A California law barring employers from requiring their employees to resolve workplace complaints in private runs afoul of federal law, a federal court ruled.
Perhaps given the relative rarity of solvent-debtor cases during the nearly 45 years since the Bankruptcy Code was enacted, a handful of recent high-profile court rulings have addressed whether a solvent chapter 11.
Perhaps given the relative rarity of solvent-debtor cases during the nearly 45 years since the Bankruptcy Code was enacted, a handful of recent high-profile court rulings have addressed.
In a highly anticipated ruling, an en banc Ninth Circuit panel affirmed a district court's certification of three classes of purchasers in a price fixing case against the.
In Olean Wholesale Grocery Co-op Inc v. Bumble Foods LLC, No. 19-56514 Dkt. No. 186-1 (9th Cir. Apr. 8, 2022), an en banc Ninth Circuit panel overturned a previous Ninth Circuit decision in this litigation.