Dismissal, dismissal at zuckerberg, theres only blacks and asians that were dismissed. Laguna seems to be kind of consistent. You see three for filipino, but we also know last year there was a patient abuse scandal, and it did affect a number of people who were filipino. That may be why that number seems to be higher than the others. But i think that we still need to do more work in terms of where the disparity is in terms of blacks, asians not so much asians, but dispanics. It goes back to the other slide in terms of theres an offset bases on the amount of people that are in the workforce and the amount of discipline that goes along with that. So in terms of disciplinary, i have some suggestions that go along with that. What im heard from my chair perso person, rhonda simmons, the disciplines are for coming to work late and those kinds of issues. But releasing in probationary period, and i have some suggestions where we can talk more about that where we and im not saying h. R. Where w
Hearing in person must wear a face mask. Members who are not wearing a face mask will not be recognized. Let me also make a few reminders for those members appearing in person. You will see members and witnesses appearing remotely on the monitor in front of you when youre speaking in what is known in webex as active speaker view. At time is visible in the room directly in front of you. For members appearing remotely i know you are all familiar with webex by now but let me remind everyone of a few points. First you will be able to see each person speaking during the hearing. Whether they are in person or remote, as long as you have your webex set to active speaker view. If you have any questions about this please Contact Committee staff immediately. Second, we have a timer that should be visible on your screen when youre in the active speaker with him know. Members who wish to pen the timer to the screen should Contact Committee staff for assistance. Third, thousand rules require that w
Team. Dr. Matthews team with him and all those that supported the mou that well be voting on later today. I know it wases a lot o it was d i wanted to express my gratitude moving forward. The first item is approval of the board minutes for the meeting of july 2020. I need a motion and a second. roll call thank you. Thats five ayes. Thank you. First and foremost i want to welcome everyone back. We are so close to the start of the school year which is next monday august 17th. Our Student Learning will begin for the 2020, 2021 school year. You should know that our School Staff Members are working extremely hard preparing to welcome our students on monday. This past monday was the fifth annual Digital District day. This year was all online. There was overwhelming consent. When we needed to close registration on sunday night. Those that participated, it was thirst first time attending digital event. Teachers with a wide variety of other roles, including para professionals, substitutes, coun
Good morning. So this meeting will now come to order. Today the subcommittee is holding a hearing entitled oversight of doe, during covid19 pandemic. Members will be participating in todays hearing finally in person or remotely via video conferences. And just as a reminder weve had some technical difficulties in making sure that our remote video was operating up to standard. As part of this hearing, the microphones of members participating remotely will be set on mute for the purpose of eliminating inadvertent background noise. Members participating remotely will need to unmute their microphones each time you wish to speak. For members and witnesses participating in person, i encourage you to wear your mask whenever you are not speaking. Dr. Monahan, our physician, stressed in attending physician covid19 guidelines that use of face coverings is meant to protect other people in case someone was unknowingly infected and does not have symptoms. But wearing our mask when we are not speakin
Democratic and republican members of the House Armed Services committee over the pentagon plan to devote 3. 8 billion to construct more border wall. The pentagon is asking congress to approve a 705 billiondollar budget for fiscal year 2021. This hearing is three hours 35 minutes. We will go ahead and call the committee to order. Good morning, everyone. We are gathered here this morning from secretary of defense doctor mark esper and chairman joint chiefs of staff general to hear about the proposal for the department of defense. I will start with some good news or start by thanking the witnesses for being here and further service to the country. Both served their country in various capacities for a long time, not an easy thing to do. I appreciate that and look forward to continuing to work with you. Unlike last year, we have a budget agreement, and last year we spend a lot of time talking about how difficult it is to run while anything in the government but certainly the department of d