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Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20180528

theme park. thousands of visitors running for safety. and, risky rescue. two brothers crashing into a canal, trapped as their car fills with water. officers racing against time to get them out. and good evening. thanks for joining us on this memorial day weekend. i'm tom llamas. we begin with breaking news. dangerous weather posing a double threat for the holiday, storms from florida to new york. new images at this hour. powerful flash floods roaring down main street in ellicott city, maryland. rescuers searching for anyone trapped. and states of emergency along the gulf. alberto expected to make landfall tomorrow. the system hitting miami with heavy rain and winds up to 50 miles per hour. here's rob marciano. >> reporter: a flash flood emergency happening right now in maryland. massive flood waters taking over ellicott city. high water rescues under way. rushing water gutting the street below. those trapped, climbing to the second story to stay safe. over five inches falling in new jersey. flash floods cutting off roads in east windsor township. the only way out for this driver, a tow truck. in yardley, pennsylvania, flooding after three inches of rain in less than two hours. erielle reshef is there. >> heavy rains caused this canal to overflow, submerging cars and flooding homes. >> reporter: the water so high it cut off shannon adamson from her family. >> there's no way to get my car over there so i'm kind of stuck. >> reporter: in putnam county, west virginia, where the ground is already soaked, entire neighborhoods quickly swallowed up by rising water. >> we had this two weeks ago, now we've got it again. >> reporter: people trapped in their homes, rescuers pulling them to safety. this, while alberto hits the gulf coast this memorial day weekend. states of emergency declared across florida and for parts of mississippi and a. this time lapse showing the first bands of rain in tampa. right now, red flags flying. many beaches closed to swimmers. with high surf and dangerous rip currents. >> never turn your back on the ocean. nature does what it wants to do. >> rob is in panama city beach, florida. we can see the rains coming down. tracking alberto this weekend. and a large portion of the country also getting rain right now? >> reporter: not just rain, but heavy rain as you saw in ellicott city. we've got another round of heavy rain coming in the same areas that got flooded. some storms, severe storms out west, and here in the gulf of mexico before the start of hurricane season. alberto expected to make landfall during the day tomorrow, bringing with it winds and rain. it should remain below hurricane strength, but should bring heavy rain, 6 to 10 inches-plus of tropical rains getting into florida, alabama, georgia, and the tennessee valley and parts of the midatlantic, which are very saturated. more rain coming over places that certainly don't need it. >> rob, thanks. also breaking tonight, former president george h.w. bush hospitalized in maine. being treated for low blood pressure and fatigue, just 24 hours after surprising veterans near his summer home. he has been in and out of the hospital following last month's death of barbara bush, his wife. adrienne bankert is here. >> good evening. as you mentioned, he's experiencing that low blood pressure and fatigue. he is currently at southern maine health care. we're told he's alert, awake, and comfortable. he was just seen in very good spirits in maine saturday morning, joining veterans at an american legion post. this is just the latest of several health scares for the nation's oldest living president. just days after he buried the love of his life last month, he was admitted to a houston hospital with a blood infection. he was strong enough to make the trip to his summer home last week. well wishers lining the streets to welcome him. we're told president bush will remain in the hospital for a few days for observation. >> adrienne, thank you. next, the dangerous getaway in new york city. the driver accused of trying to run down police, smashing vehicles during a traffic stop. the driver speeding down the sidewalk. here's zachary kiesch. >> reporter: tonight, the dangerous getaway caught on camera. the man behind the wheel nearly mowing down three police officers. and anyone else in his way. it happened during a traffic stop in new york around 4:00 a.m. early sunday morning. police tell us that's 27-year-old george lopez surrounded by at least three nypd officers. when cops reach inside, there's a short struggle. then lopez uses the vehicle like a human street sweeper. with the front bumper almost completely torn off, he hops the curb and barrels down a sidewalk, finally breaking free. police say he got into another crash. that's when they arrested him. tom, three officers were hurt, but are expected to be okay. as for the driver, he's in the hospital and facing multiple charges. tom? >> zachary, thank you. we turn to the white house. president trump and his legal team launching a new offensive, accusing