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Transcripts For DW DW News 20191009 03:00:00

i am. to the end. the as. this is ito would use live from bali attack was president moves his government out of the capital and imposes an overnight curfew opposite protesters stormed the congress don't think thousands of demonstrators join rallies in quito with some clashing with police say the cost of fuel subsidies and other costs are a few measures for the coming up after a phone call between german chancellor angela merkel and u.k. prime minister boris johnson a leak in london ignites claims that machall told jobs and his plan to leave that you will not walk but did she well analyze that story. and one of germany's greatest adult focal players announces his retirement from the gate fast enshrined shall i get a tiny office brute songs for a long career that included 8 borders league titles with by munich and a world cup championship. i am. i'm helena humphrey glad you could join me thousands of indigenous people have converged on ecuador's capital quito to join anti-government protests clashes with security forces led president menem moreno to move his administration out of the capital now he has also imposed an overnight curfew off to demonstrate his storm to the congress building it could or has seen 6 days of nationwide protests following cuts to fuel subsidies. and other austerity measures. the. these a tactic such have toppled governments in ecuador before thousands of demonstrators flooded the capital quito they're angry over a government decision to end fuel subsidies to reduce the country's deficit leading to soaring petrol prices. in this country is rich in natural resources what's happened is that it has been impoverished due to the chain of corrupt governments which have stolen for this life and the next the biggest to be the a lot of. protesters blockaded roads and briefly storms the ecuadorian congress building before being driven out by police and soldiers firing tear gas. the states of emergency has been in place since last week when the indigenous led protests erupted eventually forcing the besieged government to flee to the port city of quiet hill. that president lenin morano has accused has left his predecessor rafael correll of trying to destabilize ecuador. in the sacking the vandalism the violence shows that there is a political intention to organize to destabilize the government and break the constituted order to break democratic order in order. to have been hundreds of arrests while the turmoil is taking a toll on an already vulnerable economy miranda has appealed to the united nations for help in calming the situation a bit to ease the worst unrest any is. earlier i spoke to correspondents the best in a quest for who is following the story in quito and i asked him how the president's decision to me fits government temporarily to another city has been perceived. some are saying he was a coward so there's a saying it was a brilliant strategic move it's completely unheard of. and others are saying it was a safe move because you have to match the historic center as relatively narrow streets. of the unprecedented violence scene of these protests. to. give a cautionary tale and to avoid too much of you to do what anybody any further blood sugars as much as possible because started to reduce the pressure was building up in quito simply by moving to a queue with some ministers and you have to bash the other cabinet ministers staying on in the capital 'd it will simply. speak to the president but it's a little trouble to a key to. the right correspondents definite cafe in ecuador's capital quito thank you very much indeed. and let's bring up to date now with some of the other stories making news around the world the white house has announced it will not cooperate with the congressional impeachment inquiry of u.s. president donald trump the probe is trying to find out if held by aides ukraine to push the country to investigate democratic presidential candidate joe biden and his son sage's. phone as in france have been blocking highways with their tractors to protest the government's agricultural policy they're angry about recent trade agreements and a growing a trend of quote acrobat showing what she did say disregard safra fashion. police in berlin have cleared the last of around 300 climate activists blocking a street in the heart of the city the demonstrators from the extinction rebellion movement were demanding action to counter global warming. where prosecutors here in germany have charged a man who hijacked a truck and crashed it into a line of cars with attempted murder 9 people were injured in that incident that happened overnight in the western town of limburg and police quickly detained the driver and identified him as a syrian national he's been resident in germany since 2015 his motive hasn't been established. this is the truck that rammed into several cars in the western german city of lemberg on monday police believe the person at the wheel pulled the truck's original driver out of his cab there was immediate speculation that the case might be connected to terrorism but federal officials have dismissed that possibility for now they need it's the informant still on my latest information says that at the moment the woman there's no grounds to say there's a terrorist background to this event. that is the status at the moment when. the truck's driver was a 32 year old syrian national the man arrived in germany in 2015 and was apparently known to police for assault and drug charges. these have detained the person behind the wheel of the truck at the moment we are investigating the reason for the collision and of course everything else necessary to determine what happened here. as police searched 2 apartments last night they collected possible evidence including mobile phones and u.s.b. sticks the investigation is ongoing and prosecutors say they can't yet give any information on a possible motive. when i reported on a reggae of eighty's covering the story for us from. tell us about what is known about the suspects so. well we know that he has arrived to germany in 2015 that he's a syrian national we know that he was not granted an asylum status or a refugee status like many people from syria have been granted he was granted something that is call subsidiary protection this status is granted to people who do not qualify as rich g.'s but are still facing a risk upon returning to their home countries we also know that this very permanent resident permanent residency residence permit has had expired just earlier this month on october 1st although it is unclear if he had applied in any way to extend it we also know that he was involved in a previous harassment case in another state in germany north rhine-westphalia and then he harassed a 16 year old teenager and later got into a fight with her mother so he was also known to police there. now did germany's chancellor really tell britain's prime minister that they bragg's it deal is quote overwhelmingly unlikely that is why a source close to boris johnson has told the british media following a phone call on tuesday morning between the prime minister and. now the leak has prompted you council president donald to us to warn mr johnson that breaks it should not become a quote plain day the case due to leave the european union at the end of this month . $23.00 days until breakfast time is running out and now it's too late to reach a deal with the e.u. at least that's the latest need music coming from london the british government no longer believes an agreement can be reached and that's coming from downing street they're blaming chancellor angela merkel e.u. council president donald tusk is outraged boris johnson what's at stake is not winning some stupid blame game at stake is the future of europe and the u.k. as well as the security interests of our people you don't want a deal you don't want an extension you don't want to revoke quo vadis. that follows a phone call this morning between boris johnson and angela merkel the chancellor reportedly said an agreement was overwhelmingly unlikely if northern ireland does not remain in the e.u. customs union but did she really say that no comment from under america she kept quiet on the subject later too at a meeting in berlin with david saucily the president of the e.u. parliament. but the british government is making a big deal out of the phone call essentially saying if this is the new e.u. position then in principle an agreement would be impossible that would make johnson's rush to present a new proposal was a waste of time the e.u. remained unconvinced that they would do away with the need for border controls between northern ireland and e.u. member state island and in that case brussels couldn't do without the so-called backstop and a customs union with northern ireland. sussan ley travelled to london on tuesday afternoon after meeting with boris johnson he said no progress had been made and there were only 2 options left an extension or no deal well our correspondent in london back at last has more about boris johnson's efforts to renegotiate a breaks a deal both joins the still insisting that the u.k. wants to the with a deal and that the latest u.k. offer was a significant step and a reasonable compromise however the question is how realistic is the deal at this point nodia brics it for sure will be economically really damaging for the u.k. and by blaming germany and the e.u. for the stalemate in the talks presents the johns and tries to shift the responsibility away from his own government. burgomaster there reporting from london now brazil's president says that the mysterious appearance of oil slicks on his country's coast may be the result of a criminal act they all began washing up on the beaches along the northeastern coast last month and the president suggested that another country could be to blame but he didn't say which one. pools of oil covered beaches on brazil's coast for weeks they have been appearing along the shores of the atlantic in the state of modern you how tourist spot a turtle covered in oil and claim this is the result of gross negligence. but. more oil slicks have now been spotted 2000 kilometers further south overall more than 130 brazilian beaches have been hit. the entire navy and northeast brazil has been mobilized we are trying to dennis what's causing this and where it's coming from. a brazilian t.v. network is investigating whether an accident a refinery belonging to the oil company petrobras may have played a role the site experienced an oil spill at the end of august petrobras which is partly state's own denied any involvement and claimed the oil may stem from a foreign tanker experts in brazil have criticized what they see as a delayed response from authorities. still lags and there was no fast coordinated effort from the authorities and the oil companies. to prevent the oil from reaching the coast. if you choose a prep of course an analysis of the oil will now be conducted with the hope that the results will shed more light on its source. one of germany's greatest ever fit will play as has retired from the gang. or announced he's quitting the sport for knowing the end of his club chicago fire season made his name but by mean it becoming a genuine star for club and country. but was. it's finally time to say good bye this was how bastian schweinsteiger ended his germany career in 26 days team. floyd is the fan favorite took to the pitch for demon chef one last time now he's hanging up his boots for good. with this tweet he brought an end to one of the my successful careers in football history trying to shag a one eyed bundle a good titles and 7 german cups along with one champions league title but the achievement fans around the globe will remember him for is the 2014 world cup triumph. as the only dream about things like this as a kid so i'm proud of what i've achieved and yes it makes me happy. luckily be on the trophies finally as he was known came across as a down to earth character more interested in football than the trappings of fame for that he was loved by the fans something only the true greats achieve. you're watching the daily news from the valley and coming up next if he does any business with steven basically i'll be back with more news here at the top of the


