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a demonstration in the capital the army says the group is a threat to national security but critics fear the crackdown is producing a new generation of radicals. in sports a family making waves and one of sailings toughest races a couple will compete against each other when they set off across the atlantic this weekend the most difficult part may be leaving their little son at home. and. celebrating one hundred years of a modern drum kit and why kick drum snare and hi have to are the heartbeat of the music we love. i'm sumi so misconducts good to have you with us two journalists and in marjah held in connection with their reporting of the wrong hands or crisis are expected. file appeals this week the reuters report as well known and child were sentenced to seven years in prison one festa getting a massacre of muslims during a military crackdown last year many countries condemned the trial but as state of new south east asia correspondent bust and heartache reports it's part of a wider push by the government in myanmar to stifle freedom of the press. workers' strike on the outskirts of yangon. and. things get heated when protesters confront the police. line tips in why is right in the middle reporting it live on facebook. but situations like these are not the dangers journalists like him fear most it's criticizing the powerful which has once again become a present danger in me and mark a risk blankets and why has to weigh up carefully whenever i have to publish a news and need to kings. three times. that this story my security ado story can love me in the deal was in men kids that i thought he went to when to hide the real situation the true information so. so they also had the authority also tried to as a threat while alone and just so only too well the two reuters journalists were sentenced to seven years in prison after investigating the involvement of me and maher security forces in mass killings in rakhine state these are the walls of yangon's notorious insein prison back in the days of military rule that housed many a political prisoner nowadays more and more journalists have to do time here not only wallow in and also whose case to international attention there are many more just recently three journalists. arrested and brought here because they reported on shady business deals by the yangon regional government and its head if you maintain a close confidant of state councilor and nobel peace prize laureate chiefs three journalists have been released on bail but the incitement charges so far have not been dropped if convicted they face up to two years in prison de facto leader on sense to achieve was once the figurehead of the democracy movement in her country a symbol of resistance against the decades long oppression by me and mars' military rulers now she heads a party and a government that alongside that same military could tales press freedom in intimidates critical voices when they are lying runs me in march first investigative magazine he says the laws like the official secrets act the two reuters journalists were charged under need urgent reform as things stand he says journalists remain under threat. even when we using our phone we very nervous who are sent in for a mission to my for everyone can sense so if a mission for to me if some official. fall some secret to finish. it will be valid into the say secrecy so very we are very nervous not only me but also my family also very worried about that the last threatening journalists like they are lying are currently under review a spokesperson for sue cheese party told us but it's not only the interests of the media the civilian leaders are considering they are also careful to avoid confrontation with the country's powerful military. that report from did you southeast asia correspondent boston heartache and he joins us for more on the story good to see you we mentioned that we're expecting the two workers journalists to appeal their prison sentences this week how likely is it that their sentences will be overturn it. well it's a bit hard to predict the outcome of a potential second trial will have to wait and see if that second trial should actually happen if that's any different from the first trial the first trial was widely criticized for different reasons let me just give you an example one of those one of those things that back critics pointed out is that apparently the judges didn't take into account the testimony of one of the witnesses there a police officer who admitted that the two reuters journalists were basically lured into a trap by the police they were given documents that allegedly contained state secrets and then directly afterwards they were arrested for being in possession of these exact documents and that's only possible because there is this law the official secrets act that has been in place since colonial times and that basically criminalizes the possession of secret information you don't even have to do anything with it just having it or being in possession of it is already a crime and that's what they were charged for now. cheese she said that this trial and also the verdict was in line with the laws and that really shows that the laws are really the problem here that laws like this official secrets act for example but there are others telecommunications laws for example defamation laws as well and there are so broad critics say that they easily lend themselves to silencing and intimidating critics and they say that critics say that these laws have to be amended and if that doesn't happen then it's really hard to see how things will significantly change that we bussin what about aung san suu kyi you know she was the nobel peace prize laureate a former pro-democracy activist but some say press freedom has declined since she took office tell us more about her role in all of this. well it is a surprise or it