robert mueller of possibly setting a perjury trap for the president. rudy giuliani attacking the legitimacy of the special counsel. and president trump on this memorial day weekend tweeting, young and beautiful lives have been devastated and destroyed by the russia investigation. tara palmeri is at the white house. >> reporter: tonight, the president's lawyer, rudy giuliani, attacking the credibility of the special counsel's russia investigation. >> you think that the mueller probe is legitimate? >> not anymore. i don't. i did when i came in. but now i see spy gate. >> reporter: the president taking this memorial day weekend to pay tribute to the political aides caught in the crosshairs of the investigation. tweeting, who's going to give back the young and beautiful lives and others that have been devastated and destroyed by the phony russia collusion witch hunt? they journeyed down to washington, d.c., with stars in their eyes and wanting to help our nation. they went back home in tatters! giuliani pushing the president's spy gate theory repeatedly on the sunday talk shows. >> what do you want to call it? spy gate. spy gate. now, the spy gate, wow. >> reporter: there's still no evidence to support the claims that the fbi infiltrated the trump campaign with spies to help hillary clinton win the election. this coming after a "new york times" report that the fbi sent a retired american professor to act as an informant on several trump advisers after they were flagged for suspicious contact with russians. the use of such informants is routine. giuliani now saying he won't let the president sit down with special counsel robert mueller unless he sees the classified documents from the fbi's investigation. >> the reality is, we are not going to sit him down if this is a trap for perjury. and until we are convinced of that and if they don't show us these documents, we are just going to have to say no. >> reporter: last week, the president ordered the department of justice to brief senior lawmakers and a trump attorney on the fbi's inquiry into the trump campaign. democratic congressman adam schiff was at that briefing, telling abc's martha raddatz -- >> there is no evidence to support that spy theory. this is just a piece of propaganda the president wants to put out and repeat. >> reporter: giuliani admitted to cnn the attacks on mueller are part of an effort to sway public opinion against mueller's findings. saying, eventually the decision will be impeach or not impeach. tom? >> tara, thank you. and president trump's attention divided between the russia investigation and salvaging the summit with kim jong-un. today, the state department confirming an american delegation is now in north korea. the surprise meeting between north and south korea this weekend renewing optimism about talks in singapore. here's bob woodruff. >> reporter: another surprise meeting. this time, a delegation of u.s. officials met with their north korean counterparts in north korea, the president tweeting, i truly believe north korea has brilliant potential, and will be a great economic and financial nation one day. kim jong-un agrees with me on this. it will happen. this coming less than 24 hours after the leaders of north and south korea exchanged handshakes and even hugs. at the white house this weekend -- >> we're looking at june 12th in singapore. that hasn't changed. >> reporter: a remarkable turn of events after north korea last week threatened a nuclear to nuclear showdown. the president then cancelling the summit. but north korea also making goodwill gestures. setting off a series of explosions they say destroyed their nuclear testing facility, and releasing three u.s. citizens they jailed. but today florida senator marco rubio expressing skepticism. >> it's a show. i remain convinced that he does not want to denuclearize, in fact, he will not denuclearize. >> reporter: denuclearization of the korean peninsula, the president's primary goal if that summit takes place. now, the big question, what is kim jong-un's ultimate goal? is it relief from crushing economic sanctions, survival of his regime, or maybe both. those high-stakes meetings happening now may shed some light. tom? >> bob, thank you. now to the headline at the border. growing questions about the 20-year-old woman, an undocumented immigrant, shot by a border agent and killed. the border patrol changing its story. her parents now telling abc news why she fled from her home in the first place. here's stephanie ramos. >> reporter: tonight, we're learning more about the undocumented woman shot and killed by a border patrol agent along the texas/mexico border. >> she was here. >> reporter: this woman, marta martinez, watching and recording the moments after 20-year-old claudia gomez was shot. >> if you interfere you will be arrested. okay? >> they flip her and she had blood here. >> reporter: claudia's mother, inconsolable. she says in spanish, her daughter came to the u.s. from guatemala to find work. it was 12:30 p.m. wednesday, gomez allegedly crosses into the united states illegally. a border patrol agent then stops the