Reporting from SAN LUIS OBISPO
One warm Friday night in late spring 10 years ago, Kristin Denise Smart and three other young women started walking from their dorms at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. They were headed for the neighborhoods of apartment complexes and overpopulated “Animal House -like bungalows that border the campus. They were looking for a party.
It was Memorial Day weekend. Kristin’s first year away at college was coming to a close. The 19-year-old from Stockton would have considered that something to celebrate. As far back as February, she’d written to another student that “school seems like it is never going to end.”
What to do with wrapping materials post presents
and last updated 2020-12-26 01:40:34-05
Between Thanksgiving and New Year s, Americans throw away 25% more trash than any other time of the year. One of the biggest factors? Christmas wrapping materials.
Following holiday festivities, much of what covers seasonal surprises will get tossed in the trash.
During the pandemic, more people admit to buying online this year, creating more packaging material in trash cans.
This year, the Cold Canyon Landfill facility says they ve seen more boxes filling up residential recycling bins.
âUnfortunately, I think Iâve done a little too much online, San Luis Obispo resident Marti Valley said.