was a surprise for many to see this development really because many people inside and outside of myanmar thought and hoped that things were going to get better that things were going to move more towards more freedom and more democracy but as you say it seems that the opposite at least in parts has happened so many journalists for example in myanmar say that they felt they had more freedom under the previous president saying who was a former general then they do now another reason is why is this happening there's a lot of finger pointing at the military saying it's their fault they're the ones who really wield power in me and mar and that they have been very sensitive especially since the onset of that crisis but it's not only the military because it's it's the government too if you take for example that case against the three journalists who were recently arrested for criticizing the regional government that's led by the end of the party and they want they're the ones who pressed charges so that was their decision so that that is really a development that not only surprises but also disappoints many so we are there southeast asia correspondent boston heartache thank you very much for your reporting not to some other stories making headlines around the world a freelance japanese journalist who returned for more than three years of captivity in syria has apologized for causing trouble to his government. said he traveled to syria to see for himself what was really happening but was kidnapped by militants after crossing the border saudi arabia's crown prince is reported to have told the u.s. that he consider jamal khashoggi to be a dangerous islamist the washington post newspaper says mohammed bin sama made those remarks in a phone call with white house advisers questioner and john bolton the call was made after the writer disappeared but before saudi arabia admitted to killing him. russia's vladimir putin hosted talks with cuba's president today and the two called on the united states to reconsider its intention to withdraw from a nuclear arms treaty cuba and the soviet union were cold war allies and putin says russia still feels solidarity with communist cuba. polish prime minister my tears and german chancellor angela merkel are meeting today in warsaw along with their ministers that these types of joint cabinet sessions are usually a sign of good relations but this time it's different germany has criticised the changes poland's right wing populist government has made to the judicial system as undermining the rule of law of the governing law and justice party has lowered the retirement age for justices on the supreme court critics say that move allows the government to kick out judges it doesn't like last month the european court of justice ordered poland to reverse the move poland also has issues with germany its unhappy about the plan to build a gas pipeline north stream to from russia to germany under the baltic sea bypassing poland and it argues jeopardizing poland's energy security. let's bring in d.d.'s correspondent money to set out because she is standing by for us in warsaw with more on this story monica how serious is the current friction that we're seeing between warsong berlin. well ascensions have been very deep in the recent months and years as you already said. the european union or york and some if not also german officials the german government is very concerned about the judicial reform is in poland the sense of this reform is to putting on the putting judges and courts under the control of the government and the argument from the polish side is always that the old commies judges have to move have to go and they should be replaced by. government friendly judges. but this is of course it's causing tensions because germany from the polish perspective germany is probably the last country in europe which is allowed to the polish people lessons in democracy because of the historical reasons monica not looking at poland's perspective hole is also unhappy about this planned gas pipeline from russia to germany to the baltic sea why is that. one of the polish government not only this government but all the governments have been already have been. arguing many times that it is undermining the balance of energy the security of energy in europe but also poland and also because of the historical reasons poland is left aside feels like left aside by all didn't like all these negotiations and poland has no access to these. so this. does not seem to gas pipeline poland and ukraine which is also bypassed by the single pipeline have bilateral agreements with russia but that allows russia to put pressure on these two countries ok so there's plenty of friction here between germany and poland what are the avenues for dialogue then what are we expecting to come out of this. well there are yes possibilities for a dialogue. the economy is booming in poland and there are thousands of germans and their brand. new companies. here in poland the polish economy is dependent on that they're on economy and all the business people of all i am talking to are very happy. with the german polish economic relations its great extent is. very big it's about one thousand billion. euros a year and the other point is the coming bric poland is that we are. and it's ready to make a bigger can increase in contributions with the budgets of the european union and this is not a controversial point good thing this is something all right so there is some common ground there monica showed up for us in warsaw thank you very much. now an international effort to create the world's largest marine reserve off of the coast of antarctica has been voted down the proposal aimed to protect nearly two million square kilometers from fishing and mining in what is known as the would doubtless see the area as home to an array of marine life including some believe undiscovered species after two