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Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20191217 01:30:00

♪ ♪ sweden's greetings. enjoy your first payment on us when you lease a new volvo. now through january 2nd. tonight, the deadly storms as we come on the air. the tornadoes touching down. one tornado reportedly on the ground for 63 miles. children put in ambulances and tonight, winter alerts across 20 states. oklahoma, up through the northeast, cars and trucks off the highways. and tomorrow morning's commute, the storm system slamming cities in the east. ginger zee timing it out. also breaking news at this hour involving boeing and their 737 max jets. after those two deadly crashes, just in tonight, boeing now halting production of its max jets. what does this mean for thousands of american workers? two midair scares tonight. the san diego to chicago flight making an emergency landing when flames are seen shooting from the engine. and tonight, news of another passenger jet flying from paris to chicago, also forced to land. the historic vote on impeachment, 48 hours away. and tonight, the contentious town halls and you'll see it. as some democrats who had been on the fence reveal their decisions to their divided hometowns. the disturbing video tonight. the young men accused of beating a student outside a frat house. the victim tonight claiming those young men thought that he was in a rival fraternity. he was not. tonight, his attorneys now say he's been left with brain damage. the desperate search for a missing mother and her newborn daughter. her tearful fiance before the cameras. tonight, military officials investigating after the army/navy game images of students flashing these hand signs. is it a symbol celebrated by white supremacists? the home explosion. what firefighters found stored in the garage. and 25 years after it came out, mariah carey's "all i want for christmas" is finally a number one hit. good evening and it's great to have you with us here to start a new week. and we begin tonight with the deadly storms and the tornado emergency at this hour. at least a dozen tornadoes reported and it's been deadly. and then, the storm hitting in the northeast in the morning. first, this massive twister touching down in louisiana tonight. on the ground for more than 60 miles, causing this damage all the way to alexandria, louisiana, at least one dead tonight. and it's part of the same system hammering the middle of the country. blinding snow in kansas city, missouri. this pickup spinning out of control on i-435. tonight, several dead in the snow and dangerous driving. and now winter alerts across 20 states. oklahoma right up into the northeast, just in time for the morning commute. we time it all out tonight, and we begin with abc's marcus moore with the devastating tornadoes. >> reporter: a dangerous night ahead for millions in parts of the south. this twister estimated to be on the ground for more than 60 miles, claiming at least one life. ripping apart businesses and homes in louisiana. >> trees are down. people are walking out. >> reporter: striking this church in alexandria. schoolchildren carried to safety. first responders making sure everyone is okay. multiple tornadoes tearing through louisiana and mississippi. >> edwards, you are in the path of this. be in your shelter right now. >> reporter: west of jackson, mississippi, trees snapping like toothpicks, crashing onto homes. the cleanup now underway. all part of a deadly winter storm system marching east. snow, ice and rain making travel treacherous in the wichita, kansas, area. in kansas city, missouri, this pickup truck changing lanes and then spinning out on a slick i-435. the storm creating near zero visibility at times, claiming at least 11 lives so far, including three people killed in this multivehicle wreck on interstate 80 southwest of omaha sunday. david, that tornado that hit alexandria, louisiana, was on the ground for about 63 miles and officials were able to put out an early warning. otherwise, the casualties could have been much worse. david? >> could be another difficult night ahead. marcus, thank you, leading us off tonight. all part of the same system, right up into the northeast for tomorrow morning's commute. let's get right to chief meteorologist ginger zee, she's been timing this out for us. hey, ginger. >> reporter: hey, david. at least 17 reported tornadoes now on the southern side of this same system that's going to bring us ice and snow throughout the northeast by tomorrow. let's go ahead and track it all for you. there are tornado watches that just got extended to include parts of south-central tennessee, including i-65, down to birmingham, tuscaloosa, you're in there, too. that goes until 11:00 p.m. tonight. so, still a dangerous couple of hours in the deep south and dixie alley. and look at this, the snow, more than four inches reported in indianapolis already. and still going. back to st. louis, into ohio, that's tonight. but by tomorrow, it all slides east and that's why we've got those warnings and advisories from missouri right through rhode island and connecticut. tomorrow morning, we stopped it, david, right at 7:00 a.m., that ice is just north of new york city, so, freezing rain if you're in rockland or westchester counties to the north. if you are in connecticut, rhode island, you're right along that line. boston will end up with a couple of inches of snow and the worst possible timing. david? >> all right, take it very slow in the morning. all right, ginger, thank you. in the meantime, we do have breaking news on another front tonight. boeing just announcing it will suspend production of its 737 max jets indefinitely. every one of those