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Transcripts For CNNW Early Start With Christine Romans And Laura Jarrett 20200918

service to reverse recent changes. welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world, this is "early start." i'm christine romans. >> i'm laura jarrett. it's friday, september 18th. happy friday, everyone. it's 5 a.m. in new york. 46 days until the november election but we start this morning with the labor day dangers of the pandemic. all the experts warned us about now in plain sight. a whopping 30 states adding new cases compared to this time last week. it was just nine states on monday. almost 198,000 americans have now lost their lives. that was the backdrop as joe biden fielded questions from socially distant voters at a cnn drive-in town hall last night relying on science and facts. biden shared some emotional moments with voters when talking about his son beau and empathizing with those who have been hit hardest by this pandemic. he says america is not safe under president trump's leadership and touted his own ability to unify the country. arlitt saenz has more from pennsylvania. >> reporter: here in pennsylvania joe biden participated in his first cnn town hall since becoming the democratic presidential nominee and he took aim at president trump's handling of the coronavirus pandemic calling his actions close to criminal and calling the administration thoroughly irresponsible. now biden also took issue with recent comments from attorney general bill barr who compared the coronavirus lockdowns to slavery. biden said that it was the president's inactions that has jeopardized the freedom of americans. take a listen. >> you lost your freedom because he didn't act. the freedom to go to that ball game, the freedom of your kid to go to school. the freedom to see your mom or dad in the hospital. the freedom just to walk around your neighborhood because of failure to act responsibly. >> reporter: biden also talks about the need for an effective vaccine saying he's going to trust the scientist's decision and not president trump's word alone. biden also made an appeal to working class voters framing this as a campaign between scranton and park avenue suggesting president trump has prioritized the stock market over working class americans. this was the first of a kind drive-in style town hall. featured some of the most extensive in person live questions joe biden has recently received offering a bit of a preview of what a debate might look like. biden and trump are set to face off in less than two weeks. biden saying he is looking forward to debating the president and offering a different vision for where he would take the country. laura and christine. >> arlitt, thank you so much for that. before labor day warnings were everywhere. take precautions, avoid holiday crowds, stay safe or risk spreading the virus. how did we do? since then the case curve has spiked upward. still, president trump holding another rally with no social distancing, no masks in site. he was in wisconsin where new cases have almost doubled in two weeks. the president mocked the social distancing at biden's town hall. for trump, it's all about branding. >> by the way, officially this is called a protest, you know that? we no longer call it rallies. we don't use the term rally, okay? rachel knows. we don't call them rallies anymore because, you know, you're not allowed to have a political rally with more than 10 people. you're not allowed to go to church. you're not allowed to talk to anybody. you have to stay in a prison. your home has become your prison. >> these new coronavirus fallout across the country. new york city has delayed monday's start for in school learning. providence college in rhode island switched to online learning. the pandemic is taking a sweeping toll on education with low income students paying the real price. an analysis of federal data shows 100,000 fewer high school seniors completed financial aid. a fan who attended the kansas city chiefs game tested positive. now people that sat near this fan must quarantine. political interference may be scaring people away. get this, a new poll shows only 51% of americans say they would get a covid vaccination. that's a 21 point drop since may. the surgeon general says the virus can be tamed now. >> look at new york city, they've gone from worst in the world to a less than 1% positivity rate for several weeks ongoing and so it proves we don't need to wait until we get a vaccine or some miracle drug to get this virus under control. we can do it right now. >> contrary to that message, two people had beaches, concert halls and arcades can open at 50% capacity. parts of texas where hospitalizations are down, most businesses can now increase their capacity to 75%. former top aide to vice president mike pence is accusing president trump of gravely mismanaging the country's response to the pandemic joining the growing list of trump officials who are endorsing joe biden. olivia troy was a homeland security advisor and pence's lead staffer on the task force until she left last month. she says the president failed to protect the american public because he only cares about himself and getting re-elected. >> it was shocking to see the president saying that the virus was a hoax, saying that everything's okay when we know that it's not. the truth is he doesn't actually care about anyone else but himself. the president said maybe this