in the first place. i mean, if you are going to do a phony crime, you could have picked any number of people who attacked you. specifically, trump supporters were picked. i would suggest that they were picked because he knew thehe reaction from the media would be exactly what it was. they would believe him instantaneously and blame the president himself and blame his supporters. and i think there are a lot of people out there that are just t utterly sick of this. after this, after the covington situation, after the buzzfeed story. over and over and over again, it s the same old thing. and i can tell you people out there, i gave the talk last night and i mentioned this lawsuit for the covington ielpl attorney there for nick all of a sudden, i said they sued the washington post for $250 million, the entire audience spontaneously burst into a thunderous applause. they have had it to the max. laura: yeah, litigation doesn t die in the darkness, apparently.. here is the next