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Transcripts For MSNBCW The 11th Hour With Brian Williams 20170513 08:00:00

here is the clip in question with janine pirro of fox news for an interview to air saturday. >> are you moving so quickly that your communications department cannot keep up with you. >> yes. that's true. >> what do we do about that? >> we don't have press elliot necessary found it so hard the believe that he would have reassured the president that he is somehow not under investigation note once, and certainly not three times. let's bring our kickoff panel on the, the veteran "new york times" chief white house correspondent peter baker is with us, who happens to be our newly minted msnbc political analyst. vivian solana, and matthew nussbaum. good evening to you all. peter, i was watching you on live television slight' after 4:00 p.m. eastern time. micolle wallace played the clip. >> that i can't talk about. i won't talk about that. all i want is for comey to be honest. i'm sure he will be, i hope. >> you reacted in real time. i'm not going to talk about that. you think this is a very serious moment right there. >> i do. it's very striking. it's been 40 years since we had a president that we knew of anyway who wasrd recording on any regular basis, tape recording his conversations. there is a reason why other presidents haven't done it. because it didn't work out well for richard nixon, obviously. the idea that he is putting out there is either he is in fact taping conversations with the fbi director of all people or he is bluffing or misleading in order to intimidate somebody who might have conferring that he considers to be damaging i guess. either scenario is stunning i think for any white house. >> vivian, this would appear to be a second straight interview done perhaps outside the authority and track of the press shop in the west wing. lester holt, and then janine pirro in two straight interviews the president has made news n. three separate depictions of the west wing, i have read about a dark place this week a place where people who did not want to encounter the president had their doors closed. what can you speak to the mood him since the very, very beginning, relative and closest advisors, the original staff of his campaign -- his inner circle is getting smaller. he is apparently getting very, very tense with the situation that they can't sort of shake off the whole russia allegation. so it's really an interesting time. and definitely can be felt, the tension, throughout the white house. >> and matthew, let's talk about the comey angle, respectfully he would insert the word integrity in every sentence he utters publicly if he thought he could. he has now been accused of what the president has ascribed to him, and that is saying three times, reassuring the president, you are not the subject of an investigation. let's talk about, call it comey's revenge and how you think that's going to play out now? >> well, basically what we have is donald trump's credibility versus that of james comey. i'm not sure if that's a fight donald trump wants to pick. james comey, for all the controversy he has been a part of, remains a respected figure certainly among the fbi and among law enforcement and among some on capitol hill and the idea that he's the one pushing these false narratives and the it's the president who is the one delivering the truth on this seems a little dubious to a lot of people, all the more so because the president has been acting so defensive making this veiled or not so veiled threat about recording their conversations. and then of course the quote you showed, someone close to comey saying i hope there are tapes. so, again, in a credibility battle i'm not sure if that's one that trump comes out on top. >> peter we have been talking 16 weeks now of this administration that the president is not, shall we say an institutionalist. he is not among those of us who have been steeped in history in the ways of the presidency because we have learned about it and find it interesting. he came from another world. does that explain the fact that he apparently did not know what his words in neither confirming nor denying recording the kind of scrutiny that the brief papers with janine pirro would bring? >> i think you need to remember this is the first president who never serve admin in an elected office and never been in the military. this is all new to him. it is a strength and a weakness. a strength obviously because people who support him and love the fact he is shaking up the system and when they see everybody pile on like washington is doing they get defensive and say that's because he is trying to drain the swamp. it's also a weakness in that he doesn't understand where the pitfalls are like politicians would. most politicians understand hinting at the idea of a secret taping system would raise echos you don't want to raise. most administrations try to avoid it. now it's unavoidable. and who does he listen to. is there anybody out there who can get to him and make him understand why there might be consequences to the thing he does on twitter and in these interviews? the answer seems to be no at the moment. >> vivian, what steps were taken to further enhance the trump legislative agenda today or at any time this week? >> it is a hard to say, a lot of the communications have been surrounding this issue about firing director comey. as far as any of the major items on the agenda that he is trying to carry out sort of further his health care bill, you know, the tax plan, things like that, everything is sort of -- they are still rolling but there isn't a lot of attention because so much energy and effort is going into this whole issue of director comey being abrupt lee fired and the russia investigation. i just want to point out something that peter said earlier. it's really important to remember that again, is it a bluff or there really evidence of something secret? this is at same president who threw out serious wiretapping allegations against president barack obama. yet we have never seen those claims substantiated. again we have a situation now where there is so much energy going into these claims that have no evidence to back them up. it's engaging people on the hill. ow lawmakers are being engaged where you are having to reopen investigations and dedicate so many resources into these issues. and then president trump gets really angry when they get so much attention. it's sort of a vicious cycle we are leading. that's where we are now. it's fascinating to watch, but also very troubling for a lot of people who do want to see him fulfill his campaign promises. >> our whole panel is going the stand by. we are going to fit a brief break in here and continue our conversation. coming up, new reporting tonight on former trump campaign chairman paul manafort. former national intelligence director james clapper weighs in on the russia investigations that as we mentioned keep dogging this white house. we are back with all of that right after this. show me the top hot 100 artist. they give awards for being hot and 100 years old? we'll take 2! [ laughing ] xfinity x1 gives you exclusive access to the best of the billboard music awards just by using your voice. the billboard music awards. sunday, may 21st eight seven central only on abc. there is new reporting from the "wall street journal" about the sweeping russia investigation of it says, quote, the justice last month requested. >> bag records of paul manafort as part of a widening probe related to donald trump's former campaign associates and whether they concluded with -- colluded with russia -- forgive me -- in interfering with the 2016 election, according to people familiar with the matter. manafort has not been accused of any wrongdoing, and in the past he said any suggestion that he coordinated with russia is unfounded. when the white house talks about the russia investigation he often points to comments made by former director of national intelligence james clapper. in march he told chuck todd to his knowledge there was not the intelligence to definitively answer whether there were improper contacts between the trump campaign and russian officials. today andrea mitchell asked him about that again. >> it's not surprising or out of -- or abnormal that i would not have known about the investigation or each more importantly the content of that investigation. so i don't know if there was collusion or not. i don't know if there's evidence of collusion or not. nor should i have in this particular context. >> our panel remains with us. peter, vivian, and matthew. matthew, we'll begin with you. on this week where we had the so-called two sergeis in the oval office, where we had the russian news agency wandering around the oval office and taking what stood for hours as the official photoers. henry kissinger shows up in the oval office and the man running the russian investigation is fired. this is about optics. is it another lost week to this matter. >> this week was a disaster for the white house. no other way to put it. from the mess anning perspective they were all over the map. they had the president undercutting communications staff, his own vice president. tweeting out this morning that his press secretary can't always be trusted to give accurate information. and you have all this when they could be pushing health reform in the senate, when they could be laying the ground work for tax reform and they could be preparing the president for his foreign trip. instead we have another week consumed by russia and with this "wall street journal" report you are referencing it's more of a drip, drip, we know the president hates the story but its a not going away. and it doesn't go away when you fire the person leading the investigation. >> as one wag put it tonight, how many coal mines were reopened today? zero. peter, among your travels covering four presidents you were also the former moscow bureau chief. how much of this, given what you learned about the soviet and then later russian mentality, how much of this is deja vu and how much does it inform your reporting? >> it's deja vu. it's not surprising that the russians would try to meddle in the affairs of other countries. it's part and parcel for what they have done for many years. there is a feeling on their part they are simply retaliating. this blame us, blame the united states for meddling in their neighbor when ukraine and the ballotics and georgia and so forth. and even the election of vladimir putin. they blame hillary clinton for rousting out protesters in the streets. they said that was hillary clinton personally doing that. that's one reason why you saw them take off after her in last year's election. it is deja vu. it's surreal seeing it now on this end as opposed to that end. that does not mean there is necessarily links with the trump people. that's still something that's an uncertain part for us. we are still waiting for real conclusions by investigators on that. >> vivian i'm guessing the sunday morning shows will be something to watch. we may have some democrats actually passing out from hyper ventilation over this. it started today. they just can't believe they may get a shot at the possibility of recorded phone conversations. what is next week supposed to feature? >> next week is jam packed actually from the beginning. we have visits from the crown prince of the you united arab emirates. we have a visit from the president of turkey, which is going to be a very significant visit because obviously he is a very controversial figure. he is basically just -- won a referendum to gain more power, monopolize more power in his country. then eventually his president will make his way to the middle east, saudi arabia, israel, and europe for his first foreign trip. that was supposed to be very significant. this week, in fact, was supposed to be a planning week for him. and that's why the white house originally said he was going to scale back his public appearances today was to prepare for the foreign visits. unfortunately he has been consumed by other matters as we've seen. it's going to be interesting how this plays out. even with sergey lavrov coming to down this week a lot of reporters asked him what do you think of the firing of james comey and he joked and said oh, my god was he fired? he kind of blew it off but i'm sure a number of foreign leaders overseas are going to be asked because there are a lot of eyes on this situation. russia and the united states have been basically in a struggle for power, especially in the middle east, for many, many years now. the syria situation is a very significant one and on the mind of a lot of people. a lot of people want the know is he going to give russia a free pass or not? this is not something that is just impacting washington or the united states. all eyes around the world on this issue and everybody is going to be asking about it. >> three terrific journalists to start us off late on a friday night as we put trump administration week 16 in the books. peter, vivian, matthew, thank you all for coming on with us tonight. coming up after our next break, jim comey in his own words and in the eyes of his coworkers will be joined by two former colleagues of his when "the 11th hour" continues. hey allergy muddlers one of my daughter's said dad the problem is you are the man. i thought that was a compliment. and i said thank you. she said i dopamine that as a compliment. you are the man, who would want to work for the man? i get that but the truth is if you know what this man and woman were like, you would want to be part of this. hey guys thank you for hard you have been working. you have been killing it. you are one of the things that i have in mind when i tell the american people look, don't freak out, right, let us do our work. thank you for that. >> that was from a show called inside the fbi on u.s.a. network that airs thursdays at 10:00 p.m. and that comes close to portraying the james comey a lot of his associates know. this is what donald trump said about james comey yesterday. >> look, he's a showboat. he's a grand stander. the fbi has been in turmoil, you know that. i know that. everybody knows that. >> comments like that from president trump about james comey cannot sit well with his defenders or the more than 36,000 employees and the 56 field offices of the fbi. we learned yesterday from comey's replacement, the acting director andrew mccabe what the vast majority of rank and file employees at the bureau in his view have deep and positive connection with comey. many have quietly replaced their facebook photos with a photo of their old boss as a show of solidarity. james comey and as we mentioned a source close to comey told nbc's ken dlanian he hopes there are tapes saying that would be perfect. joining me, stacey plastic ket. importantly, she was senior counsel for then deputy attorney general james comey. with me, ron has kell, former 30-year veteran of the fbi and former assistant director at the bureau. welcome to you both. stacey, we'll begin with you. a lot of the president's narrative n plain english, didn't sound like the james comey people knew at the bureau. the desire to have dinner with his boss, for starters. but then asking to stay on four years into a ten-year term. and then reassuring the president he wasn't under investigation. did you have that same reaction? >> that does not sounds like the james comey that those of us who worked with him at the deputy of justice during his tenure as deputy attorney general know. james comey was a man of you had most integrity. almost to a fault. and we saw that earlier this summer with the way that he conducted himself, may in some instances seem to have overstepped the line. but i think that was based on his belief in his public servitude and his idea of having an honest and open dialogue with the people of america to whom he feels the greatest bit of gratitude and servitude towards. >> in your day job as a member of house oversight, what was your reaction to hear there may be recorded conversations? >> well, you know, back in april, myself and congressman ted lou as well as kathleen rice all being former federal