covid thing is a good thing. i don't like shaking people. i don't have to shake hands with these disgusting people. those disgusting people are the same people that he claims to care about. these are the people that go to his rallies today who have complete faith in who he is. >> her criticism particularly striking because of her role on the coronavirus task force, which was headed -- is headed by pence. he is dismissing her criticism of the president. he's calling her a disgruntled former employee. a federal judge blocking and reversing a wide range of changes at the u.s. postal service that could have delayed the mail ahead of the u.s. election. he accuses dejoy of problems. he said they have to treat all election mail as first class and reinstall any equipment that was uninstalled if necessary to achieve that. the postal service is exploring the legal option. fbi christopher ray says russia is at it again. actively involved in the disinformation campaign. the director is at odds with the president and top advisers, including the attorney general and the acting homeland security chief but ray is standing by the intelligence. >> reporter: we certainly have seen very active, very active efforts in 2020 by the maligned foreign influence of things. social media, use of proxies, state media, online journals primarily to denigrate vice president biden and what the russians see as an antirussian establishment. >> ray also says the vast majority of protestors in the streets of america are peaceful contradicting the message of violence by the president and attorney general. big news that could affect 100 million tiktok users in the united states. arm and a leg for postage. i remember setting up shipstation. one or two clicks and everything was up and running. i was printing out labels and saving money. shipstation saves us so much time. it makes it really easy and seamless. pick an order, print everything you need, slap the label onto the box, and it's ready to go. our costs for shipping were cut in half. just like that. shipstation. the #1 choice of online sellers. go to and get 2 months free. so to breathe better, i started once-daily anoro. ♪ copd tries to say, "go this way." i say, "i'll go my own way, with anoro." ♪ once-daily anoro contains two medicines called bronchodilators that work together to significantly improve lung function all day and all night. do not use anoro if you have asthma. anoro won't replace rescue inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition, high blood pressure, glaucoma... 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( ♪ ) juvéderm it. talk to your doctor about the juvéderm collection of fillers. a big step overnight to keep 100 million tiktok users online. they have tentatively agreed to a deal with bytedance and oracle. that's according to a person familiar with the agreement. tiktok will become a global company with headquarters in u.s. we will review the code for security. one huge caveat, bytedance would still be a majority shareholder. president trump said he conceptually doesn't like a deal that leaves bytedance with majority control. he's citing national security concerns. tiktok is preparing as if this deal will go forward. tiktok global set to have an ipo in six months. trump's deadline for the deal is sunday. the outgoing u.s. ambassador to china sits down with our david culver to talk about his tenure, the pandemic and why he's leaving at such a critical time for u.s./china relations. david joins us now. the timing of this was so curious. what did he tell you? >> laura, it really was. i just wrapped up this interview in the past couple of hours. that's what stood out to us when he was stepping down before the election. if you look at the diplomatic situation, it's at an all-time low between the u.s. and china. he looks at many of the accomplishments. he says getting supplies, medical supplies badly needed, getting diplomats badly back into the country after the outbreak. the big one, phase one trade deal. outside of that there are other messes. you have south china sea, the widespread allegations of human rights abuses and hong kong. those are just a few of the things. you're hearing the rhetoric very much aligned in campaign mode with what president trump has been saying, particularly when it comes to the coronavirus outbreak. take a listen. >> the chinese system was that they covered it up and penalized the doctors in the beginning. what could have been contained in wuhan ended up becoming a worldwide pandemic and that's what's so sad. >> what do you assess of president trump's dealing with president xi. you know what it's like to deal with president xi. president trump's approach has been different. earlier this year we saw he was saying president xi was a good friend, gentleman, complimenting his leadership even as the outbreak was starting and now we've seen he has not criticized president xi by name but he's clearly slamming china and the party. is that the right approach, do you think? >> there's been more telephone contact between president trump and president xi than any other american president with a chinese leader. and initially i think president trump believed the chinese when they said what they said about the virus. then he and the rest of the world found out it was not true. misinformation and coverup occurred and the result was we are faced with a worldwide pandemic. and it's really a system of china and their unwillingness