jets grounded in march after two deadly crashes. and tonight, what effect will this decision now have on thousands of workers and on the u.s. economy? abc's david kerley covers aviation. >> reporter: it's never happened before -- boeing's remarkable move tonight to shut down the production line of the max, as the fleet of the latest 737 remains grounded. and no set date for a return to service. the u.s.'s largest exporter already has nearly 400 brand new jets stored and expected to return that jet to service by the end of this year, but the faa has made it clear, that won't happen. the regulator wants to learn more about the changes boeing has made to the max's software after those two crashes, which killed nearly 350 people. just days ago, congress revealed an faa document that there could have been 15 more fatal crashes if the problem was not addressed. boeing says it has made those fixes, but the line will be shut down in january. >> and david kerley with us live from washington tonight on this breaking headline. and david, we know there are 12,000 boeing employees who work on this 737, the max jets. so, what does the company say is going to happen to them as we move forward? >> reporter: boeing says it does not have plans to furlough or lay off any of those workers. they'll be reassigned to other lines or work on 737 programs, at least for now, david, because we don't know how long this shutdown is going to last. david? >> all of this amid the concern for several months now on those max jets. david, thank you. and to the two midair scares i mentioned at the top. both were united flights, both headed to chicago. fuel was seen flowing out the back of this flight, this was from paris to chicago, forced to make an emergency landing. and another flight making an emergency landing in albuquerque after flames were seen shooting from the engine. abc's gio benitez with the images tonight. >> reporter: in the middle of the night, this is what some passengers saw right outside their windows. sparks or flames shooting out of the engine. passenger thomas chorney posting this video, writing, "strange to sit there and think, what if this is it?" the pilot declaring an emergency and diverting the san diego to chicago flight to albuquerque. >> united 366, for the emergency vehicles, which engine is it? is it number one or number two? >> it's the number two right engine. >> reporter: the 737 with 158 people onboard landed safely and got another aircraft. it was the second incident in two days for a united jet headed to chicago. this 767 took off from paris. but passengers saw something spewing from the wing. that jet diverted to england, where it was met by emergency vehicles, and mechanics found what was called a fuel seepage problem. and david, in today's incident, with the sparks, united has not said what caused the problem with the engine. david? >> gio benitez tonight. gio, thank you. we move on now to the impeachment showdown. a full house vote just 48 hours away now. and tonight, the images, the contentious town halls across this country. democratic house members who are who were on the fence revealing their decisions on impeachment in front of divided crowds. as all eyes also turn to the senate trial that would come next. democratic leaders now say they want witnesses. the republican majority leader has already said, "we know how this will end." mary bruce up on the hill again tonight. >> reporter: as the house barrels towards a vote, tonight, the pressure is on for moderate democrats from districts trump won. in michigan, congresswoman elissa slotkin got an earful from both sides. >> thank you, thank you. [ boos and cheers ] >> reporter: slotkin revealing she will vote to impeach. >> i will be voting yes on obstruction of congress. [ boos and cheers ] >> reporter: in colorado, representative jason crow announced he is also a yes. >> i have no other option than to vote for the articles of impeachment this week. [ cheers and applause ] >> reporter: congressman jeff van drew of new jersey is opposed to impeachment and now plans to switch parties and become a republican. most of his staff resigning at the news. the house is all but certain to impeach on wednesday. the judiciary committee releasing their 658-page report, saying, "president trump has realized the framers' worst nightmare," and warning, "he has engaged in a pattern of misconduct that will continue if left unchecked." in the senate, both sides are already fighting over the trial to come. republicans promising "total coordination" with the president. >> i am -- clearly made up my mind. i'm not trying to hide the fact that i have disdain for the accusations and the process, so, i don't need any witnesses. >> trials have witnesses. that's what trials are all about. >> reporter: democrats want to hear from four witnesses the white house has blocked from testifying, including acting chief of staff mick mulvaney and former trump national security adviser john bolton. if house democrats feel that they have enough evidence to impeach without hearing from these four witnesses, why isn't that enough here in the senate? >> these people know better than anybody else the facts. there is no reason on god's green earth why they shouldn't be called and testify, unless you're afraid of what they might say. >> and mary bruce with us live on the hill yet again tonight. and mary, we just heard there from chuck schumer that he would like witnesses at this senate trial, but republican leader mitch mcconnell has already said, "we know how this will end," but he does say he'll meet with senator schumer to map out the details of the trial ahead? >> reporter: david, the two leaders are going to sit down and try to work