weeks the twenty five nation members of the commission for the conservation of antarctic marine living resources could not come up with an agreement. and let's bring in ross son tagg he's a scientific advisor for the angio antarctic and southern ocean coalition he was at the meeting in hobart there you are ralph good to have you with us looks like we just lost you were off i don't know if you can hear us there you are ralph i can hear you ok and we just lost you for a moment there i tell us more about why was this proposal blocked well i think let's start on a positive note twenty nine countries klasky you there really united in the man being increased protection for dandachi exams being very very important i think you know for example to build up resilience again time of change against the oval station of the chinese and ocean basin but russia and china they have veto dues and this is in my opinion this is not accepted why have they vetoed this what is their interest here well there are different interests there might be some fishing interests especially from the russian side but i think there has also other geo political aspects of it play a role i think maybe china is playing for time you know to see but they can do maybe at a later stage standdown rauf this is a see that is home to several important species why are we just talking about it's a protection now well be you know talking about his protection since many many years it chest takes a long time two years ago even able to get to rusty protected another very important ecosystem and you know. and it's actually since seventy years they keep to try to protect event out sea and germany has now put another effort into presenting this into getting its fuel but unfortunately as i said russia and china vetoed it and also know they demanded they don't even know it's accept to count proposal of germany given those vetoes what is next for trying to make this a protected area. i think it has to go to higher levels i think. for a minister in germany to really have to talk to the russian and chinese conduct go ahead negotiate that he can create use of protected areas i think something very important in order to achieve at least twenty thirty percent of our oceans to be protected that's what we need and that's very very i think happens all right on track scientific advisor for the antarctic and southern ocean coalition thank you very much for joining us on a program. if you. now police in china have released chilling c.c.t.v. footage showing the moments before a deadly bus crash in the city of trunk chain officials say a female passenger started fighting with the driver after she missed her stop she had asked them to stop on the road but she refused the bus then plunged off a bridge thirteen bodies have been retrieved from the water two others are still missing no one is believed to have survived. three times for business with care had now an important benchmark for banks from sumi europe's banks are waiting with bated breath for the results of the latest stress test on the financial sector the report test the resistance of the banking sector in the eventuality of a heavy crash the london based european banking authority and the european central bank in frankfurt put forty eight european lenders under the microscope together they account for more than seventy percent of bank assets across the euro zone among the some poor eight german banks including the country's biggest storage about six french lenders such as b. and b. probably bund for each from italy and the u.k. of service will have a particularly keen eye on banks in italy which was struggling two years ago and today face increased uncertainty under a new of the populist government. let's bring in a man who's stressed as that on a daily basis for me and my colleagues here in the studio down here in front of them what is this stress test good for and what exactly is being tested there. that was a good one garrett finally somebody who is understanding me. but anyway let's talk about the lenders and their stress tests and investor compare there's a little bit early and said this is like a yearly doctor's appointment for the lenders around the e.u. and also in norway from a starting point off their financial positions at the end of two thousand and seventeen the banks were confronted with a scenario where the european union's g.d.p. plunged by two point seven percent between two thousand and eighteen and twenty twenty on top of that the test also simulated that unemployment would be rising by more than three per cent to a level that we saw the last time during the financial crisis in two thousand and nine the interesting thing is that this could be a potential scenario off the heart grex at the banks of course know that but nobody is really saying this officially. i don't know what are you hearing there from the central banks are there any candidates likely to fail this stress test well this test is not really about failing or passing this was the case before georgia for example failed a stress test in the united states so investors will be closely of course monitoring how daughter bank is doing and also how it tele and lenders will perform so yeah i will be waiting for the results i hope in frankfurt thank you very much. the final u.s. jobs report before next tuesday's midterm elections shows that employers are still hiring that is a welcome development for republicans ahead of the vote in the u.s. for labor department said american the boys added sure to fifty thousand new jobs in october while salaries rose at the fastest pace since two thousand and nine unemployment held steady of three point seven percent that's a forty eight year low in september the aftermath of florence weighed on jobs growth. hackers have stolen documents on nuclear power plants prisons and tram that works from a french construction company according to research by