mainly business loans. that s not bad thing, because businesses are the ones that hire. many are small businesses, which again is another plus. but, consumer lending is up as well. here is what is going on. jpmorgan on friday reported that the profit was up 47% over the quarter. commerce bank share said profits were up 25%. we are spending more. we re putting more on the credit cards and holding balances. while it may not be best for the households, it does help the banks. because their bottom line gets fatter. when their bottom line get fatter, they are able to loosen the lending standards. in third quarter, we saw 36 million consumer loans made. that is up 3.7%. and the first year over year increase, since the financial crisis began. so it s positive. we re seeing equity loans go up. we re seeing many types of consumer loans increasing. and that just has to help the economy, because when people