Investcorp portfolio company Impero acquires Netop Wed 06th January 2021 | 12:00 PM
BAHRAIN, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News / WAM - 06th Jan, 2021) Investcorp, a Bahrain-based asset manager that counts Mubadala Investment Company as its biggest shareholder, announced on Wednesday that its portfolio company, Impero, a provider of online student safety and classroom and network management software, has acquired Netop, an international software solutions provider to the education sector and corporates, from Consolidated Holdings A/S.
The addition of Netop will significantly increase Imperoâs scale and presence in the United States and has the potential to meaningfully increase Imperoâs total and recurring revenue base. The transaction further expands Imperoâs addressable market while diversifying its customer base and providing an entry into the corporate sector, primarily in financial services and retail.
Looking to expand its product offerings, Austin-based software maker Impero is acquiring Netop, a Denmark-based company that makes business and education software.
Financial terms of the deal were not disclosed. Impero said it expects the transaction to close within the next four weeks.
Impero said the acquisition will let it expand its suite of software offerings and accelerate its roadmap for growth.
Impero was founded in 2002 in the United Kingdom, and makes software primarily focused on education including student safety, classroom management, network management and cloud services. The company opened an Austin office as its U.S. headquarters in 2018, and also maintains an office in the United Kingdom.