climate change component speech. he actually put that in his foreign policy. to nicole and to the ambassador, what we ve seen in the past couple weeks is boehner saying he s not a scientist can t comment on the global warming. why is your party behind the ball on this? do you believe this is a foreign policy issue? and what do you say to boehner and rubio who are not buying what the scientists say is an obvious fact? listen, i am on my own party with climate change. let s not walk away from this question yet. i think this notion that president obama s foreign policy was articulated the climate change question. on climate change, i think you ve got one of the most articulate voices in our party on set, i ll yield my time to him in a second. on foreign policy, the notion that you can defend my favorite thing that happened in
to find his foreign policy, he s still talking about the republicans. president obama still talking about the republicans six years in. we don t want to hear your campaign speech from 2008 that made people in wisconsin get on their feet and cheer. tell us where we go the last two years of the obama administration. another denunciation of george w. bush. another denunciation as if we need another. no real strategy. and it s kind of politics as usual when the american people need to be lifted and inspired. and the world needs to be led. make to mistake about it. the world has turned to the united states for leadership. in terms of how we re going to lead out every way. and we have not signalled any clear guidance in terms of how we re going to do that. this is too little too late. where were these words two years into the first term? one of the things that we ve ignored about that speech, one component and one thing that will probably be inspiring as jim said to the basis the
wouldn t you agree it rang well with some americans who say my gosh we ve been in afghanistan now for more than a decade. by the end of 2016 when this is finally over, it ll be 15 years since 9/11. don t you think some of the american people look at this speech and say finally get us out of those places. we don t want to be sending our troops in. do you think it has some meaning for not for foreign policy analysts but for the american people. i think willie, iraq and afghanistan no longer passes policy. we re beyond that moment. we ve talked about it. we ve chewed on it. we ve all identified the mistakes of the past. now what do we do? where do we go? and what is the grand strategy for the united states? and how do we use the tools that are available to us. you know, tools like energy. what are we going to do about a booming energy market here in the united states that has export potential that could be a very, very powerful weapon if used appropriately. there s been no discussion
of versailles or after the end of world war ii or 1989 after the end of the fall of communism and end of the cold war. it s crying out for a strategy and articulation of america s role in the world. it isn t calling out for, again, a defensive kind of diatribe about my policy versus george w. bush s foreign policy. which i think was petty and unnecessary. you had george w. bush in 2002 at west point articulate his vision of preemption. the world deserves and needs more from the united states right now. and the american people need more as well. this is a critical moment in history. willie geist. governor huntsman, although the speech at west point was not popular. we ve heard it from all siends of the aisle.
but not [ overlapping speakers ] the larger issue that he addressed that provoked the rest of the speech, the content of the rest of the speech was the fact that his police commissioner ray kelly went to brown university this past wednesday to speak and was shouted down and off the stage. i think that s stupid and reprehensible. why students don t want to be subjected to a different set of viewpoints is silly. the fact professors donated to barack obama is overstated. it s the same thing. you talk about political correctness, katty, condi rice is basically kept from going to rutgers. we could give one example after another. ray kelly shouted down. the question is what type of intellectual ghetto do these people want to live in? they have cordoned themselves off from one of the great