Code Enforcement Officer Joelle Corey, asked the select board to enact a $250 preliminary site plan fee to commercial developers at its March 7 meeting.
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GREENWOOD On Monday, planning board members will continue to review an application for a proposed subdivision off Rowe Hill Road in Greenwood.
The proposed subdivision, called “Twitchell Pond Overlook,” would consist of seven single family residential lots and one lot held onto by the owner, Paula Lamb.
The property totals 34.5 acres and has recently been cleared by a licensed forester
Under project description, it says ” The site is generally moderately to steeply sloping from Rowe Hill Road west to East Twitchell Pond Road. Wetland areas and two stream segments, delineated by Eric Whitney, L.S.E., S.S. of Main-Land, are located on site and shown on the subdivision plan.
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OXFORD Selectmen held a special meeting Wednesday night to further discuss amendments as the town moves toward reversing its ban on recreational marijuana businesses.
In June 2018 Oxford residents approved an ordinance prohibiting the sale and cultivation of retail recreational marijuana along with accompanying social clubs. Medical cannabis was not included in the prohibition.
Coinciding with the opening of Maine’s first marijuana stores in October 2020, two people with interest in opening cannabis businesses in Oxford appeared before the Board of Selectmen requesting that the town revisit its ordinances restricting it.
In 2017 the town created the Adult Use Marijuana Committee, comprised of administrators, public safety officials and residents to research and create the policy that became the 2018 ordinance. But last fall it fell to the Ordinance Review Committee, comprised only of town officials, for consideration.