prosecutors wrote a letter to the department of justice requesting that a special prosecutor be put in place because of what is now happening. there cannot be any seeming politicizing of this investigation which is exactly what is happening. and the notion there would be tapes are something that the oversight committee, both the ranking member and i think think that chairman chafe, et cetera would want to dig into at this time. >> ron, i have referred to former director comey as kinds of an elliot necessary character, affectionately. as a catholic, i can also say he has the bearing of a member of the college of cardinals. talk about the director comey you knew and worked under. and talk about the hit his reputation has taken this week. >> well, first, like stacey said, i saw a person of impeccable credentials, trustworthiness, smart as a whip, so experienced. i had said to many people when he was the nominee that the fbi is getting a rock star. and i fully believe that and when i came to work with him, you know, i saw the human being as well as this incredibly capable boss. you know, i've told others a store on when we had the government shutdown when i was assistant director. his secretary called me the first day that the non-essential employees were allowed to come back to work. and i got a call were the director's secretary asking me -- saying mr. hosko the director would like to come down and visit the criminal investigative division. he came down with, you know, one support employee with him and walked the floors of my division, several hundred strong, meeting in small groups with people, apologizing to those who had been sitting out as unessential or non-essential, and just saying thank you for what you do. and he has done that on a regular basis, with sick agents, agents who have put great cases on the boards can get a call out of the blue from jim comey telling them what a great job they have done and what an asset to the organization. you know, i think what his dismissal to me and i think to a lot of my former colleagues is nothing less than obscene. this is a great american, a patriot, a public servant who felt like this was the pinnacle of his public service career. to me and to a lot of other people is a disgrace the way this has been handled. >> stacey, yes. >> brian did. >> yes. >> we have the remember this is the james comey who was willing in the bush administration to stand up against the white house, during the torture memos. and with that was able to ask his staff each to prepare their resignations and willing to leave the job. the idea of him begging to keep his job as the fbi director doesn't ring true to most of us who worked with him. but i think we need to really the idea of him begging to keep his job as the fbi director doesn't ring true to most of us who worked with him. but i think we need to really expand outside of just james comey and really look at what this investigation is about. we need to allow special prosecutor be put in place so that the work of congress can still go on now. you know, we talk about the investigations that are happening, the intel. of course tell continue to have their investigations, but they cannot do that if in fact those agencies that requiring information from are tainted by invex from the white house and other political individuals trying to steep into it. we are trying to do work in congress. my district, the virginia islands is looking for equity. we have issues of health care, tax reform, infrastructure, the growth and the future of our young people. and that's -- this is a distraction from the american people. whatever the outcome, no american is going to believe and feel confident in it unless a special prosecutor is put out in place. >> the honorable stacey plastic ket gets to go home to her district in a beautiful place, the virgin island. >> come on down. >> don't tempt me i'll be down there for breakfast. and veteran fbi agent john hosko. thank you for appearing with us. the question arises, can conservatives be pro trump in this environment or are they more successful being the anti--anti-trump? we'll explain with charlie sykes right after this. they are totally suffering from a syndrome. trump derangement syndrome. >> the democrat party is going bananas, completely totally unhinged on the road to literal insanity. the democrats are convinced the russians stole the election. >> conservative media reaction to the firing of fbi director comey. more broadly, many republican lawmakers avoided commenting on the firing this week. according to nate silvers 538, of 52 republicans in the senate 25 either gave an ambiguous reaction or gave no statement at all. only a quarter of them defended the president's decision. similar story in the house. they have been home on an 11-day recess. here with speaking paul ryan today shielding questions on the firing. >> i'm not going to comment on their private conversations. i'll let the president speak for himself. the president made his decision. there is nothing i can do about that. i'm going to focus on what i control, which is my job. >> joining me from wisconsin conservative commentator and msnbc contributor, charlie sykes. his new op ed in the "new york times" is titled, if liberals hate him then trump may be doing something right. in a moment we will make him account for that headline. and jeremy alter, msnbc analyst. >> charlie, what is your central holding about what conservativism has been replaced with? >> it's been replaced by this viralent loathing for the president, anti-anti-trumpism. they have three choices. you are going to have some people who go to the mat to defend president trump. sean hannity. the never trumpers who will break with him. but the reality is this is a difficult moment for republicans as long a as the republican base is supporting trump. the safe space is not to necessarily support or defend's to change the subject and attack his critics. in some of the sound bytes you play, notice how they pivot. it's not about trump. we are not going to defend trump. but let's beat up on liberals. it's talk about the hypocrisy of the liberals. things that make the liberals heads explode. that's what the conservative media is talking about right now. that means rather than focusing on ordered liberty it's turned into a party dedicated to trolling the leif. whatever upsets liberals is good enough for them. i'm not sure that's a winning streep. >> jonathan, the three of us are of a similar age. having said that, when you say the word tapes, when you indicate recordings of private conversations, it gets your attention. is this sustainable? and how does this end? >> well, i personally don't believe there are tapes. i could be wrong. but i think that what will happen is pretty soon the conservative media, after it's clear that trump was just saying this in order to, you know, bluff and hold some cards over comey, that the conservative media will say, see, trump was punking them, he punked the liberal media, the gullible liberal media believed there were tapes. this is out of the trump playbook. he will make it seem lying he has something on one of his political enemies. i find it hard to believe that trump so stupid as to keep tapes. >> charlie, we do talk about him, the plight term is anti-institutionalist, someone who came to office not with the reading and learning background in the trappings of government and the machining of government that most do because he came from another world. that's why people so often look at him and listen to him and say you can't say that. or if you say that, you will exposure entire press team's efforts this week. if you say that, you will invite subpoenas from the hill -- and it keeps happening. >> yeah, and even by the standards this president, this really has been a stunning series of days. look, we know that in fact as you point out that he is -- he has displayed his ignorance about, you know, the constitutional form of government and about the norms. we have seen how erratic he is. we have seen how he is unburdened by much allegiance to the truth. you have to wonder whether or not the president is too addled to know how corrupt he looks or his behaviors that become. we are at the point now where this is no longer a parlor game. what we are seeing -- i think it is a dawning on a lot of people and a lot of republicans are genuinely horrified or ought to be horrified by this. we are actually seeing a president coming out and all but acknowledge he is engaging in the obstruction of justice of that's what is so breath taking about it. because you want to say do you understand what you just said, you are threatening somebody, you are implying you engaged in nixonian taping, you are trying to blackmail the head of the fbi who was in charge of investigating your campaign? so we are seeing openly something that none of us i think ever imagined we would see out of president. >> jonathan, something i repeat all the time. republicans were the heros of watergate. >> right. >> having said that, who are you looking to these days. well, i think we have to look to john mccain and lindsey graham. maybe ben sass -- >> richard burr. >> richard burr, ben sass and some of the others are like charlie, principled conservatives. this is a character test for the republican party. it's going to go on for a while. i think a lot of them are failing the character test. they are putting their integrity and principles in blind trust. it's about one of the only blind trusts that we have in washington right now. but they are making their loyalty to this man, this very flawed, impetuous, incompetent, and you know, possibly incriminated man the bases of their political future. it is a very riskly political strategy for them. and i can't there won't be some others who will rise as barry goldwater and others did during watergate and come out of this looking good because they went to conscious and principles over partisanship and loyalty. >> the top of their ticket goes into the weekend at 38% pop layer. charlie sykes, jonathan alter, gentlemen, our thanks for appearing with us. coming up after thebreak on the week len rehessinger is invited to the oval office, they might be looking for micro phones in the oval office. back with more after this. it only takes a minute to take care of yourself, and nothing rhymes with "org"... programs regularly scheduled for this time will not be seen today in order that we might bring you the following nbc news special report. watergate, senate hearings. >> romantic titles back then. that was july 16, 1973, very important day in american presidential history, important because that's the day we learned from the senate testimony of former nixon white house aid alexander butterfield. >> mr. butterfield, are you aware of installation of listening devices in the oval office of the president? >> i was aware of listening devices, yes, sir. >> if i can move on to telephones. are you aware of the installation of any devices on any of the telephones, first of all in the oval office? >> yes, sir. >> unbelievable moment. fast forward to today and the president either hinting or bluffing or threatening to have recordings of private conversations in the white house. for more tonight we are joined by michael and among his many works and nine books on presidents two books on the recorded conversations of president lyndon johnson "taking charge "and "reaching for glory" and point of personal privilege but if you buy the audio books you get the johnson white house tape recordings as narrated by michael beshlaus. >> there is a scene when nixon comes to the white house. he is going to move in. and johnson is showing him around the place and they both get down on their knees. what did johnson want to show richard nixon? >> there is nothing i can say that is going to match that build up. thanks for the kind word, by the way. what happened was that johnson was showing nixon around the private rooms of the upstairs of the white house and says come into my bedroom. johnson gets down on his knees and as the story is told sort of almost crawled under his bed and nixon wondered what is going on here. johnson apparently pulled out a lot of wires and said these lead to my taping system. dick, you really should have a recording system the way that i do records my telephone calls, records even here in my bedroom, records oval office conversations. when nixon went home he said that's the last thing i want to do is record all of these conversations. the second i'm president pull all of this stuff out. then about a little more more than a year in he began to think the idea was a good one because nixon was worried the people who work for him might take all sorts of credit for things that nixon felt that he deserved so nixon felt that to record all of this conversations essentially wall to wall because it was not a system with a switch as johnson had. he could use this to protect himself. >> the early system used a dictaphone recording mechanism. it was pretty primitive. today the president says tapes in quotes meaning recordings perhaps. michael, i know lbj wanted in part for leverage to remind people what they had said or promised to him over the phone he always had the transcript if he needed it. if this current president is recording private conversations in the white house other than making himself a huge subpoena target, is there anything wrong with it? is there anything illegal? >> illegal is a question. in terms of shattering precedence and shattering things that presidents have been doing before ever since that day that you just showed with alexander butterfield in july of 1973, nixon had to immediately stop taping and pull out the system and later presidents have all said i will never do such a thing because it reminds people of nixon who behaved badly, but it violates people's civil liberties to record conversations with the president that are supposed to be private without their knowledge. and the other thing is that presidents have felt that if people even had the suspension that when they go into the oval office or talk to a president on the telephone that they are being taped they are not going to give a president unvarnished advice and that will wind up hurting the president. >> our thanks for joining us late on a friday night. to our viewers to hear what the recordings sound like the books are taking charge, reaching for glory. try the audio books. thank you. a final break for us. when the boss makes news on twitter in the morning what do you say at the news briefing in the afternoon as the 11th hour continues. you just said a minute ago that what president was but you stood at the podium and said the tweet speaks for itself. when do you decide when a president's tweets, when his words are open to interpretation and when they stand on their own? >> last thing before we go that was back in march hallie jackson ask ag question a lot of us have had about the white house press shop and that is how do you decide who to defend what the president says on twitter and when to deflect. sean spicer has held 49 press briefings. in 31 of those there have been questions about what the president on twitter including two biggies that he was somehow wire tapped by president obama and that there might be a recording of his dinner conversation with james comey. throughout sean spicer has relied almost exclusively on a go-to response. >> i think the president's tweet speaks clearly for itself. i think the tweet is pretty clear. i think the president made clear in his tweet that he was referring to the fake news. the president was clear that it was wire tapping. i will say the president has tweeted about this and is clear he believes there is surveillance. i think the tweet speaks for itself. sometimes you don't have to read too much into it. referring to the tweet. the president has nothing further to add on that. he simply stated a fact. the tweet speaks for itself. i'm moving on. >> just today comedic national treasure melissa mccarthy was spotted driving her sean spicer podium all over the streets of new york. it is clear she is hosting saturday night live less than 24 hours from now. that is it for us for tonight. happy mother's day.