group she's traveling with in a residential area of rio bravo. the u.s. border patrol saying in a statement, an agent opened fire after being attacked by a group armed with blunt objects. but then on friday the border patrol issuing a new statement making no mention of weapons, instead saying the group "rushed" the officer. the fbi and the texas rangers are now investigating. >> obviously in his mind, he thought he needed to use deadly force but we'll have to see if that in fact was actually justified. >> the border patrol says the agent did perform first aid on gomez but it wasn't enough to save her. the family wants the agent to be held responsible. tom? >> stephanie, thank you. now to hawaii and the new dangers flowing from the kilauea volcano. lava now within yards of a geothermal power plant. take a look at this, the lava spread so massive, you can even see it from space. here's marci gonzalez. >> reporter: tonight, a new threat as lava engulfs this corner of hawaii's big island. the flow, spilling onto this geothermal plant. officials saying the wells here are now secured. but if lava barrels over them, it could send an uncontrolled explosion of hydrogen sulfide into the sky. air quality, already a major concern as winds die down, threatening to blanket these communities with another toxic gas. that gas could cause respiratory issues. >> the amount of sulfur dioxide that is in the atmosphere is about, maybe four times greater than what people have been dealing with. >> reporter: and they are dealing with this relentless destruction. this ongoing flow from these fissures creating these huge fields of now hardened lava that's flowing into more backyards and threatening to cover even more roadways. the molten glow, inching the mounds forward. while more emergency evacuations are being forced by powerful lava flows. what will it take to get you to >> lava coming down the street. >> reporter: two weeks later, that's exactly what happened. >> started coming down the road like a river. i'm lucky to be alive. >> reporter: his is one of more than 40 houses destroyed. tonight, the military says they're prepared for the possibility of mass evacuations. tom? >> marci, thank you. still ahead on "world news tonight" this sunday, imagine driving down the highway. your car on fire. others frantically flagging you down. one driver's very close call. and the recall notice twist. plus, the day at the beach turning into a violent encounter with police. what sparked this confrontation in the sand? and the deadly highway chain reaction. what police are saying about this deadly pileup. stay with us. in the sand? and the deadly highway chain reaction. what police are saying about this deadly pileup. america's best-selling brand? pening new doors to 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terrifying flames, a trail of smoke and the unsuspecting driver behind the wheel of this suv. >> get over. >> reporter: dramatic moments captured on camera along i-4 in florida. >> get over. get over. >> reporter: that voice, meredith olinger, watching in disbelief as the 2012 kia sorento, right next to her, travels down the interstate in flames. she's frantically trying to get the driver to pull over. s her attention by yelling and honking. >> reporter: the driver, susan king, eventually stops, swallow the suv. >> i'm grateful to be alive and unharmed. car belonged to a close friend who, tonight, says she didn't know about another big surprise. her car is part of a massive recall including certain kia sorentos from 2012 to 2014 that could have had engine defects. the auto maker telling abc it sent the recall notice to the owner's last known address and promptly updated it when they were informed it was incorrect. and while it's unclear that this harrowing incident was related to the recall, this fire serving as a reminder that customers should keep their addresses up to date with car manufacturers. if you want to know if your car is affected by a recall, you can easily find a link to a government database online by searching tom, a frightening moment, nonetheless, for that driver. up next, when we come back, the two brothers in a car crashing down into a canal. how rescuers got them out just in time. plus, the raging fire at an visitors racing to escape the flames. flames. this the clock is ticking on irreversible joint damage. ongoing painndti sffssne are signs of joint erosion. humira can help stop the clock. prescribed for 15 years, humira targets and blocks a source of inflammation that contributes to joint pain and irreversible damage. