Overview The Medley Interlisp Project has made significant progress toward its goals of preserving, extending, and documenting the “experience” of Interlisp for now and for the future. This annual report highlights our achievements and ongoing efforts.
Key Accomplishments We’ve structured our work around project objectives: lower barriers to entry, adapt to modern environments and user expectations, complete “work in progress”, demonstrate applications built in and for the system.
Lower Barriers to Entry We want to allow newcomers to experience the system and ease of use without complex setup and configuration, so that more individuals can participate.
Seventy five years ago, the University’s ‘Baby’ computer became the first electronic computer with a read/write memory to run a program. To mark this historic event, Professor Jim Miles (University of Manchester Department of Computer Science) describes how a definitive new image of the Manchester computer was recreated using rediscovered original negatives.
We're happy here on Gadget Master to flag this one: the ICT1301 computer's 60th anniversary year is being marked in April, in work taking place at The National Museum of Computing.