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox And Friends First 20180125 09:00:00

america losing trust their government agencies aren't being used for political purposes, the question being raised, can the fbi really be trusted? florida congressman matt gates who has seen the memo and wanted to be released so he can expose what he calls a deep-seated corruption. >> we will see it in the next two weeks. now democrats are making a claim the memo is conclusory so chairman nunez is right to look at what supporting information can be released along with the memo that validates it. that will help us to have a more robust discussion other than lobbing conclusions at one another and why the memo hasn't been released yet. the chairman and committee rightfully going to the process so we don't disclose sources and methods, putting americans who are downrange in any jeopardy but expose what i believe is a deep-seated corruption that has >> a mental breakdown. heather: the suspect firing on the unidentified officer sitting in his patrol car. the man accused of assault arrested after an hour long standoff with police. we now know the four americans killed at the hands of the taliban in an upscale hotel in kabul, state department confirming two others wounded when the gunmen stormed inside targeting foreigners in the 13 overseas. glenn clake from wtbt in tampa, visiting afghanistan on a business trip. and donald trump is heading to switzerland overnight for the world economic forum in davos. he would join thousands of world leaders pushing the america first agenda. kelly wright joins us with more on what we can expect. >> reporter: he will be the first us president to attend the world economic forum there since bill clinton in 2000. he will be promoting america first but not america alone. >> i'm going to davos to get people to invest in the united states. you have plenty of money but i don't think i have to go because they are coming at a very fast clip. >> he travels with confidence in the us economy. a fox news poll shows 40% of americans believe trump administration is making the economy better but when the president joined 70 other heads of state in davos he will face resistance from those like germany's angela merkel who take issue with his america first agenda calling it right-wing populism. >> translator: this generation born under the second world war have to prove that we have truly learned the lessons, setting ourselves up against the rest of the world, isolating ourselves days ago. >> before leaving on his trip donald trump taking a moment to reassure dreamers, commander-in-chief revealing he would be open to a path to citizenship in 10 foster 12 years. >> a good strong -- treat people very well and solve a problem and a problem that hasn't been solved in many years. after we do daca we will look at the bigger immigration mess. >> reporter: the president wants $25 million for the southern border wall, he will promote immigration bill next week. the state of the union address where the president is expected to announce his $1.7 trillion plan to rebuild our crumbling infrastructure speaking to mayors from around the country. >> the state and local government to find the most innovative ways to rebuild our waterways and airports. on time and under budget. >> the president promised to repair bridges and transit systems on the campaign trail and a new member of the "fox and friends" family. brooks was welcomed on monday night at 8:4:05 pm australia time. she weighed in at 7 pounds and has has had visitors from across the world, her parents, mom and baby are doing great and dad thinking about which sports brooks will be playing, just enjoyed your first glass of wine in 9 months. congratulations and if you want to follow them on twitter or instagram, full of pictures, the time is 10 minutes after the top of the hour and century city showdown. mayors nationwide vowing to define donald trump. >> what do you tell the police officers. i asked you a question. >> brand-new threats from the doj to sanctuary cities across the country. no longer leading from behind donald trump said to send shockwaves on the american stage, why the speech will be historic. >> the man you just really want me to be. >> breakouts and a star blasting the american media. ♪ you won't see these folks at the post office. they have businesses to run. they have passions to pursue. how do they avoid trips to the post office? mail letters, ship packages, all the services of the post office right on your computer. get a 4 week trial, plus $100 in extras including postage and a digital scale. go to and never go to the post office again. heather: a handful of mayors boycotting an important meeting about economic and safety issues because they were ordered to follow the law. donald trump lashing out at the no shows after the justice department threatened to subpoena sanctuary cities. >> century cities are the best friend of gangs and cartels like ms 13. the result in the death rate around sanctuary cities in and around is unacceptable. heather: bill diblasio calling the move racist tweeting it doesn't make us safer and violates americans core values. the mayor of santa fe skipping white house meetings, martha maccallum calling out the democrat for defining the president. >> what do you tell the police officers. >> what the president wants us to do. he said he would approve of morphing for the dream is to citizenship so answer my question, are you in favor of building a wall if the trade-off is protection for the dreamers. >> building a wall is not going to do anything to help secure our country. jillian: gonzalez vowing not to comply with federal law. donald trump expecting to put america first of the economic forum in switzerland and hasn't even landed in davos yet but world leaders are taking aim at our commander in chief. is the measure of a good president really what the world thinks or what he does for his own country. in new york city, brian joins us to talk about this. big deal here, the president speaking in dollars. explain to people why this is significant. >> you are hearing all this talk about the president and isolationism and america only. he is going to say america is open for business, we are growing again, there's opportunity again, you should come here and invest, this is the best place to invest, that is good for americans, we should be happy about our economic salesman in chief going where the money is even going there. he's not going there to rub shoulders, to make friends, pander to global elites, he is going to say we are great for business, this is a great place to invest and if you are not here you are making a mistake. his pitch is simple, he is selling the data we are seeing in the us over the past several months. heather: let's look what americans think about the economy and this paul looks at compared to years past across the board it has gone up from 6% people thought it was excellent in 2017, now 17% feeling more positive, specifically if you look at the economy under donald trump, 40% under trump specifically is better. >> when you get into january and start seeing headline after headline about company after company raising wages, giving out bonuses, raising retirement contributions you can't argue with the data. people feel great when they see wages going up, we haven't seen that in a long time and we are seeing it now. not surprising people feel better about the economy and giving donald trump some credit for it so that is why he is going to davos. look what is happening to wages, how the economy is growing, you want to be part of this. jillian: the more americans feel positive about the economy themselves how does that translate in terms of investment from abroad? >> world political leaders will continue to crumble and be upset about various things but watch the world business leaders, people talking about, taxes, just below the headlines you will find all these guys talking about the tax rate, regulations, don't watch the political leaders, never going to make peace with the president. watch the business leaders, watching the us, saying that is where we want to be, got to start investing in that. heather: american companies back home from overseas. and and everyone watches political leaders. and something about what people value. and the return to growth for a long time. heather: thank you, great advice, 19 minutes after the top of the hour, and attempt to silence a conservative after putting strict rules on ben schapiro's latest college campus appearance. >> they don't want us to hear what he says. heather: todd pyro was there and he is here to tell us the story. the price was right. carly shimkus, a live tv takedown. ♪ and big plans. so how can i make the efforts of 8 employees, feel like 50? how can i share new plans virtually? how can i download an e-file? virtual tours? zip-file? really big files? in seconds, not minutes. just like that. like everything. the answer is simple. i'll do what i've always done, dream more, dream faster, and above all, now, i'll dream gig. now more businesses, in more places, can afford to dream gig. comcast, building america's largest gig-speed network. >> my social media has nothing to do with my skill. the breakouts in a star, and serious xm 115, how he is blasting the american media. >> he is getting as much attention, skills on the court after controversial accounts that show him debating pizza delegate and interacting with members of the alt right including one person who attended the deadly riots in charlottesville. after getting knocked out of the australian open semi finals, he called out the media during the press conference over that negative press coverage. >> you want to -- the host of angles, dehumanize with pen and paper, what you want me to be. >> calling for him to apologize for this. he does not support all alt right years but has deleted controversial tweets. >> the field of dreams baseball field in iowa. vandal damaged it. >> and donuts on the field. and getting the field ready for opening day which is in april. i hope the vandals get haunted by mad baseball players, it is official, nothing sacred anymore. >> you shouldn't knock down the host of the price is right, but apparently she meant by it but host drew carey might be nursing a little bit of a sore back after an excited fan accidentally tackled him, swept him off his feet, leading to a whole new definition to the phrase come on down. they found this very funny asking that she when a car. she did not win a car, she won $200,000 and the treadmill. all that energy to good use. heather: i like your phrase come on down, perfect. thank you, thanks a lot. the time is 26 minutes after the top of the hour, the white house refusing to waiver after sanctuary city mayors turn their back from donald trump and the security of their citizens. >> we don't support sanctuary cities, we support enforcing the law and following the law. >> will way get serious about the law and order agenda? we debate it up next. carjacking, dragged down the street with one of america's heroes, and camera. ♪ >> here is a look at burke international airport. and they will had to davos on marine one. for the economic forum. and later this morning there will be a bilateral meeting with theresa may and we will bring that for you. a game changer breaking overnight, the department of justice is starting to recover some of the missing text messages. that is the latest develop and in a scandal rocking the fbi. the white house is donald trump a few troublemakers to tarnish confidence in the top cop. >> 100% confidence, he feels he is the right person to leave the fbi and a few bad actors will not tarnish the entire group. any changes that need to be made will make those changes. >> that is according to recipes and reports. >> the us military tracking the victor lenovo off norfolk, virginia. the ship is designed to pick up communication signals, it was spotted heading north from the caribbean last week. and calling for unification. and they need a breakthrough without the help of other nations. and pyongyang would smash any obstacle community. and this is the only joint team for the koreans. new threats against enforcing immigration law. hours before donald trump sat down with city mayors. donald trump blasting the political center. >> the department of justice announced a legal step to hold accountable sanctuary cities and mayors choose to boycott this event put the needs of criminal illegal immigrants over law-abiding americans. heather: who do these mayors represent? here to weigh in his talkshow host jean 11, thank you for joining us, we appreciate it. let's start with that question because that is what i was asking myself when i heard repeatedly about these mayors, we are going to boycott the meeting altogether. who are they representing? their constituents or just a certain specific chosen element of their constituents? >> a very narrow, highly politicized segment of their own minds really because if you think about it this is what this president was elected primarily to do. donald trump ran on the issue of securing our borders. if these mayors are going to go against what many of their own constituents voted on, talking about an infrastructure meeting here, to provide security to their citizens and infrastructure to their citizens, not sure what their purpose is. heather: let's listen to what bill diblasio said about boycotting the meeting yesterday. >> we toured told they were going to be a good dialogue. and a group of american citizens and threaten them. and what i got was a publicity stunt from the trump administration. >> or is it following the law? >> we are talking about the rule of law. it any mayor, not only illegal, this is to criminal second time criminal. he -- protecting people committing crimes, already committed the initial crime of coming here illegally. that is what century city provides integrated, those committing crimes. heather: this is their statement on canceling the white house meeting, quote, many mayors of both parties were looking forward to visiting the white house to speak about infrastructure and other issues of pressing importance, the 82% of americans who call the city home. unfortunately trump administration decision to threaten mayors and demonize immigrants yet again and use political props in the process made this meeting untenable. what is your response to that? >> exactly right. if you want to know the dangerous place to be in america, as we move forward if these mayors dig in their heels and continue to act against rule of law it will be cities calling themselves sanctuary cities because the only people they will be sanctuary to our people who are criminals more than one time, people who have been arrested for times when they are already illegally here. not immigrants, illegal immigrants. and also remember the illegal immigrants may be thinking they want sanctuary or legal immigrants, these are neighborhoods that are the most mystified by those who are not accountable and given sanctuary instead. heather: we talked about that in terms of ms 13 targeting the immigrant community. thank you for joining us. appreciate it. 20 minutes until the top of the hour, and an innocent driver hit head on, the chase doesn't end there. >> a college campus. >> an attempt to silence conservatives, and todd pirate will tell us all about it. airlines made a deal, to help fly stranded passengers, the latest research and conducting clinical trials-to help each patient get the personalized cancer care they deserve. start at one of the cancer treatment centers of america hospitals near you. the evolution of cancer care is here. learn more at appointments available now. >> welcome back, foxbusiness alert, apple releasing another update following revelations the company slowed down your old iphone. how the tech giant is trying to make up for the battery fiasco. >> apple announced it will have a new update that will allow customers to use that controversial feature, to turn it off, that slows down the iphone when batteries are running low. this will be the ios 11.3 beta release, not sure when it is coming up but it will show battery health and recommend of the battery needs to be serviced. you will also be able to see the power management feature that prevents the unexpected shutdown. you can choose to turn it off if you want to. heather: so it is your choice. >> is your choice if you want a slow battery. heather: american and delta making a deal to help passengers who are stranded. >> hopefully, stranded passengers at the airport, events like hurricanes or snowstorms, delta and american teaming up, they will be able to fly each other's passengers. this should be a relief to people who may be stranded this winter. they had a deal like this in 2015, not sure what happened then but they are reviving that deal now. heather: hopefully it will not happen again. people are feeling really positive about the economy. >> voters rate the economy positively more than they have in two decades, this is what the fox news poll says that donald trump is made the economy better, 42% say that, a third, 34% say there is no difference. heather: we will see how that changes have more positive things happen on the economic front. thank you, appreciate it, have a great day. another attempt at silencing a conservative speaker on a college campus, university of connecticut been in the public from ben schapiro's appearance last night offering counseling to any student offended by what he had to say. todd pyro was there, did you need counseling? >> i need a nap. it has been a long night. ben schapiro at the university of connecticut, college democrats, we visited both, check it out. ♪ >> here to see ben schapiro, always wanted to see him. >> intellectual person. >> i'm here to listen to his ignorance and listen to him and hopefully get a word in. >> i love the way he really comes forward with thought-out ideas. >> we should be able to freely be open about who we are, whether we are democrat or republican. [applause] >> something has to be done about a system where a few great leftist decides they don't want to hear somebody speak and therefore people from the outside, universities like this one can't get in. that has to stop. >> why is an event like this import for first amendment right? >> people who are not necessarily the prevailing political view to talk to students who are not used to hearing these viewpoints particularly if they find them uncomfortable. >> reporter: the university's responded an overreaction to what happened a few months ago? [shouting] >> no question it is an overreaction but security assessments, i'm not going to second-guess their security assessment but i will second-guess their assessment they need to close it off to the general public. >> let the guy talk. >> free speech is more important than people's feelings, there should be actss of violence because people disagree. >> reporter: what do you think of the university offering counseling to those who may not be able to handle mister schapiro's speech. >> if you can't handle it that is kind of sad. most people here i think can handle a leftist speaker. >> reporter: the fact house and a ben schapiro event stretching around the block, check out the counter events going on at the same time. >> this is a much better alternative than going and giving ben schapiro what he wants which is for people to come and scream at him and protest him so he can post a youtube video, ben schapiro destroyed you can liberals or something like that. >> reporter: the university is offering counseling to those who don't agree or can't handle mister schapiro's opinions, what are your thoughts on that? >> anyone who feel they need mental health is entitled to those services regardless of the reason. >> reporter: what does it say about the state of the first amendment that university has to limit participation in any event the 20 years ago would have been open to anybody from all sides to have a discussion? >> there should be full discussion between all sides and all points of view. >> it is a great thing, universities have people like me and the person speaking on this campus to give a variation of ideas, a wonderful thing, thank you so much, thank you for coming out. >> reporter: it capped at 500 people, many more were turned away. the reaction to the explaining of the evening, having a very good conversation with a young woman, she was giving a counter point, that guy came in like the left silencing the left. jillian: they have are talking points and got to stick to them. why would anyone not want to see jeff gordon? he looks a little bit like jeff gordon. thank you so much. the time is 15 minutes until the top of the hour, sources conferring to fox news the doj is working to recover missing messages between anti-trump fbi agents. wasn't a glitch believing they were gone forever, former just as part of the ways and live up next. firefighters rushed to save a dog from a raging house fire. ♪ rescue me ♪ the inauguration, firings of michael flynn and fbi director james comey and appointment of robert mueller as special counsel. this was a significant time period when these text messages, other fbi agents text messages as well, we learned, disappeared. what about the timing. is that questionable to you? >> that is a very crucial period of time and it is important they try not only to recover these text messages but also determine the answer to the question, was this a technical glitch or was this intentional? we don't know the answer to that. i will tell you something else. what they are talking about his recovery of the text messages from the official fbi owned cell phones individuals were using. i haven't heard anything about whether doj is recovering the text messages from their personal cell phones. we have already seen text messages where they talk about going off the fbi grid, apparently personal apple devices. heather: there are no safeguards that fbi agents are using cell phones like you and i would use, exchanging these messages back and forth about information the rest of us should not be privy to or be able in any way to have access to. >> fbi agents know they are not supposed to for example use their personal cell phones and personal computers and email to talk about official government is this. when they are doing that they are violating the rules. fbi agents know that, so does the doj. heather: one of the text messages between lisa page and peter strzok about the loretta lynch tarmac meeting in july where strzok says timing looks like hell, page says yeah that is awful timing and page says it is a real profile encourage that she knows no charges will be brought. that is pretty significant wording. >> loretta lynch said she was recused from the whole matter, keeping herself out of it. lisa page is not just and fbi agents, she is one of the lawyers at the fbi, one of the people dealing with justice department lawyers about it too, this raises questions about loretta lynch and her claims about not knowing anything. heather: we should point out the fbi saying they didn't have these text messages and lose them, they never had the text messages to begin with, that is what they were saying. >> i have a hard time believing that, part of the archiving system all federal government agencies have is they are supposed to back up everything. it is hard for me to believe for five months they didn't realize they weren't backing up text messages from their official devices the agents are issued. heather: hopefully they will find the backup, have a great day. we will be right back. records... could learn you're from ireland... ...donegal, ireland... ...and your ancestor was a fisherman. with blue eyes. just like you. begin your journey at >> welcome back, like a scene out of the movie, look at this wild police chase, maybe it ended with this terrifying head on crash and dramatic detente was caught on camera. the red suv speeding down the street before crashing head on into another car and flipping over several times. you see smoke filling the air but moments later the suspect gets out and starts taking off before officers move in and finally take it down. thankfully, no one was injured. a vietnam vet proves he still has a lot of fight in him when a guy tries to steal his truck. robert jumping in, asking for a cigarette at a texas gas station, then dragging them to the ground. the suspect steal his wallet and keys before driving away. >> no doubt in my mind -- if you hadn't been caught -- you will because it. >> he escaped with a broken leg. the suspect is still on the loose. the hero body camera video showing officers rescuing a dog stuck in an apartment fire. this is the dramatic moment when police in atlanta pulled the pup from the blaze carrying him to safety. another officer showing her compassion putting a jacket around him, the dog is now named smokey, he is alive and well thanks to the love of the officers that they showed him and now smokey is up for adoption. if you're in the market for good pup, there you have it. that wraps up our hour of "fox and friends" first. i will see you back here tomorrow, thanks for joining us,


