In 2003, film director Siddiq Barmak shot the first highly-acclaimed Afghan feature film "Osama", based on the rule of the Taliban in Afghanistan. He just completed shooting on a new film project, entitled "Opium War". Martin Gerner spoke with him in Kabul
Peace experts believe Russia's war on Ukraine will drag on for years, possibly decades. They recommend that the German government prepares its citizens for the tough battles ahead.
In Afghanistan, the world's main producer of opium, poppy cultivation was down for the first time since 2001. However, a UN report warned that it could go up again this year. Ratbil Shamel reports
One year ago the Taliban returned to power, seizing Kabul; the U.S. and its allies made a panicked exit from the country. Of all the books written on the subject, four stand out from the crowd. By Tobias Matern