would get it taken care of. get it through the mid year. what was the name that they gave the trump investigation? crossfire hurricane. just the name to show you the bias was there from the get-go with these top of people at the fbi that ran both investigations. sean: cheryl, look what they did in all of these cases here. they re involved, the same characters, the same players, the same people that had a bias. they did this on week one of the trump administration. sounds like an insurance policy to me. sounds like a media leak strategy is coming there after. it sound like an operation. something that we learned from comey, i thought this was plowing old ground to look back at the clinton material. in light of what he said, comey said in his testimony loretta lynch, the attorney general, should have recused herself and should be. not just from the tarmac meeting but other unnamed material that we don t know about. number 2, he said he had known
of, getting to the mid year exam. what was the name they gave a drop-russia investigation?? cross fire hurricane. just the names show you the values that were there from the get-go with these top people at the fbi, who ran both investigations. sean: sharyl, you look at what they did in all of these lcases here, the same charactes are involved, the same players, the same people that had bias. they do this on week one of the trump administration. sounds like an insurance policy to me. sounds like a media leak strategy is comings thereafter. it sounds like an operation. something i think we learn from comey, i thought i was someone who thought this was plowing old ground to look back at the clinton material. in light of what he said, comey said in his testimony that loretta lynch, the attorney general, should have recused herself i didn t, and was either compromised or appeared to become an object from the tarmac meeting, butt about other unnamed material. number two, he says that he
wikileaks is not named but referred to in here. when you look at the time line, doesn t look good for wikileaks. a lot of the hacking started in march and went into april. in june when the hackers were planning to release e-mails, julian assange said he had all of this clinton material. we know from james clapper that e-mails were transferred from d.c. leaks, a russian entity to wikileaks. sounds like that was done from one organization to another. there were cut-outs involved. dana: were any americans named today? not today. doesn t mean not in the future but not today. rod rosenstein went out of his way to say americans did communicate with the russian hackers but may not have known. right. dana: all right, shelby. thank you. big news. thank you. dana: president trump now on his way to scotland after wrapping up his trip to england. the president meeting with the queen for the first time this afternoon at windsor castle after taking questions at a joint news conference th
bannon, kellyanne conway, and sam clovis, who was a policy adviser to now president trump. joining us now is investigative reporter michael isikoff, who is chief investigative correspondent at yahoo! news, who wrote a book in 1999, called uncovering clinton, who looks at peter smith s earlier activism. thank you for joining us. good to be with you. so peter smith turns up in the the wall street journal last night, also tonight. what can you tell us about his background in the anti-bill clinton material in the 90s? well, it s fascinating that something somebody wrote 20 years ago pops back up in the news in a totally different context. but yeah, you pretty much covered it in the intro there, rachel, he was one of the sort of shadowy, behind the scenes figures who was helping to finance some of the politicitic
a lot of them difficulty towards marco rubio. again, anyone in the race but cruz and trump it may be the best bet anybody has right now. now to the scandal involving bernie sander s staff, two sander s staffers have been suspended in the campaign s national data director fired. the firewall on a server belonging to a vendor failed on wednesday. documents reviewed by nbc news appeared to show four individuals affiliated with the sanders campaign accessed proprioritary clinton material. they reacted by shutting off sander s access to the data. sander s campaign blasted the move saying it would cost 6,000 dollars a day in donations. their access was restored but