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Five 20180920 21:00:00

first of all, they still have not turned over the original letter that ford sent to dianne feinstein. they have been hiding that from the senate republicans. they are not acting in good faith on that. ford has deleted her social media accounts right before she went public. i wonder what she didn't want people to see there. and ford's attorney also said only on monday, this is three days ago, "my client will do whatever is necessary to make sure that the senate judiciary committee has the full story and the full set of allegations to allow them to make a fully informed decision." and then literally three days later, change of the entire story, doesn't want to testify but may testify next week but only on our terms. this is not how people operate in good faith. debra katz, the lawyer for forward, ignoring phone calls and emails from the senate investigative staff. as you mention, senate democrats aren't participating in the conversations with kavanaugh and the alleged witnesses where they are under oath. kavanaugh has been under oath to the chief counsel of the senate judiciary committee under the penalty of perjury. he's been under oath that way, and ford has now decided to go under oath. also very interesting, it's getting extremely political. ford has hired a former clinton and biden advisor. it doesn't look good if it's become this political at this point. it looks like the democrats are making a partisan play here to delay and delay and delay. there is less lots being paid to getting this alleged victim's story out there in an open forum. i can't believe i am quoting a senator and reading this letter, the grassley letter to dianne feinstein. >> dana: that is a master class of letters. >> jesse: one of the best letters i've ever read. goes through .5 points. >> marie: how many have you guarantee your safety. who is against that? no one is saying i am sorry. you are going to have to take the bus and wear a sign around her neck. no one is going to do that. everybody understands death threats. if you work in the media, we get it. if you want to know about going into a den of lions, just watch dana loesch at the cnn town hall over gun control. people understand danger. that's -- that can't be used as protection against coming forward after you have made something public, which is possibly destroying the person's life. you say how dare you say it could destroy this man's life because, according to adam schiff, he's an attempted. by adam schiff, what could he have done? could you accuse him something? how would his family feel if he was accused of something? this is not the america i know where you have due process where a politician can say maybe he is guilty of attempted rate. even if the evidence is ambiguous. we can say they are guilty. we are in a time right now that's an incredible threat to our civilization because we our undoing and institution. every person is vulnerable. your husband, your husband, your father, your son. all it takes is a unsubstantiated accusation in which the accuser can then say hold on. not so fast. you are all screwed. >> marie: he's going to get confirmed. >> dan: just a hit on something everyone needs to digest. senate democrats are not stupid. they are fully aware of how background investigations work. i did backgrounds for the federal government. let's be crystal clear what they are and what they aren't. they are criminal history checks. they are under no circumstances criminal investigations. there is a difference. if i am investigating you for the supreme court, i checked your history and see if you've been arrested. if a neighbor says that marie may be dealing drugs out of her house, i don't investigate that. i contacted police. >> greg: i will go to her house. >> dan: my point is senate democrats are not stupid. asking the fbi to do terminal investigation either speaks to their grotesque ignorance which is not true, or the fact that as chuck grassley accurately stated, it's purely an obstruction tactic. i did this. they do not happen. they don't do criminal background checks on this. full stop. >> dana: we will see what happens. it will make that our permanent tagline. >> greg: that is from trump. >> dana: former cia director wanted the intel community. that's ahead. upmc does more living-donor liver transplants than any other center in the nation. find out more and get out of line today. order to declassify key fisa court documents and text messages related to the russia probe not sitting well with some of the intelligence 20. former cia director michael hayden issuing this morning. >> sooner or later, we are going to complete point square with the president demand is so egregious. by the way, not beyond the president's authority here, it's just wrong that he exercises the authority in this way, that the right thing for them to do to signal the alarm, to send of the flare, is to simply say if you want this done, mr. president, it's going to have to be done by someone else. were going to be getting close to that point. >> marie: dan, i'm going to come to you. the actual question i want to start with his president trump gave an interview a few days ago where he was asked about these documents and if you'd read them and what he saw in them that was so egregious and he said i haven't read them yet. does that concern you he has ordered documents declassified that he hasn't read? >> dan: i'm not sure he hasn't read all of them he may have not read some of them. he's only handling north korea, potential nuclear war. doesn't have time to go through the 300 plus pages. the president of the united states as a candidate was spied on by the opposing administration. do you doubt that? >> marie: i do not agree. go on. >> dan: "the new york times" outed the spy. we have his name. >> marie: there were people in a time campaign who are legitimate targets for surveillance. >> dan: why were they legitimate? >> marie: they were working with foreign governments. fights applications for new -- >> dan: it is circular reasoning. you can't say he's a russian spy because there was a warrant and then say there was a warrant because he was a russian spy. >> marie: let's see the vice application. >> dan: this is great. >> marie: they were fisa applications repeatedly renewed for republican judges. >> dan: you say there's no evidence of this. there is clear evidence. we have the name of the central intelligence agency asset that was emailing people on the trump team and its changing information, outed by "the new york times." you're telling me the campaign wasn't spied on? that is like bizarro superman land. >> jesse: before they were never spied on. now it's they were spied on there was good reason for it. >> marie: i can name multiple cases. jesse, the president has picked certain pages in these fisa warrant to be released. do you think all of them should be released? some people have said cherry picking makes it look like he's just looking for things that help him. >> jesse: i would like to see as much as possible. i think the american people are interested in seeing as much is possible too, i don't like the way the doj has begun to stall on this. reminds me of senate democrats. they are saying they need time for a declassification review. what is to review? you are releasing unredacted documents. there they are. shouldn't take that long. they are saying you don't want to burn the sources. as far as we know, the only source for this application was christopher steele. >> marie: that's not true. >> jesse: he was the main guy behind the dossier in the dossier was 90% of the application. the only other part of the application was a few articles. >> marie: that's not true. >> jesse: okay, so if it's not true, that will see the declassify documents and will find out what the true story is. and that's good, and i'm glad. i am also hearing nellie ohr, who was working for fusion gps, married to bruce, she's not even going to comply with an invitation to talk to house investigators. i wonder what she's hiding. a lot of people are covering their tracks and it's all going to come out. very transparent, i applaud the president. >> marie: some people are concerned this is being released before the mueller investigation is over and it might impact his ability to do a thorough, credible investigation. >> dana: on twitter, people saying the democrats are worried it will get republicans enthusiastic about voting for and i find that a little hard to believe, given that most of the polls, nobody cares about the russian investigation. i don't think they are going to the polls for that. they are going to the polls for other reasons. if they're going to release these documents, he does have to be done in a responsible manner. i have no doubt it will be. but i also know the counterintelligence investigation about this started in the spring of 2015, well before the carter page fisa documents. i think there is a lot more behind it. this is not going to be the end-all. i don't think mueller has to worry. >> marie: greg, what say you? >> greg: i don't really want to say anything. i hate to this topic. i am like america. you have the passion. if donald trump only releases certain amounts, cherry picking is wrong. but if he releases everything, he's putting people in danger. the conclusion is, no matter what he does come he's going to be blamed for something. the fact that he's letting this out without knowing what's in it shows it doesn't bother him. he is the saran wrap president. you can see through everything. i think he should be applauded for that. is hayden a commentator for cnn? that's a good point because he's a commentator and a critic. being a critic guarantees he's a commentator. >> dan: don't you member the democrats have calling, months ago, when the initial redacted reports were released, they were saying that the dirt is in the redactions. now they are saying let's not see the redactions. >> marie: this is not going to be helpful to donald trump. i guarantee you. >> dana: be patient, marie. >> marie: next best topic, "new york times" being criticized for asking readers for help finding fake news. don't miss greg's monologue of next. stay tuned. ♪ ooh, heaven is a place on earth ♪ uhp. i didn't believe it. again. ♪ ooh, baby, do you know what that's worth? ♪ i want to believe it. [ claps hands ] ♪ ooh i'm not hearing the confidence. okay, hold the name your price tool. power of options based on your budget! and! ♪ we'll make heaven a place on earth ♪ yeah! oh, my angels! ♪ ooh, heaven is a place on earth ♪ [ sobs quietly ] great tasting, heart-healthy california walnuts. so simple, so good. get the recipes at where we're changing withs? contemporary make-overs. then, use the ultimate power handshake, the upper hander with a double palm grab. who has the upper hand now? start winning today. book now at and an ice with 70-megawatts, 35 mules, but we brought power to the people- redefining what that meant from one era to the next. over 90 years later we continue to build as one of the nation's largest investors in infrastructure. we don't just help power the american dream. we're part of it. this is our era. this is america's energy era. nextera energy ♪ >> greg: tuesday "the new york times" asked readers to send them examples of fake news. nick, a writer, tweets "folks, "the new york times" need your help. we're looking for false formation being spread liberally to confuse, mislead, or influence voters ahead of the 2010 midterm elections. tip line here. please share." right after that. at times truck driver turned around and dumped the days copies on the loading dock. crowdsourcing by the media never helps anyone but themselves. like when the news begged readers to help them dig through sarah palin's emails. it will be fun. let's stay up all night and ruin some lady's life. i will make us more as a week into each other's hair. when the times says help us expose untruths, it's a cash-strapped outfit begging you to do their bidding for free. they will ask us to put on a show in our garage. fake news isn't what the times really wants because of that with the case, they would just read their own paper. they just want a diversion from their own mistakes and boy, are there lots of them. fact is sarah palin. the times link her campaign to the gabby giffords shooting because a lefty shot republicans playing baseball. talk about gross. how about the nikki haley curtains mere? one of the content-free anonymous anti-trump op-ed. talk about sourcing a crowd of one, an editor with an imagination. i bring up jason blair. it's a most in our time. by all means, help the times uncover media bias and cover their cubicles in mirrors. are you going to help them out, dan? >> dan: i don't know where to start with this. this is supposedly one of the newspapers of record. for the last year and a half, they have subjected us to a collision narrative, not to go back -- [laughter] continue to lie like this? i am not -- >> marie: you are not going to like it when more people start going to jail. >> greg: for different reasons. >> dan: not going to jail for collusion. they have been reporting on this story for a year and a half and they have yet to cite a substantive piece of evidence the donald trump's campaign actually colluded with the russians. while asking for fake news. >> marie: that's not true, dan. >> dan: tell me one person who was arrested for collusion or conspiracy. >> marie: you don't have to be arrested to have evidence. since the times in the post-others have started reporting on the story, the original trump team story that no one that with russians has proven to be alive. over a dozen trump to paid officials met with russians who offered to help -- let me finish. offered to help them dirt get -- get dirt on hillary clinton. it's been known people in the trump orbit new wikileaks were going to release damaging emails. these are pieces of evidence. if you want to put your head in the sand. it when mueller's report comes out, you're going to be very, very surprised at what you read. >> dan: no, i won't. just to be clear, we are suggesting that meeting with russians to get dirt on your political opponent is a crime? >> marie: possibly conspiracy. >> dan: why isn't hillary clinton guilty? >> marie: because she didn't do that. she didn't do that. i know you keep telling yourself. >> jesse: be nice to her. >> marie: you keep telling yourself conspiracy theories and if you keep saying them they will become true but they are not. >> dan: you are telling ray hillary clinton did not pay for russian sources? >> marie: dan, maybe you should read "the new york times" once in a while. >> greg: maybe you should watch "hannity"! my goodness, marie. they just said "stop that, greg." you to argue. dana. >> dana: i was going to say conservatives should take the time's up this. it's an invitation to participate. so great, a couple weeks ago, "the weekly standard" fact-checked on facebook. they flagged it as false, a points by a talking points memo and they fact-check it point by point. and okay, conservatives, they are giving you the invitation to criticize. go for it. >> jesse: guess what's going to happen. you're going to have conservatives sending a "new york times" and seen in articles and then you can have "the new york times" readership sending in breitbart and daily color articles the times is going to say these bright part and daily color articles, these look like fake news. they are going to fact-check those and ignore all the cnn and their own fake new stuff. that's what's going to happen. i know a great fake news story. i'm not going to bring it back to the deep state. i'm going to bring it back to the top of the show. there was a woman put of post on facebook and she allegedly went to the same school for kavanaugh and ford went to when she set around the time, next week at school, everybody was talking about this and she had heard something that was going on. and then it turns out she knew nothing about anything, wasn't there, saw nothing, didn't even know if kavanaugh was involved in it. that was after the fact that all of these other mainstream media news sources had run so big with the story. by then, it had gone around the world a thousand times. >> dana: she had to delete it. >> jesse: she deleted it. apparently this party happened in the summer, according to ford. how is everyone at school buzzing about it if it was the summer? >> greg: it was something like "i didn't expect all of this attention." you just bolstered an accusation claiming you knew something potentially, this is a national story. and then saying you know what. step back. >> jesse: she says i accomplish my goal. that's what she said. >> marie: the times often make corrections. they corrected the nikki haley story. >> greg: talk about crowd sourcing. the internet and social media had come after them. >> marie: they write hundreds of thousands of articles. everyone who puts things out the turn out to be false should correct them. >> dana: media outlets want their readers to be engaged. we want our viewers to be part of it. podcast and radio shows. >> greg: i want them to send complementary tweets about me so i can forward it to management. isn't that what the times are doing? could you say we are doing a good job? >> marie: i think they are actually looking for actual fake news. russian, ukrainian, whatever country who puts fake, fake news online. >> greg: why are we being so xenophobic? what happened to these progressives? think globally. all right, hollywood stars are teaming up to slam brett kavanaugh. that's a surprise. new video next. just one free hearing test at his local miracle ear helped andrew hear more of the joy in her voice. just one hearing test is all it took for him to hear more of her laugh... and less of the background noise around him. for helen, just one visit to her local miracle-ear is all it took to learn how she can share more moments with her daughter. just one free hearing test could help you hear more... call now for your free hearing test from an industry leader: miracle-ear. and it's also a story mail aabout people and while we make more e-commerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country, we never forget... that your business is our business the united states postal service. priority: you the full value oft wyour new car? you'd be better off throwing your money right into the harbor. i'm gonna regret that. with liberty mutual new car replacement we'll replace the full value of your car. