The New York Post report about a controversial “porn literacy” class for junior students at Columbia Grammar & Preparatory School raised eyebrows last week over orgasm.
(Richard Alan Hannon/The Advocate via AP)
When New York parents forked over $47,000 per year for their kids to attend Columbia Grammar and Preparatory School, they had no idea that their children would be taught more than the usual reading, writing, and ‘rithmetic that is expected from learning institutions. However, a recent report from the
New York Post reveals these parents got far more than they bargained for, and they’re not too happy about it.
According to the report, students who attended a health and sexuality workshop believing it was “just going to be about condoms or birth control” were in for quite a surprise. Instead, they were treated to a teaching called “Pornography Literacy: An intersectional focus on mainstream porn,” which was taught by Justine Ang Fonte, director of Health & Wellness at Dalton, another NYC prep school.