Pill is of course this is a reference to the film the matrix that was made and which is a huge hit especially amongst online woke communities really woke not the fake woke of s a m s n b c and you know the Big White Community and the mean sort of Community Red pill is a very very very famous means and then meaning the actual meaning of red pill that has now been deemed by the likes of m. S. M. B. C. New York Times Washington post as evil you cannot say that read poetry 1st to becoming enlightened to the truth about reality especially a truth that is difficult to accept or exposes dissolutions thats right at that so we learn from the film the matrix and morpheus present the media with 2 choices the blue pill and everything stays the same or the red pill and you go down the rabbit hole as he described. And now in 2020 because the idea of an enlightened population is scary to the entrenched all a couple of pocket fists and psychopaths they are trying to do exactly what orwell warned about
A huge hit especially amongst online woke communities really woke not the fake woke of s a m s n b c and you know the Big White Community in the me sort of Community Red pill is a very very very famous me and then meaning the actual meaning of red pill that has now been deemed by the likes of m. S. M. B. C. New York Times Washington post as evil you cannot say that read poetry 1st to becoming enlightened to the truth about reality especially a truth that is difficult to accept or exposes dissolutions thats right at that so we learn from the film the matrix and morpheus present the media with 2 choices the blue pill and everything stays the same or the red pill and you go down the rabbit hole as you described. And now in 2020 because the idea of an enlightened population is scary to the entrenched illich awful a taco fists and psychopaths they are trying to do exactly what orwell warned about newspeak and his dystopia nivel 184 by memory holing the word reptile or give it a new meaning
A reference the film the matrix that was made and which is a huge hit especially amongst online woke communities really woke not the fake woke of s a m s n b c and you know the Big White Community and the mean sort of Community Red pill is a very very very famous mean and then meaning the actual meaning of red pill that has now been deemed by the likes of m. S. M. B. C. New york times the Washington Post as evil you cannot say that read poetry 1st to becoming enlightened to the truth about reality especially a truth that is difficult to accept or exposes dissolutions thats right at that so we learn from the film the matrix and morpheus present the media with 2 choices the blue pill and everything stays the same or the red pill and you go down the rabbit hole as he described. And now in 2020 because the idea of an enlightened population is scary to the entrenched ill look awful a taco fists and psychopaths they are trying to do exactly what orwell warned about newspeak and his dystopia
This is a reference to the film the matrix that was made and which is a huge hit especially amongst online woke communities really woke not the fake woke of s a m s n b c and you know the Big White Community in the me sort of Community Red pill is a very very very famous mean and the meaning the actual meaning of red pill that has now been deemed by the likes of m. S. M. B. C. New york times the Washington Post as evil you cannot say this read poetry 1st to becoming enlightened to the truth about reality especially a truth that is difficult to accept or exposes the solutions that are set that so we learn from the film the matrix and morpheus present the media with 2 choices the blue pill and everything stays the same or the red pill and you go down the rabbit hole as you described. And now in 2020 because the idea of an enlightened population is scary to the entrenched ill look awful as taco fists and psychopaths they are trying to do exactly what. Orwell warned about newspeak and his
A target in wilson scottish martyrs for some of our strategic onslaught lookup was also the target of the cattle street conspiracy at that time but you know most members of Parliament Making the 1st speech in the house of commons the latakia but the dream is wirelessly the lovely countryside the dhoti people of the constituency that not many people to the fair to the repression and massacre of well part of this is trying to court the radical memory in what is a sport perhaps inspired me for the book because it became quite clear that after the 820 writing there was a concerted effort by this stablish mint to the Court History as they saw it because after all all history is recorded to some extent by the victors and scotland hasnt been afford an invading army its been a lot and ladies and the radicals saw streets going down into the one of those to frederick to Princes Street or whatever they saw statues to wellington to nelson and to others the lords and ladies the desperate henry didn