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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Life Liberty Levin 20240609

Be able to do that. >> go out. >> with dog manure. >> the latest bizarre food trended making the rounds of social media kcal bars smothering catch up yes and the skills here you go. and this is for you. >> no no no. >> this is a break me off moment, these are made it to be shared. >> that's not possible, that is not possible. >> the vertex, the vertex, charlie. >> no no no. >> i think the thing to do is you look awfully cancer first and then you eat the chocolate. >> this is an improvement on catch up. and the dozen for us and we will see you tomorrow the big we can show and life, liberty & levin starts right now. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ mark: hello america i am mark levin and this is life, liberty & levin saturday powerful show and superstar the house of representatives, and professor stephen calabrese, from northwestern university law school in one of the lawyers be on the challenge of jack smith the special counsel unconstitutional appointment will be really fantastic at and before you do that, what you something little bit differently tonight. at which go biden and orbiting of the day giving his speech and i was appalled obviously he said some very important things about his politicization on the 80th anniversary take a shot at donald trump trump actually lying about with donald trump said, in doing so very nasty way, and the negative thinking to myself, there is a man, standing at nobody, the day, company standing it morgan state college in front of black male students are at howard, what is giving speeches generally stretching the united states and talking about how our history has been horrific and we do not have equality of opportunity. an effective never this been giving inspiring patriotic pro- american speech in his life. the speech that he gave it d-day were d-day accord become of them will never go down in history as it rate speech and only back and listened to president trump's speech of the 75th anniversary and it was hearing a beautiful. it was patriotic it as i went back in the listen the reagan speeches i think a magnificent speech in a beautiful speech, biden is not up to being president of the night 60s even worse letting the leader and he does represent the values and the belief system of the american people and he represent take french radical group. in the negative thinking about bernie sanders than others and aoc and omar in that whole ilk and what they say about the american people in our country, and to think about the american immediate day in and day out with crt di, teresa the world of the jake tapper's of the world and so forth as it is so horrendous, the disconnect, between the american needed most of it, the disconnect between the disconnect between the democratic party, the president of the leadership, and we the people of america, kenobi bigger. i wanted you a little story and we were attacked at pearl harbor, three-minute that i know up with quickly to try to join the war effort coming to protect our country when at that my mother's father, grandfather as it was maurice rubin and he hated his name so he collects of ♪ he was 34 years old right of the limited. any joined the marines. any phonic wall develop long brutal battle and went on from july 21st, till august 10th of 1944, was 2000 of her mental killed, there were 6000 wounded it, but that was nothing end of it. and he was in the fifth division of the marines. and this is his platoon. you can see the mid- in this platoon i think it was 13 if i recall. you can see him there and i want you to look at the picture the vast majority of those men died at iwo jima than to begin moment i want you to look at them if you do they sing fight entered like they are privilege addict what they are not privileged grandfather was born report. his parents came over from russia. with nothing. everything that he had a word for there was no welfare state. but he loved his country. to the court and the battle at iwo jima, 6800 americans died of that island it in 19000 over 19000 casualties in the battle went on from february 19th to march 265 — six weeks and look at the casualties, there were more medal of honor recipients as a result of that engagement of 27 in any battle in american history from the fifth marine division of the division, other marine divisions, animals 2500 died and there were 6000 wounded. they sustain the heaviest lo losses. my grandfather was a patriot. when he came back, from that war, his hands shook. he lost his voice. any spoke like this the rest of his life read remember when i first met my grandfather committees about 6-foot 3 inches tall big man and even an amateur boxer was a tough guy and remember he walked in the house the four big sticks along brown leather coat and a chihuahua in his pocket. [laughter] that he gave to the family a chihuahua puppy is a gift card that was my first memory of him. and of no white supremacist pretty any of the patriotic american. in the latter years of his life, he lived in quietly. diabetes, it is his foot removed and so forth and so on her stories are not unique and i want to tell you about another minute or family by the way is brother, his brother-in-law, sister's husband, named kevin at synthetic he joined the marines the same date, and he fought on the solomon violence, and the canal, and he was a big tough man with big hands and this what i remember. and to tremendous patriots, tremendous patriots and there was my father, and am telling you this for a reason because american families all over this country have gone through the ups and american citizens, houthis and respected by their government and who deserve respect for the president. from there to have it for families it tapped over and over again and lies told about the projection of racism on top of them for the racism the biden family practice in the racism joe biden practice in the senate, and it had nothing to do with my father my grandfather my great uncle are my family, nothing. this on biden and on july 4th 1937, my father jack, then 12 years old, and a neighborhood but he walked it several miles from their homes, the parade route with the city philadelphia was already donations founding father route stretch from center city philadelphia, upper from independence hall come to the philadelphia art museum or sylvester stallone would make famous in the rocky movies, early 40 years later. in a apply, father's attention, a civil war veteran and he said on the back of a four-door convertible, dressed in his all union uniform, including his campaign hat and behind him marched a small group of spanish american war veterans, but of all of the soldiers the veterans are merging vance my father sought that they come the union soldier so that camille jack had been somewhat about the civil war in school, saying the soldier in the flesh intrigued him and the soldier would become seared in my father's mind of the most costly war in american history, became real to and thus become a father's lifelong journey of self-education and patriotic preaching, about this great nation's history and founding principles and at a young age jack in an effort drawing from a designing and when he was 13 years old, he designed an automobile window and intervention for the contest that they were conducting in conjunction with the release of the movie young tom is income starring mickey rooney remember the little triangle window, well and among others, that was his idea and he was one of only five winners citywide, and earned a trip to the 1939, new york world's fair in this had incredible impression on him and a 15, my father committed an idea with drawings for animating the story a christmas carol to the in california, the studio loved and asked that he provide more examples of his work including, numerous cartoon drawings which he did in the next contacted his parents announced that it would allow percentage points disney studios. well, they said they would provide them with dormitory state space in either facility what is working for them but his parents concern about his age, turned down the offer my father grew up during the great depression his family was very very poor and his father harry to part-time jobs when he can find them, and his mother sarah worked in his cigar factory in about a mile down from where there were living jack was the oldest of four children. any boy and when he turned 16 years old, half of the school day you did, you would walk to the cigar factory, down the street where he worked until midnight and running the going rate of $17 a week on week as my father took freelance jobs furniture frame manufactured, sketching frames going to oppose herself as a chair said he was paid, $2 for a set of drawings and manufacturers salesman use the finished drawings with the customers he was later the japanese attacked pearl harbor and jack spend the summer working at the craps shipyard from the philadelphia shipyard, with the