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Transcripts For DW Euromaxx - Highlights Of The Week 20180429 13:30:00

but again that's volunteer the sun is always shining. with tape and yellow cardboard they assemble the flash light cone in which danielle will disappear. the shadows are still too strong two hours go by before the sun is at the right angle for the perfect photo. back home and down the aisle combing through the four hundred pictures to choose the one they like best a few small corrections and it can be posted on instagram. they have a simple strategy for getting as many reactions as possible. we only publish things we're really convinced about. it all takes too much work and that shows up in the feedback. people only react when we give it all we've got that's how we improve our technique we get better and more ambitious. the work on this some of these buses have put more than ninety years behind them now they cruising the back roads of lowest sex any. kids from all over europe have brought some of the most elegant and valuable city buses still on the road to disparage special beam teach vehicles mate. i thought maybe it's just fun to fool around with these old things and to drive them keep them going after all they are pieces of cultural history the. color just can't describe it i lived and died for old cars. first of all this everything rattles all over and second you need some muscles to move them around who were very good. about a whole can of riots in the past by german come make up britain a ball from nine hundred twenty eight the oldest european. asked to take part in the meet in the late one nine hundred twenty s. and thirty's the boss carried passengers on its route from bad warton failed as railway station to the center of town it can be quite a challenge to navigate today's traffic with yesterday's technology. delay don't get there for years are going to steer and shifting gears is complicated you have to double clutch and it doesn't have any synchromesh gears that's good and so shifting isn't easy you have to know where to during your little shake rattle and roll up or does. this one has come the longest way from bristol in england it still has something of the feel of the nineteen eighties about it stuart shelton has been on the road in europe with it for three days so far in both on. the road i have to concentrate on the driving when you're driving you always walk up the road . or in the mirror. no matter how pretty the girl is all as you do see the look out there. one by one the antique glasses of arrived at the museum grounds in i'm back a total of seventy entries this come from all over germany as well as england switzerland belgium and austria the organizer of the mages the new p.s. vita automotive museum its collection has more than a hundred historical vehicles all carefully restored by hand including this nine hundred twenty seven buick city pass. now it's time for a very special event on the program a convoy through the countryside to the one time imperial benedictine abbey of cool be a unesco world heritage site. was. told the buses make the eighty some kilometer round trip without mishap even ex-pirate she friedel all commands old buick. the vision i'll buy the other clutch jerks a little but that's just an inconvenience on the inside story but when you get hold of a miracle ideas it doesn't run you have to make a roadworthy and that's really quite an experience. is. the vintage bos fans take the opportunity to trade stories and information where can they get this or that spam pos who knows a specialist all who can get a rare historical detail back in order. to find it or just as people are dying out there are many left who can restore old bridge to your goals like. a preserve boss needs a lot of love a lot of time and a lot of money to keep it going if we can't have a lively membership and it will die out. expanding the numbers of vintage bass plans shouldn't be quite as hot the owner operators here are old men but among the spectators at events like these cup plenty of women interviewed. as indoor in miami are more and more women are driving that big break trucks and it's quite possible that one of them might eventually take up this hobby if you follow women are becoming emancipated so you might see them in buses like they send me their minds i will say that's really interesting to drive a bus like the it's true the drivers are mostly men but i got my driver's license on an older model an old mercedes three zero three so it's nice to see antique vehicles like these which i must know. together the fans here are doing what they can to make sure these historical buses will be preserved the future generations. time now for something to eat and as we have said before you don't have to go very far in berlin to experian. international cuisine there are some one hundred eighty nine nations represented in berlin and some of these people bring a slice of their native countries with them in the form of calling their retreats while today we're going to try out a special pyar salad from laos so blown up a team. has been my first memories of berlin where the months that i spent in an asylum seekers home those are my earliest memories i can remember the long haul the limit only in florence there were many cribs for children and many other people from asia. was born in one nine hundred seventy seven in laos this photograph of her extended family was taken before her birth her father was critical of the government and in one nine hundred seventy nine her family fled to thailand nguyen was the youngest of four siblings a year later she arrived in berlin. meanwhile she has her own family sharing meals together with her husband and children is very important to her. and as we speak to asia plays a very big role hans is the center of everything at big family celebrations too there's always a lot of food good food it's always the highlight the high to know even nowadays when there is a family celebration everyone looks forward to the food and of course to spending time with your family when you get together. how nguyen originally trained as a foreign language clerk. in two thousand and eleven she and her two brothers opened a restaurant in the north her and district of berlin. features dishes from south eastern asia. in an immense partisan dung my father's name is don yeah officially our last name is nguyen because the person who applied for our permission to come here put down the name nguyen which is a very common vietnamese name musician but our real name is don what about that's why you decided to use that name for a restaurant when dissing him is that. and shame is unknown to indochina which allow us as a part of you know place to fit in with my grandfather and great grandfather worked for the french and sometimes as cooks that's why we thought it was a good fit for that. one time i'm guessing is in this place going to go to. a pious salad is a traditional laotian dish which is served in many different ways. it's usually eaten with fermented shrimp. in an unusual twist being greedy and are crushed with a mortar and pestle. copiah salad is among launch of flavors combining the sweetness of a pyre and sugar a salty fish sauce the sour notes of lemon and the spicy heat of chillies. cuisine is definitely spicy hot as he wished we had many dishes that have some heat to them