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty ♪ >> dan: if that wasn't enough, here is joy behar. >> this is what i grew up with, that men are supposed to protect you from these predatory males. they are not doing that. on the contrary. these people in congress right now are that senate judiciary committee, these white men, old, by the way, are not protecting women. they are protecting a man who is probably guilty. if you are not judge kavanaugh, take the lie detector test, prove it the way she did and the way anita hill did, that they are not lying. >> dan: is not a lie detector. it's a polygraph. there is no test that detects lying. my problem with this is these celebrity videos, they seem to come out when it's a conservative target but when it's a liberal target, vis-a-vis the keith ellison case, they stay quiet. >> dana: you are absolutely right. >> dan: everyone should be heard and these are serious charges, no doubt. the stipulation that everyone has to be instantaneously believed it's a dangerous proposition and these celebrities saying i believe you without hearing the case, it seems kind of odd. >> dana: joy behar says he should take a lie detector test, polygraph. apparently then we are all supposed to believe that even though the actual comments she gave to "the washington post," i'm not sure, i'm not positive, i'm not sure. i'm positive. something happened to me. that is supposed to be good enough where, as jesse pointed out, kavanaugh has testified under oath. if you lie under oath to the congress, guess what. that's a felony and you go to jail. you think he wants to risk his entire life by telling a lie under oath? that's why she should come and testify. the under the same oath. it's not the polygraph. forget that. i want to see her under oath. >> dan: there's a reason polygraphs are not admissible in court. >> jesse: it was the lawyer who administered the polygraph and her office and private. will not release the results of the polygraph or say how the polygraph was paid for. they just said she passed it. >> marie: do not believe this woman? >> jesse: i believe this woman, ford, believes something happened to her a very long time ago at a party. i also believe that not every man accused of sexual assault is guilty. i also believe that to say he's a rapist or obviously guilty because he's not taking a polygraph is irresponsible and very dangerous. hollywood should know this because hollywood lobbies for criminal justice reform, raises a lot of money for the innocence project. they get people out of prison, falsely locked up when they have dna evidence that comes out later. harrison ford was in a movie, a hollywood movie, "the fugitive," falsely accused and then actually has to go around and go back and find the real killer. this happens sometimes. it's irresponsible for these people to put their faces on a video like that without knowing any of the evidence. >> marie: i don't disagree with a lot of that. i watched some of this and i think they've already convicted kavanaugh and i don't think that's fair. i try and think about why these people are doing it. probably some of them don't like kavanaugh on the court, fine. that's a political argument. people in this country trying to figure out how to operate in this me too era where before this happened, women were more often than not not believed. sometimes now i think, particularly women, go out of their way to say we believe you because for decades and decades, women who said they were assaulted weren't believed. >> dana: there is no one on that committee who says we don't believe her. >> marie: have we found the balance? i don't know that our society knows how we can find the balance. i do think if she wants to testify, she absolutely should. i believe she should. if it's tuesday or wednesday not monday, i don't think that affects or could ability. again, at the end of the day, politically speaking, don't we all think he's going to get confirmed if there are no new allegations or rumors of anything else? right? >> dan: this is a serious question. is the man not entitled to defend himself? >> greg: of course. that's what i was getting up before. you have to have some kind of due process. i find it ironic that that video was made by they were moving on, remember, from the schedule and impeachment of bill clinton. they were trying to excuse well-documented recent behavior. it's like a serial killer criticizing your manners. going after brett kavanaugh, it's ridiculous. joy, an old white lady, because she called those old white men. you can call her an old white lady because i'm not sexist. she went after them men. we should ask women have to start thinking about this because it doesn't help. false accusations do not help women, number one. they do not help their families if people and their families are targeted. i have said this before. i spent seven years believing the biggest threat to the united states was existential terror. i'm beginning to think the biggest threat to us is us. because now there's the power to disappear people without any process. that's really chilling. on the dems and the media are so shortsighted. they don't see where this could lead. this could lead to complete chaos. you could have accusations day every day. i'm not joking. i can make an accusation against anybody i want. funny is, celebrity should just be honest. you were already against him. if he was a cross between mother teresa and mahatma gandhi, you would still barbecue his ass. >> dan: rules who happens monday. yesterday, dana had to make this correction. >> jesse: how much does a stamp cost? >> dana: like $0.32, i think. i need to do a correct the record. a stamp is $0.49. >> dan: i am horrified. can the rest of us guess the price of everyday items any better? supermarket showdown is next. ♪ meet george jetson. ♪ ♪ his boy elroy. with instant acceleration, electric cars are more fun to drive and more affordable than ever. electric cars are here. plug into the present. ♪ >> jesse: juan and i got into a little disagreement yesterday and before i set the record straight, i want you to watch this. >> marie: how much is a loaf of bread? >> jesse: $2.35. what is it? i shop at whole foods. it's about $2.35. >> dana: when you find bread for $2.35 at whole foods, your shopping at a different place. i would go on the price is right with you. >> jesse: at the average price for a loaf of bread, is $2.33. totally nailed it. even though juan is not here to apologize, that we play a little game. supermarket showdown. come on down. here we are. were going to guess the price of everyday household items were going to go prices right style. the closest gas without going over is the wooden. let me be clear. i don't know the answers ahead of time so do not accuse me of cheating. if anybody cheated here, it was dana. first up, a gallon of milk. all right, a gallon of milk. this is not organic milk. this is just straight up gallon of milk. >> marie: when do we show them? >> jesse: ready? everybody hold up your answers. >> dana: okay. who wins? >> jesse: the answer is $2.78. >> greg: for 1 gallon? it's >> jesse: i'm on a roll. to next up, a four pack of light bulbs. general electric. not, what are the fancy light bulbs? >> greg: the curly ones? i buy everything at bodegas. this is going to a -- be a problem. >> jesse: one, two, three. prices. what we have? i have $9.99. >> greg: what is it? >> jesse: $5.99. >> greg: i had $4. >> jesse: i am buying the expensive light bulbs. >> greg: you are not buying light bulbs. >> jesse: next one is dunkin' donuts cups. 16 cups from dunkin' donuts. k cups. i don't care what they are called. they are made of paper. 16 in a packed. everybody write it down?. these can't be expensive, right? >> dana: i've got mine. >> greg: i have a feeling. >> jesse: all right. >> dana: $6.25. >> jesse: $11.89! >> greg: i won. you know why? i drink a lot of coffee. >> dana: a dollar a cop? >> greg: dunkin' donuts is really good coffee. they let you sleep there. the when i go to let you sleep there. after you get your methadone. >> jesse: next one, we have a family-style size laundry detergent from arm & hammer. >> greg: communist. >> jesse: 50% more bounce, whatever that means. let's see what we've got. everybody write your numbers down. >> greg: all right. >> dana: ready? >> jesse: turn it over. >> dana: and $19.99? >> greg: dana, my god. >> jesse: $7.99. no way! no way. you get the little ones for $7.99. >> dana: you said $7.99. we you went over. >> jesse: i want to see the receipt. >> greg: that's crazy. you bought this at sam's club with a discount card. >> jesse: the next one is going to be big. >> dana: this one is the most important one. >> jesse: jif peanut butter. it's not crunchy. it's smooth. i was told that this is more of an elitist peanut butter than skippy. marie told me that. >> greg: it is like the republican party. >> dana: did anyone notice i drew jasper? >> greg: just you. >> jesse: nailed it! watters for the win? i said $2.30. $2.45. >> marie: i feel like you had the answers. >> greg: if he had the answers, he would've won all of them. >> jesse: man of the people. >> greg: you are. the world is yours. >> jesse: next we are going to play plinko for a brand-new car. actually, it's "one more thing" next. only botox® cosmetic is fda approved to temporarily make frown lines, crow's feet and forehead lines look better. it's a quick 10 minute treatment given by a doctor to reduce those lines. ask your doctor about botox® cosmetic by name. the effects of botox® cosmetic, may spread hours to weeks after injection, causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be a sign of a life-threatening condition. do not receive botox® cosmetic if you have a skin infection. side effects may include allergic reactions, injection site pain, headache, eyelid and eyebrow drooping and eyelid swelling. tell your doctor about your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions, and medications including botulinum toxins as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. the details make a difference. the man makes them matter. see real results at withdrawal, on bupropion, opioids, maois, allergy to the ingredients, or pregnant. may cause nausea, constipation, headache, and vomiting. reduce hunger, help control cravings with contrave. now you an talk to a doctor online and get free shipping at here's a trip tip: when you search hotels on tripadvisor... enter your destination and the dates of your stay. tripadvisor searches over 200 booking sites... to find the best deal on the right hotel for you. tripadvisor. thing? usually, they will move like a small house, like a row home or something like that. i think it was like a six bedroom. i can see traffic backed up for miles behind his house, you can't really pass a house like that. >> along the way it hit a streetlight. >> if you lived there, you would be home now. [laughter] >> my turn. i went to a great thing last night for an organization called "restore nyc." it's a nonprofit organization that helps to end sex trafficking and raced down like it runs programs that help provide so dumb like survivors with case management and getting their life back together, making them feel that they are safe and giving them some competence in helping them with long-term job placement. it was a really big night last night, new yorkers are really generous. restore nyc has a broader scope than just new york, they help train agencies across the states. if you are in a place where you think you could use some help and help others in your place, you can visit them at restore >> it's time for this. greg's travel news. as you know, the my book is non "the new york times" best seller list anymore and it's upsetting. i asked lots of people to go out and buy it for my own ego, and a lot of people are racing to the bookstore, some in unusual vehicles. here's a man going to the local barnes and nobles on a jet ski. >> how do you know he was going to buy your book? >> because we are friends. it's a homemade 89 honda elite scooter, i guess he turned it into a scooter. but he's on the weight to get my book which is probably discounted on sale right now, you can probably get a really cheap on amazon. why aren't you doing that anywa anyway? >> marie, what do you have? >> today i have lebron james news. he's flying into the "space jam" sequel which will be a continuation of the 1996 film "space jam" which started at michael jordan, bill murray and a bunch of animated costars. i think we have some video from that previous "space jam." >> that reminds me of drugs. >> did you take drugs at her house? >> they are teaming up with a looney tunes in a desperate attempt to win a basketball match and earn their freedom. this production is set for next year and lebron's production announced this in a tweet. spring hill entertainment announced the project and one of the people involved as black panther ryan kugler. if lebron james set up by love for kids to understand how empowered they can feel and how empowered they can be if they don't just give up on their dream. it so much bigger than just me and the looney tunes. >> you did him proud of, you went one bigger than one more thing. >> on a somber note, a colleague of mine and the secret service who you probably worked with at some point, dana, collin johnson passed. he left us way too early, that's him right there. we used to call him lovingly, the eclipse. he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and within weeks past. i just wanted to take a moment because i've been given a nice platform since i left the secret service and some real american heroes don't have that. he deserves to be recognized. he was a marine, a patriot, secret service agent and he put his country first.


