George Blake, who died May 8 at the age of 103, was buried May 17 at Fairview Cemetery with a ceremony including an honor guard, rifle squad and flag presentation.
Friends and admirers of centenarian George Blake dropped by his house to wish him a happy 100th birthday Friday.
Blake, whose family was not able to travel to Salida for the event, sat in the sunroom of his townhome with his dog Shelby by his side and greeted well-wishers in the courtyard as they left cards and gifts or just swung by to say hi.
The walk-through birthday celebration was organized by Ark Valley Helping Hands volunteers Sandy Harold and Jolene Weir with the help of other members of the group.
A birthday surprise was orchestrated by Blakeâs daughters, Colleen Trinko, Peggy Glaser and Bobby Swift, who arranged for bagpiper Michael Lancaster of Golden to come to Salida and play a special concert for Blake.