ahead, right after this. he's green money, for spending today. makes it easy to tell you apart. that, and i am better looking. i heard that. when it's time to get organized for retirement, it's time to get voya. our recent online sales success seems a little... strange?nk na. ever since we switched to fedex ground business has been great. they're affordable and fast... maybe "too affordable and fast." what if... 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