Natural Light Review: Fixed Stoicism Shields From the Ravages of War Natural Light Review: Fixed Stoicism Shields From the Ravages of War
The immovable face of a Hungarian soldier patrolling Russian forests is meant to convey the horror and exhaustion of war in Dénes Nagy s cerebral yet unemotional debut.
Jay Weissberg, provided by
Director: Dénes Nagy
With: Ferenc Szabó, Tamás Garbacz, László Bajkó,
Gyula Franczia, Ern?‘ Stuhl, Gyula Szilágyi, Mareks Lapeskis, Krisztián Kozó, József Barta, Aivars Kuzmins, Liene Kislicka, Csaba Nánási, Zsolt Fodor. (Hungarian, Russian dialogue)
Running time: Running time: 103 MIN.