Monday, May 24, 2021
Is big data always needed in the wine industry?
We all know that there are plenty of things that a person can do easily but machines find more challenging. For example, when the police are directing traffic they often pick gaps between groups of cars to be the stop points, whereas arranging this behavior using traffic lights is much more complicated. We have all driven along a main road and been stopped at every single [expletive deleted] light, haven t we? (If you haven t, then just you wait . your time will come.)
Well the same thing applies when looking at or using data, whether in academia or in industry. Sometimes, the analysis is way too complicated for the simple outcome, which anyone could easily have worked out for themselves, unaided.
Bernard Chen
The ancient beverage, wine, has remained popular in modern times. While the ancients had mostly wine available from neighboring vineyards, the number and variety of wines available for purchase have exploded in modern times. Consumers are assaulted with an endless number of varieties and flavors. Some examples include red wine, white wine, rose wine, starch-based wine, etc., which are then also based on a variety of grapes, fruits like apples, and berries. For a non-expert, unfamiliar with the various nuances that make each brand distinct, the complexity of decision making has vastly increased. In such a competitive market, wine reviews and rankings matter a lot since they become part of the heuristics that drive consumer’s decision making.