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Transcripts for DW DW News 20191009 03:03:00

predecessor rafael correll of trying to destabilize ecuador. in the sacking the vandalism the violence shows that there is a political intention to organize to destabilize the government and break the constituted order to break democratic order in order. to have been hundreds of arrests while the turmoil is taking a toll on an already vulnerable economy miranda has appealed to the united nations for help in calming the situation a bit to ease the worst unrest any is. earlier i spoke to correspondents the best in a quest for who is following the story in quito and i asked him how the president's decision to me fits government temporarily to another city has been perceived. some are saying he was a coward so there's a saying it was a brilliant strategic move it's completely unheard of. and others are saying it was


Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - FOXNEWS - 20110729:07:15:00

you are there and then go somewhere else. >> it was a uncalled for. >> i called for it. >> all right. >> you are mean even when you are -- > i know, right. >> it is early. you should see him when he is drunk. >> i am also moving on. from bars to ocbars. >> will the office still rule if it is set in kabul? the steve caw -- correll show -- no, the ricky yes,ae show, and they are going to launch "the ministry" while they replace the paper company it imitates the style of the original. but will people in the mideast like dwight? let's look at the trailer of the afghan version of "the office." >> i just wish i could get up and bounce. -- get up and dance. >> that wasn't it. can we see the trailer again?


Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - FOXNEWS - 20110729:07:15:00

>> all right. >> you are mean even when you are -- > i know, right. >> it is early. you should see him when he is drunk. >> i am also moving on. from bars to ocbars. >> will the office still rule if it is set in kabul? the steve caw -- correll show -- no, the ricky yes,ae show, and they are going to launch "the ministry" while they replace the paper company it imitates the style of the original. but will people in the mideast like dwight? let's look at the trailer of the afghan version of "the office." >> i just wish i could get up and bounce. -- get up and dance. >> that wasn't it. can we see the trailer again?


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