oldest destroyers and summaries but he wanted to do more for the war effort like somebody wonderful mentor that young time, my father decided to enlist in the armed forces and he wanted to be a cadet in the army air corps, which today we know the air force. jack was only 17, he was too young and so he security copy of his birth certificate from city hall, rubbed out the number five in 1925, his birth year, any written for and just like that he reached the legal age requirement of 18. now if you pass a rigorous their core exam, he was in and cadets took the exam including students from the university of pennsylvania but only for paths, including my father not long thereafter, is my father was boarding a train to biloxi mississippi, for basic training, the soldier stopped him and told him the lt. wanted to see him of the cynically taken close of the birth certificate and asked jack how old he was objectively the truth. the ten at ten was not very happy with my father when he turned 18, he joined up in a week after, he turned 18 and he did well in their service, jack would use brief respites committed to rock tunes which were published in a variety of newspapers later joined the regular army, and in the infantry and it always bothered him, they never sent him overseas rate and when he was on his deathbed, he called me over five and half years ago, it was just he and i in the hospital room. his body was a wreck with cancer. and he said you know mark, i know what god did not send me to europe in a supply get. and he sits organ have you and your mother and i could have you. my peers were great people. and as he was dying, he was trying to write another book. the declaration of independence and he wrote several books gettysburg address, second inaugural address, and installing to his children and influenced the of a this is what he drew, shortly before he passed away. i shorted before he passed away. in the current president of the united states secretary of state, national security advisor, and the press secretary for the presbytery and for the secretary of state and they keep saying when it comes to his part from there is no victory right when they mean by victory, i'm a grandfather knew what victory meant. my great uncle knew what victory that my father knew it victory met it we know what victory means. when i listen to donald trump speech coming in and referencing of the concentration camps only listen to ronald reagan speech, any reference to the six jews had been slaughtered, i listen to joe biden speech and he never mentioned this ralph, no months. talk about trump, the naming him. any talk about ukraine, and i agree with him on ukraine. he is the one that's held back ukraine despite all the money spent, they have not but in the army mets, that they need to actually defeat some of these russian battalions. and is withheld the okay for them to attack beyond a certain level of the europeans have been begging him. and he talks about democracy. but is in front of other groups and he talks about his hate for america. and you know who else know about victory, dwight eisenhower and harry truman, the new something about victory after close to i've years of fighting the in europe in general and eternal life on june 6, 1944, d-day of the set apart from the tightest turn, the freemen of the world are merging together to victory and i have full confidence in your courage, devotion, to duty skill and that will accept nothing less than victory also year after d-day president harry truman announced ve day of may 8th 1945 in which he said in part, this victory, we join in offering our thanks to the providence in which because guided and sustained us of the dark days of adversity rejoice and sobered is subdued by the supreme consciousness of the terrible price that we have paid through the world of hitler, and his evil band and if i can give away simple watch for the coming months, the board is working, work, and more working we must work coveted finish the work in our victory is only half over but much remains to be done in the victory one in the west and is now being born in the east for the triumph of spirit in arms head of which we have wanted for his promise some of the peoples everywhere, who joined us and 11 freedom and it is fitting that we as a nation give thanks to almighty god and it was us and given us the victory, and i call upon the people of the united states, whatever their faith, to united offering joyful thanks to god for the victory. we have wanted to pray that he will support us, to the end of our present struggling and guide us into the way of peace and i also call upon my countrymen, to dedicate this day of prayer come to the memory of those given their lives to make possible our victory. and he said also my personal appreciation of the suburban leadership, showing you and your commanders and directing the valiant leeches of her own country. and rallies and do this historic victory. every president has known what mean perhaps other than biden and obama in the victory, and israel right now is because i did is funding the enemy is preventing israel from winning. what is victory fiasco the reason ukrainians are now on their heels is not because of lack of money and arms coming it is because biden has held them back. any talking about russia any use that d-day speech. to lie about your political about it in front of the world, where all of those brave men are buried. that's phone place, on that solemn day, is disgusting. >> sue and welcome back america, we have one of the superstars i think it republican party the house of representatives, and at east in it at least if republican conference chair, she's on the house armed services committee, and nobody has question hostile witnesses like she does and i can tell you that, and is a pleasure to have you and i want to start with you, on this immigration issue joe biden was of the border, over 90 executive orders, only has to do is reverse them and we don't need a law in congress to me congresswoman the fellows existing immigration law, when we passed a law this is follow the law was joe biden done here. >> he has created the most catastrophic of border crisis innovations history and the american people know what is wavy look of the polling parking, is trump's pulling over 30 points ahead when he comes to handling up of border security and illegal immigration and house republicans passed the secure the border act, your ago, joe biden refused to support that bill in effect threatened to veto the bill and chuck schumer killed that builds those house republicans who have led legislatively to secure the border and it was joe biden who months ago, said that he did not have the executive authority to fix this border crisis even though the market people know that it was his executive actions that created this border crisis as of this latest desperate executive orders that joe biden has put out, political desperation and is only further fuels the illegals able to cross both are southern in our northern boulder reporters phoenix unbelievable is in the the comes out of the sky smell in the media to run with it and likely going to say to joe biden is his bipartisan bill. i partisan bill, congress woman to think the three republican supported it is negotiated in secret. on the mitch mcconnell, voted against his own bill and what with the joe biden partisan bill with duncan illegal immigration. >> further fueled of the fire and had open up the floodgates for more illegal immigrants two-point in this country and it would not have ended catch and release them he would not reinstated remain in mexico policy, we help what is secure border looks like helsley president trump's effective border security policies the most secure border in my lifetime and that's why house republicans opposed this pro- amnesty negotiation behind closed doors of the joe biden politically wanted to bail him out to cover up for this border crisis that he has created and of famer coming up onto the border for the southern and northern border center represent the temporal northern border, we've seen illegal crossings, skyrocketed or joe biden is failed leadership including those on the terror partially synthesis of national security prices and economic crisis, and is a constitutional crisis because if you do not have orders from you lose your sovereignty as a nation as of this is an issue house republicans avoided were not and would reelect president trump continue to grow the house republican majority the senate and we will make sure that in addition of trumps executive orders from the we get secure the border step signed into law. mark: you know, some of the difficulty accusing the menino law i keep saying, the system is broken. first of all, what kind of law when they support, another would enshrine as you point out, open borders illegal immigration, slavery and could sold into slavery in the door-to-door darn thing about it in your — acer to think about number two, to make it count on the number of women were sold into slavery encounter the number of