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Tucker Carlson Tonight 20190619 00:00:00

tucker will have in just a moment. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> tucker: this is a fox news alert. the president about to begin a rally in orlando, florida. he will officially be announcing his 2020 election bid. good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." we will be covering the president's announcement right here live as soon as it starts. it's imminent apparently. what does the president need to do to win this election now a year and a half away as we await for the president to begin his speech. we will ask that question of dana perino, host of the daily briefing with dana perino, our friend. dana, thanks a lot for joining us tonight. >> dana: happy to be here. >> tucker: if you were running this campaign, what would you make it about, this re-election campaign? >> dana: so interesting because he was a disrupter candidate from 2016 but now he is the incumbent and incumbency comes with a lot of benefits. okay. you have got the plane. you have the organization. and now you have a record. he has a big war chest and organization like he has never had before. i think i would make it about three things. number one, keep the economy hot. as hot as possible. he has to figure out a way to maybe moderate the things that could hurt it, such as the trade wars. try to land that deal with the chinese. avoid a debt default crisis. the congress is already trying to work that out. and to the extent that he possibly can, if the democrats are willing, when they do that one bill that they will get through this year, if they will cut a deal on infrastructure do that and show you have the ability to move things forward. second thing i would do is define the democrats. he was very good at defining all of the republicans that he ran against in the 2015 and 2016 primary. now he has to do that to the democrat. voters disliked hillary a lot more than they loved donald trump. now, as you can see at this rally, there is a lot of people that love donald trump, but the democrats are also very energized. so he has to define them very quickly. the third thing is i think he has to figure out to remain the change candidate as much as he possibly can he is more antiestablishment than any democrat running except for, perhaps, bernie sanders. and eight of the last 10 elections were all about change. those are the ones that were successful. so, how do you run as an incumbent and still say that you are the change candidate? i think you would have to say i have got so much done you can't believe how much i got done. it's amazing, it's beautiful all that i got done but there is still a lot more to do. that's how i would do it. i would also try to throw as much chaos into the democratic primary as possible. >> tucker: so that's it right there. let's assume and i actually don't believe this but judging by today's numbers it would be fair to assume that he would be facing off against joe biden. >> dana: okay. >> tucker: wouldn't it be wiser to highlight the radical elements the democratic party ocasio-cortez, ilhan omar, the radicalized in the house and try to tie the opponent to those figures? >> i think the more that president trump in his re-election efforts can push the democrats further to the left, the better off he will be. you have already seen joe biden have to go for left than where he has been for decades. hyde amendment on abortion funding. china, for example, the crime bill, we will see how he does on that. next week when he does the debates he is the tallest oak in the yard and all of the other democrats are going to want to chop him down. the more president trump can put spotlight and focus on that chaos, push him to the left the better off he will be and the better off the other members of congress will be that are running for re-election or just running for election. the third one house seats that went democrat that gave nancy pelosi the speaker's gavel those are up for grabs again in 2020. this time, instead of like 2018, this time you have president trump at the top of the ticket and maybe those seats could flip back to republicans if they play their cards right. >> tucker: so we're getting way ahead of ourselves but i can't resist asking you. the senate, does that likely stay in republican hands? >> dana: yes, yes, it does. actually, there are people that work on the senate side and republican politics. it's a good year for republicans but it's also the possibility that they could pick up a seat or two. the michigan race is going to be very interesting to watch. i think that republicans are concerned about arizona and colorado. but, other than that, i think they feel pretty good about things. >> tucker: yeah. those seats have changed an awful lot. dana perino who has not changed except for the better. great to see you tonight. thank you. >> dana: all right, thanks. >> tucker: last night the president tweeted that ice will soon begin large scale deportations of millions of illegal immigrants in the united states. millions. buck sexton is a radio host, very familiar with what's happening on the border. he has been there recently. he joins us tonight. buck, thanks a lot for coming on. what do you make of this? this seems like a pretty dramatic departure from where we have been. i think a lot of people, certainly me included would welcome. this is it going to happen? >> i think it's going to start, tucker. and that will have a couple of effects. one is that if he does, in fact, go forward with this and there is now confirmation from senior administration officials. i was speaking to somebody earlier today who was saying, no, this is real, this is going to happen. they are going to start telling people who have had all their due process, who are in the country illegally, who have been adjudicated and been found that they should be deported under the law they are told they have to go, democrats are going to oppose. this democrats are going to say hold on a second, that's not right. that's not fair. which also gives the lie to what they have been saying all along about the central american migrant crisis, the so-called asylum seekers but oh we promise once they get their process, sure, we will be okay with them being deported. that's obviously not the case. they are really in on this scam and it's going to force democrats to have to admit that they don't believe in the rule of law. they like the process until it comes to an end and then the process isn't really for them anymore. >> tucker: right. so, is there some good reason why i should, i don't know, pay my taxes or register my car? i mean, if people who are not allowed to live in this country, according to democrats can ignore the law, why am i obeying it? >> yeah. i think what have you seen from democrats, especially with the mueller probe going on in the background for quite some time is, you know, if you are a friend of donald trump's and you misremember what you had for breakfast six months ago people are cheering for you to go to prison. prominent democrats seem to think that manafort in solitary confinement is such great justice and the country is achieving a better future because of it. the massive and systematic fraud, and that's what it is that has been perpetrated at our southern border with democrats really complicit in it by pretending bedon't all know what's happening. people lying about being family units. people lying about or fleeing violence when they in fact are economic migrants who want a better future. this is going to finally bring into focus, at a perfect time, because we are headed to a election, that democrats are effectively open border parties and only believe in the law when they like the law. >> tucker: this is a winning issue, i think for the president. >> it is. >> tucker: buck sexton, thanks a lot for that. >> thanks, tucker. >> tucker: from the other side in instagram video broadcast congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez of new york denounced holding facilities on the united states border as, quote: concentration camps. ned ryun is founder and ceo of american majority and he joins us tonight. ned, thanks for coming on. >> good to be with you. >> tucker: concentration camps. what do you make of that description. >> first of all, it's deeply insulting for her to compare our very humane detention centers to what the nazis did with -- their concentration camps and exterminating 6 million jews. the amazing part to me is it seems lost on aoc that these illegal aliens are coming of their own volition. nobody is compelling them to come. they come here illegally and yet we still treat them very humanely and to say that's the moral equivalent of what the nazis did of forcing jews into concentration camps and gassing millions of them to death is insulting and diminishes the horrors of the holocaust, tucker. >> tucker: yes. and the sacrifice of the american soldiers who helped defeat nazi germany and liberate the camps. >> that's right. >> tucker: the whole thing is grotesque. >> this is a game to them. >> tucker: suggests being held because of ethnicity and minority being held because of who they are rather than what they have done. >> this is a game tucker. first of all, it calls into question. i truly believe they don't believe in national sovereignty anymore. this is a game to them for them to invoke the holocaust and hitler and the nazis to use as a rhetorical bludgeon against their opponents that don't agree with them on anything and they know they can get away with it because their fellow travelers in the mainstream media instead of fact-checking them actually are tying themselves in knots today defending her, making outrageous statements. i mean, even saying one cnn senior editor said a auschwitz was a work and concentration camp it got so bad chris hayes had to be fact-checked by the auschwitz museum and said you should probably get educated on what actually happened during the holocaust. >> tucker: that's also disgusting. ned ryun, thank you. >> it is disgusting, thanks, tucker. >> tucker: good to see you. last night the president authorized the deployment of another 1,000 american troops to the middle east. this follows an alleged iranian attack on two oil tankers. the u.s.s. seems to be slipping toward war there. meanwhile we have no permanent secretary of defense. the acting secretary, patrick hand shan, you may have read, just stepped aside over prior domestic incidents. he has now been replaced by former raytheon mark esper. colonel, thanks for coming on. obvious question, first, are we as we appear to be moving toward conflict with iran? >> oh, look, let's hope not. because, if the president looks out on the sea of faces he has in front of him tonight, all of these supporters, he needs to be reminded of two things. first what buck has already covered about securing the border and, secondly, about his promise to end these pointless, endless wars in the middle east. he needs to get us out of afghanistan. he needs to get out of syria. he needs to get out of iraq. if he can't turn to an audience like the one he has got tonight a year from now and say, look, i promised, i delivered. i think he is not going to see everybody show up at the ballot box that he would like to be there. >> tucker: i think that's wise advice. colonel doug macgregor, thank you very much. we are going to orlando. the president is being introduced. we're joined now by chief fox national correspondent ed henry. ed, so this is the official kickoff of the 2020 campaign. >> ed: yeah, tucker, in many ways this has been game on for some time now as you know the president has already done many rallies across the country. yes, this is the official kickoff. and it just proves to us what we have known since at least 2,000. florida, florida, florida. that was a big part of the president flipping the narrative around on the mainstream media, which said again and again that the math doesn't work. that he simply could not get to 270 electoral votes. once he turned florida and then he went up pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin. obviously, that's what got him far beyond that number. and, look, it's instructive that the same, you know, wise people who say they seem to know everything about politics are telling us, again, the president is behind in all of these battlegrounds. quinnipiac, for example, a poll out just a couple of hours ago saying the president is down 9 points in the state of florida to joe biden. guess what? quinnipiac had andrew gillum, the democrats, winning the governorship by seven points in 2018. he is not the governor tonight. as the president stands on that stage in orlando. so, these polls can be off. and i think that's one of many things this president is banking on because of the strong economy. >> tucker: i wonder if the campaign, the trump campaign believes that the democratic nominee will be joe biden? >> ed: that's their expectation. that is in private why they say the president has spent a fair bit of time on social media going after joe biden. but, on the other hand, you can sees a the democratic race plays out that elizabeth warren and others on the left seem to have a lot more energy and enthusiasm on their side, which makes us wonder tonight is joe biden the frontrunner in name only right now? his numbers have come down a little. not a lot. a little. but, look, this is the kickoff for the president tonight. the kickoff really for the democrats is next week when they have their first debate. so this finally is, you know, we are here. and we are going to find out whether joe biden is going to stay the frontrunner or not. [chanting u.s.a.] >> tucker: it looks like the first lady may be speaking. this is interesting. we will go to this. ed henry. thank you so much. >> it has been my honor to serve as first lady of this incredible country for the past two years. [cheers and applause] and i'm excited to do it for six more. [cheers and applause] i'm proud of all that my husband, his administration and our entire family have done on behalf of the american people in such a short time. [cheers and applause] he truly loves this country and will continue to work on your behalf as long as he can. all of us will. thank you all again for being here tonight. and now i want to introduce my husband, the president of the united states, donald j. trump. [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] [chanting u.s.a.] >> oh, we had such luck in orlando. we love being in orlando. thank you, orlando. thank you, orlando. what a turnout. what a turnout. [cheers and applause] you know, i said this is a very big arena for a tuesday night. you know, if we have about three or four empty seats the fake news will say headlines, he didn't fill up the arena. you know. [crowd boos] >> so i said maybe we shouldn't take a chance. maybe we shouldn't go to orlando. we should go some place else and i said no, i think we will go to orlando. [cheers and applause] and not only did we fill it up, but we had 120,000 requests. [cheers and applause] that means you folks have come out very, very good. congratulations. i want to thank our great vice president mike pence and his wonderful wife karen pence. [cheers and applause] and our magnificent first lady, melania. thank you. [cheers and applause] i'm thrilled to be back in my second home, that's what it is. it's my second home. in many cases i think i can say it's my first home if you want to know the truth. it's the great state of florida. [cheers and applause] very historic. because exactly four years ago this week i announced my campaign for president of the united states. [cheers] >> and it turned out to be more than just a political campaign, it turned out to be a great political movement because of you. [cheers and applause] a great movement. it's a movement made up of hard-working patriots who love their country, love their flag, love their children, and who believe that a nation must care for its own citizens first. [cheers and applause] together we stared down a broken and corrupt political establishment and we restored government of, by, and for the people. [cheers and applause] our country is now thriving, prospering and booming and, frankly, it's soaring to incredible new heights. [cheers] our economy is the envy of the world, perhaps the greatest economy we have had in the history of our country. [cheers and applause] and as long as you keep this team in place, we have a tremendous way to go, our future has never ever looked brighter or sharper. the fact is the american dream is back. it's bigger and better and stronger than ever before. [cheers and applause] 2016 was not merely another four-year election. this was a defining moment in american history, ask them right there. [applause] [crowd boos] [chanting] [chanting] >> by the way, that is a lot of fake news back there that's a lot. [cheers and applause] >> that's a lot. you know what i say? the amount of press we have tonight reminds me of the academy awards before it went political and their ratings went down the tubes. this was our chance to reclaim our government from a permanent political class that enriched itself at your expense. as i said, on a wonderful, beautiful day at my inauguration, we did not merely transfer power from one party to another but we transferred power back to you, the proud citizens of the united states of america. [chanting u.s.a.] [chanting u.s.a.] we stared down the unholy alliance of lobbyists and donors and special interests who made a living bleeding our country dry. that's what we have done. we broke down the doors of washington back rooms, where deals were cut to close our companies, give away your jobs, shut down our factories, and surrender your sovereignty and your very way of life, and we have ended it. [cheers and applause] we took on a political machine that tried to take away your voice and your vote, they tried to take away your dignity and your destiny. but we will never let them do that. will we? >> no. >> many times i said we would drain the swamp and that's exactly what we're doing right now. we're draining the swamp. [cheers and applause] [chanting] >> and that's why the swamp is fighting back so viciously and violently. for the last two and a half years we have been under siege. and with the mueller report, we won and now they want a do-over. they want a do-over. let's do it again. it didn't work out too well. let's do it again. they want a do-over. no president should ever have to go through this again. it is so bad for our great country, a hoax. a great hoax. our patriotic movement has been under assault from the very first day. we accomplished more than any other president has in the first two and a half years of a presidency. and under circumstances that no president has had to deal with before, because we did, in the middle of the great and illegal witch-hunt, things that nobody have been able to accomplish, not even close. nobody's done what we have done in two and a half years. [cheers and applause] we went through the greatest witch-hunt in political history. the only collusion was committed by the democrats, the fake news media, and their operatives and the people who funded the phony dossier, crooked hillary clinton and the dnc. it was all an illegal attempt to overturn the results of the election, spy on our campaign, which is what they did, and subvert our democracy. remember, the insurance policy just in case hillary clinton lost. remember the insurance policy. [chanting] [lock her up] >> they appointed 18 very angry democrats to try to take down our incredible movement. after two years, 1.4 million pages of documents, 500 search warrants, 500 witnesses, 2,800 subpoenas and 40 fbi agents working around the clock. what did they come up with? no collusion. and the fact that led our great attorney general to determine no obstruction. no collusion, no obstruction. [cheers] >> and