City Council’s Ad Hoc City Hall Committee recommended to remain at City Hall, build a handicap accessible ramp and form another committee to explore a public safety building construction.
Councilman Adam Yoder, committee chairman, said over the past seven or eight months the committee looked at the financial and logistical options of either remaining in the building or relocating to Trade and Transit Centres I or II in the 100 block of West Third Street.
By staying in City Hall, if that’s what council votes on, it will mean accessibility projects will be a priority, including a ramp on the west side of the building leading into the police department connecting with the existing ramp.
City Council’s Ad Hoc City Hall Committee met Tuesday and honed in on two final options to remain at the current City Hall or to renovate office space the city owns at Trade and Transit Centre I or II.
“I think we are making progress to the point of completion for the committee,” said Councilman Adam Yoder, its chairman.
Short of a funding plan, which is estimated to be $4 million to $5 million for either option, the committee has narrowed its intent to either make a decision on staying at City Hall or moving the administrative offices to one of the transit buildings, with the exception of the Williamsport Bureau of Police.