together here, but ultimately? the senate, the ball is largely in mcconnell's court and he has made it clear, he plans to be in lock-step with the white house. david? >> mary bruce, who has been covering this all for weeks now for us. mary, thank you. and next this monday night, the disturbing beating outside a fraternity at texas state university. a lawyer for the student who was attacked claiming it left him with traumatic brain injury. did the young men who attacked mistake him as a member of another fraternity? abc's linsey davis with the attack caught on video. >> reporter: another fraternity under fire tonight because of this brawl caught on camera. >> leave him alone! we're calling the cops! >> reporter: lawyers say this video shows members or guests of texas state university's pi kappa phi fraternity attacking nikolas panagiotopoulos, leaving him badly injured. >> that's enough! enough! >> reporter: that student claims in a new lawsuit he and a friend were walking past a building leased by the frat when the group "began to taunt and verbally harass him on a mistaken belief he was the member of different social club." >> nik tries to run away. this mob of these fraternity guys chase after him, continue to wail away on him. >> reporter: nearly two months later, his attorney says he's still in a wheelchair, struggling to recover from spine and traumatic brain injuries. panagiotopoulos is now suing three of his alleged attackers, along with the fraternity's national organization and local chapter for negligence and aggravated assault. >> it's not just this campus, it's many campuses, where we're seeing a lack of institutional control by these fraternities and allowing this to go on. something has to change. >> reporter: texas state university says they suspended the fraternity as soon as they learned about the incident. we reached out to the fraternity's national organization, they tell us they do not comment on pending litigation, david. >> all right, linsey davis with us tonight. linsey, thank you. and to other news tonight. there are investigations at both west point and the u.s. naval academy tonight on what happened on the sidelines of the army/navy football game over the weekend. authorities are now looking at social media pages after at least four students from both schools flashed what authorities say looked like a white power sign on live television. one directly behind an african-american cadet. the "okay" gesture started as kid's game but has been adopted by white supremacist groups because the fingers form a "w" and a "p" for white power, according to the anti-defamation league. and new reporting at this hour on that horrific murder of that barnard college student here in new york city. the medical examiner tonight ruling that tessa majors died of multiple knife wounds to the torso. fellow students and members of the community held a vigil for her on the steps of the park where she died. one suspect has been arrested, just 13 years old, found with a knife. police are now looking for at least two others. we're going to turn now to the race for 2020, and allegations tonight of sexism against michael bloomberg. the billionaire is accused of making crude and insensitive remarks toward women at his company. there have been a number of lawsuits and now a collection of bloomberg's alleged comments from the 1990s is sparking new controversy. here's abc's chief global affairs correspondent tom llamas tonight. >> reporter: tonight, new questions about michael bloomberg and the company he founded that made him a billionaire. abc news has learned that bloomberg's company is currently facing three lawsuits for sexual harassment and gender inequality. the lawyer who brought those cases says michael bloomberg fostered a sexist corporate culture. he's faced similar accusations before. in the 1990s, one of his regional sales managers, sekiko sakai, claimed in a legal complaint she told bloomberg she was pregnant. >> she thought he would be pleased that she was pregnant. she said that to him. and he said to her, "kill it." >> reporter: sakai resigned shortly after her child was born and filed a lawsuit alleging that she "understood the statement of michael bloomberg to mean that i should have an abortion to keep my job." bloomberg has strongly denied making the comment. but sakai told the new york state division of human rights he made several sexist statements to her, as well. eventually, she settled her case and signed a confidentiality agreement. but her first lawyer, bonnie josephs, tells us at the time, she interviewed a dozen bloomberg employees who described a sexist atmosphere full of raunchy language and behavior. >> at the christmas parties or other kinds of parties, the male employees sometimes put plastic breasts on them, which squirted water from the nipples of the plastic breasts. >> reporter: the allegations echo what's found inside this booklet from 1990, "the portable bloomberg: the wit and wisdom of michael bloomberg." a collection of quotes assembled by one of his top staffers as a birthday gift. among those quotes -- "if women wanted to be appreciated for their brains, they'd go to the library instead of to bloomingdales." bloomberg says he doesn't remember making those comments. abc news pressing him on the campaign trail. >> do you think you've made any mistakes in the way that you treated female employees at your company? >> i don't. not everybody's happy. but we have an enviable record of treating people the same in terms of compensation and promotions and authority. >> reporter: but david, a bloomberg campaign spokesperson acknowledging, quote, mike has come to see that some of what he has said is disrespectful and wrong. and tonight, one