The house to define key of the ways now they are defying moscow pro russian separatist in Eastern Ukraine say they will stick with their schedule and hold a referendum on independence and next sunday. Plan a surprise turnaround russian president tracking and twenty eight has called on the separatists to postpone the poll. Hes also given his support for a National Election in ukraine scheduled date of this months war correspondent is in the last one of the provinces according to a referendum over to widen just a moment of first this report black smoke rises above the city home in our youthful as barricades made of tiny ears burn outside the building its changed hands several times after days of fighting between pro russian separatists and those loyal to kiev. They currently have control of the building. A few hundred kilometers further north. Its pro russian separatists who have the upper hand. The words painted on his hands art russian city of the month. A clear message to the militias
12:30 PM March 5, 2021
Charlotte Rogers and Justin Howells, who have applied to build a shed to house their restored US Army lorry
- Credit: Justin Howells
Two military vehicle enthusiasts have applied for planning permission to build a shed to house their weekend runabout - a Cold War US Army lorry.
Justin Howells spent restored the 1950s 6x6 truck after buying it in 2017. Mr Howells, 37, and his partner Charlotte Rogers, 31, enjoy taking the vehicle to shows.
Now the couple have applied to build a shed in the back garden of their home in Mill Road, Walpole St Peter, near King s Lynn, to keep it in.