german and french media organizations the paris based company. have all come from to the incident it is still unclear who is responsible for the hike in connection with the investigations rented and dog is already being confiscated in july something parts of the data the joint investigations off the public prosecutor's offices in paris and cologne however have not yet led to the identification of the atoms. that's all your business for now more of it later in the chauffeur suspect to thank you politicians in the u.s. are a pulling out all the stops to win over voters ahead of next week's midterm elections they're singling out one group in particular they young most agree that used turnout will play a key role in the outcome of next week's election in the past millennialists have been difficult to motivate but as you get these maya schwager reports that might be about to change. alexander virus is one thousand years old a first year university student and she's from new jersey a rather blue democratic state her vote is a prime target for both the republicans and the democrats but for young americans like alexandra who are gripped by politics the motivation to vote is low i really don't know if i'm going to vote yeah i want to vote it's just there's nothing pushing me there's no one there my parents tell me to vote but i feel like i don't have anything around me saying oh you should know this is the registration this is everything polls show that young people over democrats over republicans by a wide margin and largely disapprove of president donald trump that's good news for democrats if they can convince those voters to show up and in the last midterm elections only sixteen percent of eligible voters from ages eighteen to twenty nine voted new york needs and deserves a new vision republicans also know it's to their advantage to convince first time voters that their party is young and engaged but it won't stop me from working hard america is an exceptional place and it's still a young country bridgette on the president of george washington university student decedents to vote in this huge voting bloc i think the largest voting bloc just the most under-represented in terms of whether or not we show up to the polls so i think that if we end up showing up that will have a large impact recent polling suggested young voters may defy expectations and show up to vote in significant numbers this year if so that might tip the balance of power in congress. donald trump says central american migrants who threw rocks at u.s. border troops would be treated as if they were armed the u.s. president told journalists a group of several thousand migrants moving north toward the border had already thrown rocks at mexican police and that soldiers should act as though the rocks are rifles the migrants are fleeing poverty and violence in their homeland trumpets deploy thousands of troops to the u.s. mexican border. let's get more on this story with more that's from the ngo medico international he is in mexico with this convoy maurits you have been with them on the move on foot for weeks now what are the conditions like. the conditions. of these people traveling about seven thousand people who are traveling all from guatemala. and honduras this time it is cities it's people who are really not in conditions to travel don't have trouble. walking with. really bad she's mine has to say and they are exposed to very hot sun every day very early on that. when they get to the camp in the afternoon the first thing they do is to pry open to get some some shelter from the sun canvas. but it's really. really revise infrastructure that we see and people in the night there are probably going to rain and floods. so it's really difficult for them to move into low marks i want to ask you about what we heard the u.s. president donald trump say that u.s. troops will fight back and immigrants in this convoy throw rocks at soldiers have people there been reacting to that. people take notice of that as a man from. trauma speed. has got. the. direction that people don't really care about and besides that one has to save. two thousand five hundred kilometers away from the care of them all so it's really such a shock conditions every day. to provide that basic to things for their basic needs so that not only geographically to know and it's far away that way but that's really difficult with sitting on the next day. morris with all these obstacles that they're facing how determined are they to reach the u.s. do they still think they're going to be able to cross the border i think yes they absolutely need to find the place that provides them live in dignity and safety. they may not really know what to expect from the future and know very well from what they have people are getting away from it they're really living condition and there was no job or job providing not enough to feed a family so that's one point the other point that. all of the home combinations with the economic. endangered by them are. by the. threat of allies and you have the people in that car ok moscow think often the n g o medical international speaking to us from mexico thank you very much. you're watching d.w. news still to come the drum kit turns one hundred years old but with program dates more popular than ever is it time to retire the showmen truck. don't forget you can always get it if you news on the gulf dollar app from google play or from the app store that will give you access to all the latest news from around the world as well as push notifications for any breaking news and that you can also use the data of you up to send us your photos and your videos. we'll have much more news and business for you coming up after a short break. non-prescription doesn't necessarily mean safe. to check strikes and send painkillers are poisonous to the parts of the more who are sent to mars or a new drug it likely wouldn't get