children now were sold to pornographers and we keep him, have any of this and i noticed that very interest of keeping count of goes on in the middle east the israelis and palestinians. do we keep count of the amount of may have in the anarchy and humanity going on in the southern border as a result of this president to make it gets worse even that which you think about it, divided department of homeland security, does not know and is awestruck of nearly 100,000 minors who are in slavery being human trafficked and humanitarian travesty and it is all joe biden's watch. he has created this border crisis lock stock and barrel. the american people point of pulled him accountable you are exactly right of the president trump executive order for you the most secure border in the northern and southern border in our nations history this life the bill that the house republicans vessel strong support despite a very slow majority, we passes secure the border act to enshrine those trump executive orders in the democrats cannot have it both ways. as a first joe biden have the executive authority then they put out a desperate executive order and it is offensive to the market people in the voters because they know the joe biden's executive actions underwent open of the border and is allowed catch and release, and has created this crisis transferring of illegals to places all across the country so it is not just the border states and communities that are infected, it is every state is a border state in every community as a border community and is prices because of joe biden and president trump is going to secure the border come with the help of house republicans and senate republicans to provide safety flown at half a million foreigners in the country. and affirmatively he is has gotten them confronted into the country will move illusion pendant management will recent nothing has changed and that is the truth, nothing changeable we come back, what is it with joe biden in his hate pretty israelis in the state of israel. the few people to never speak to the net — there and what is it about him and his embrace of iran and funding the enemy and we will be right back. (tony hawk) skating for over 45 years has taken a toll on my body. i take qunol turmeric because it helps with healthy joints and inflammation support. why qunol? it has superior absorption compared to regular turmeric. qunol. the brand i trust. mark: welcome to fox news likein israel celebrating up to the countries military skewed hostages from central gaza and the musk enough them from music festival, october 7th them up finally back home in israel, said to be in good health and a rescue mission though, coming at a heavy cost of the palestinian side and heavy explosions and fighting could be hurt as the idea carried out that during daytime operation pretty hamas run health ministry said the more than 200 palestinians were killed fox news cannot independently confirm that number and it is the third time israel's military has successfully rescued hostages in the months long war. at least 1120 hostages remain in gaza. meantime crime minister benjamin netanyahu urging is really work out a member, not too quizzical illusion come he was expected to resign today over benjamin netanyahu handling of the war i'm john scott is now back to life, liberty & levin. >> c1 welcome back america, were here with the least release still phonic, and if i were somebody who wanted to undermine israel, prevent them from winning a war and surely cannot survive the two state solution know the rest that would got joe biden's demand but what is this problem. >> will that is anti-semitism and that is a growing strain today's different party, that is not become a stream and is anti- israel every opportunity, joe biden has equivocated for la and turned his back on his route for adams honor to be invited by the speaker these really because the speaker robotic about to deliver remarks about the importance of the united states standing with israel and this the same week of the joe biden attempted and is still withholding military eight that congress passed in support of her most precious la the middle east, you have an administration that's obama, 2.0 prioritizing iran and hundred biting israel created chaos national security, threats or the world because of joe biden's weakness on the world stage. mark: quickly, to your knowledge, you said in the armed services committee what is this administration pivoting run from getting a nuclear weapon and then we read the papers this is ministration is leaning on france and the uk. not to review give ron, for his nuclear program and when you make of that. >> what to make of it is a continuation of the obama administration including some of the same individuals who are at the table in terms of these discussions others working through european countries summative pave the way for iranian nuclear weapons capability remember back of this is the same administration in the same state department, that put out an official statement, the loss of the iranian president you what the iranian people who had been abused by the iranian president said the regime and they did not mourn the loss of the president yet this is the same administration who is turning their back on israel. his obama 2.0 with failure and birth that to the historic achievements the middle east to president trump with received records or the recognizing jerusalem as the eternal capitol moving u.s. embassy there and we had peace in the middle east under president trump voters know they going to the polls is november c1 appointment quickly to another subject, this chamber that the placement headed. mark: and i believe you filed an ethics complaint against dissecting cho. >> yes multiple ethics complaints and this is shredding our democracy and the mainstream media depress accused of the right but it is really the depressed attacking our democracy and retake the judge into the near pay for this was like the case taken up by alvin bragg a corrupt prosecutor releasing by criminals on extremes is what we have five crisis in new york judge who donated to joe biden and his family members are profiting to the tens of tens of millions of dollars and raising money for the rest like adam schiff and joe biden, because of this trial and so this is a political witchhunt, the jury shopped as well asking the members with a folded donald trump tells me that did the best that the fold invited the american people know that this was rigged from the start and is in the front to us president trump is correct the real verdict will be rendered is november on election day president trump wins overwhelmingly and i also think any of the fact that president trump is within six points have a traditionally blue state means that momentum is moving in our direction because people see this for what it is that they can go up to president trump on political opponents they can go after any american c1 just me speaking about i'm pleased is what i'm reading a newspaper some of that you are potentially under consideration is running mate to donald trump and i just think you are great and think you very much, keep up the fine god flesh you my friend. >> thank you. mark: we will be right back. to target tough pain at the source. for up to 8 hours of powerful relief. new advil targeted relief. we're here with chris counahan of our local leaffilter. so chris, tell us how leaffilter is different from every other gutter protection on the market. with leaffilters, patented filter technology, there are no gaps, no openings, no place for debris to get in at all. and we install leaffilter on your existing gutters. it's a permanent solution. you'll never have to climb a ladder to clean out your gutters again. that's amazing, chris. tell me about the process. simple and easy. just give us a call, set up an appointment. we'll come out and give you a free gutter inspection. if they're sagging, we'll repair them. if they're broken, we'll replace them. if they're in good shape, our local team will install leaffilter in as little as a few hours. wow. and i understand you guys 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you're telling the judge. steve: thank you so what we are telling the judges jack smith was unconstitutionally appointed. the justice department claims that he is what is called an inferior officer under the constitution. in the appointment because of article two, set the congress may by law thus the home point met of such inferior officers as they think proper, and the president alone in the course of law or in the heads of departments and we have reviewed the organic statutes of the justice department and of agriculture education, hhs, and transportation. it's quite clear from the statutes that congress has given the secretary of agriculture, education and hhs, and transportation, the power to avoid inferior officers in congress has not by statute given the power to the attorney general worried and so jack smith is acting illegally, and everything that he is doing is no and void and has