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Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20190425 00:30:00

>> thanks for joining us tonight. tonight, several developing stories. breaking news in the west. a reported tornado touching down amid this deadly storm system. also, the family swept away. the mother and two children carried away in flash floods. the father reportedly holding onto a tree. a freight train derailing, catching fire, and the truck dangling off a highway. the system moving from texas to the east coast. rob marciano standing by with late information. also, the breaking headline. the grim discovery in the search for that missing 5-year-old boy. search dogs could only find his scent at the home. what they've now found. tonight, the mother and father thwhat investigators revealed late today. the fast-moving investigation tonight. do authorities believe a driver intentionally plowed into a crowd of people? the evidence they've just revealed, and the victims, including a child as young as 9. tonight, president trump and what he's now saying about impeachment and the supreme court. can he do what he's threatening to do? the violent takedown on camera. officers accused of using excessive force with this woman. what the police chief is now saying. the horrific terror attack. the chilling new surveillance. a bomber, walking into brunch at a hotel popular with westerners. and what we've learned about where the bombs were made, and what that now means. your health tonight. and the measles outbreak, and the alarming new headline. a new milestone. is that vaccine, the shot you got years ago, still effective? dr. jen ashton standing by, answering your questions. and another deadly fall at the grand canyon. this time, a 70-year-old woman. toheni good evening. it's great to have you with us on a wednesday night. and we begin with the horrific scene. the deadly storm system bringing flash floods and water rescues. a mother and her two children swept away. the images coming in from texas. heavy rain and fierce winds. floodwaters sweeping her car into a creek. the father, it's believed, was holding on to a tree to survive. and the tractor trailer dangling over the edge in arlington, texas. this entire system is moving east. across the gulf states, then heavy rain across the east coast. marcus moore leading us off from dallas. >> reporter: a line of severe storms pounding texas and marching east tonight. this possible tornado near college station. in texas, high waters sweeping away a family of four. a mother and two children dying. the father rescued, reportedly clinging to a tree. outside dallas, an suv colliding with a semi on wet roads. >> it's practically hanging over the freeway at this point. >> reporter: winds gusting above 60 miles per hour at the airport. and to the east, at love field, dozens of vehicles submerged in the airport parking garage. you can hear the pumps going. trying to move the massive amounts of water that have made a real mess in north texas. as the storms move through ft. worth, a freight train derailing and catching fire. >> this has been a major operation and cleanup all morning long. car after car flipped over, smoke in the air. >> reporter: tonight, investigators trying to figure out what caused some 25 cars to leave the tracks. and this is not over yet. you see the raging water behind me as the rain continues to fall. much of central texas is still under a flash flood watch. some areas could get as much as half a foot of rain tonight. david? >> marcus, thank you. let's get right to rob marciano, tracking it all and timing it out for us tonight. hey, rob. >> reporter: it's going to take two days to get to the northeast because it's moving so slowly in texas. bad news, because of the flooding situation there. and severe weather, tornadoes popping up along the cold front. moving through houston, then a low in through arkansas. then lake charles, lafayette, new orleans tomorrow. mobile in the afternoon. heavy rains, gusting winds, maybe a tornado or two. into the carolinas, then d.c. during the day on friday. d.c., new york, late friday could be a mess here in the northeast. david? >> rob, thank you. the other developing headline late today, the grim discovery in the desperate search for a missing 5-year-old boy. police reporting they found the body of a.j. freund in a shallow grave ten miles from his home, and both of his parents have been arrested and charged. alex perez is in illinois. >> reporter: the grim discovery this suburban chicago community feared. the body of 5-year-old a.j. freund found buried in a shallow grave wrapped in plastic. >> it is with heavy heart that the crystal lake police department reports that we have located what we believe to be the body of andrew "a.j." freund. >> reporter: tonight, his parents under arrest. >> both joann cunningham and andrew freund