still don t have information about how that happened. bill: two days ago this guy walked into the headquarters for katie hobs who is running for governor in arizona and stole 1100 worth of computer equipment. it can happen anywhere. crime is random and such a significant part of this election story here. dana: interesting in the statement it said the motivation for the attack against paul pelosi is under investigation. so we ll find out more and bring it to you as that happens. bill: stand by for more on that coming up here. meanwhile, we have 11 days until america votes. former president barack obama will hit the trail in a big way. democrats hope for a mid-term miracle. dana: today he is in georgia where the senate race is razor close and senate majority leader chuck schumer is sounding the alarm with a stunning admission caught on a hot mic yesterday
President Joe Biden will step up his effort to paint Republicans as a threat to Americans pocketbooks in a speech from upstate New York on Thursday, a closing argument that
President Joe Biden will step up his effort to paint Republicans as a threat to Americans pocketbooks in a speech from upstate New York on Thursday, a closing argument that
firm from atlanta and they basically sent investigators from this firm into the county offices in multiple states to get inside, to examine, to copy complicated computer equipment essentially that had been used in the election out of an attempt to prove somehow that votes had been stolen or flipped. and, you know, we ve seen in some states already, including michigan, including colorado that comparable efforts to access voting machines have been deemed illegal in some cases but criminal investigations are ongoing. what could they do with that data. they thought what they could prove is somehow prove votes could be flipped, that votes had been flipped in some cases but what security analysts tell us is that what s more dangerous is what they could do with it if this data got into the wrong