been all avoid since he was appointed, two years ago. and we think that judge elaine canada florida great hero anand a champion of the rolloff, one of the best federal district court judges in this country, should dismiss the indictment jack smith has brought against donald trump because jack smith was on constitutionally appointed. >> we know steve come of all of the people of the attorney general chosen, constitutionally, the goodby individuals already gone through the confirmation process of the united states senate has compelled the appointments clause of the constitution is there for a reason. it would pick jack smith and somebody was a lawyer, who has not been approved by the senate invited the framers of the constitution when a role for congress specifically this tendency, and the appointment of these top powerful positions in the executive branch. steve: will market originally congress thought of giving the appointment and power to congress alone and only later undecided issuer between the president and the senate but they felt that it was crucial that there be a check on presidential appointment powers of the presidents notify people who bad moral character or tainted by nepotism or things of that point. in effect, under the constitution, the default method of appointment, is presidential nomination and senatorial confirmation. jack smith is not going through that the provision for inferior officers, was added originally simply for clerks and people perform on policymaking jobs and of the course of her hundred 34 years of history, the number of principal officers who are nominated by the president and confirmed by the senate, has shrunk a number of inferior officers have grown vastly and actually the prosecutors, former attorney general of objects in a famous attorneys, emphasized why this is incredibly important with his accusers attorney general robert jackson went on to become supreme court justice robert jackson, nürnberg prosecutor, robert jackson, said because of the immense power to strike is citizens, not with me her usual strength, but with all the force of government and the federal sphere, from the beginning, the safeguard presidential appointment confirmation of the senate has been imposed your this required to win an expression of confidence in your character about the legislative and executive branches of the government before assuming the awesome responsibility that federal prosecutor suet know when we return professor, my question to you is this, is not smith, the most powerful prosecutor right now on the face of the united states, with massive resources and massive personnel, massive authority involving the future election of this country and with these incredible constitutional issues that he is raising and if anybody should this individual have been facing a nomination confirmation process, so somebody other than the attorney general of the united states at some of ability to oversee wittiest doing it we will be right back. 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(♪) at evernorth, we combine medical and pharmacy data with behavioral health data to identify members in need of care. predicting and treating behavioral health issues quickly... while lowering costs for plan sponsors and members. that's wonder made possible. evernorth health services mark: welcome back americaprofe3 u.s. attorneys, and is jack smith not more powerful, then any of the 93 u.s. attorneys who went to the confirmation process under the constitution. steve: he is more powerful than any of the three u.s. attorneys with the confirmation process under the constitution. and if the attorney general were right, if he could appoint special counsel jack smith, he could appoint a special counsel in cook county illinois, to investigate corruption there in the senators from illinois would have no check on that. it appointed special counsel in baton rouge, louisiana, to investigate corruption and they would have no check on that there's a reason why the senate insisted on the check of senate confirmation of prosecutors and jack smith, has not been confirmed by the senate. mark: one after another subject we subject we do have a time that is the issue of a common-law or another method, for president trump and his attorneys to make a pathway to the supreme court steps and i will make it clear to them naysayers out there, we can't guarantee the supreme court will to get up and you can't guarantee the supreme court think of anything but even if you have a 10 percent chance and i think that there's bigger chance, the methodologies to do it that are extraordinary under extraordinary circumstances human idea yourself. steve: i have a couple of ideas versatile trumps new york state convictions are completely unconstitutional and in violation of the first amendment protection of freedom of speech. the question is how to get that first amendment claim from a new york trial corporative the supreme court and a couple of ideas i want president trump is equal is: prohibition which is that old common law writ, whereby the court of kings mansion in england, took cases away from the jurisdiction of ecclesiastical courts and the court of equity when they were exercising it improperly and unlawfully. any of the trial court manhattan is unlawfully prosecuting trump for first amendment protected activities of this prohibition is one mechanism, and another mechanism is with the law of the state courts and federal courts, to certify to one another, the federal questions or state questions that need to be answered. the state courts could certainly certified to the supreme court, the first amendment questions in this case. in the prosecutors could also divide the appeal intuitive feel the federal issues and ability state issues an appeal the federal issues more quickly smacking the other methods because i don't believe the prosecutors will do anything that would get it quickly to the supreme court however, there is also original jurisdiction of some of the republican attorney general of the state of new york. let me number of things and interference with their voters and interference with national election interference with federal campaign law that is a direct up to the supreme court but you mentioned the prohibition and there are several what we call common-law ritz prohibition, mandamus, corpus and the point is, the point is, that there are avenues this is not a 70-yard pass, and if that court wasn't picking up somebody else to position and they took bush versus gore they hold the voting x-uppercase-letter taking place there. they permitted the state supreme court and going any further and they said that this is a presidential election we need to address this is a was like the court has not done something like this week before and i would argue this is much worse if they don't address it now, it will get much worse in the future, in 2020 agencies will be all three willing to do whatever they want is stephen calabrese, how i think you and you are a great patriot your brilliant lawyer for a professor and a dear friend and take care of yourself. steve: thank you market is going to be in show. mark: and we will be right back. - it's apparent. not me. - yeah. nice going lou! 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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Gutfeld 20240608

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"new york times" best selling author comedian, world championm tyruers now before we get too ne some new stories, let's do this . greg's leftovers. yeaheg slit , it's leftovers whi i read the jokes with the news this week. >> and as always , it's my first time reading them, so they . well, stuffed ground down joe mackie's pants and send him to the view packs formerly known as twitter has established new rules to allow users to post content. elon musk says that decision was made by his newest content s executive, new york governor kathy hochul, is ditching a plan for congestion pricing, which would charge driversg chai to enter the city's business district. she said the plan would only force new yorkers to move . >> unlike her face, i feel bad c to a newly transmitted fungal infection has been detected in new york city. al infecthe only thing you get r a visit to new york city is a fungal infection. s thyou're doing great? >> yeah. about fungal fungal, though. >> to help prevent shoplifting workers at tj, max and marshall's are wearing police like body cameras. customers are furious because this increases the likelihood of someone seeing them shopping at tj and marshall's remote tribe. finally connected to the internet, only to wind upon tri hooked on be in. unrelated news, pornhub will soon start accepting seashells as payment. i'm off to the beach. >> the wall street journal reports that people are divided peop. jo whether it's okay to call someone without texting first. others report that they just wish someone would reach out at all and ask. very lonely friend of the show, alex hilaria baldwin are unveiling their new tl c t series for 2025 