britain s strawberries and how british cheese could be made, and making good old fashioned english fishermen where her nets. there was even a column about the evil making condoms too small. none of this was true but he seemed to think it was all great fun. he told an interviewer quite, i was just chucking these rocks over the garden wall and listening to the amazing crash from the greenhouse next door over an england. everything i wrote from brussels was having this amazing, explosive effect on the conservative party. it really gave me this i suppose rather weird sense of power and quote. his right-wing newspaper would splash its headlines over the front page of the secret evil plans of european bureaucrats to take over british life and rule the u q k from afar. and this newspaper for readers learn to distrust and hate the eu. those readers included a lot of your conservative lawmakers and he watched with glee a civil war broke out in his own party about how anti europe they
expecting more protests to get underway a few hours from now. that sets the scene for our second hour, welcome back as america reports rolls on. i m john roberts, good to be with you today. gillian: good to be with you, john. interestingly, john, i have to tell you, the protests have spread here, too. covering the state department, walked out, was greeted by 100 protestors who were very rowdy, yelling as officials as they came out of the building, shame on you, even at the nation s capital. and students walked out of classrooms to show solidarity for palestinians. and anti-israel is spreading to others, and calling for a national day of walkouts and the white house is facing criticism from the other side that he is not curtailing hate speech. john: hillary vaughn with more there, but first alexis mcadams kicks things off live in new york city, quite a protest yesterday. hi, john, that s what we have seen. starts with a few dozen and then expands to hundreds and move a
Primary healthcare workers are living in fear in the troubled Mqhekezweni village in the notorious Bhityi policing area where residents live under siege from people who rob, rape and even murder them.
firm shuttering its doors. but it lost that battle on tuesday, when a judge denied the clinics request to temporarily block the trigger ban from taking effect today. most abortions are now outlawed in mississippi, affective sunday. some clinic workers began packing up the pink house. abortion laws influx all over the country with over a dozen states now subjected to trigger black bands. these laws are changing so much so fast you can literally track the daily changes on the new york times state-by-state, like you would track viral covid trends. but it s important to remember, the reason these laws are influx because of a sentiment written on those posters outside of the pink house today. people refuse to believe this is the end. they have enduring hope that it will not allow them to given to these extreme anti-health care laws. and they are putting in the work every single day to fight back. today, the only remaining abortion provider in north dakota red women s river clinic
but it lost that battle on tuesday, when a judge denied the clinics request to temporarily block the trigger ban from taking effect today. most abortions are now outlawed in mississippi, effective today. some clinic workers began packing up the pink house. abortion laws in flux all over the country with over a dozen states now subjected to trigger black bands. these laws are changing so much so fast you can literally track the daily changes on the new york times state-by-state, like you would track viral covid trends. but it s important to remember, the reason these laws are in flux because of a sentiment written on those posters outside of the pink house today. people refuse to believe this is the end. they have enduring hope that it will not allow them to give in to these extreme anti-health care laws. and they are putting in the work every single day to fight back. today, the only remaining abortion provider in north dakota, red women s river clinic in fargo, filed a