are being charged with the death and disappearance of a.j. >> reporter: investigators today seen carrying items from the family home, including a child's mattress, along with a shovel. police say when they confronted the parents with cell phone evidence, they led them to the body. >> i just want my kids, that's all i have. that's my life. they're my kids. >> reporter: for days, a.j.'s parents pleaded for his return. >> a.j., please come home. we love you very much. >> reporter: his father calling 911 to report him missing. >> when was the last time you've seen him? >> last night. probably 9:30, when he went to bed. >> reporter: by morning, he said a.j. was gone. >> when i got back from the doctor's appointment and i checked in on him, say good morning, and he wasn't there. >> reporter: as a baby, a.j. was taken into custody by child services for a year and a half. records show police visiting the home for various reasons more than a dozen times. just before christmas, an officer reporting unacceptable living conditions and one of the children with a large bruise. >> we've seen the kids being taken away, and are always shocked that they have been returned. >> reporter: tonight, police vowing justice for a.j. >> to a.j., we know you are at peace playing in heaven's playground, and are happy you no longer have to suffer. >> alex, tonight we're hearing from child services? >> reporter: yeah, david, a.j.'s younger brother remains in protective custody. the department says they're reviewing their interaction with a.j.'s family to determine if any mistakes were made along the way. david? >> alex, thank you. there's also a developing headline tonight, the identity of a driver who plowed into a group of people has been revealed tonight. his car stopping only when it slammed into a tree. authorities say there was no sign he tried to brake. six people taken to the hospital. the youngest of the victims, 9 years old. was this a deliberate act? here's will carr with the images from california tonight. >> reporter: tonight, authorities identifying the man in custody who they say barreled his car into a group of innocent bystanders. witnesses describe a horrific scene. >> this woman was thrown into the air, flipped upside-down, her feet pointing straight up. and she fell right into my car. >> reporter: the driver seen here on the ground just before he was arrested. >> he was saying over and over again, thank you, jesus. >> reporter: police say isaiah peoples was behind the wheel when he floored the gas and propelled the car down a street packed with pedestrians. that tree, the only thing strong enough to stop the speeding car. >> we need three ambulances. >> reporter: in this new picture, you can see officers race to help one victim. the impact so severe, he was knocked out of his shoes. at least eight people were rushed to the hospital, including a 13-year-old girl. tonight, two people are still in intensive care. but amazingly, nobody was killed. the trail of carnage visible for half a block with bikes flipped and twisted and belongings scattered in the street. tonight, authorities searching the suspect's home. tonight, the big question is why. authorities say this does not appear to be terror related, but they're reiterating they believe this happened on purpose. >> will, thank you. now to president trump and what he's saying about impeachment and the supreme court. but could he follow through on his threat? as he also says he'll block subpoenas from congress. vowing to fight them all. here's jonathan karl. >> reporter: setting up a major showdown with congress, president trump declared today he won't cooperate with their investigations. >> well, we're fighting all the subpoenas. look, these aren't, like, impartial people. >> reporter: house democrats have launched several investigations into the president and his administration. already issuing a subpoena to force former white house counsel don mcgahn to testify. mcgahn is a central figure in the mueller report, cited more than 150 times. the president does not want him talking to congress. >> well, the subpoena is ridiculous. we have been -- i have been the most transparent president and administration in the history of our country, by far. >> reporter: and then there is the fight over the president's tax returns. the treasury department has already missed two deadlines to turn them over. the president now argues that since the mueller report is out, there's really nothing left to investigate. >> i thought after two years, we would be finished with i no, now the house goes and starts subpoenaing. they want to know every deal i've ever done. >> reporter: democrats are outraged. >> we now see the administration engaged in stonewalling of the facts coming to the american people. >> reporter: the president insists it's all politics. >> the democrats are trying to win 2020. they aren't going