with the couple plus their seven children. >> it's like a modern day brady bunch, but with alice getting shot in the face, like, oh, on the electric front. ev fr senators are blasting the government for havinong three years and $7 billion to complete only seven ev charging stations. the government plans to build 500,000 stations and confidently predict that at their current pace it will be completed by the year 216,000 310. >> that's for real, by the way. paul krugman, a journalist, the new york times, asks the question, should joe biden downplay his success? that's like asking troy baker if she should downplay or looks back. >> i'll take it. jennifer lopez, her tour,ting citing a desire to be with her family. ws upon hearing the news, her husband, ben affleck, announced he's going tour. researchers are calling for on in-flight alcohol purchases to protect passengers health, but they added passengers on spirit are free to keep sniffing glu e. glue. related news after a british passengers were told to brace for landing, then spent hoursce on the tarmac. fellow passenger for james cordn entertained his fellow stuck travelerjames s. british airways thanked corden for getting the passengerss thet to actually look forward to dying in a crash. a new app tracks the price of a big mac at every mcdonald's across the united states to help users save money. it's such a great idea.y the apitp already has its firsts vip customer line item and finally, the world's loneliest man lives in an abandoned village, a mountain ls with just a horse. in fact, we have picture of him and his animal, which we don't even try to make it look like sa village, you know, and he'll just slap ite to people together. >> and now to the news where the dems rue the day they tried to put trump away. well, now that liberals weaponize the justice system against the once future president manipulating phony charges at trial the and ahe pao conviction that pandora's box is open and trumpers opy revenge. e after all, if democrat lawfare b is to blameinge, then two can py at that game. >> republicans from stephen miller to steve bannon and speaker mike johnson are expressing the need for f vengeance and not just the fun kind where you switch. maxine you wig with a family wak of ferrets. >> mike johnson's promising to use appropriations legislation and oversight to rein in the justice department. rrain inand course, the left wia has their gender neutral. in a twist over it. "the washington post" quote, trump wants retribution. this eye for an eye justicend d is real and dangerous. mother jones. trump'anges obsession with reve, a big post-verdict danger. daily beast revenge would trump in the gop want moste what of all? >> well, boo hoo and the brain trust that is morning joe ismorn shakining g their boots. >> donald trump and his allies are ratcheting their calls for revenge against democrats. ahillary clinton be jaileds in response to his guilty verdict. >> donald trump is not messing around. he promises retribution and he serve it up.p >>an sd o with that, i mean, i'm not sure what moreve people to know, given a lot of things that donald trump has promised trump have come to pas. >> great work there, mary.ther >> sorry to break the news, hon, but hillary still roamingy the streets in sweat stained pantsuits, menacing society. despite all trump's calls for jail. so it's good that mika admits a lot of trump's promises did come to pass, like building a healthy economse toy and bordc security, world peace. who else rememberso the good old days of 2019? not mika. when you're married to joe scarborough, you try not the to think of the past or the present day. thin thes the future either.i but the way i see it, trump's greatest revenge come november 5th. after that. enough with the revenge talk.s n instead, focus on incentives so this again, don't don't get vengeful, get maventud as in mutually assured destruction. let them know you're just as capable as they are in provino g that no one is above the law. it's not really about jailing people. it's about punishing crimes. because like mahatmapeople iingi famously said, don't start. none won't be none. >> kennedy, a should there be payback? and b, don't you think it's interesting that they're quakinn't yosting thg their booo they know they deserve it? they're the ones talking about reveng e, the time. >> no. it reminds me of hamas being angry at the response that israel had after they inflicted the worst massacre since the holocaust. >> so although a weaponized republican administration would be capable of retribution, i think it's horribl aadministen the country. >> i like what mike johnson is saying. i like that they wouldson is sds use and every other means to take stocapproprik in the jue department. and i want them to squeeze the justice department and make it smaller and more ethical. and i want them to do that with every othe r agency. you know, we talked about doing defund the police. d >> we're like defund everything. you know, that's what small minded conservativese police den libertarians wanted. so if they're using this momengt to make sure that these institutions cannot do that again, i'm fine with that . i think vengeance is a horrible idea. and this administration, if there another trump administration, they should rise above it. >> i do, i disagree. rising above thingst. is overrated. e tyler if you were trump,u ge how would you get back at tould the dems for this sham conviction? >> i mean, you knoget baw i wasr to say everything kennedy said. >> i've read word for word, but, you know, i think he he wants to wear this as a badge, right? he'll he can twist anything34 cu and make it good, right? >> 30 four counts. greg, nobody's i done it right. nobody's done it. el chapo couldn't do it. he do it. 22 counts. he did 22 counts. al capone a failure. nine days even. excuse me. even the zodiac killer. right? i call him the zodiac loser. i'll be out in the yard. catch me outside of the yard, greg. i'll be out there. it's going to say trump's yard. so i don't think.le yeah, i think. let hi the badm have the badge. >> you can't beat it. you can't beat it. let him have it anyway. and then what? she said that i do agree with kennedy that you don't want to weaponize anythingntiviz but how you incentivize them when they return to power. right? it becomes this ping pong. and i guess what i'm saying is, do you think about is it possible to have mutually assured destruction to end the weaponization of the justice department? >> huh? i mean, that didn't happen. i think that's always implied. and i think, honestly that my issue you brought up kennedy like a lot of different branches of government, levels of governmenwhether rnmentt. my issue in general with this idea of one so-and-so's there or if so-and-so was there, i don't want to say this and that demands so much on whod is in what positio mn. and i think the fact that what happened to trump, i mean, i absolutely believe was weaponization of the justice system, absolutely was was obviously politicized. >> but i think that if we get my focus is on like, how did that happen? right. we should not let those positions of power to have that kind of power. >> not like, oh, when i want my guy in there. so he can do that to your . that's not i think that's not the answer. although i understand the impulse for people who are on one of the two teams. but i really do think that the n focus should not be on who's in power, but the amount of power those positions have, because it's really, really, truly a scary thing. >> it is. all right, tyrus, what dosometh you think? are you you need to do something. t stop >> they're never going to ask. i think it's funny when people people who spent the last six years with a coup and doing everything they possibly could, stretching the law, being martyrs and lying and committing crimes to findlyind crime, are worried about revenge. als mo it's not really revenge. it's like a bank robber steals his moneney and he's sitting in the house going off the bank, comes back for this. this is wrong. yeah. them like they went out of their way to get him out of officeffic. they commit i don't know how many different fake stories or in planning stories. a a team of hollywood directors come in to produce the january 6th thing. like they went above and beyond to go after hige m they had guys who've just 34 counts of one crime that was expired and they did everything they could. he never did that when he was he n h. now he would say hillary deserves to be locked up, but he didn't have one of his guys in the doj resign and go hop on to where shet they lives and look for a crime on her. so what, they're afraid of what joe, with them all afraid of is that it's not revenge, it's accountabilitrebilityy. >> and that's the things like, oh, yeah, turn the other cheek . he gets in. you understand that last six years of work is out the window. >> yeah. so should be. there should be an accountability buddy waiting for you for those who spent this time. because here's the deal. if you were doing it right, you would stand it. t yeah, i'd have to worryt about retribution because i follow the law. i seek d bashan the. i got the truth, so come get me. come g what saying. you w they're like, hey, it's all cool if you win. yeah. ohin no, that they're worried. > they ar thee worriey d, whh is why they're bringing up the r word for revenge. >> oh, not, ,kennedy. coming up later in the show, standup performance from comedian joe mackie. but first, possible vp's fi are sweating over 40 vibes, vetting if you'll be in the new york area and like tickets to see gutfeld, go to com slash gutfeld and click on the link to join our studio audience. >> bounty mega roll last longer so you can tackle something avocado, berries, butter, coffee, cream, drippy fingers, deviled eggs bo and empanadas, red and green bounty mega roll that you clean spills without runnin sug his glasses. >> it's been done bounty the quicker picker upper everybody wants super straight super white super straight super white teet smile new sensodyne clinical smile new sensodyne clinical awayink uct. and 24/7 sensitivity protection . >> i think it's a great product it's going to help a lot of patients when your home needs work. >> where do you go? 