to admit wrongdoing that caused this whole thing to happen. a >> reporter: it was interesting to hear him come out that hard against china, especially given this is a guy with a 35 year personal relationship with president xi before he was in national leadership here in china. it seems he has shifted to align himself with president trump's campaign rhetoric. it's not surprising he's going back to his home state of iowa where he was governor for years. if he's called to help out with the campaign, he'll jump in. >> he could be a pretty valuable campaign operator for this president in the midwest where the farm sector has been hit by tariffs, by the trade war with china. but the narrative he'll try to sell is this is the first president that's ever been tough on china. david culver, thank you so much. laura? raging wildfires in the midwest shutting down one of america's most treasured national parks. since my dvt blood clot... i wasn't sure... was another around the corner? or could things go a different way? i wanted to help protect myself. my doctor recommended eliquis. eliquis is 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business. get started with a powerful internet and voice solution for just $64.90 a month. call or go online today. well, firefighters are finally making some progress on those historic wildfires in the midwest. there are now 59 uncontained large fires burning, but that's down from almost 100 earlier this week. still, smokey air remains a threat. california officials say the state remains dry and ripe for wildfires. thanks to a drought, more than 130 million dead trees are fueling flames. yosemite national park is closed due to the air quality. a storm is going to help firefighters in oregon. rain could cause mudslides. the miami heat are just two wins away from the nba finals after another thrilling comeback against the boston celtics. andy scholes has more in this morning's bleacher report. happy friday, andy. >> happy friday, christine. a year ago the miami heat didn't make the playoffs. you add jimmy butler, great draft picks and trades from pat riley, look where you are. game two of the eastern conference finals, boston celtics had another huge lead. up 17 in the second quarter but jimmy butler just relentless there. the steal, amazing save and the slam on the other end. he cut it to 1. drega, the step at 3 put the heat up 5. 106-101. the celtics could be heard having a loud exchange in their locker room after the game. jayson tatum saying the team just frustrated. week two of the nfl season kicking off with the battle of ohio baker mayfield and topic joe burrow. 6,000 fans were in the stands to watch the browns take on the bengals. a rare sight in this one. baker hooking up with odell beckham jr. on a 43 yard touchdown pass in the first half. that was the first of two td passes for him. burrow kept bringing the bengals back in this game. threw for three touchdowns. wasn't enough. cleveland wins 35-30. the tampa bay lightning lightning are heading to the stanley cup finals eliminating the islanders in an overtime thriller. anthony sorelli the hero. 2-1 victory. lightning apparently not very superstitious though. they touched and lifted the prince of wales trophy for winning the conference title. most don't do that and only wait to win the stanley cup as tampa bay going to face the dallas stars for the title game one tomorrow night. naomi osaka pulling out of the french open which is set to kick off at the end of the month. osaka posting my hamstring is sore so i won't have enough time to prepare for the clay. these tournaments came too close for me. she had her thigh wrapped the whole time after suffering the injury before the tournament had started. she'll have to wait for the australian open to go for the fourth grand slam title. when the pandemic started we were craving sports. we didn't have anything. now we've got everything. nba, nfl, major league hockey, sports overload. definitely, definitely worth it after waiting so long with nothing. >> yes. i can see the enthusiasm and hear it in your voice. you are a happy man about all of these sports. andy, have a nice weekend. thanks so much. >> all right. one of the most anticipated moments of this election season is almost here. donald trump and joe biden face off in the first presidential debate. watch it live on cnn. special coverage tuesday, september 29th, starting at 7 p.m. eastern. blended with purpose for dry, from wdamaged hair with lush honey and propolis known to nourish and repair as a whole blend, it helps heal damage to the ends blended makes us better whole blends by garnier, naturally ♪ this feeling watch me while i break the ceiling ♪ ♪ yeah i do it right cuz i'm a diamond... ♪ did you know that you can shop online with a virtual consultant? ask about special financing with the diamond credit card. ask about special financing the freestyle libre 14 managday system...etes can be hard. - a continuous glucose monitor - ...makes it easy. easy to check your glucose without fingersticks, and easy to share your data with your doctor. and for those who qualify, 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criminal. >> duelling leadership. president trump leads on his brand. joe biden leans on science as coronavirus cases start a dangerous climb. she was the vice president's top aide on the pandemic task force. now she's endorsing joe biden. we'll tell you why. and an intentional effort to disrupt the elections. some strong words from a federal judge ordering the postal service to reverse those recent changes. good morning, everyone. this is "early start." i'm laura jarrett. >> good friday morning, everyone. i'm christine romans. 