Colorado Simmental Association (CSA) held its 50th annual meeting in a virtually format. Award winners were recognized, and business completed in the milestone celebration, held on Zoom.
Dr. Wade Shafer, American Simmental Association’s executive vice-president, and Terry Fankhauser, Colorado Cattlemen’s executive vice-president, both gave updates and fielded questions from members.
The CSA membership re-elected Ron Mari of Holyoke to a three-year director term, and CSA’s officer team was retained. For 2021, they are: Jay Hill of Sterling, president; Mitchell Jergensen of Ramah, vice-president; and Susan Russell of Sugar City, secretary/treasurer. Russell, and Paul & Nia Hill of Nunn were elected as junior advisors. Rounding out the board are Willie Altenburg of Fort Collins, Mick Meiklejohn of Collbran and Jolynn Midcap of Wray.