they spent $40 million on this witch-hunt. $40 million. [crowd boos] that's right. they spent $40 million probably a hell of a lot more than that. and think about it. nobody has been tougher on russia than donald trump. nobody. [cheers and applause] we call it the russian hoax. remember president obama's famous line caught on the open mike secretly telling the russian president to, quote: inform wladimir that after my election i will have more flexibility. okay? remember that? remember that? a lot of people remember that. i remembered it. i saw it happen. i didn't like it. they don't bring it up. the fake news will never bring it up. [boos] >> and in september, just before the election, the fbi told president obama about possible russian interference and he did nothing because he thought that hillary clinton, crooked hillary was going to win. that's why he did nothing. he did nothing. i built up the military, imposed sanctions on russia. and provided alternative energy sources for all over europe that competed very, very strongly with russia. we are, by the way, the number one producer of energy in the world because of what we have done right now. [cheers and applause] [chanting u.s.a.] >> the democrats don't care about russia. they only care about their own political power. they went after my family, my business, my finances, my employees, almost everyone that i have ever known or worked with, but they are really going after you. that's what it is all about. it's not about us. it's about you. they tried to erase your vote, erase your legacy of the greatest campaign and the greatest election probably in the history of our country. and they wanted to deny you the future that you demanded and the future that america deserves and that now america is getting. [cheers and applause] our radical democrat opponents are driven by hatred, prejudice and rage. they want to destroy you and they want to destroy our country as we know it. not acceptable. it's not going to happen. [cheers and applause] it's not going to happen. so understand democrats, ruthless tactics, look no further than the united states supreme court and our court system nationwide. i will soon have appointed my 145th judge. [cheers and applause] president obama was very nice to us. he didn't fill the positions. i get there the first day, how many judges i do have to appoint? they said, sir, 139. now it's 145. and we just finished number 107. already approved, sitting on the bench. how about that? [cheers and applause] by the time we are finished with the rest, we will have a record percentages. our percentage will be a record except for one person. one person has a higher percentage than your favorite president, donald trump, do you know who that president is? he has a higher percentage than me and it's devastating. his name is george washington. [cheers and applause] george is 100 percent and there is no way i'm going to get there no matter what i tell you. got 100 percent. he was first so he just appointed them all and that was it. that's going to be a hard record to beat. they want to take away your judges. they want to pack the court with far left idealogue, and they want to radicalize our judiciary. you know that. we already have a lot of that. look at what they did to a great gentleman justice kavanaugh, highly respected. [cheers and applause] they didn't just try to win. they tried to destroy him with false and malicious accusations. [crowd boos] >> and thank you marco and thank you lindsey, wherever you may be. thank you, great job. thank you. [cheers and applause] stand up. [cheers and applause] yeah, lindsey graham was doing okay in south carolina. isn't that great? now he is through the roof. great. thank you. great job. thank you. great people. great people. all of them. they tried to ruin the family of now justice kavanaugh. they tried to ruin his career. they tried to ruin his life. they even wanted to impeach him on fraudulent charges. those charges were a fraud. he did nothing wrong. all in pursuit of political documentation and control just imagine what this angry left wing mob would do if they were in charge of this country: [boos] >> imagine if we had a democrat president and democrat congress in 2020. 2020. [boos] >> they would shut down your free speech, use the power of the law to punish their opponents, which they are trying to do now anyway. they will always be trying to shield themselves. they would strip americans of their constitutional rights while flooding the country with illegal immigrants in the hopes it will expand their political base and they will get votes some place down the future. that's what it is about. [boos] [chanting build that wall] [chanting build that wall] >> and we are building the wall. we will have over 400 miles of wall built by the end of next year. it's moving rapidly. moving very rapidly. [cheers and applause] and you know we couldn't get the wall approved by the democrats. even though they voted for it four years ago and six years ago and didn't get built, but they voted for it. all of a sudden trump is president, we don't want a wall. can you imagine? can you imagine those caravans without having the barriers and walls that we have already put up and that are up? this country would be a mess like you wouldn't believe. so the wall is moving along. it's moving along rapidly. it's beautiful. i changed the design, it's stronger, bigger, better, and cheaper. [cheers and applause] cheaper. a lot cheaper. you know, sometimes when they don't give you the money, you have to make it cheaper. [laughter] it's not going to happen. but it's going well. instead of bringing us together as one america. democrats want to splinter us into factions and tribes. they want us divided. not going to happen to the republicans anymore. it's not going to happen. [cheers and applause] this election is not merely a verdict on the amazing progress we have made. it's a verdict on the unamerican conduct of those who try to undermine our great democracy and undermine you. and by july 4th, washington, d.c., come on down, big day, bring your flags. bring those flags. bring those american flags. july 4th we're going to have hundreds of thousands of people. we're going to celebrate america. sounds good, right? july 4th. [cheers and applause] celebrate america. this election is a verdict on whether we want to live in a country where the people who lose an election refuse to concede and spend the next two years trying to shred our constitution and rip your country apart. [boos] you remember during one of the debates when crooked hillary said if i win, are you going to support me? but i must be honest i didn't give her a great answer. that was -- that might have been my hardest question during the debates. isn't it amazing that it worked the other way around, right? isn't that amazing? if you want to know how the system is rigged, just compare how they came after us for three years with everything they have versus the free pass they gave to hillary and her aides after they set up an illegal server, destroyed evidence, deleted and acid washed 33,000 emails, exposed classified information and turned the state department into a pay-for-play cash machine. [boos] [chanting lock her up] 33,000 emails deleted. think of it. i keep mentioning, you know, there was a lot of corruption on the other side. but, you know, the simplest thing, they get a subpoena from the united states congress and they decide that they are not going to give it so lindsey graham, they delete and they acid wash, which is very expensive, nobody does it, they acid wash those emails. never to be seen again. but we may find them somewhere deep in the state department. [cheers and applause] but, can you imagine if i got a subpoena, think of this, if i got a subpoena for emails, if i deleted one email like a love note to melania,. [laughter] it's the electric chair for trump. [laughter] 33,000 emails. but let's see what happens. we now have a great attorney general. let's see what happens. [cheers and applause] so if you want to shut down this rigged system once and for all, then show up november 3rd. that's your day, big day, and vote, vote, vote. we're going to have a big, big day. [cheers and applause] [chanting four more years] >> thank you. and remember the only thing these corrupt politicians will understand is an earthquake at the blo blot ballot box. we did it once and now we will do it again and this time we're going to finish the job. [cheers and applause] and this time should be a lot easier because we have done so much with our military, with our vets, with the 2nd amendment, with our regulations, with the biggest tax cut in history, with getting rid of so many different problems, so many different things, including, by the way, the individual mandate on obamacare, one of the worst things anybody has ever had to live through. we got rid of the individual mandate. [cheers and applause] right? how many people are happy they no longer have to pay for the privilege of not paying for bad health insurance? [cheers and applause] how many people are happy? bad healthcare. so every time you don't have to make out a check, in order not to have healthcare. think of that. this is the only country you pay for the very distinct privilege of not having to pay but you had to pay a lot. now you don't have to pay anymore. you don't want it? you don't have to take it. [cheers and applause] individual mandate, we got rid of it. that was a big deal. the people trying to stop our movement are the same washington insiders who spent their careers rigging the system so your losses will be their gains. you know that. these are the same career politicians who presided over decades of flat wages, the loss of our manufacturing jobs, 60,000 -- can you believe that? 60,000. who would believe that number? and do you know how i know it's true? because, if it wasn't, i have been using it a lot. the fake news would have headlines trump used a phony number. they would have headlines. it would be the biggest story. trump used -- well, they never corrected it so i assume, fellows, 60,000 shuttered factories, we closed up. 60,000 factories. it didn't seem right. it didn't seem like it would be possible. an avalanche of job-killing regulations, a growing wealth gap, and one ruinous trade deal after another. by the way those trade deals are getting very good, folks. you will see. [cheers] >> we just completed the deal with south korea. great deal. we are working with mexico and canada. we have to get the democrats to approve it. we want it to be bipartisan. as you know you may have read a couple of things about china. i spoke to president xi, terrific president, a great leader of china, i spoke to him this morning at length. and we will see what happens what happens. we are going to have a deal or not have a deal at all. that's okay. too. because we are taking in billions and billions of dollars in to our treasury and companies are leaving china because they want to avoid paying these large tariffs. and, by the way. when the fake news tells you that you are paying in the case of china they devalued their currency, that helps them. and do you know what else they are doing? they are subsidizing those companies, and you are not paying very much if you are not paying anything at all, the case of china. and we are taking billions and billions of dollars in and, remember, this and you know it as well as i do, we have never taken in 10 cents from china. we would lose $500 billion a year with china. we rebuilt china. they have done a great job, but they took us for suckers. and that includes obama and biden. they took us for suckers. [boos] >> 500 billion. 500 billion. somebody said you mean 500 million? that's a lot too, right? no, $500 billion. it's actually more than that i don't want to be too specific. 507. [laughter] we are fighting against the same far left politicians that ravaged our great cities and crushed the dreams of african-american middle class same people who threw open our borders and allowed drugs, gangs, and illegal labor to devastate our poorest american communities. you know that. our political opponents look down with hatred on our values and with utter disdain for the people whose lives they want to run. that's the way they have been doing it. and if you take a look at the african-american community how much progress has been made, the lowest unemployment numbers in the history of our country. [cheers and applause] they called you and us. do you remember this? they called us deplorables. that was a mistake. that was a big mistake. i will never forget i was making a speech after hillary used the word deplorables. i didn't think it was that bad. she used another word. do you know what the other word was? she said deplorables and irredeemables. i think that was worse. it didn't get picked up. you never know what's going to get picked up. it didn't. i think irredeemables is worse than deplorables. but i will never forget, i was making a speech the next day. we had a big crowd in a great, great state. and women, in particular, were wearing we are deplorables. the deplorables love you. and there were hundreds and hundreds of people wearing we are deplorables and i said i think hillary clinton made a big mistake with that speech. [cheers and applause] that is the problem with politics. one word and your career is ruined. you never know. you have to be very careful with the fake news back there. i have news for democrats who want to return us to the bitter failures and betrails of the past, we are not going back. we are going on to victory. going on to victory they will all take it away as fast as it came and as mike pence said a little while ago that's why we want a little more time. it's going to be cemented. it's going to be cemented. you know, we have a big decision to make. do you know what i'm going to say have to come up with a new theme for the campaign. is it going to be make america great again, the greatest theme. make america great again, maga country, right? [cheers and applause] maga. maga. maga country. we're in maga country. that i can tell you. but you know today, we had a massive day on the stock market. a lot of good things are happening. buff we had a very big day and we are very close to, i think our 68th record. you know, we have hit all-time records. it's tremendous. i think it's more than that but it's a lot. so now i say we have made america great again, but how do you give up the number one call it theme, logo, statement, in the history of politics for a new one? you know there is a new one that really works and that's called keep america great. right? keep america great. [cheers and applause] keep america great. in other words, make america great again well we have really done it. we have rebuilt our military, it's still in the process. we have taken care of our vets. we have cut the hell out of regulations. i have cut more regulations than any president in the history of our country, regardless of the length of their term. [cheers and applause] so now i say we need -- we have a lot talent, campaign people they cost a fortune and they never give me any ideas. i'm kidding. i said what do we use as our theme, our statement, i'm going to ask you to vote on it. i'm going to go make america great again and keep america great. let me hear by your cheers what you like. so, in all fairness, make america great, the greatest of all time. i really believe that the greatest of all time. how do you give up the greatest of all time with a new statement? do you know what's going to happen? if i do it with a new theme. if i lose, people are going to say what mass stake that was. [laughter] but we're not going to lose so it's not going to matter. [cheers] >> we're not going to lose, right? we're not going to lose. [cheers] are you ready? first we do make america great again and then we do keep america great. let me hear it. ready? make america great again. [cheers and applause] >> no not bad. not bad. if i would have said that three years ago it wouldn't be a contest, right? you ready? keep america great. [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] [chanting u.s.a.] wow. i'm sorry, maga country, but that wasn't too close. i thought you had it won and then i heard this cheer, my eardrums will never be the same. keep america great. [cheers and applause] pretty good. we're going to keep on fighting for every man and woman and child all across this land. with every ounce of hard and might and sweat and sow we are going to keep keep america great again and we will indeed keep america great. oh we will keep it so great. better than ever before. we're going to keep it better than ever before. and that is why tonight i stand before you to officially launch my campaign for a second term as president of the united states. [cheers and applause] thank you. [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] i can promise you that i will never ever let you down. i won't. [cheers and applause] and i am profoundly thankful to my family. i have a great family. melania, don, ivanka, eric, tiffany, barron, lara, jared, robert, mary ann, elizabeth and my late brother fred jr. [cheers and applause] we're joined tonight by many great patriots who fight right by our side. florida's terrific governor. [cheers and applause] thank you, ron. our first lady, casey desantis. what a job you are doing. thank you. thank you, ron and casey. thank you. what a job. and, again, your great lieutenant governor ohio hear is fantastic, right? jennette nunes. jennette. thank you, jennette. beautiful job. [cheers and applause] your florida cfo jimmy petrones. [applause] some really brilliant tough, wonderful friends who have helped me so much senators lindsey graham of south carolina, marco rubio of florida, and rick scott of florida. [cheers and applause] these are great people. these are great people. they're tough, they're smart, and they love our country. thank you very much, rick, marco, lindsay, thank you. members of congress, warriors also, boy, they're up there, you want them protecting you, i'll tell ya. they don't stop. matt gates, ted gillhall and michael quall. [ cheers and applause ] and also all of our friends and our supporters, you've been incredible. this has been a tremendous night. you've really been incredible. since the very first day i walked through the doors of the white house, i have never forgotten who sent me there. you did. you did. you did. [ cheers and applause ] you did. you all did. when i get behind my desk in the beautiful oval office, i think about only one thing: how the american people are going to win, win, win today. [ cheers and applause ] i'm fighting for you, and i think you see that. not easy. but i love it. and the reason i love it is because there have been few presidents who have been able to do what we've been able to do for you. and it is a great, great feeling. thank you. i love it. [ cheers and applause ] together we're breaking the most sacred rule in washington politics. we are keeping our promises to the american people. [ cheers and applause ] because my only special interest is you. i don't have a special interest. i don't care. i don't care. and by the way -- by the way, a woman who has been so good, so talented, so wonderful and we're sort of going to be losing her. i have a feeling she's going to be running for a certain gubernatorial position. don't worry about it, ron. it's not going to be in florida. it won't be in florida, i promise you, casey. she'd be tough, right? but a woman who's a special woman. and her father, by the way, he's out there fighting for us all the time. sarah huckabee sanders. [ cheers and applause ] >> president's reelection campaign officially under way as of tonight. we'll have coverage of that tomorrow with the next year and a half. but live coverage of the president's announcement continues tonight on sean hannity show. see you tomorrow.