approved today because of the over the counter drugs concocted by a pharma industry that lobbies politicians and will use doctors for a billion dollar headache in forty five minutes w. . school. the first economy most of them in the door is granted moment arrives to join your regular jane on her journey to freedom. you know or interactive documentary stories in the regular season returns home monday w don't come to tang's. was a schumi current the first global disaster of the twentieth century the. war to end all wars cost millions of lives. world war one. number marks the hundredth anniversary of its. what is human kind of learned from the great war. as it learned anything at all. is really any possibility. nineteen eighteen dogs are going to be w.'s november focus and. welcome back you're watching t.v. you names our top story the two jailed writers journalists in myanmar are preparing to appeal against their conviction for reporting on the rohingya crisis that's made a wider crackdown on the media by the government. to nigeria now were supporters of a jailed shiite cleric say security forces have shot dead more than forty five of their protesters since monday the islamic movement of nigeria has been calling for the release of its leader abraham zach saki but the military says he is a security risk and has met their demonstrations in the capital abuja with live fire. almost every minute in the other corpse arrives tearful relatives have gathered outside what is normally an islamic school but now functions as a mortuary they're still in shock. now when you know i'm heartbroken that my older brother isn't here anymore. and thus also came here to say goodbye he watched as soldiers shot his twenty year old son before his eyes the father insists he was unarmed and peaceful. you know what you saw it in the. absolutely shocked by the actions of the nigerian military not all soldiers behave like that it's not those who did this to me they're not soldiers. they're terrorists. had been. an ass and his son belonged to the so-called islamic movement of nigeria a shiite group whose followers have repeatedly been targeted by authorities. three years ago the army a text the house of their leader threw him in prison and killed more than three hundred of his followers since then she hates demand the release of their leader shake him sack sacket which was also ordered by of course but he remains in custody because the government still sees him as a national security threats and therefore letters between security forces and his supporters keep on escalating redo food it shows that the latest protest started out peacefully then individual people threw stones and soldiers responded by shooting into the crowds the army says they were forced to defend themselves against a growing threat. this will bring is supported by iran. would have a lot of money. to do its. job. in supporting a group that will count security this group if it is to be was a. down market experts fear this prediction could be correct but they also say the military could be to blame while unkrich downs by the army are what radicalized almost a decade ago since then the jihadist group has killed tens of thousands of people. before they don't allow. you might push a group to go into into. yes or just throwing look at the history of the book which you do with what you pointed out it actually started as a group just went in there all space to practice islam. you know. with brutal tactics on the ground and then they decided to take this where we are today. shiite leaders are still appealing for peaceful protest but in the wake of the latest violence it's becoming clear that some followers like mohamed are ready to give their lives for the course. to be sincere i feel santa i lost him. but he died as a martyr. this is also my goal and that of my children it's a sign of success a sign that god has accepted our work. here because you know that. there was there was no hope for now and says he'll keep protesting until they release his leader even if the government and security forces continue to choose violence over a dialogue that heavy. now to something that's not uncommon to hear on a plane a pilot asking if there are any doctors on board to help a sick passenger in the u.s. one african-american physician is accusing an airline of racism saying her credentials were repeatedly questioned when she came to assist someone who had fallen ill a she later shared what took place on social media and it seems to strike a chord with doctors and we have a social media editor jared reed with us to tell us more about the story what happened on this flight so this took place earlier this week on a delta airlines flight and basically a woman sitting next to dr fasten a cody stanford started to shake and convulse unlike any trained medical professional dr stanford went to her assistance and after that happened a couple of flight attendants came over and asked her if she was a doctor which i guess is a fair enough question to begin with but then they are asked to see her medical credentials or physical license not once but twice and then they even if that license belonged to her later on she wrote that she was racially profiled by the airline and she tweeted this to delta she wrote my experience last not when a fellow passenger needed help shows that being a harvard medical doctor does not shield from rice ism and then she followed with a number of hashtags what a doctor looks like and black women doctors do exist now she is an accomplished senior doctor dr stanford is an expert in obesity and she was educated at harvard university so you've got to ask a lot of questions why did this happen to begin with but you've got to ask why would someone who is a trend that who isn't a trained medical professional help someone in distress and why would she have a license that didn't belong to her it just seems a bit bizarre you know what