and secretary of the cone group. this has got to be a nightmare now, you ve been through it. what he s trying to do is looking at the defense department has been realizing about 3% growth for the past decade. he understands that s no longer sustainable. what he has said is they re going to allow for 1% growth meaning tax growth in the budget. 2% of that 3% is going to have to come from savings from within. i m going to take those savings. i m not going to reduce the size of the budget. i m going to take the supportrr. it s a reallocation of the existing budget understanding they re not going to get the increase from congress as they have in the past. that s how i understand it right now. that may change. congress may demand further cuts saying we want somebody reducing that overall top line much further. then you re going to go into what does that mean? now you re talking about programs that have been