It. Its great of you to do this. We appreciate you tdoing this and im looking forward to the conversation were about to whave. I as well looking forward to it and im sure were going to have a lot of fun. The pleasure is going to be mine. This is a book i really encourage people to go out and get and look. I cant think of a better cuttingedge introduction to this fascinating and controversial thing called original public meaning constitutionalism. Weve got things like a blowbyblow of the drafting of the 14th amendment. We have an amazing introduction on antislavery constitutionalism which is so decisive and were still today shaped by the 1840s and 50s and this is a book that helps readers see that and this is really what i hope we talk about a lot here is the book that says nearly everything you know about some of the key sections of section 5 of the 14th amendment is all wrong. So i love to get into some of that with you. Heres a place i thought we might start and i hope ill be interes