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what is does the whaouist do you think the president is contemplating he should dento what the democrats do, they love having the first, right? yeah. kamala, first black, the firstwa indian black woman, the first autistic. >> i it was so much the first down, the first one, the first and, you know, so we're going to have the first blind, bisexual, bipolar, biodegradable, nativef colo american chinese trans child of color. and it's going to be so great. but no, i he should think outside the box, you know, you know, have like a podcaster . someone's got to. ben shapiro would be a good vp. oh, yes. yeah. but i thin good but he'dk he heg too ads too much. >> okay, everybody, my fellow americans, we are at war. bombs are going off because china got a hold of our nuclear codes. we did not protect our online data. that's why you have to use express bp, use code the bombe o for 10% off. >> or maybe bill burr,mb 10% he's funny. he's a comedian. yeah. open for him and everybody woul evee would tune in, right?w you know, my wife came home. she's watching the veep, right? we're makingomin illegal, right, on monday. it's called bills, right?it it's going to be five years in jail for every minute you watch the vide 5 io, that g, that's brutal. >> and then trump comes out i and think that. i think that would be his ideas. i likee cat. >> did you see who was not on the list? >> kristi noem looks like the dog got the last laugh. di, it's true. >> that's it's true. that's what did it she s was on the list. oh, of course she was on the list. but then she bragged about enjoying. bragg her dog. >> yes, probably a back story. not at all. do not take advice from corey lewandowski. yeah. where's oliver? yes. >> yeah. yeah. i think maybe he should do >>be someb speak, like to both sides of the aisle. >> like 50 cent? yeah. n wa >> have you been watching that? oh, my. like he, he was meeting with everybody and i just say, oh my gosh. wow. that salmy, trad, okay i'm okay. >> and then he posted a photo with lauren boebert and then everyone went nuts only aboutt e that photo. so then he tweeted, wait, wait, guys, i took pictureso care with everyone. all you guys seem to care about is lauren. what did she do in a dark theater? hawhat ds been done. >> my god. hey, i don't have chlamydia, by the way. lol. >> that's my vice president at the very at the very least, he should do this show. oh, yeah, i think. sure watching, someone watching proby knows him. i've asked him i haven't heard yet, but i'm sure he'de he loveo this show would well, mr. said yes, mr. said said 50 or 50 now i was going to do it. now what now. he's never going to do it because you just did he've that. all right. no, vivek, no. nikki haley. no. ron desantis on this list. what stood out to you? i like byron donalds, doug burgum comes out of nowhere. tim scott. tim scott. there is tim scott. and here's the deal. you know what? no, no. haand no. >> doesn't need to be vetted. yeah, you know, she'll do what needs to be done. yeah. so there's no reason to vet her. she's at the top of the list. it's not like you're going l he to call her and be like, you're off the list. i'm not doing that. aru know what happenedd be lik? you might mess around in the forest. you go, kennedy, do the sound. really? got it. oh, judgment oh, my god. oh, it makes me feel. ] makes me feel bad when i hear we you do that. >> how do you think kristi noem stanfield? oh, does it feel anything as dead? >> do you think this is a deflection, that these aren't the people that he's goingnt? to do something different? >> absolutely. yeah. i mean, he's going>> absol to dc some version of the apprentice, willo is going to crescend at the rnc in july. he's keeping us all guessing, waiting. >> he's real, releasing a little bit here and there. ang of thethe beginnin bachelor, you know, the chicks where he's making out with atthr beginning. they're never the ones he takes home to his familyver th. it's like you know that's interesting doug burgum is just a red herrineng he's been to the governor rodeo. yeah and it bit him in the, which kristi noem dog would have done that. but how about this? okay, if. if the person isn't s on the list, ideally. >> okay, so you don't want to pick somebodyo ideall. you don't want to necessarily pick the best person for the job. right. soa thbests in theersoan most votes, huh? what if he did do something i like totally wit different? >> like. like whom? somebody you know about white skin?. >> tatted. you mean harold ford jr close. >> close. i was going to say joe manchin . he's retiring and he just doubts his democrat party democratg anrenoun status. >> they need to decide to go independent. >> yes. he's no longer there. why do i make up these things? do you think maybe i haveagin a problem? but could you imagine him takinge hie be? somebody like that, just like cream in the out of the democratic party. in hewhat about fauci. >> he did a great job. >> can you do fauci? you know, you now, you know he'd be on there being like you need your fifth shot every y. >> the first shot really was just to loosen up the vein to get it ready for the second.e >> dcoo we should have kristi noem go to his house, have dress up as a u dog, get him his vaccine, get him his booster shots. he means only in the most comical way. remember when he got really mad at jesse watters because jesse watters says somethinge go about shots and he was like, i'm getting threatened by peopllike i'me that can't dol feed. >> all right. do you feel that getting a calld overo a texyo t? 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obody dead a >> no, i just called to say hi,e you know, why are you callinge me? >> yeah. yeah, i hate when people call me without texting first. i it i look at my phone, i'm like, is this person really going to force me to do improv right now? ye s yeah. >> like, what is. you're not going to meabout. what this is about. yeah. you know, it's like you're just going to call me. t it could be about anything. i've had no time to prepare, but. okay, ifimare but the worst tha you can do, like, the actual worst thing you can dot is kyra's off calling you rightr now. yeah, you can see, i feel like. i feel like i've done something wrong. >> yeah, no, i'm just calling. i feel like hello. likee. t's lik>> nonju i'm in trouble. i'm always like, you don't know how to answer. depending on what it's about you to be likeo, hello? or like, how about we're like, hey, what's up? like, you don't know. you what, though? >> she just hung up on me. i got a text or. no. yeah, but guitars i want to about on the show. pirates. there's no need for. all right. yeah, we're okay. i just called times, but it's on voicemail. yeah. i don't need back. you're blue. i think your necklace could be a belt for me. >> you kno.ou arew what, pirate? i want?cklace i have an app for my necklace. give you a battery? or you. yeah, that's great. okay. is your. >> you >> all right? so this is the "wall street journal". the title is called don'r reg? t you dare call me without texting me first. can you guess whict he to gender this? don't you dare call me without texting. without te. al no, no. because here's the deal. if you cal l, i'm probably not ans going to answer anyway. and then if you text me that you called me, then i'm definitely not going to call you back. whose life is this complicatedul ? important to where? like, only call me if it's an emergency. kiss kiss my ass if my. if i feel like calling you, i'm going to call you if i want to text you first. but that's what that is, is is it's a polite way of saying, i don't want to talk to you. exe please text me so i can lien to you and say, oh, i'm so busy you g world problems right now behind closed doors, hit back later. >> this is kennedy. this is a just it's people who had landlines. they call