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic 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camera. police in wildwood wrestling a woman to the ground, punching her in the head. the young mother from philadelphia, who is underage, posting on facebook that events escalated after police approached her about sealed containers of alcohol in her possession. intensifying when she refused to give her name. internal affairs investigating tonight. those officers reassigned to administrative duty pending the outcome of that investigation. and overseas to the amusement park inferno in southwest germany. flames towering 45 feet high, dark smoke billowing across europe's second largest theme park. rides destroyed, thousands of tourists running for safety. more than 200 firefighters tackling that blaze, some suffering minor injuries. no park visitors reported hurt. and no word yet on what caused it. when we come back, reflections on honor and service on this memorial day weekend, from a true american hero. stay with us. better things than rheumatoid arthritis. before you and your 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new documentary about him, "for whom the bell tolls," and in a new book by him, "the restless wave." >> my predicament is, well, rather unpredictable. >> reporter: and with time seeming short, mccain has been crafting something of an early parting message that we americans can do better at recognizing each other as fellow americans. >> i'd like to see us recover our sense that we are more alike than different. >> reporter: and, yes, mccain joined in his share of political brawls along the way. but he always drew the line where so much of the discourse goes these days at demonizing our foes. 2008, running against barack obama. >> i can't trust obama. he's an arab. he's not -- >> no, ma'am. >> no? >> no, ma'am. >> reporter: and last summer, during a debate over health care which could not have been more divisive, and it was mccain who said -- >> let's trust each other. >> reporter: he has called it his last fight, to get his fellow americans to ponder this. >> we can be selfish and quick sometimes to shift the blame for our mistakes to others, but our country 'tis of thee, what great good we've done in the world, so much more good than harm. >> reporter: john donvan, abc news. >> we thank john for that story. and we thank you for watching. i'm tom llamas in new york. "gma" first thing in the morning. i'll see you right back here tomorrow night. have a great evening. good night. re g a.veha ton on abc news at 6:00. developing news, a plane crashes in the north bay, we are there with the look at the crash site. plus rousing outrage over missing and mishandled immigrant children. now the president and lawmakers spon pg process. if you thought the whether was great today. wait until you see the forecast. abc 7 news at 6:00. starts now. >> announcer: eivnews. good evening. i'm eric thomas. dion lyme that is tffhe. we begin with developing news where a plane crashed. right to abc 7 news report kate larson in >> reporter: well eric ufrmt we learned the two people on award the plane have died this afternoon. we are here on east washington street in the area of peat lum. i'm stepping out of the way because you can see the crash site behind me and i want to pan over to gete an here. and beyond that is the petaluma municipal airport. the plane cedshra a thousand yards from the airport. look at this. we have video of the crash scene close up. you can see thela the p ne w faa is saying is a advance rv 6. there are pieces of the plane ol rit crashed around 4:00 this afternoon and the fire department is confirming that there were two people onboard. and both of those people were killed. there was a man playing government just right on this course and he saw the plane go down. take a listen. >> you heard the plane take off as soon as they got over the golf course you could hear it sputtering. it didn't sound right. the engine caught on two or three seconds. right ton back to the airport. next thing you know


Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20180527

and the sudden tax spike, taking homeowners across the country by surprise. in some cases, a nearly 50% increase. and good evening. thanks for joining us on this saturday. i'm tom llamas. and we begin with the state of emergency on this memorial day weekend. alberto, take a look, getting stronger. the storm picking up speed. the national park service closing some campgrounds in the gulf, evacuating tourists. residents there in manatee county loading up sandbags, preparing for torrential rains. florida's governor issuing that state of emergency. plus warnings tonight about potentially deadly rip currents. millions bracing for a memorial day washout, from louisiana to florida. abc's senior meteorologist rob marciano starts us off. >> reporter: tonight, alberto on the move, putting millions from louisiana to florida at risk this holiday weekend. instead of barbecuing, these tallahassee residents are filling up sandbags. and in tampa, too. >> lock it all down. because anything that blows on high winds can be a missile. >> reporter: here in pensacola, it may look like the perfect beach day, but tomorrow could bring torrential rain and potential flooding. waves are geg ggbierer h just to our west, the national park service has closed the beach there.ev sk aen meanwhile, in miami, canals there lowered up to a foot in anticipation of the heavy rain. red warning flags raised at this beach in gulf shores, alabama. >> we do have the shutters and such ready to go, to put up if we have to. >> reporter: and in mississippi, emergency management