answers are is delta giving to this delta has apologized both publicly and personally to doctors stanford over the incident but she's written she isn't completely satisfied with the public's. and that's because a very similar story happened in twenty six jane almost mirroring this an african american woman doctor was credentials aboard a delta flight and based on that incident the airline changed its policy to make it so that flight attendants didn't require doctors who presented themselves as doctors credentials but it's been two years since then and lots of people are asking will did delta really learn nothing on that experience and the airline is investigating we said this is struck a cord how are doctors reacting right will based on doctors' standards experience a lot of doctors of come out and basically just doctors and medical professionals are just as diverse as the communities. on instagram and on twitter they've been posting their experiences and photos of themselves. like what a doctor looks like i look like a doctor i look like. the bias that can exist in the general community. is about disease specialist in washington d.c. she tweeted what century is these that someone would doubt that a woman is a physician based on gender and fantastic smart caring physicians and from pediatrics. in massachusetts he writes i'm fifty some thirty something white male surgeon over the past twenty five years i've responded to several in-flight emergencies and i've never been asked to share my license this is shameful i guess many in the medical community pulling together to defend one of their own and also to highlight the bias that does exist all right our social media editor jared reed jared thank you. ed. germany's economy minister vitor taken business leaders to jakarta today for the asia pacific conference of german business it's a key event in the region for business leaders and government representatives to discuss economic relations between germany and asia and of course the trade spat between washington and china is on everybody's mind. modern cosmopolitan an economically growing this is how the indonesian capital is portraying itself at the asia pacific conference almost one thousand top managers and politicians came to jakarta a representative of the indonesian government spoke in german to the crowd. many people know that i'm the only german speaking member of president we don't as cabinet. who is over there but the friendly words couldn't dispel the misgivings german economy minister peter out meyer spoke plainly when he handed protectionist tennis is the. fact that. we have to be. back to. foreign investors are welcome in indonesia astra one of the largest industrial companies in the country even introduced a german dual study system still german companies have to make a little bit of effort if they want to do business here they probably have more prevalence is in out of countries that's a sign of what ends but don't forget indonesia we grew at five percent i know it's growing at six percent is probably a bit time now it's time probably for germany also a little shift some of the investments are in an asia. minister out myer called for more cooperation introducing germany's dual study system to jakarta was the first step. is covering the conference and caught up with germany's economy minister. she asked him whether he's worried about trade tensions and rising economic nationalism. why we have to be very cautious and concerned about some protectionist tendencies crowing in different countries worldwide but i found in this. conference wide consensus that we have to preserve a free and open market economy role white that is rule based a respect for w t o rules because open and free market access means optimized our location of resources it means more drops better us and higher standard of living for millions of people worldwide germany is seen as part of the solution not just part of the problem and therefore there is an increasing interest in cooperating with germany and have suggested business people here in this conference even called for in the lion's to promote an open economy how could this look like well we have heard today. social media and in many fora an international debate and this international debate has to be inspired by people advocating free and open trade because we believe it is so whiter for our economic success and that's economic success of countries like indonesia jack pan and china is closely linked to the economic success of advanced countries in europe like dr many france the u.k. and therefore. arguing in favor of free trade promoting negotiations on the on free trade equipment between japan and the e.u. between saying your poor and e.u. between in the knees you and you astray leah and you that means we are spreading we are spreading this philosophy that is so important as. if it is inspired by a market economy by social market economy this is a success model worldwide and we wanted to preserve it. you know what i like to talk to peter my thailand has become a transport hub in southeast asia but is finding it hard to keep pace with rising demand especially the handling of his daughter's hazardous materials needs improvement and streamlining logistics experts from germany are now training local officials how to improve the transport of dangerous goods. every day it's the same procedure before setting off with dangerous goods drivers for the group have to go through a long checklist. of the. safety vests engine coolant the electrical system they gradually work their way through the safety checklist this tanker truck is carrying forty thousand liters of sodium hydroxide a caustic liquid that explodes easily in high temperatures a sign warrants other drivers about the dangerous load but junior manager says the company has no choice but to comply with safety standards it's a key priority for international