of bloomberg's rivals, elizabeth warren, is reacting to all of this, saying any woman who has an nda with michael bloomberg or his company should be released from that nda so they can speak freely if they want to. also saying that bloomberg should have to answer for those past comments. david? >> tom llamas reporting on the 2020 campaign. tom, thank you. and there is still much more ahead on "world news tonight" this monday. news today, the famous christmas song finally hitting number one, 25 years after its release. also, the other news ahead tonight, the desperate search for a missing mother and her newborn daughter. her tearful fiance before the cameras, and what authorities have now revealed. the sheriff's deputy seen on surveillance slamming a middle school student to the floor, not once, but twice. and what the sheriff is now saying after seeing the video and what's happened now. and then, the home explosion shaking an entire neighborhood. and what firefighters have revealed. what they found stored in the garage. a lot more news ahead here on a monday night. i'll be right back. i'll be right back. monday night. i'll be right back. now might not be the best time to ask yourself are my bones strong? 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(woman) when it comes to digital transformation... verizon keeps business ready. verizon keeps business ready. verizon keeps business ready. now the desperate search for a missing mother and her 2-week-old daughter in austin, texas, and her fiance's tearful plea. here's will carr. >> reporter: tonight, police in austin, texas, are searching for heidi broussard and her 2-week-old daughter, margot, after they vanished five days ago. >> i love you, heidi, i love you, margot. >> reporter: her fiance, distraught. police say heidi was last seen here, smiling in this surveillance image, as she dropped her son off at elementary school on thursday morning. for days, her fiance, shane, has pleaded for their return. >> just please come home. we miss you. >> reporter: police believe heidi and her infant came back to the house after leaving the school. her fiance says he found her car unlocked with her purse and money still inside. the baby's diaper bag was in the apartment, but heidi's keys and cell phone, gone. >> drop her off anywhere. i don't care, just make sure she's safe. >> reporter: so far, austin police have been tight-lipped. they plan to brief the media tomorrow, which will be six days since heidi and her infant daughter disappeared. david? >> will carr tonight. thank you, will. and when we come back, more on that house explosion rocking an entire neighborhood. and what they found stored in the garage. the way you triumph over adversity. and live your lives. that's why we redesigned humira. we wanted to make the experience better for you. now there's less pain immediately following injection. we've reduced the size of the needle and removed the citrate buffers. and it has the same effectiveness you know and trust. humira citrate-free is here. a little change can make a big difference. humira can lower your ability to fight infections. serious and sometimes fatal infections, including tuberculosis, and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. ask your doctor about humira citrate-free. here's to you. cordless. noted. that's a good one. introducing the capital one walmart rewards card. earn unlimited 5% back on everything you buy at walmart online... ♪what's in your wallet? hour 36 in the stakeout. as soon as the homeowners arrive, we'll inform them that liberty mutual customizes home insurance, so they'll only pay for what they need. your turn to keep watch, limu. wake me up if you see anything. 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"all i want for christmas is you" finally at the top of the billboard hot 100. tonight, mariah tweeting to her fans, "we did it." ♪ what more can i do all i want for christmas is you ♪ >> and just this year, amazon music's documentary about the song. in it, mariah says she hoped it would resonate like songs from a different time. >> it was really inspired by songs from the '60s or the '50s where you couldn't help but be happy when you heard them. >> and she talks about her inspiration, her childhood, her mother. >> we didn't have a lot of money. so sometimes she would wrap up fruit and, like, whatever it was that she could afford. and i was like, when i grow up, i'm never going to let that happen, i'm going to make christmas perfect every year. >> that song certainly helped. and it's her 19th number one hit, putting her only behind the beatles. but one christmas wish at a time. you'll be humming that for the rest of the night. and i hope to see you right back here tomorrow. good night. the streets of san francisco tonight, the good, the bad, the ugly. and building a better bay area. >> what is this, 80 feet of space. >> right. >> how do we move a growing san francisco in a street that's not going to get any bigger than 80 feet? >> new at 6:00, abc7 news contributor phil ma tier takes a walk with the city's new director of transportation to talk solutions. >> another vehicle hit by a projectile on highway 101 in monterey county. i'm chris nguyen with that story coming up. >> announcer: now news to build a better bay area from abc7. >> it's been the crown jewel of the bay area, but how much better could san francisco really be? >> we think san francisco is falling apart? >> i don't think it's falling apart, but i think it could. >> tough words. good evening, i'm dan ashley. >> and i'm kristen sze. keeping our city streets clean is a big part of our mission to build a better bay area. >> today san francisco mayor said it's something she wants to