officials are calling alberto their worst nightmare. >> the rainfall amounts could be double digits. we've got to stay vigilant and ready. >> and rob standing by for us tonight in pensacola. rob, you have the latest track and a big update for folks living right there in if florida panhandle? >> reporter: we certainly do. doesn't look good for this area. you can see the waters churning up behind us. these yellow flags could be red, easily, tomorrow,lo t beach to swimmers.ulf of mexico, it's kind of lopsided. florida really getting a lot of rainfall the last day or two. and that will continue tomorrow with the added threat of an isolated tornado or two, with a lot of spin on that side of the storm. as you see it entering and moving north into the gulf of mexico. pretty slowly. as far as the rainfall is concerned, that's going to be a huge player. 6 to 10, maybe 15 in some of these spots. flooding is going to be a big problem. the official track takes it abreast of tampa tomorrow afternoon and making landfall likely right here, somewhere near pensacola beach, on monday afternoon. spoiler for the holiday weekend for sure and getting this hurricane season off to an early start. tom? >> rob marciano, thank you. next to that deadly incident at the mexican border, raising several questions tonight. a 20-year-old woman shot and killed by a border patrol agent in texas. the fbi and texas rangers now investigating. here's abc's stephanie ramos. >> reporter: tonight, the family of this young woman, outraged, after they say she was shot to death by a border patrol agent. claudia gomez, an undocumented immigrant from guatemala, was in rio bravo, right along the texas/mexico border, when she was killed. a woman nearby capturing gomez's last moments on camera. shouting in spanish, asking why the young woman was shot in the head. that same witness told "the new york times" that as three more people were arrested, she heard one officer say, "see what happens? people." gomez's family pleading at a press conference friday to stope animals. her brother-in-law now pleading for justice. the u.s. border patrol first said on wednesday an agent opened fire after being attacked by a group armed with blunt objects. but a new statement issued friday made no mention of weapons and says the group "rushed" the officer instead. the border patrol says their agents performed first aid after the shooting and called for help, but it was too late. the fbi and texas rangers are now investigating the incident. tom? >> a lot of questions tonight. all right, stephanie, thank you. we head overseas now, and the breaking news out of venezuela. the american citizen free tonight. joshua holt of utah held captive for two years, his wife also jailed. ksetthwet moments of freedom en venezuelan officials and u.s. lawmakers. the couple reunited boarding a plane, you can see them. his first stop, a white house visit hosted by president trump. abc's tara palmeri with the latest. >> reporter: tonight, the first images of freedom for american josh holt, locked in a venn someway venezuelan prison, known as the dungeon, for two years. assisted across a tarmac by senator bob corker for the flight home. during a riot just days ago, he secretly filmed this video, begging for his release. >> i need -- i need help. so, they've taken the entire prison where i'm at. the people have taken -- the entire prison, they're outside, they're trying to break in. they're saying they want to kill me.yi that they want me as their guarantee. >> reporter: the 26-year-old mormon was imprisoned shortly n ter marryi aen vlaueez police accusing both of dealing weapons and plotting to undermine the government. the charges were unsubsntiated. deplorable conditions. holt's mother telling abc news, he's been in poor health for i don't think that i'm going to see him again alive. >> reporter: u.s. relations with venezuela have been poor. many citizens starving, with dictatorship of nicolas maduro. the white house calling his re-election last week a sham. the man behind the breakthrough, bob corker, chairman of the senate foreign relations committee, in the country to broker holt's release, meeting with maduro at the presidential palace, who has been accused of using holt as a bargniainghi cp the president tweeting that holt will be at the white house with his family tonight. before meeting the president, holt finally re >> all right, tara joins us now from the white house. and tara, what are your sources telling you about how the deal came about, when you take into account, the u.s. and venezuela's hostile relationship? >> reporter: well, a white house source tells us nothing was offered to venezuela in exchange for the release of holt. marco rubio, who is also on the senate foreign relations committee with bosh corkb corke called it an unconditional release that was way overdue. tom? >> tara palmeri for us tonight. tara, thank you. next, to the surprise meeting in the dmz. kim jong-un and south korea's president embracing warmly in a rare face-to-face meeting, joining up just days after president trump canceled the upcoming june 12th