It is March 1st and I have a message for the world: break up the New York Knicks. Break up the red hot New York Knicks.
Again, it is March 1st , two-thousand-twenty-one A.D., and the New York Knicks are above .500. And if you think that isn’t big news, you’re wrong.
According to The Athletic, this is the third time in 20 years they’ve had a winning record after 35 games. Think about that – the third bleeping time in two decades. And that’s one of the proudest franchises not just in NBA but in professional sports. That’s how bleak things have been. That’s how crappy they’ve been. As a team. And as an organization..
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WHEATFIELD â At their first meeting of 2021, the Kankakee Valley School Board sworn in new and retained trustees and elected officers.
Being sworn in were Jill Duttlinger (Kankakee Township), Tim Helton (Walker Township), Katie Sampson (At-Large #2 Seat), and Bill Walther (North Union Township).
Duttlinger was voted in as board president, while Kristy Stowers will serve as vice president, Jeff Groen as secretary, and Helton as assistant secretary.
Assistant Superintendent, Mrs. Allisa Schnick, reported to the Board that Jasper County remains under the Red advisory, and explained the impact this has regarding attendance at student extra-curricular activities, causing very limited spectators to be present. Also included in the COVID regulations are out of season sports teams are not allowed to practice and activities that are not related to school cannot use KVSC facilities.