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The UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has issued a consultation paper here (the “Consultation Paper”) proposing new disclosure rules relating to diversity and inclusion on the boards and executive committees of listed companies. The new rules are also expected to include a new template for these disclosures, to ensure consistency of data across listed companies. The consultation period lasts until 20 October 2021.
The publication of the Consultation Paper follows the issuance of a Discussion Paper earlier in July, here, seeking views on diversity and inclusion in the financial services industry more generally.
Corporate Governance Reports
Until 1 October 2018, Nordea Bank AB (publ) has on an annual basis produced its Corporate Governance reports according to the Swedish Annual Accounts Act, the Companies Act and the Code of Corporate Governance. These reports are presented below.
As from 1 October 2018, Nordea Bank Abp has produced the Corporate Governance Statements in accordance with the Finnish Act on Credit Insitutions, Finnish Accounting Act, Finnish Securities Markets Act, Ministry of Finance Decree on the obligation of securities issuers to disclose periodic information and the Finnish Corporate Governance Code. All key corporate governance related information can be found on this website.