more often i o without texting data. e they actually doo. call you to say hello. it's not like it's not like so young people assume that if you're calling in bits to break up with themk upha or actually o not true. >> you just do that by text or t would completely ignore the fact that they were never alive. yep, exactlyy welive yes, preciy that. >> i long for the good days where you just dump them in the bay. i don't know though. so i think the proper etiquette would still be to text someone before you murder them and dump them e ber in the bay. yeah, i think that's. that's. you don't want to get them a running start. a runninkatie. i feel like i don't, i don't run before i get on a bicycle. like, i'm going to pick one form of locomotion, one form of communication. so the call, you're goineg callu you. i'm not going. i'm going to walk around and be like, hind beingikit's m, it's.s i'm texting to ask you to zoom. am oal i goingl you ? greg: t that's the worst voice i've ever heard. i know worst was, but that's tht the the person who wrote this article, that's the voichenend u they haven't yet read. >> and you know what this person does? and grading it at least once or twice a week, maybe three times a week on the wall street or wl, they do thesejourna complaining pieces and it's like, why this person does , ing this when you're flying, why does this person do that? it's the same personwh . ll you know what this person does. tyler? i'll tell you what this person does, okayt they d these are the people that text short texts. that's me. oh, my god. they tried to frame. >>, ,,,.e an what's up? just to say once that. yeah , yeah.n yo >> and it's like you're sitting there, you going like, okay, what's going on? you can put it in one text. that's the crime. that is the crime. and then what t itn crimi we're, overly consensual now. >> you know what i mean? consenat i meat to make eye con, i'm overly consent. we are. i that's what this is about. i want to go one step further. i don't want someone textingt g without me knowing. first, i think there should be an app called cannk b i texth >> you get an alert a is going can i know you can't text me, you know, then you know you useo the oral legend. >> somebody has to tell legendl girlfriend that school. gh oh she was so cruel. but you think about this oral legend, right? t to somebody who has to tell time like, hey, kennedy, can you tell tyler that? >> i want to text him? tes, you're.l ta i'll talk to greg at home. just call a man. >> do it.were we weren't doing that back in the day. like, you know, i'm going day d a carrier pigeonse to your house to let you know there's a handwritten letter that will arrive in 300 business days, you know, just call me my. pronouns are pick up kathy talking to my girl. >> what is the impression gre you justg: what would you call. that era old timey impression? >> yeah. ye timressios. time h this is every old timeessi impression ness that she goton t was coming on the corner. if she's not going one twice, can you do that as s awok? a woke person now. but that voice. well i'm feeling a little bit l prettyd my pronouns are he they them who, what, when, wher e and skedaddle. oh, real quick, before we go, did you guys see greg's excited hand dancese? greg? greg gets a point. he does this all. all right, watch it back. watch the greg hand dance whenwh excited. he's so excited. his other hand can't catch up to clap. he jusd heo excis other hat. it's just. i can't. i can't defend myself on this. i all right.ons an >> coming up, questions and answers. >> and doug lima, what someone needs to customize and save hundreds in car insurance with liberty mutual lets fly chief doug.behind >> m oh wow. i thought you were right behind . >> me only pay for what you need. every delivery man we family. what is it about cindy crawford ? 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>> tyler i'd probably finish the wall. >> it would be a nice lego portion of the wall right. now, why not? >> why not a lego wall? yeah, the woke people love like ,oh, it's so, it's so playfull and colorful. make it rainbow for pride. whatever trick them. >> i mean, you could do a contract with lego and that thing could get built. mirun s what would you do with a million legos? >> what would you build? what would i buildlllegos whbuia million legos? legos?a of me. >> hmm. to sit in this chair right here. you know, legos? yeah, they are leg lego. f you it up on ap wh stick in my pocket and slap you aroundin. wha >> kat, if you.u what would you build with a million legos wouldn't build. i would just step on them and then it would figh?tet withy husband about who's going to throw them away until he did it unt. build you could build an amazing house. amg housy some. what i was thinking. know what i would build with a million legos, a leg o machinead that made more legos. so it would accelerate and the machine would keep making legos, which would mak ine wee another lego making machine. and pretty soon it wouldbe sel be self-perpetuating. >> i would take over the world a lego makinrpetuatitake og mace back and killed lego hitler. yes. oh you could. you could. you could. um. n. --ar. bricks and so forth. yeah . applaud, applause god. bullies bully, bully, bully all right, cosmetics. what is your main and how do you manage it? let me get tyler. you don't have any phobias. >> my name is tyrus perry's. d what did i say? tyler. milo. tyrusas tyler. er >> tyler. talk user into one person. yeahne. >> of a note, though. we ran off together. my son. you have to be on top of mye on shoulders. yeah. listen, one small part of myrver life is all i can handle. >> do you have any phobias? is because you you can be. >> it can't be snakes, spiders or any. oh, no, no, it's. nit's people that i don't likee talking to. talking to me is my phobia. coen somebody that you just comes upme you is like hi andd o then it it and they justi keep going and goingneve and i never know how to end it w without saying shut up and go away. soithoaming it's like, i get non i see i always see him coming. yeah. i just hate that i>> gre get gey every time that comes in the room, you know, i get upset. >> yeah. >>e watter, you know. you t yeah. have you talked to himald to hi who did you say it? waters? waters? t ta he does talk to anybody, though. he's pretty private to himselfo . >> it's the breath problem , cat phobia. but i used to have, like, actually a really bad phobia of, like, blood and guts. >> but then i got over it. yeah, you. you had say, was chapter five, a and it was i looked downnd and there wa s. yeah. once your blood went, you know, your own blood and guts i had choice but to get over itr i out. >> i wouldn't recommen d the way if you need one. >> tyler, do you have any phobia? i do have .a of needles, which is why i didn't get the covid vaccine. >> mostly because my pediatrician, i was too tiny. was togi mean, that thin have gone through my arm. >> yes. also, fear of feminism, for surer sure that fear, that is wn toxic masculinity up on a date,c my goes into my stomach. >> iul at just can i say that? >> i guess he did just said it.> i just said i just said kennedy. >> i really i really don't don't have any phobias. no fears. i not i don't have fear of heightsar i'm not cla claustrophobic. i don't have a fear of snakes or spiders ohobic or fire or st >> i don't i really i wish i had a phobia sounds like a feminist. >> i mean, i had panic. >> yeah, you know, i do. i have i've had a fear that if. can't get i can't open up my eye s underwater. >> is that weird? i thought 1,000%. yeah, it's weird. and no, it is do is open.t >> you know, it's weird because i don't like i don't like having things below me. >> i don't like open spaces. i get things. being below view is weird. i do get in your stature house. >> i don't know if that's agoraphobia, but like. >> like, like with goggles on her. with goggles on, it freaks me out. i can't eveneven look.. >> i can't even look. i can't even look at. that's what i wouldn't when i saw poseidon adventure, the original, i had to walk out. what happene i sdoventurd to yo. you were baptized, greg? yeah>> what , i don't remember the talk. the preacher down. all right, we to go.ot to go we got to go. up next, standup comedy from joe. .you. >> there are certain eras in american history that define us, where fortunes were made, rules were broken, and legends, they were born. this was an age of outlaws and, lawmen down county by businesses down here. some were heroes. some were villains. and where the fun begins. this dark tree and marsh grass this dark tree and marsh grass reads. d... >> this is outlaws and lawmen imagine a future where plastic is not wasted, but insteadou remade over and over intod ou the things that keepr our food fresher, our families safer. us get there. america's plastianrecyclinc maks us get there. are investing billions of dollars to create innovative of dollars to create innovative products you pustions, technologies for sustainable change. because you push for smarter solutions, big things can happen. he was only 47. aneurysm. did he have life insurance? do you know? 