The resignation of Sidney Jackson, who was in the role of Pasadena Water & Power's director for just more than a year, has prompted shuffling at City Hall.
New clean energy legislation in Michigan has passed and is heading to the governor s desk to be signed into law. Backers of the bills said they will allow Michigan to meet its energy needs in a more cost-effective and cleaner manner by improving renewable energy and energy efficiency standards. Laura Sherman, president of the Michigan Energy Innovation Business Council, said the legislation is predicted to create more than 160,000 new, well-paid, nonexportable clean energy jobs for Michiganders. .
Critics say the latest decision from state regulators on Louisville Gas and Electric s proposal to build two new gas plants and cycle out two aging coal plants is a "mixed bag" decision, with potentially costly consequences for ratepayers. The proposed gas plant in Mercer County was denied, but a proposal to build another one in West Louisville received a green light. Andy McDonald, director of Apogee Climate and Energy Transitions, said while there are still more regulatory and permitting hurdles for the approved plant, its construction and operation will likely be paid for by customers in the form of higher bills, amid an uncertain future for natural gas. .
In what s described as the first such project in the upper Midwest, a Minnesota utility is retooling one of its power distribution systems to make room for battery storage. Officials say it helps ensure service reliability while providing economic benefits. Connexus Energy recently broke ground on the project at its substation in the Twin Cities suburb of Vadnais Heights. .