summit. tonight, word the korean leaders are agreeing to new high level talks next month. abc's bob woodruff reporting from the region tonight. >> reporter: it's the face-to-face meeting no one saw coming. south korea's president walking across one of the world's most militarized borders, shaking the hand of north korea's kim jong-un. even giving him a hug. this unannounced, two-hour meeting was hastily arranged just hours before. taking place on the north korean side of the demilitarized zone, where the two sides met for the first time nearly a month ago, when both leaders promised to try and rid the korean peninsula of nuclear weapons. now, kim is expressing strong will for a summit with president trump. this just two days after president trump abruptly canceled his upcoming summit with kim, citing the north's "tremendous anger and open hostility." >> never before has a south korean or u.s. president called out the north koreans for their belligerent language. >> reporter: the north threatening a, quote, nuclear to nuclear showdown, even calling the vice president a "political dummy." but after the president's letter, that aggression seems to be vanishing. >> they very much want to do it. we'd like to do it. >> reporter: this week, in front of foreign journalists, the north triggered this series of explosiode tnscl, aingmi its nuclear testing facilities. but like so much in north korea, it's unclear if that is true. now, with leaders here in beijing and across the region just watching these developments closely, the ways hi s hthseat touhey are still plann send an advance team to singapore to prepare for the june summit, just in case it happens. tom? >> we will see. all right, bob, thank you so much. the latest on the north korean summit tomorrow on "this week" when martha raddatz goes one-on-one with republican senator marco rubio and the top democrat on the house intelligence committee, congressman adam schiff. to ireland now, and the historic vote, overturning a ban on abortions there. the owing l nafishtay ll overwhelming support for women's reproductive rights in the mostly catholic country. nearly twice as many people voting to repeal that 1983 constitutional amendment that treated mother and fetus as equals under the law. many irish women and men traveling in from around the world to cast their ballots. pro choice advocates calling it a major victory. and we're learning much more tonight about the hero science teacher who took a bullet for his students. just out of the hospital tonight, after tackling a middle school gunman, taking aim at sttsniha assmas, teheac investigators are piecing together exactly what happened at that indiana school. abc's alex perez with the latest. >> reporter: tonight, that quick-thinking science teacher credited with thwarting another school massacre, out of the hospital, as questions swirl about what led his student to come into class during a science test with two handguns. >> we need a trauma kit for room 619. >> reporter: students running to fesatyas, unfolded inside a middle school classroom near indianapolis. one student, ella whistler, hospitalized after being critically wounded during the shooting. >> it was like halfway through class. >> reporter: but some of ella's classmates say their teacher, jason seaman, stopped the gunman from doing even more damage. >> he pulled the gun outhif os like, get behind stuff, like the desks and tables. >> repte tt'wh enston, ebraker, his teacher tha basketball at the gunman to distract him, then running towards the bullets. >> mr. seaman was immediately yelling and running right at him and tackled him straight to the ground. >> reporter: seaman, who was shot three times, releasing a statement to his students, saying, "you are all wonderful and i thank you for your support. you are the reason i teach." tom, the teenage suspect is in custody. investigators have searched his home, looking for any clues that might help explain what motivated the attack. tom? >> alex perez for us. alex, thank you. next, to the resignation at a popular university. thespre enidsc uof down over a sex assault scandal involving a gynecologist. abc's will carr picks up the story in los angeles. >> reporter: tightthe southern california out amid a sex abuse scandal rocking the campus. >> the whole exam felt really wrong, but -- i kept saying to myself, "he's a doctor, he's a doctor at usc. usc wouldn't hire a doctor that would do anything wrong." >> reporter: more than a dozen women, including lucy chi, now suing the university and the school's former gynecologist, dr. george tyndall, alleging he sexually harassed and assaulted female students for decades. d he stood there watching while i did so. reportedly, usc was aware of dr. tyndall's inappropriate conduct before i was even born. >> reporter: "the l.a. times" reporting usc struck a secret deal with tyndall, allowing the disgraced gynecologist to resign with a financial payout. with pressure mounting, president c.l. max nikias announcing friday he will step down. in a public letter, usc's board writing, "we recognize the need for change and are committed to a stable