31 minutes past the hour. the labor day dangers now in plain sight. a whopping 30 states adding new cases compared to this time last week. just 9 states on monday. almost 198,000 americans have lost their lives. that was the backdrop as joe biden fielded questions from socially distanced voters at a cnn drive-in town hall event relying on science and facts. biden shared emotional moments with voters when talking about his son beau and empathizing on those hit hardest by the pandemic. he says america is not safe under president trump's leadership and tauted his own ability to unify the country. arlitt saenz has more. >> reporter: laura and christine, here in pennsylvania joe biden participated in his first cnn town hall since becoming the democratic presidential nominee and he took aim at president trump's handling of the coronavirus pandemic calling his actions close to criminal and calling the administration thoroughly irresponsible. now biden also took issue with the recent comments from attorney general bill barr who compared the coronavirus lockdown to slavery. biden said that it was the president's inactions that has jeopardized the freedom of americans. take a listen. >> you lost your freedom because he didn't act. the freedom to go to that ball game. the freedom of your kid to go to school. the freedom to see your mom or dad in the hospital. freedom just to walk around your neighborhood because of failure to act responsibly. >> reporter: biden also talked about the need for an effective vaccine saying he's going to trust the scientists and not president trump alone. biden made an appeal to working class voters framing this as a campaign between scranton and park avenue suggesting president trump has prioritized the stock market over working class americans. this was the first of its kind drive-in style town hall and featured some of the most extensive in person live questions joe biden has recently received offering a bit of a preview of what a debate might look like. biden and trump are set to face off in less than two weeks. biden saying he is looking forward to debating the president and offering a different vision for where he would take the country. >> thank you for that. before labor day the warnings were everywhere. wear a mask, social distance. avoid large crowds. for goodness sakes, wash your hands. how did we do? since then it's only spiked upwards. the president holding another rally, in contrast to joe biden, with no social distancing and few masks in sight. this time he was in wisconsin where new cases have almost doubled in two weeks. the president mocked the social distancing at biden's town hall. for trump it appears it's all about branding. >> by the way, officially this is called a protest, you know that? we no longer call it rallies. we don't use the term rally, okay? rachel knows. we don't call them rallies anymore because, you know, you're not allowed to have a political rally of more than 10 people. you're not allowed to go to church. you're not allowed to meet. you're not allowed to talk to anybody. you have to stay in a prison. your home has become your prison. >> there is new coronavirus fallout across the country. new york city has delayed the plans to start in person public school for most students. they find up to 51% of all people are at increased risk of infection. the pandemic is taking a sweeping toll. low income students paying the price. 100 thoirks fewer high school seniors completed financial aid applications. everyone wants to know when a vaccine might be ready, but worries about vaccine safety and political interference in the approval process may be scaring some people away. a new poll shows 51% of people would get a covid vaccination. that's a 21% drop since may. many say the virus could be tamed right now. >> the tools to stop this virus are already in our communities. look at new york city. they have gone from worst in the world to a less than 1% positivity rate for several weeks on going. it proves we don't need to wait. we can do it right now. >> contrary to that message, two states where many people chose to ignore the warnings and head to beaches over labor day are actually expanding their reopening. in miami-dade county, florida, bowling alleys, movie theaters, arcades can open at 50% capacity. parts of texas where hospitalizations are down, most businesses increase their capacity to 75%. a former top aide to vice president pence is joining a growing list of former administration officials to endorse joe biden. olivia troy, a former homeland security adviser, pence lead staffer on the white house coronavirus task force up until last month, says the president only cared about winning re-election. >> it was shocking to see the president saying the virus was a hoax, saying that everything's okay when we know that it's not. the truth is, he doesn't actually care about anyone else but himself. the president said maybe this covid thing is a good thing. i don't like shaking hands with people. i don't have to shake hands with these disgusting people. those disgusting people are the same people that he claims to care about. these are the people that go to his rallies today who have complete faith in who he is. >> now pence