Njihov ukupni poslovni prihod u 2020. iznosio je 152.646.806 dinara. – Budući da neka od tih preduzeća dobro zarađuju, to može biti signal za moguće poslovanje u sferi sive ekonomije
City and Downtown Investment Authority officials can spend $32.9 million to buy three parking garages owned and operated by Metropolitan Parking Solutions should the 4th Judicial Circuit Court find the company in default of its 2004 city contract.
The Jacksonville City Council approved Ordinance 2021-0179 on April 27 to authorize short-term or fixed-rate debt funding and to allow the DIA to exercise its contract option to buy the MPS parking garages at the Duval County Courthouse and VyStar Veterans Memorial Arena.
The vote was 18-0.
The 17-year-old redevelopment agreement has cost the city millions.
When the garages were built, the city agreed to make the payments in the form of development loans to cover MPS operating losses and to ensure a 6.75% annual return on the company’s $3 million required investment.
The JAX Chamber board of directors endorsed Mayor Lenny Curry and the Jacksonville Transportation Authority’s proposal to increase and extend Duval County’s local option gas tax to pay for nearly $1 billion in infrastructure projects.
In a news release April 22, the Northeast Florida business membership group announced its board voted unanimously to support the gas tax legislation filed this week by City Council President Tommy Hazouri at Curry’s request.
The release also reaffirmed the chamber’s support for JTA’s plan to expand and modernize the Downtown Skyway that the authority calls the Ultimate Urban Circulator.
JTA officials propose spending nearly $372 million in gas tax money to fund the $415.96 million U2C project.
02:17 PM EST Share The 6-cent increase at the pump would fund nearly $1 billion in city and JTA infrastructure projects, including $372 million for the Downtown Skyway.
Mayor Lenny Curry filed legislation with City Council to partner with the Jacksonville Transportation Authority to extend and double Duval County’s local option gas tax to pay for nearly $1 billion in infrastructure projects.
During a Council workshop April 21, President Tommy Hazouri said he and the Curry administration will file a bill concurrently that would use money freed by added gas tax revenue to spend about $100 million over two years to remove aging septic tanks and connect underserved neighborhoods to city sewers.