clients. thailand and mostly japanese customers here. in the it's not it's not. it's not a prize how much you're going to be going to shot but. how how how you going to. how you going to cope with it this is the first priority. not every company pays so much attention to safety like bus or tight group with its foreign clients talents roadways have many black sheep including drivers from neighboring myanmar and laos so far the companies have little to fear according to safety expert and pet you thore is often lack the expertise and resources to check the transport of dangerous goods. it is a big issue in thailand and therefore i am i i also. back at bail not only don't get caught but. general hard laws of passing. time. and putting them on that i know we need. law enforcement very strong law and by me i need someone. without expertise officials don't know what they should focus on the german association for international cooperation is eager to help it's invited officials from the transport ministry and other agencies to a workshop. under the supervision of experts the participants get a chance to carry out a real inspection the drivers wave to the side are quite surprised. that now that what's important when loading and unloading. rounding on correct when you're loading the vehicle they can be static electricity so you definitely have to have a grounding wire when transporting dangerous goods i don't want to run that way but . after an hour of inspections more than half of the drivers locked the required documents as well as required tools and equipment such as shovels and catch trains items that can save lives in an accident it appears thailand's transport inspectors still have a lot of work ahead of them. and that's only a business suspect assuming our rivalry with the twist really interesting twist scare hard on one of the world's top sailing couples will go head to head against each other this weekend sam davies will be competing against her partner paul martin osseo in the the thirty five hundred mile journey from france to the caribbean will be a tough slog for the couple especially because they have to leave their young son at home. some davies is one of the top female sailors in the world but the britain is about to face her toughest challenge not only must she take on the atlantic ocean alone she must do it against her part of. the jew or among over one hundred so those sailors taking part in the four yearly divorce and the couple see living together as being a help rather than an enduring. when you're preparing a race in a single handed race especially. not so many people. really understand what's going on to talk to so i guess we're in a position in that way where we can exchange quite a lot of our idea isn't easy. to get better together. the worst part is leaving their son in the care of grandparents while their boats battle the waves on route from brittany to guadalupe mail us at the school when i go to see i do so because it's my job to and we feel no guilt. but we have a seven year old boy and every time we prepare our departure the most important person is him. so you need a more present. the pair are getting used to their new quarters for the next week or so but there is always a reminder of home. north and south korea are using sports to build diplomatic bridges they're now one step closer to applying for a joint bid to host the twenty thirty two summer olympics leaders from both countries met in north korea to discuss the bit and agree twenty form the international olympic committee of their intent to apply they also announce that a joint korean team will also compete in next year's men's world handball championships in germany and denmark. well with winter fast approaching in korea it's time to break out the region's favorite for mental vegetable kimchi thousands gathered in downtown seoul to share an extra large helping of the korean culture in every classic it's a part of a charity event where volunteers prepare more than one hundred tons of kimchi for the homeless koreans traditionally stocked up on came she in the fall because the fermented cabbage keeps well in winter it's also rich in vitamin c. and seems to help keep up your spirits during the cold months of the year. this is gene krupa back in one thousand nine hundred forty four generally considered one of the greatest drummers who ever lived the drum kit is one hundred years old this year and we have a man who's got plenty of for themselves robin marrow to tell us more about this. robin for our viewers who don't know you were with the band many years on the road so how important is the drummer will the drummer is the heartbeat of the band he's the rhythm of course he's the beat but he's also very importantly the groove and gene krupa for instance he wasn't only a great drama but he was the first drummer who played drum solos and brought the drums into the spotlight ready i mean i have once had the experience of having to go on stage without drama and the really fell of just before we were going on stage and we it was a disaster i also had the experience of working with a substitute drama who some of our brass section in the band i was in would sort of telling him how to play the drums jury on the show he didn't take very lightly to this and when we got to a soft number he smashed it he just completely ruined the number you know what was a get but they got if you if you the. the drama is as i say i mean he can ruin a number he's very very important don't upset the drama or do you have to do is watch animal in the muppet show for proof. anyway as you said drums have been around for thousands of years but the drum kit is only been around for one hundred years and it was invented by the ludwig corporation in america in one thousand nine hundred eighteen is more. even though dramas are generally tucked away at the back of the stage they play a vital role in any band. if you've