doing their research, heard one of the residents tell them, this is scarier than covid. with covid we can go in our house and be safe. now we can t even be safe in our house. one of the things that s striking about the reporting you and the medical team have done, that it s been very hard to conduct this research in east palestine. why? there s a number of reasons why it s been so difficult. one is the cocktail of the substances they re looking for. there are six here and they could combine in different ways, so testing for all of these can be difficult. also the nature of the community. a lot of people have left their homes, particularly the ones who have been may have been hardest hit health wise and there s not broad access to internet. 28% of the people in the county don t have broadband. 6% nationally is the figure, so it s a lot more than the rest of the country. can i ask you on that point, if you want to understand what s happening on the ground, if you re one of the rese
who s winning? no idea. real milk. real delicious. and don t forget to try some delicious, creamy lactaid ice cream. what s that mabel? (mooo) wow, smart cow!
make the defense lawyers go through, you have to start with the guys on the case, go to the unit chief. jack smith is the principal here. i don t think they re likely to give trump s lawyers a meeting with the attorney general. that s unheard of. to have the actual ag. jack smith will have the crucial decision here. this is ending soon. i m trying to i m trying to get in front of this for our reporters who constantly get asked this by their bosses and don t have answers so go ahead and give us our answer. i m asking that exact question phrased with the exact same tone that you did of all of our reporters. based on my experience, yes, it has to be ending soon. i m not going to commit to when soon is, but these meetings with defense lawyers happen at the very end. they seem to be putting the finishing touches on whoever goes into the grand jury. they have to watch the calendar. i do think i ll commit to soon but i won t give you a number of days. that s ambiguous enough.
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he s still a hometown favorite, but most of the people in the county don t think he s the right person to be running for senate. i hope we really do. reporter: she doesn t feel the multi-million dollar former resident has done enough to help wrightsville particularly the black community here. we see him, once a year when he comes for the parade. he s yet to campaign in the black community. reporter: curtis dickson who was walker s tenth grade history teacher and a coach on his championship football team described him as a good, polite kid who has given back to this community as an adult. sounds like you like herschel as a player and as a student. still do, but, you know, this is business. reporter: you don t feel like he s ready. he s not ready. reporter: readiness is a concern even for those who say they ll still probably vote for walker. i think he ought to just wait and look inside before running