Transcripts for KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20191217 01:33:00

ripping apart businesses and homes in louisiana. >> trees are down. people are walking out. >> reporter: striking this church in alexandria. schoolchildren carried to safety. first responders making sure everyone is okay. multiple tornadoes tearing through louisiana and mississippi. >> edwards, you are in the path of this. be in your shelter right now. >> reporter: west of jackson, mississippi, trees snapping like toothpicks, crashing onto homes. the cleanup now underway. all part of a deadly winter storm system marching east. snow, ice and rain making travel treacherous in the wichita, kansas, area. in kansas city, missouri, this pickup truck changing lanes and then spinning out on a slick i-435. the storm creating near zero visibility at times, claiming at least 11 lives so far, including three people killed in this multivehicle wreck on interstate 80 southwest of omaha sunday. david, that tornado that hit alexandria, louisiana, was on the ground for about 63 miles


Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - CNN - 20170409:11:10:00

counsel in egypt to look into this, that the general prosecutor has begun an investigation, but, of course, with news of a second attack on a church in alexandria the situation is getting worse. >> the focus of these repeated attacks on christians by islamic extremists, as you said, nothing new. we are now hearing, as you had, a second blast at a church. how far away is that church? are there any claims of responsibility for either of those blasts? >> reporter: well, the church from tanto to alexandria is an hour and a half's drive. there has been no responsibility so far but isis has many supporters in egypt. they have an affiliate that is a province of the islamic state that is functioning, running a low-level insurgency in the


Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - MSNBC - 20110129:16:12:00

of west wing officials are sitting and watching along with us, thomas, to be frank. nobody really knows how this is going to turn out. the president has clearly come down on the side and sympathized with the protesters and taken up their cause with hosni mubarak personally. what the president has not done and what this administration has not done has -- is call explicitly for hosni mubarak's ouster. still a fine diplomatic line the u.s. is walking, thomas. >> mike viqueira at the white house, thanks so much. back to you. well, another potential threat facing egypt right now is terrorists seizing on the unrest. in the last six years, terrorists have carried out bombings in sharm el-sheikh. the most recent was on new year's day that killed 21 people at a church in alexandria. i'm joined by evan coleman. how would egyptian leadership change potentially affect u.s. terror-fighting efforts in the region? >> there is hope on the hope of al qaeda supporters and indeed


Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - FOXNEWS - 20110123:12:30:00

>> welcome back. fox news alert now. egyptian officials confirm that an al-qaida linked group was behind the new year's day homicide bombing outside a church in alexandria. egypt is blaming the gaza based army of islam for the attack. something that group is denying. the blast killed at least 21 christians and wounded 100 more. it was the deadliest attack on christians in egypt in more than a decade. >> all right. welcome back, everybody. let's get to the rest of the headlines right now because there are so more questions than answers this morning in the case of a slain indiana family. police finding a 30-year-old and her three children shot to death in their austin home. the house also partially destroyed by fire. they have reportedly been going through a divorce. no suspects have been named so police are hinting that this could be a murder/suicide. we'll bring you more details as


Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - MSNBC - 20170409:18:02:00

to the serious story. there were attacks on two egyptian christian churches this morning. a bomb exploded in a church packed with palm sunday worshippers north of cairo. it killed more than two dozen people, wounding scores of others, according to health officials. hours later a suicide bomber killed at least 11 people in front of a church in alexandria. isis has claimed responsibility for both of those attacks. now we move to syria. this week president trump became the seventh consecutive american president to launch a military action against a country in the middle east. of course, the first one in that seven consecutive streak was a failed attempt to rescue in iran. missiles launched in the mediterranean is what the trump administration called a proportionate response to last week's chemical attack that killed 80 people and caused


Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - CNN - 20170409:20:04:00

that attack killing more than two dozen people, injuring more than 75 others. and then just hours later, a second attack. a bomber tries to enter a church in alexandria but is told to go through a metal detector. as he does, he detonates his bomb killing over a dozen people there. cnn international correspondent ian lee is in egypt and making his way to that site of the first blast. he's joining us on the phone right now, ian, the president there declaring a three-month state of emergency. what does that mean for everyone there? >> that's right. that just shows how serious he is taking this situation. that gives the police, the army, extra powers to make arrests, so search people, and also to detain people for an extended period of time. it is not unusual that it would come after an attack of this


Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - FOXNEWS - 20110102:17:03:00

country has one of the highest per capita incomes in the world. so the government here really has the money to take care of passenger security. and cargo security with cutting edge technology if that's what they choose to do. >> catherine herridge with the exclusive. thank you very much. . deadly attack on a church in alexandria, equip doesn't keep worshippers away. they came to pray and grieve for those killed and dozens others woulded in a suicide bombing. no one claimed responsibility for attack in new year's mass. christians accuse the government not protecting them as a minority group. could chilly relations between venezuela and the u.s. be warming up? >> they appeared to have a friendly encounter. they shook hands and talked in the inaugust ration of the


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