No Peace Underground is a no-ring deathmatch promotion that has been putting on some absolutely WILD shows over the past year on IWTV. Drennan & Larry Legend are your commentators. Ryan Fox is our host and welcomes us to the first show of Mania week.
Match 1: 1 Called Manders vs. Parrow
Hoss murder to kick this off, eh? Parrow remains an intimidating presence, the ref keeps having to hold him back from attacking Manders early during his entrance, who comes in through the people. Manders invites Parrow to start this on the floor in front of the stage, and the fists are swinging right away. Parrow clubbed down with a lariat as Manders goes to work with a chair. Manders sets up a door but Parrow reverses the whip and sends the cowboy into the lumber. Parrow slams Manders through some light tubes across chairs. Manders pops up to swing some tubes and slam Parrow into a tube covered hay bale. Manders suspends a guardrail on chairs, but a bloody Parrow battles back with chair. Manders