day, which advocates changing the party s platform to reduce the number of abortions. democrats for life. my understanding of the position, abortion should be outlawed, but there should be exceptions. walk me through the moral reasoning of how you get there, as i was saying before, i can understand the moral reasoning of paul ryan who says it s a life. and that life is independent of the method of concept. i cannan the pro choice argument. walk me through the moral reasoning that gets to you the exception policy. the exceptions were first brought into light in 1978 when henry hyde and congressman jim overstar first introduced the hyde language, said federal funding for abortion would be allowed in rape, incest and life of the mother, those are the most difficult circumstances when you are asking a woman to carry a child to term when it s an unplanned pregnancy. you know, you have to provide the support behind it. and the reason that we support those exceptions is because we