transition." >> i wish that usc would take a long, hard look at what they're doing, and make changes, so that women and their students a never in danger. >> reporter: as for usc's former gynecologist, he left the university in 2017. we reached out to him for comment, he didn't get back to us. but he did tell "the l.a. times" he denies any wrongdoing. tom? next, to the new eruptions in kilauea. striking new images emerging. several defense officials civil defense officials ordering additional evacuations producing ash clouds up to 11,000 feet above sea level. that oozing lava destroying some 82 structures and counting on hawaii's big island. and there's still much more. a new denial from morgan freeman in the face of sex assault accusations. why the award-winning actor says misinterpreted. also, an unwelcomeowrs. rp you may be one of them. their tax bills soaring. what can you do to get relief? and out west, flames rising four stories high. the major problem facing firefighters. stay with us. feeclaritin and relief fromwsy symptoms caused by over 200 allergens. like those from buddy. because stuffed 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the u.s., homeowners like maribel selva i property taxes skyrocket. she currently pays around was notified her property tax bill will go up nearly 40%. >> that's a whopping number. how can you justify this? >> reporter: municipalities facinggeomficiofts forcingt de b homeowners to share the pain. in clark county, nevada, las vegas homeowners saw property taxes jump 38%. in philadelphia, almost every neighborhood h seen an increase. but if you do get a high bill, you can appeal. or a well-documented argument as to why the value isn't as high as the local government might think. >> reporter: experts also say, ta tyolao r tagheix start your appeal with the assessor's office. >> you may not gfiin t fir yeaof cost reduction, but you will see those savings if you continue living in your home. >> reporter: maribel says she's worried these rising taxes could changehe.ace of her >> reporter: and the hit especially painful for some, since new tax reform laws now cap state and local deductions to just $10,000 annually. and if you do appeal, the process could take up to a year. tom? >> could cost more money, but it could work out in the long run. >> reporter: right. >> all right, adrienne, thank you so much. up next, take a look at this video from a high school. a teacher accused of grabbing a student by the neck. what may have caused this ugly scene? scene? stay with us. so, i have this recurring dream. i'm 85 years old in a job where i have to wear a giant hot dog suit. what? where's that coming from? i don't know. i stard my 4k rleay, i sounds like you're doing a lot. butshould be doing.kelikehi with the right conversation, you might find you're doing okay. so, no hot dog suit? not unless you want to. no. schedule a complimentary goal planning session today with td ameritrade®. schedule a complimentary goal planning session today bipolar i disorder can make you feel unstoppable. but mania, such as unusual changes in your mood, activity or energy levels, can leave you on shaky 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the n of people waiting for e ofhich . he spent his months in indiana university hospital building model cars. but then, his surgery went ahead the instant a donor heart became available. and after a great recovery, true stuff. and now carrying forth the message that wilson's car represents about organ donation. >> it saved my life, so -- and five other people's lives that night.rgan donor. because it's a good thing. >> reporter: even if you don't get this close to the track at indy. john donvan, abc news. >> we thank john for that storyt ghanhenkrewe td omorrow at noon abc. i'm tom llamas in new york. "gma" and "this week" in the morning. si'rellat evening. good night. tonight on abc 7 news at 6:00 another tesla auto pilot crash. why tesla says this one is not like the others. i don't know why other kids don' it. >> one yeart after a child went flying off a water slide families arein l goingin to see holiday heat this weekend. find out how warm it'll get where you live. abc 7 news at 6:00 starts now. , crashed in europe. tesla's auto pilot service blamed for another saying not so fast this time. good evening, i'm eric thomas. .us>> you for joining ha mod tel 3 in grease. tesla says the car was not certified f tseho conditions. mi?llbray,th more on this, >>epa and he admits he loves all things new that involve tech, and he's loved his that is until what happened last night in grease. he wanted to introduce as many people as possible to tesla's model 3 which won't be available in much of europe until next year sometime. he's traveled through 29 countries and used the auto pilot feature throughout most of the tri itp. claims it malfunctioned by forcing him to crash into a barrier at an exit he had no intention of taking. >> also acknowledged that the corrected is due to bad software debesha hazardous. t the software as i've learned the hard way is


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