Roddy Ricch Beats Copyright Lawsuit Over Hit Single, "The Box"

A judge has ruled in Roddy Ricch's favor over copyright infringement claims regarding his hit, "The Box."


Roddy Ricch Beats 'The Box' Copyright Lawsuit

Roddy Ricch beat a copyright lawsuit over "The Box" that claimed he stole key elements of the chart-topping 2019 hit from a decades-old soul song.


Roddy Ricch Beats Copyright Suit Over His Number One Hit 'The Box'

Judge finds Roddy Ricch's 'The Box' is a 'braggadocious' rap song about money, sex, and skill while 'Come on Down' is a soul song about heartbreak.


Transcripts for FOXNEWS Your World With Neil Cavuto 20240604 21:46:00

>> come on down to florida. come on down. it's 70 degrees. we miss you. >> neil: seems a little warmer there than it does here. we're up to 1 degree. i'm confident. here comes the sun, baby. >> you have a heat wave. nice seeing you, neil. >> neil: same here, my friend. janice dean on that heat wave. she's next.


Transcripts for MSNBC Velshi 20240604 15:35:00

but they were unwilling and afraid of the base, afraid of donald trump, to do that. and we are where we are now. >> and they continue to be. congressman, you have never been, congresswoman, thank you for the work that you have done. thanks, always, for being a friend of our show. congressman stacey plaskett. >> can i say to all virgin islands right now, ali, today we are celebrating houchin christian festival, and you are missing out of my office right now, the parade is coming down the road. a dress, everything, and i am about to hit the road right now and have fun. >> i love. that >> despite all of the bad things that are going on, there's still good in our community. >> yes. we have to celebrate. i told you one day, you and i will do an interview in the u.s. virgin islands. >> come on down! >> and congratulations, by the way, on your ninth anniversary as a member of congress. representative stacey plaskett of the united states virgin islands. all right, still ahead, we repeatedly said that democracy is on the line in this upcoming election. many parts of our democracy have already been eroded.


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