but they aren't just spicy they all have their own distinct flavor combinations because we also use a lot of herbes and spices this is an illusion cooking that we tend to use many more ingredients than in european cuisine and it tends to be more expensive. because the herb's aren't as widely available so they do cost more. so is where north korean meets berlin's crowds packed district it's an area that's changed a lot in recent years. here used to be affordable which drew many young people to the district. that was followed by the rise of a vibrant restaurant scene once a rather rundown area it's now become trendy. very colorful very edgy and also multicultural. if used to be a bit more of a ghetto i guess you could say this is the area i live in which isn't that far from my restaurant used to be a place where most people didn't want to live today it's almost impossible to find a place here. when the restaurant is busy and helps out in the kitchen. ever since her brother's left the business her cousin and mother have done the cooking. many played some time to the sense that. felix very yummy all right from food to travel now and we're off to the portuguese island of madeira located on the atlantic ocean almond there is often referred to as the green or flower island because of its vegetation and at this time of year that certainly rings true because a major flower festival is in full swing with a big parade as the highlight. there's a party atmosphere in front shot of the capital of madeira the portuguese island is celebrating something it has plenty of flowers the highlight of the celebration is a magnificent parade always held three weeks after easter. roberto goodridge as she is taking part with his dance group food as somebody born in portugal he lived in switzerland for many years now he's returned home. at pottery found to be on the clock right it's great to see how people are so happy to see all the flowers the dancing our costumes it's wonderful to take part here. at the album it's. the flower festival was the main topic of conversation and for four weeks before the parade floral carpets have been spread out on the main promenade and flowers handed out to visitors. who battle and his team start preparing for the parade in early april it's taking quite a bit of effort. this is some quarter it's difficult to coordinate all the people the whole team that's here we work under time pressure of course to get everything done everything has to be ready tomorrow it's not just the front where you also have to coordinate one hundred thirty people i don't want to start the engine from quarter. the countdown is on with one day to go floats and marchers have to be transformed into bouquets of flowers within a single day to make sure the blossom stay fresh the hats made with orchids and during games and protests help people get into the party mood before the parade kicks off. designer dina is responsible for the costumes and floral accessories she emphasizes color and authenticity is flowers from here. and we is this week oh we're this is made here in mother a so it's far from our handmade. art craft it's really fun because it's a flow a festival and we live in an island full of color full of nature and you have to project to work with it and that gets really interesting because it's something that you love so that whole is the little touch. madeira is called the island of flowers they flourish in the sub tropical climate even on rocky or volcanic ground so it's the ideal place to celebrate an annual festival of flowers. the director of tourism couldn't agree more. a small flowers festival started with an exhibition that's over sixty years old about sixty three and then about thirty years ago we started with the parade as it is with groups involved which has been growing year by year and this is one of the biggest so in numbers one thousand five hundred people starting with little ones from four year olds. it's sunday afternoon and in fifteen minutes the parade will begin. his club were up until two in the morning putting together and decorating their float now it's ready to move out and the club members pose for tourists. can feel the adrenaline rising it can set off getting really excited you know it's completely normal when you walk with morning welcome welcome in my house. it's doing. the entrance leads right into the open concept living area. covering one hundred twenty square metres it functions as a sitting room kitchen dining room and. the house is a mix of travel stories and when i travel. a lot of feelings of emotion of his and they wanted to put this whole thing. inside in one hundred one place. to business men had the house built to his specifications four years ago. he's furnished the living room with design classics like this charles ames lounge chair from one nine hundred fifty six and modern. from here there's a clear view of the port city of set and the mediterranean. in this region we have almost all the year so the house has to be on the same wave so i wanted to have in this house the spanish spirit. and because it is a fan of the spanish island he decorated the bedrooms on the upper floor giving them a typical island style one bright colors give the place a real holiday feel. the room is one of the place you spend a lot of time and the color. make make you happy. the interior design is the. mix of styles. retro accessories design classics and modern furniture. while purists might not approve this president clearly feels very much at home here. also has a passion for recycled materials in the bathroom old railway to serve as a countertop. and the old wooden planks constituting the dining room table were once part of an indonesian fishing vessel. the house also has a wine cellar with a small bar. the color scheme of the retro look wallpaper harmonizes with a british colonial style leather armchair a table made from recycled wooden pallets provides the finishing touch it's a home full of memories and atmosphere. and his house in a personal home inspired by very personal experiences. and his cat will get lots of fun. and with that we wrap up another week of your own max and don't forget to check us out on social media or follow the show on our website as always for me and the rest of us here max thanks for tuning in. the bones. the be. the book. the be. the book. israel and germany seem divided by a bridgeable rift. the bottom you generation is showing that the two nations can live in peace and friendship. a special relationship germans in israel israelis in germany. the been fifteen minutes on the job news. and the dangerous battle for images five women at the front of exceptional stories good morning calling more photography the dramatic pictures from the front. capturing faithful moments in time and even risking death. she gave her life to tell the stories of people who ended up killing. women more photographers starting may third on t.w. . a man whose ideas change the world but also divided it. is he today and what influence does he have on politics and general culture move on the two hundredth anniversary of earth the documentary marx and his heirs. for celebration world press freedom day third on t.w. . inequality. in a. difference a disadvantage is. known to the media. as little media form. the plates need. clock. no cause for celebration world press freedom day may third on t.w. .