is dismissing troy's criticism of the president calling her a disgruntled former employee. a federal judge temporarily blocking and in some case reversing a wide range of u.s. postal policy changes ahead of the election. louis dejoy is accused of voter disenfranchisement and suppression. the judge ordered all of the changes reversed. >> the judge ordered them to reinstall any equipment that was uninstalled if necessary to make election mail first class. the postal service said it was exploring legal options after this decision. the washington post obtained documents appearing to suggest the white house pressured the postal service in the early days of the pandemic. at one point in april usps leaders gave five face coverings to every household before louis dejoy was postmaster general. critical swing state of pennsylvania, the state's supreme court extending the deadline of absentee ballots to three days after the election. the court giving election officials the go ahead to add more ballot drop boxes. the ruling moves pennsylvania into the group of states you see in green there on your screen that accept ballots after the ones -- after election day. the group makes about 60% of electoral votes. it's a big reason we may not know the result on election night. the court removing the green party's candidate from the presidential ballot in pennsylvania. that's a move that could help democrats. some fear that green party candidate would draw critical votes away from joe biden. the ruling clears the way for election officials to send out those ballots. >> bottom line, plan early if you know who you are voting for. the rich are getting richer. a new report from the institute of policy studies shows u.s. billionaires saw their fortunes skyrocket, $845 billion since march. the highest earners include elon musk, michael bloomberg, oracle ceo larry ellison. the pandemic is super charging america's existing inequalities. we are facing the worst unemployment crisis since the great depression. the country is still down 11.5 million jobs since february. first time unemployment claims are four times higher than the pre-pandemic level. many of the jumps in billionaire's wealth are due to the pandemic. jeff bezos increased $55 billion. the walton family saw their combined net growth jump to $65 billion. there must be policies to help working americans versus the investment class. there are a million voters who have fallen through the cracks. for all the nonbillionaires, the start of school is forcing families to make a choice. >> whoever catches this gets 100 points. >> reporter: the moment of pure joy during a difficult time for this family of six. >> super challenging to have to juggle everything at the same time all the time. >> reporter: tracy wells is talking about what nearly 25 million parents are experiencing right now, juggling work and remote learning. >> i -- >> reporter: in june wells and her husband made the tough decision for her to go part time so she could be present for her three school-aged girls and toddler son. she expects her kids won't be back in classrooms until 2021. >> i was just like, i cannot maintain this for another six months. it's just too much. it's too intense. >> 40% of working parents have made changes to their employment including 25% who have voluntarily reduced their hours. 15% who have quit entirely. and women between 25 and 44 are almost three times as likely as men to leave the work force in order to take care of children. >> that results in a massive decrease in household income which makes it more difficult for parents and families who are already in a precarious position financially and, by the way, doesn't help very much in an economy that is currently trying to recover from staggering unemployment. >> reporter: but parents who are not looking for new work aren't counted as unemployed. under the c.a.r.e.s. act, parents were eligible for unemployment if they needed to stay home for their children, but that protection expired in july. >> i think costs for day care, it's like another rent. it's like a college tuition. if it was more cost effective, that would be wonderful. >> reporter: but for you it wouldn't be a cost effective option? >> day care would not be a cost effective option for me. >> reporter: cindy gill lives in a studio apartment with her 8-year-old son cayden in harlem, new york. >> hang on. >> reporter: she's a single mom with no choice but to work. she's remote a few days a week when cayden has virtual learning, but in order to keep her job, she took a 10% pay cut. things are stressful. >> when things kind of reached the boiling point for him in terms of patience and just things that he needed from me, i needed to take like a day off of work or half a day here and there. >> reporter: in just weeks a life line is disappearing for wells. paid family leave that's helped supplement her income runs out. she says she likely can't afford to continue part time without it. >> honestly, it's -- it's hard for me to even go there because i don't think that i could have continued at the same rhythm that i was continuing. >> reporter: vanessa yurkavich, cnn, new york. just about every single aspect of american life has changed, is different. that is so difficult. the kids home from school. virtual learning and trying to work from home. these parents are heroes. you know, teachers are doing this, too. the teachers who are teaching your kids also have their kids home from school and they're trying to do hybrid learning. it's just so challenging. >> it's one of the secondary ripple effects of this virus that could last so much longer. the effect on women's careers in particular, it's really serious. >> we'll be right back. when we our business we were paying an arm and a leg for postage. i remember setting up shipstation. one or two clicks and everything was up and running. i was printing out labels and saving money. shipstation saves us so much time. it makes it really easy and seamless. pick an order, print everything you need, slap the label onto the box, and it's ready to go. our costs for shipping were cut in half. just like that. 