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and i'm like, i don't know. loike an get a very good lookd o at him. >> yeah, yeaokh subway's just gotten really dangerous lately. ever since they got rid latelof consequence. d of >> it's like recently i had this rule where if you bringe tr a dog on the train, it has to be fully enclosed in one of those dog carry and getha bae . but people can break in that role left and right. recently i saw a guy bring an unleashe i sad on the train. w so i wrote the subway authorityt and i said, hey, if you don't rl start enforcing your dog rule, eaoner or later a babyer going to get eaten, you know, because because people's can be greal'st dogs with a great owner, with a bad owner, sometimes they eat babies. >> we all we all know that well ,anyway, the subway authorityhoy never wrote back. tha and later on, i realize b that may have been my fault because when i phrase it. if you don't start enforcing your dog rules, a baby's going to get that. sounded like i was threatening to eat a baby. all nd that's not i meant at all. that's how rumorthat'ss start. g >> i'm just always having these weird interactions with government workers. knwas washindinteran with wg mye park, and i know that sounds weird, but where i live, where it's all apartments, no one has hoses. >> people wash their car there because they can fill up bucket theiind ons now. >> but on this day a parksr worker didn't care for it. he said, sir, you can'thtctn 20 your car here. i've already gotten 20 complaints. and i said well, if you've already gotten 20 complaints, she's put up a sign so you can wash your car. >> if there was a sign, i wouldn't be doing it. it's the same reason i stopped selling drugs in all those high schools, and that should have been the end of it. >> but this guty was prettyd col stupid. >> that's why he can't succeed in the private sectodn'ther. >> and he actually said this. he said there's no sign that says you can't murder someone. and not allowed either. >> i said, can you put a pind tt in that? i want to get my joke notebook. soy joke n i can write thisdoin conversation down to make fun of you behind your back in different citieies. >> and i said, first of all, it seems to me like murderingyour someone or washing your car is kin card of an apples to oras comparison in that it's coming from someone that hates the expression apples to oranges, because it always made sense to me to compare different popular fruit.rough. >> but back to the subject at hand, if there was a signmurr that said no murdering allowedin ,i would just get the out of there. >> because you got to figuret that's where most of the murders were happeningofm. >> but this is the best time in history to be crazy. they're practically giving out awards for it because of the internet. like recentl outs for y on on ft day last year, a friend posted a picture of her and her dad frn with the caption happy father's day to the world's greatest daed and dad was pretty old. schroeder i said, hey, is your dad even on instagram? pretty old. and she said, no. and i said, why would you tellwl him he's the world's greatest dad on a forumd's ? he's not even on he's walking around right now, doesn't even knowin he's world's greatest dad . then i answered my own question. it's because you're a malignant ,she said. how do you figure? i said, imagine doing something like that before social media. hey, phil? yeah? i just want to let. you know father's day. >> i told my dad's world's greatest dadd'. that mak >> well, it makes sense, joe.s it's father's day. that's the day i tell hifatherm dad, i like one more thing, phil. i mean, you know, if you like that? >> yeah. the world haand the s to be a cy place, but luckily, beer companies have stepped in to make sense of it all, but itl an really backfired on bud light. people started boycotting that beer. imagine that one day. you're a fan of bud light beer,y and the next dayou you're denyir yourself the delicious tasteselo of flavored alcohol. and people say, joe, how do you know what tastes like?rinet >> fair question. 1 time >> one time i was stung in theng mouth by a jellyfish jellyfish . >> the worst part about having someone on your jellyfish.n sting is when you find out later that's not a real cure ou >> you were just bamboozled again. >> german tourists. hey, thank you, guys. so much. i really appreciate it. thank you. thank you. thank you. than k you. >> thank you. joe mackie. he's delightful. don't go away. we'll be right back if you'll be in the new york area and like tickets to see gutfeld go to slash gutfeld and click on the link to join our studio audience. this bathrobe so musty everybody damp. >> everybody's damp. david's new fast acting drop in tab attracts and traps excess moisture eliminating, musty odors and body depth. >> we have a door that doesn't lift. >> so it went on and it took me just a handful of minutes. >> so vendors who were knowledgeable, they did high quality work. they wanted us to be happyso yoc with the work done as well. >> it is a beautiful garage. same g t started today at and, ecom bounty mega roll lastde so you can tackle candle tossing you can tackle candle tossing avocado berries, butter, coffe e cream, drippy fingers, deviled eggs and bananas, red and pick roll that you clean spills without running out and glasses. >> lessons been done bounty the quicker picker upper the best things in life come in to two scoops of ice cream two thumbs up and now by any phone when you switch to consumer cellular and get two months of service free that's right two months free all with fast reliable nationwide coverage. >> make the switch today air modo inflate anything in minutes. the air modo is a portable air pump. that means you can inflate your tires wherever you are. bu gives you peace of mind at the gives you peace of mind at the push of a button. >> does it get air mode? 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Transcripts For FOXNEWS America Reports 20240607-1080

>> john: the hunter biden trial in delaware adjourning for the day. the big headline, hunter himself may be called to the witness stand, as the defense presents its case. let's bring in mercedes colwin and mark eiglarsh to talk more about this. mercedes, what do you think of the wisdom of putting hunter on the stand? >> that is such a critical question of all defense attorneys, they have to ask themselves whether or not they want to put the client on the stand. will they satisfy the cross-examination? frankly, that is real. hunter biden has made a lot of comments. he's written a book about his


Transcripts For MSNBC Jose Diaz-Balart Reports 20240607-3240

we have an update on hunter biden's gun trial unfolding right now in a delaware courtroom. want to bring back ken dilanian. good morning. what's the latest? >> reporter: jose, our team has confirmed that hunter biden's uncle, james biden, and hunter's oldest daughter will testify as defense witnesses this afternoon. it's not -- we don't know what they're going to say. we can speculate they will offer testimony about hunter biden's state of mind and his drug use and whether or not he was using drugs during the time in question when he bought and owned that gun. his defense is that he was not, or at least there's doubts about that despite text messages


>> they come ashore. >> bill: commemorations being held worldwide 80 years since d-day. it turned the war. less than a year germany had surrendered. today u.s. navy seals reenacted the landing of the second naval beach battalion at utah beach in western france and stood by descendants of the soldiers who


when you're in this place and you think about the normandy invasion that began all that cleat. >> it's very moving to thank for 1 thing that i could've been here. i was only a few months after this happened. when i came over here. >> martha: and thinking back to when you first came to france a few months after d-day and then the end of your time here you are part of the group that liberated talk out. did you have any understanding of the concentration camps at that point? >> we didn't know and adding about concentration cans. we had no idea of what they were or that they even existed. this was sudden to us. >> martha: that was quite a shock we. >> yes. i don't think too many americans

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Transcripts for FOXNEWS Americas Newsroom 20240604 14:19:00

>> bill: welcome back. 18 minutes past the hour. if you were with us yesterday we introduced our tracker on the issues. we want to just show something in light of the "wall street journal" reporting earlier today and the executive order on the border. this is biden on the left and what voters prefer and then trump on the right. just advance it one time. what sticks out to us now especially in light of what mike pompeo was talking about earlier today, the issue of age.


Transcripts for FOXNEWS The Faulkner Focus 20240604 15:46:00

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