Transcripts for CNN CNN Republican Debate Des Moines Iowa 20240604 03:19:00

their road spending instead of the federal government. >> governor desantis, your response? >> you kind of admitted that she did try to raise the gas tax and is on video saying it. >> you snip pets it. that is not true. >> governor haley, it's governor desantis has the floor. >> that's on the record. and she even proposed a tax on groceries at one point. but i'm just thinking, have you seen your grocery bill lately? that's one of the things that's hitting working people the most that groceries are going up probably twice as much what you do. but i also think it's important that we lift people up. so in florida, we eliminated all sales tax on every baby item, diapers, wipes, strollers, cribs. we want families to prosper in this country. one of the things that's causing so much problem is the break-down in the american family. we've done a lot in florida to be able to rejuvenate that. but we need to make it easier for people to raise children in


Transcripts for CNN CNN Republican Debate Des Moines Iowa 20240604 02:18:00

you took a little piece of that. that is not true. you are lying. >> governor haley, governor, desantis has the floor. >> that's on the record. and she even proposed a tax on groceries at one point. but i'm just thinking, have you seen your grocery bill lately? that's one of the things that's hitting working people the most, that groceries are going up, probably twice as much what you do. but i also think it's important that we lift people up. so in florida, we eliminated all sales tax on every baby item, diaper, wipes, stroller, cribs. we want families to be able to prosper in this country. one of the things that's causing so much problem is the breakdown in the american family. we've done a lot in florida to be able to rejuvenate that. but we need to make it easier for people to raise children in this country so that we can have strong families and a strong country. >> governor desantis, at a cnn town hall last week, you said you support a flat tax, which is a single income tax rate for every american. under your plan, would working


Transcripts for CNN CNN Republican Debate Des Moines Iowa 20240604 06:18:00

little piece, that is not true. >> governor haley, governor desantis -- >> what she did in south carolina, that's on the record. and she even proposed a tax on groceries at one point. but i'm just thinking, have you seen your grocery bill lately? that's one of the things that's hitting working people the most, that groceries are going up, probably twice as much, which you do. but i also think it's important that we lift people up. so in florida, we eliminated all sales tax on every baby item, diapers, wipes, strollers, cribs, we want families to be able to prosper in this country. one of the things that is causing so much problem is the breakdown in the american family. we have done a lot in florida to be able to rejuvenate that. but we need to make it easier for people to raise children in this country so that we can have strong families and a strong country. >> [applause] >> governor desantis, at a cnn town hall last week, you said you support a flat tax, which is a single income tax rate for every american.