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eight days just as the country also faces a shortage of tests despite the fact it is doing more testing than any other european country. more than 1/3 of the tests that they are doing are being set aside for care homes alone. the government has also barred social gatherings of more than six people across england and parts of northeast england. also effectively barred all in-person socializing. if these things can't help tamp down the virus, the government won't rule out the nuclear option. >> but a national lockdown is the last line of defense. it is -- as we saw in the spring, it is the thing we can do to keep people as safe if that's needed. so we're watching vigilantly but we can see the number of cases accelerate, as you say, and we're prepared to do what it takes, both to protect lives and livelihoods. both are so important. >> reporter: across europe the second wave has eclipsed the first one in daily case counts. w.h.o. says that ought to be a wake-up call, but the second wave has been less deadly. for instance, france is reporting two to three times the number of infections as april but it only has 1/6 of the hospitalizations. laura? >> so interesting. everyone is dealing with this in different ways, but the flu this fall is going to compound the problem. scott, thanks so much for all of your reporting. the city of baltimore making changes after remote school got off to a rocky start. cnn has reporters covering the pandemic across the country. >> reporter: i'm in new york. a startling revelation from the baltimore public schools ceo. a week and a half in fewer than 2/3 of students have been able to log in every day without interruption for virtual classes. some of the students may not have been accounted for because they were using unofficial log-ins. that's a practice that will be banned moving forward. in response, the city is increasing outreach to families making sure that they have the devices they need in addition to deploying community school coordinators to help students get connected. i'm nick valencia in atlanta. after receiving an onslaught. criticism for allowing college football to begin but not voting, they are working with state and local election officials to facilitate on campus voting. they're confirming to cnn that they are working with uga staff to work out the situation. >> reporter: i'm erica hill in new york city where the mayor has announced a pandemic response lab. this is going to, according to the mayor, allow for tests to be processed within 24 to 48 hours for new york city health and hospitals. the mayor is saying that by november they should be able to process 20,000 tests a day and this would create 150 jobs. right now about 80% of tests in new york city are coming back within 72 hours or less. thanks to all of our correspondents for those updates on the virus. health officials in michigan are urging people to stay indoors after dark to prevent the spread of a rare and potentially deadly mosquito-borne virus. a resident was accused of having eee. there are several high risk areas. >> that is so gross. looking to markets around the world right now for this friday edition. asian shares have closed for the week. they are higher there. big jump in the shanghai composite. european shares have opened mixed. futures also mixed here in the u.s. this morning to finish the week. stocks were down thursday. the hard facts the road to economic recovery will be a difficult one. this from fed chief jerome powell. the nasdaq fell 1.3%. ford bringing something new to the historic site in dearborn, michigan. a new plant to build the electric version of the best selling f-150 electric truck. it will invest $700 million and add 300 jobs. production going to start in 2022. changes for rent the runway. fashion company known for the rental business will discontinue the unlimited membership earlier this year. no longer accepted new members. the move comes as more people work from home which means less need for work wear. last month rent the runway said it was permanently closing down its retail locations. we thought we would leave you this friday morning with an unforgettable father/son moment made possible by a nurse in kentucky. scott sullivan, a terminally ill cancer patient wanted to see his son play one more time. nurse jerry humphrey reached out to a nearby airport and a local dentist offered to fly them. when he spotted his father, he hugged him so tight with all of his mite scott said it's a moment he hopes his son will cherish after he's gone. >> really sad and wonderful at the same time. bitter sweet as they say. friday, everybody. thanks for joining us. >> have a great weekend, everyone. i'm laura jarrett. 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