to win with the people that i see and they're not going to win against me. >> reporter: and he offered a novel response today to democratic calls for impeachment, tweeting, "if the partisan dems ever tried to impeach, i would first head to the u.s. supreme court." the supreme court, however, has no power to overturn an impeachment. >> jon, we saw there in your piece how nancy pelosi, asked about impeachment. she said she wants hearings to get the facts first. but the president is trying to block the subpoenas. so, what is the bottom line tonight? what kind of power does congress have? >> reporter: congress does he the power to issue subpoenas, the question is, what happens if the white house refuses to comply? in that case you have a showdown between two co-equal branches of government that can only be resolved in the third branch of government. this may have to be resolved in the courts, and almost certainly, the supreme court. >> jon, thanks. we turn next to the controversial body cam video released tonight. police officers ordering a woman out of the car, then scuffling with her on the ground. one of them raising his baton. you can see him hitting here. what the police chief is now saying. here's linsey davis. >> driver's license, proof of insurance. >> reporter: this newly released body camera video starts out like any routine traffic stop. >> tell you what. go on and step out. >> reporter: but within seconds it quickly escalates. jhasmynn sheppard pleading with a tuscaloosa officer not to arrest her. >> are you serious? have you lost your freaking mind? >> reporter: turning around as he attempts to handcuff her, then hitting the concrete. police say the 22-year-old fled the scene of an accident and was charged with disarming a police officer, second-degree assault, and resisting arrest. >> when you grabbed this, i could have shot you. do you know how stupid you are? >> reporter: this cell phone video showing her hit with a police baton was posted by bystanders and watched by thousands including the tuscaloosa police chief. now, the department is launching an investigation. >> i was disgusted by what i saw, what i heard, and i was embarrassed by it. >> reporter: police say they are in talks with prosecutors about possibly dismissing the charges. david, both officers are said to be remorseful. they remain on desk duty. the incident is being investigated. >> linsey, thank you. next tonight to chilling video from the terror attacks in sri lanka. more than 350 dead, several americans among them. investigators looking closely at this surveillance here, a suspected suicide bomber walking into brunch at a hotel, scoping it out moments before the blast. tonight, what we now know about where the bombs were made. james longman in sri lanka again tonight. >> reporter: tonight, sri lanka on high alert as u.s. officials warn of ongoing terrorist plots. investigators keying in on surveillance footage from the moments just before the deadly attacks. images broadcast on sri lankan tv from the cinnamon grand hotel show a man in a backpack lingering in the dining room. minutes later, an explosion tears through the crowded restaurant. hours after the first explosions, a tip led police here. this is a safe house in colombo which is believed to have been used by at least some of the suicide bombers. a woman detonated her suicide vest, killing three officers, and her two children. according to police sources, the identical bombs may have been made in this copper factory, possibly by one bomb maker. isis says this photo shows the attackers. the man at the center, a key operative known as zahran hashmi. his name right here on an advisory warning of a suicide terrorist attack, planning to target some important churches. that advisory dated april 9th. 12 days before easter sunday. david, tonight, the sri lankan president is demanding the resignation of the defense secretary and the chief of police. it is thought the main coordinator was not in the country. this could be the single largest isis attack anywhere in the world. david? >> james, thank you. north korea's kim jong-un has arrived in russia for meetings with vladimir putin. including talk of denuclearization. kim taking the 400-mile journey on his own train. greeted by a military orchestra. the visit comes two months after meetings between president trump and kim stalled in vietnam. back to the news at home, and to another deadly fall at the grand canyon. the third this month. this time, a 70-year-old woman calling for help. but by the time rangers arrived, it was too late. here's clayton sandell now. >> reporter: it's a spectacular natural wonder again proving unforgiving after a third person fell to their death within a month. grand canyon officials say a 70-year-old woman hiking by herself walked off a designated trail tuesday. she called for help but before rescuers arrived fell 200 feet