We salute those of the greatest generation. We also offer a special salute to this generation. Another great generation. A generation of men and women who are presently serving in the ongoing war on terrorism. There services greatly appreciated. To all of these veterans past and present, we are grateful. We have a lasting appreciation for their service to our country. I want to thank you all for being here today. Special thanks to our veterans for their service and sacrifices for our nation. To introduce the official party for todays commemoration. Is mr. Note speaker George Prescott bush. [applause] it is a long walk. The chairman of the board for friends of the National World war ii memorial. [applause] district, theary corporal chaplain. [applause] it is a warm day and we will try to make this brief. I think youll find it impressive. Presentationor the of the colors and the plane of the National Anthem and the invocation. Please be seated. Youso want to introduce to robert vogel, th
Good morning p or what a Beautiful Day it is today. On behalf of the friends of the National World war ii memorial board, and the National Park service, welcome to the National World war ii memorial. It is my great honor to be your master of ceremonies this morning as we commemorate and remember the 70th anniversary. We are here today to salute those of the world war ii generation who helped save the world from tyranny. We offer a special salute to the men and women of Armed Services fighting the war on terror. We want them to know that their service is deeply appreciated. [applause] veterans, we only debt of gratitude and a lasting appreciation for their service to this country. Again, thank you for being here today, and especially to our world war ii veterans. Your service and your sacrifices for this nation and the world. Rio everything to you. Everything. We go everything to you. Everything. Ladies and gentlemen, i am pleased to introduce the official party for the commemoration. T
You are watching American History tv, all weekend, every weekend. Like us on facebook at cspan history. May 8 marked the 70th anniversary of veday when germany surrendered to allied forces ending world war ii in europe. A ceremony commemorating the victory. Speakers include susan rice and world war ii historian alex kershaw. Following the ceremony, a flyover of the National Mall by dozens of world war ii aircraft with the planes flying informations representing the major battles of world war ii from pearl harbor to the final aerosol on japan. Air assault on japan. Alex kershaw thank you. Good morning. What a Beautiful Day it is today. On behalf of the friends of the National World war ii memorial board of directors, and the National Park service, welcome to the National World war ii memorial. It is my great honor to be your master of ceremonies this morning as we commemorate and remember the 70th anniversary of ve day. We are here today to salute those of the world war ii generation wh
Representing the United States of America Kathy silva accompanied by world war ii veteran, mr. Les jones. Reptding the National Park service and friends of the National World war ii memorial, superintendent of the National Mall and Memorial Parks karen cucarulo and friends of the National World war ii memorial mr. Jo sigh i cant bunting iii, and mr. Ewing miller. Representing the country of australia, brig are deer david krieg, australian atache accompanied by world war ii veteran mrs. Barbara martin. [ applause ] representing the country of belarus and the United States pavel shalowski. Mr. Nick yat r trksyatran. [ applause ] representing the country of belgium, william debase. Accompanying his excellency, world war ii veteran mr. Clarence faulkner. [ applause ] representing the country of brazil secretary raphael toaste viera, accompanied by holocaust survivor mr. Steven fenbes. [ applause ] representing the country of canada deputy head of mission d Dennis Stevens a companied by mr.