A shot in the arm: World leaders who have taken Covid-19 vaccine jabs
A shot in the arm: World leaders who have taken Covid-19 vaccine jabs
Joining the growing list of world leaders who have been vaccinated against Covid-19, Prime Minister Narendra Modi received his first dose of coronavirus vaccine on Monday. Here s a list of world leaders who have been administered anti-Covid vaccines so far!
UPDATED: March 2, 2021 00:26 IST
L to R: US President Joe Biden | Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi | Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu. (Photo credits: Reuters and PTI)
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday joined the long and expanding list of world leaders to
Health Ministry pc on total Corona vaccination in india, Total death reported due to vaccinationदेश में कोरोना टीकाकरण का आज 24वां दिन है। स्वास्थ्य मंत्रालय के अनुसार सोमवार शाम छह बजे तक 60,35,660 लोगों को वैक्सीन लगाई गई है।
Vaccine Donation By India: भारत की दरियादिली की दुनियाभर में तारीफ, डब्ल्यूएचओ प्रमुख ने पीएम मोदी का किया शुक्रिया
कोरोना वायरस (Coronavirus) की तबाही से पूरी दुनिया प्रभावित है। कोरोना वायरस के कारण अब तक लाखों लोगों की जान भी जा चुकी है। वहीं कोरोना वायरस से लड़ते हुए, भारत और अमेरिका समेत कई देशों ने अपनी वैक्सीन भी तैयार कर ली है, जिनका इस्तेमाल भी शुरु हो चुका है। जबकि, अधिकांश गरीब मुल्क दवाई/
Punjab: Asha worker reports complications after getting Covid vaccine shot in Ferozepur
Punjab: Asha worker reports complications after getting Covid vaccine shot in Ferozepur
35-year-old Asha worker Bindiya reported complications after she was administered the first dose of Covid-19 vaccine in Punjab s Ferozepur on Tuesday.
According to a medical officer, she is now stable. (Photo for representation: Reuters)
A Ferozepur-based Asha worker has reported complications after she was administered the first dose of Covid-19 vaccine in a civil hospital in Punjab on Tuesday.
Identified as Bindiya, the 35-year-old woman had complained of breathlessness after getting the shot. She was admitted to the Civil Hospital in Ferozepur on Wednesday, and she is now under observation.
New Delhi: The vaccine has entered into a war against the epidemic in the country. Since Saturday, people in the country have started getting corona vaccine. Not only that, India has also created a record of corona vaccination. A total of 224,301 people have been given the first dose of the vaccine within two days in the country, while the US, UK and France have lagged behind in the case.
Corona vaccination campaign will resume in all states of the country from Monday. In some states, vaccination was halted on Sunday. On the second day of corona vaccination, 17,072 people were vaccinated. A total of 2,24,301 people have been vaccinated in the country so far. After PM Modi launched the corona vaccination drive through video conferencing, about 1.91 lakh frontline workers and health workers had given the first dose of corona vaccine on the first day of vaccination at about 3300 sites across the country. However, it was much lower than the target of three lakh daily. The government hop