from the rim. she did not survive. earlier this month, a 67-year-old man died after a 400-foot fall. and last month near the famous skywalk, a tourist accidentally fell 1,000 feet to his death while taking pictures. the grand canyon sees around 6 million visitors every year. with the busy vacation season approaching, the park service says it is warning visitors to be safe. >> we encourage them, take their safety seriously, and think about their actions while they're visiting. >> reporter: tonight, they're warning people to avoid the edge and stay in the safer designated overlook areas for the perfect view or the picture. david? >> clayton, thank you. still ahead on "world news tonight," what we've learned about the suspect accused of plotting to burn down st. patrick's cathedral in new york. what prosecutors have revealed about what he had, and what they say his plan really was. also, your health tonight. the measles outbreak. the question, is this vaccine, the shot you got years ago, still effective? dr. jen ashton standing by. and "jeopardy!"'s million dollar champ did it again last night. what he's revealed about what he did to practice at home which is a lot different from the way the rest of us play "jeopardy!" at home. a lot more news ahead. stay tuned. my father is going. my brothers too. i'd rather die than stay... son, you can't. your heart's not strong enough. my heart is as strong as any. ♪ have to let me go. uncover the lost chapters of your family history with ancestry. get started for free at dad, it's fine. we have allstate. and with claimrateguard they won't raise your rates just because of a claim. that's why you're my favorite... i know. are you in good hands? 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>> that's the good news. the vaccine is considered to give you lifelong immunity. so, no booster shot is needed with this vaccine. >> what if you can't remember if you had the follow-up shot. should they be concerned? >> most people can't remember or they don't have the documentation. in an outbreak setting, one dose is considered to be effective. because it protects you 93%. but if you're unsure, there's no harm in getting a second dose. >> jen, thank you. when we come back, what we've learned about the man who walked into st. patrick's cathedral. what he had, and what his plan was. and what's been called the kissing bug, now here in the u.s. why authorities are concerned. it's tough to quit smoking cold turkey. so chantix can help you quit "slow turkey." along with support, chantix is proven to help you quit. with chantix you can keep smoking at first and ease into quitting so when the day arrives, you'll be more ready to kiss cigarettes goodbye. when you try to quit smoking, with or without chantix, you may have nicotine withdrawal symptoms. stop chantix and get help right away if you have changes in behavior or thinking, aggression, hostility, depressed mood, suicidal thoughts or actions, seizures, new or worse heart or blood vessel problems, sleepwalking, or life-threatening allergic and skin reactions. decrease alcohol use. use caution driving or operating machinery. tell your doctor if you've had mental health problems. the most common side effect is nausea. talk to your doctor about chantix. the most common side effect is nausea. findican be overwhelming.r dry eyes... for relief that lasts... you want soothe xp from bausch + lomb. soothe xp helps restore the eyes' lipid layer... ...seal in moisture... ...and protect against further irritation. soothe xp. the right choice for dry eyes. ...are you missinges,... your a1c goal? 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"jeopardy!" was on, if my dad wasn't home yet, she would watch it with me, even though she didn't understand a lick of it. and i promised her i'd some day she'd see me on the stage up here, so i hope wherever she is right now, she's looking down. >> i'm sure she is. and she's very, very proud. >> remembering his grandmother. the streak continues. thanks for watching on a wednesday night. eight people hit by a car and the victim with the worst injuries is a 13-year-old girl still in the hospital. we have two reporters in sunnyvale working all day to dig into why the man behind the wheel did what he did. i'm spencer christian with a look at how hot it was today. including a record high. sooty skies, the days are adding up. today experts sent out their report card for america's air quality. a 13-year-old girl still in critical condition tonight after a driver plowed into eight pedestrians in sunnyvale last night. tonight, police say it doesn't appear to be terrorism. they're looking into any possible motives and what the driver may have said after the crash. there was -- he was thanking god on scene. >> good evening. thank you for joining us. i'm dan ashley. i'm ama daetz.


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