Transcripts for FOXNEWS Special Report Democracy 2024 Iowa Town Hall with Gov. Ron DeSantis 20240604 05:15:00

god given ability they have to be able to get ahead in this country. that's the's backbone of what america's all about and if thosg folks are doing everything right and they're falling further andn further behind, then this try country's not going to end up p working. now, in florida, we're actually have incomes going up faster, outstripping, people are making real income gains even with the bidenflation. but we've taken steps. i'm very pro family but it's hard and expensive to raise kids. so i signetid legislation last year eliminating all sales tax on all baby items, diapers, yo strollers, cribs, formula, you a nameis it. you're raising kids tax free in thisno country. when i first became governor, my wife and i had a two year old and a nine month old, i got my guy there he's five now. is he in the crowd or where he's at. oh he went over there. we didn't even have our third ou yet.ds so i signed this into law last r spring by that time my kids wero out of diapers. i was prou d of myself, i told my


Transcripts for FOXNEWS Special Report Democracy 2024 Iowa Town Hall with Gov. Ron DeSantis 20240604 23:15:00

ability. they have got to be able to get ahead in this country. that's the backbone of what america is all about. if those folks are doing everything right, and they are falling further and further behind, then this country is not going to end up working. now, in florida, we actually have incomes going up faster. out stripping. people are making real income gains even with the bidenflation. we have taken steps to mitigate. this for example i'm very pro-family. it's hard to raise kids and expensive to raise kids. i signed legislation last year eliminating all sales tax on all baby items, diapers, strollers, cribs, formula, you name it, you are raising kids tax-free in this country. now, when i first became governor, my wife and i had a 2-year-old and 9-month-old. i got my guy there he is 5 now. is he in the crowd? where is he at? he went over there. we didn't even have our third yet. i signed this into law last spring. and by that time all of our kids were out of diapers. i came home, i was very proud of myself. i told my wife, you know, i just signed. this no more taxes on diapers,


Belmont County Health Department offers free cribs to eligible families

The Belmont County Health Department is holding its Cribs for Kids Program.The program allows families to receive a free cribette if they are eligible and compl


Transcripts for MSNBC The ReidOut 20240604 23:07:00

and it doesn't stop with just co-opting black oppression. no, no, they're trying it with hip-hop culture too. remember back in the 1990s, it was a normal thing for rappers to name check trump as a symbol for wealth and power. nelly, jung jock, and kanye, who later as the maga hat wearing ye, would be used by trump to convince black voters he wasn't racist. trump and the oval office even pardoned kodak black and lil wayne. see, he's on your side, blacks. the irony is his hip-hop avatar was based on a media lie like cribs and the apprentice. trump was never a billionaire. he just inherited a lot of money, lost it, declared bankruptcy five times and still got bank loans because he made himself famous. and his track record for racism goes back to the 1970s. in that sense, he was doing what some rappers do, playing a role. and trump's electoral strategy to win over black voters or at least pretend to, to make white


Transcripts for MSNBC The Rachel Maddow Show 20240604 08:03:00

the cartoon font, but they're making clearbu it is not just f people with little tiny arms or not just for people with very poor upper body strength, it's definitely for preschool. and the reason you can tell it's still their targeted market for this gun is because this is the image that pops up on the flash page at their website. clear enough? here's another view of the same target consumer. maybe she's, what, 5? i think she's 5. and if america is now marketing smaller, lighter fully functioning semiautomatic assault rifles for 5-year-olds, i mean what's next? why would we stop there? if they really want to get the full markett share that might available m to them maybe they could do a little one babies can use in the cribs. maybe they can fire it with their feet or something.


Ohio bill seeks to eliminate state sales tax on essential baby, children items

Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine called on state leaders in January to join him in repealing the state tax on critical infant supplies.


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