got a good drama and a band and you garcia you're always walk or i worked so shabby it was with that rock in there if you go and see a good band would if your come a white guy there i would say that and you don't really pay attention to the blazing guitar player. the first complete drum kit went on sale and hundred years ago it allowed a vengeful genesis to save money they previously had to hire several musicians to play put the question now one person could do it. a few dramas have become a major international star from the beatles. for the late john boehner who played the led zeppelin. but even the best drummers need a decent set of drums promised mamma ranker takes around nine months to make one set the shell is usually made of maple would be. the way the drums are made hasn't changed much in the past one hundred years. time hide the level of position is changed for the individual parts jus to technological progress we used to work within half a centimeter now it's my crew millimeters but as for the drum generally nothing's really changed. that hasn't changed is the relationship that all drivers develop with their instruments. these days of course computers can generate beats but that's not the real deal one hundred years on the interaction between human dramas and their kits just can't be. i think it's. some great drummers in there rob and the what stands out is that we see a whole lot of men onstage but there are plenty of great women drummers as well aren't they have the raw but actually in fairness i should say in the sixty's and seventy's it was a very male dominated business the rock'n'roll business all the bands were by i mean the exceptions were in the seventy's the runaways and in the eighty's the bangles that were female and the one that many so it wasn't just dramas but nowadays there are great female guitarist great cream out keyboard players and indeed great drummers we've got one here this is and he can neither is from germany actually better known internationally is and i cannot in fact she has millions of dollars on you tube to try to drum. and she also writes the producer music she goes on told around with the world and guess bands as well as that playing with our own musicians but generally in the rock'n'roll business today there are a lot more women involved well now that we see computer generated bates's that mean that real live drummers like to become something of an endangered species well i think they're having a bit of a different fortunes at the moment especially because chart music of the moment is predominantly dominated by hip hop music and hip hop music. i'd be careful of ninety nine percent of hip hop music uses drum machines i mean they do that's what they use however drum machines will never groove there are some aspects of the human created rhythm machines cannot replicate and scientific research has found that these tiny intersection imperfections very pleasing to the id to the human is so that live drive dramas aren't going anywhere and he's i have to make when you told me was one hundred years of the drumkit i was surprised i thought it would be much more i was surprised as well but i mean. beforehand the would maybe be five people one for the symbol one for the base you know this was this was personal russian eyes they should be invented the drum kit actually invented the bass pedal the foot pedal and the bass drum fust ten years void nice to know nine and then slowly they started thinking wait a minute if we do this this and there's one person can do it all and yet it's only one hundred years old all right we'll see if it lasts another hundred years roger merrill from date of you culture thank you. and we just have time for a minder of our top stories at this hour two jailed reuters journalists in myanmar are preparing to appeal against their convictions for reporting on the war hensher crisis that's amid a wider crackdown on the media and the government. and burials have begun for shiite protesters shot dead in nigeria a group protesting for the release of a jailed cleric says security forces have shot dead dozens of their members. thank you for watching due to the news i'm read that shima will be here at the top the hour. i'm going to move. on. to. non-prescription doesn't necessarily mean same. x.-treme x.-men for. some pain killers are poisonous little parts of the more who are upset i'm all for a new drug it likely wouldn't get approved today because of the over the counter drugs concocted by a pharma industry that long these politicians and women's doctors a billion dollar headache fifteen minutes on t.w. . i don't think you look at well i guess sometimes i am but i stand up and whip it up and research evan thanks even for gemma culture of looking at the stereotype the question to me is think this leaves the country that i don't blame. need it seems to take his grandmother day out to me it's all about ok. i'm a job to go and meet to meet the germans on the w. . post. closely. carefully. don't suit me. to do good. and. discover who. subscribe to the documentary on. scars cover them for against women in russia have to live with violence sexism and oppression a lot of the same that violence is no muslim brothers. where putin's petri arche lines today women's rights were already gaining traction. hundred years ago. people here didn't have a clue about feminism but their own women want to institute change in everyday life for justice to quality. under the skin of russia's women starts nov thirteenth on w. this is detail devious coming to you live from berlin the dangers of being a journalist in myanmar increasing numbers of reporters in the country are being locked up simply for doing their job is the de facto leader on some sochi determined to silence the critics we have a special report coming up. anglo-american a cabinet meet the polish count.


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