Two bills back together. But we made a very strong, powerful point throughout the entire debate about ending that unholy alliance between rural republicans and democrats. Just the decoupling is something that i think is a strategic goal of the policy. Absolutely. That was big time with that first time it had been in 50 years where they had been split for at least going through one body of the congress. This lady. Yeah. Part of the bill, is there any incentive in there for companies to work with companies who would hire welfare recipients to work so that that be a way of keeping track of the people who are looking for work . Years ago when welfare reform had first taken place, i was an Office Manager at law firm, and we brought in a young lady who had who was on welfare. She had to go to work. And part of it was that, i dont know. We had received a letter or something that encouraged Small Businesses to hire these young people. And then the Welfare Social worker had to send the individu
Gone forward because this administration continues to block it. Tens of thousands of highpaying jobs with the stroke of a pen the private sector could be allowed to create, but this administration is not stroking that pen. But heres the point, as much as we need to approve the Keystone Pipeline, we need to think far broader than that. We need to do far more. In coming weeks, i will be introducing a bill, the American Energy renaissance act, that is designed to do two significant things. Number one, to prevent the federal government from stopping the Energy Renaissance that is blossoming across the country. And number two, to expand the lands, the resources that are available for the private sector to develop so that we can answer what the American People are asking for which is jobs and Economic Growth. This opportunity is right in front of us. If the federal government will simply listen to the American People. Now what are the elements of this bill . Ill give you the elements at broa
Facility. This is the geography and so on. In addition, these and other agencies in the dhs and the we i have done a 13 city tour around the u. S. And canada to explain the lessons and local Law Enforcement is one of the main attendees as i understand it at these meetings because as he said it could happen in any community. Thank you for the question, senator. The most important and most Effective Security measure is the relationship between the Utility Company and Law Enforcement and we recognize that years ago which is why some of us have a standard that buyers if there is any issues of incidents related to cybersecurity that must be reported to local Law Enforcement and we require companies to establish contact with the Law Enforcement. I think having that is very important and we also participated in the outreach. A third of it was in response to First Responders and i think Going Forward and i envisioned facilitating oneonone with Utility Companies and Law Enforcement and First Re
Thank you, madam chair. And thank you for holding this hearing. I appreciated. I know this is a focus, this panel on cybersecurity but weve also talked about reliability and a new the next panel can focus on the. I appreciate your willingness to move forward on figuring so quickly after your taking the chairmanship. I like to ask a couple of questions because we have great experts here who may be can give us a preview of what were going to next also for us to be able to compare and contrast with her from some of the industry folks. First i guess, chairman lafleur id like to hear from you a little bit about what you think we ought to be doing in terms of reliability. You were quoted as having said am also very concerned about the price both the applet magnitude of price spikes and increase we saw this when it when we see the ice spikes its a symptom protecting reliability is causing this issue. Can you elaborate on that . Is that an accurate quote . Yes, but always in the context. We ha
And Global Warming, which they say is caused by fossil fuel burning. Are we going to have it both ways . Saying to the Environmental Community that you are concerned about Global Warming . You asked a lot of questions. Coal is an important part of the economy and i support the good jobs it produces. As far as the Climate Change part of that, i stepped up to the plate saying i am willing to work with both sides of the aisle and anyone who is willing to have the conversations about how we support all sectors of the economy and not just the Largest Corporation and wealthiest individuals. Part of that is creating a Long Term Plan for shifting to greener technologies, renewables like wind and solar. Congressman daines . I support building the keystone xl pipeline. It took the canadian government 6 months to approve the pipeline. It has taken the president seven years. This president needs to stand with the people of montana who want the keystone xl pipeline built. We passed a bill in the ho