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Presented by Ørsted
It’s not lame duck. But it feels like it.
When the Legislature meets tomorrow, it will consider legislation with huge implications: Marijuana legalization/decrimilnalization and allowing the state’s largest health insurer to restructure in order to act more like a for-profit business.
‘As Americans of color … we owe it to ourselves and our communities to listen to the scientists, look at the data’
Shennell McCloud
Several weeks ago, I told my colleagues I had a confession to make.
As news of Pfizer and Moderna’s successful vaccine trials offered the first glimpse of light at the end of the dark tunnel of 2020, my colleagues asked whether I thought skepticism of vaccines in communities of color, particularly Black communities, would be an issue that the government needs a strategy for.
I hesitated, then spoke honestly: I didn’t know a single Black person who was enthusiastic about being vaccinated, and I had some skepticism of my own.