by Constantin Gurdgiev,
Starting the new year of data analysis for Covid19 pandemic, I have re-configured the charts and my database to reflect changes in ECDC reporting from daily to weekly aggregates, as reported through Thursday each week. The result is smoother data series, allowing for clearer analysis of the key trends. The downside, of course, is the lags in data reporting.
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Please, note for the future: weekly data is subject to revisions by the ECDC.
First post of the new year:
Worldwide cases: 78,882,272 Worldwide deaths: 1,7233,975
U.S. cases: 18,479,054 U.S. deaths: 326,495
According to the Dashboard, the reported worldwide case report increased by 685,080 in the last 24 hours. Deaths worldwide increased by 13,026.
According to the Johns Hopkins Dashboard, the United States has added 223,080 cases in the last 24 hours.
In the last day, the number of people who have died in the U.S. from COVID-19 increased by 3,221. This is greater than the 2,977 people who died on September 11, 2001, when foreign operatives hijacked and crashed planes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, and one other plane crashed into a field in Pennsylvania.
Hospitalizations of people with severe cases of COVID-19 around the country have been growing at a steady rate. The COVID Tracking Project reports that 119,463 people were hospitalized nationwide with COVID-19 as of yesterday.