The creation of Norms and Code of Conduct could have been a positive turn for the Pleasanton City Council. But it was only an attempt to further restrict one member from sharing opinions that don t align with the majority.
Rome is burning. If the Pleasanton City Council majority of Mayor Karla Brown and Councilmembers Valerie Arkin, Jeff Nibert and Julie Testa have their way, we might not have the people or the water pressure to put out the fire.
Yet another asinine decision was made by the Pleasanton City Council majority when it voted March 7 to defund Leadership Pleasanton. But they have no problem spending taxpayer money on a skatepark.
PLEASANTON — The 17-year-old plan to connect Lions Wayside and Delucchi Parks met a detour once again on Feb. 7, when the city council voted 4-1 to table the plan