my heart breaks, actually, as a mother of two children. disability rights experts are documenting the conditions. even though they re in a safe place, their state will deteriorate with time because they are not getting any stimulation, any kind of rehabilitation. and, to me, this is further disabling them. these were confined lives of institutionalised dependence long before the war. there s no future for these children beyond these walls. these homes are relics of an outdated system. the boss insists a resident sings for us. staff shortages mean older residents help care for some children, and those in from the east have much greater needs than this place can handle. and disability rights investigators filmed at three more nearby institutions struggling with fragile young arrivals. they barely had time to give them any individual attention before the war. now they are left lying in cribs, lying in beds, tied down.
are documenting the conditions. although they re in a safe place, their state will deteriorate because they are not getting any stimulation, any kind of rehabilitation. and, to me, this is further disabling them. these were confined lives of institutionalised dependents long before the war. there s no future beyond these walls. these homes are relics of an outdated system. the boss insists a resident sings for us. staff shortages mean older residents help care for these children, and those in from the east have much greater needs than this place can handle. the disability rights investigators filmed at three more nearby institutions, struggling with fragile young arrivals. they barely had time to give them individual attention before the war. now, they are left lying in cribs, lying in beds, tied down. total neglect. it s very dangerous. these children with disabilities
deteriorate with time because they are not getting any stimulation, any kind of rehabilitation. and, to me, this is further disabling them. these were confined lives of institutionalised dependence long before the war. there s no future for these children beyond these walls. these homes are relics of an outdated system. the boss insists a resident sings for us. staff shortages mean older residents help care for some children, and those in from the east have much greater needs than this place can handle. and disability rights investigators filmed at three more nearby institutions struggling with fragile young arrivals. they barely had time to give them any individual attention before the war. now they are left lying in cribs, lying in beds, tied down. total neglect. it s very dangerous. these children with disabilities are paying the price for the war.
off a guy and he goes and kills a bunch of people? matt: a lot of people were killed in that mass shooting event, all four of them were bloods or cribs. one of them had a device to make his pistol automatic. it essentially was a shoot-out at the o.k. corral. this is someone walking in walmart not to make light of mass shooting but it s pretty serious but this is gang violence in the middle of sacramento. this guy got out four years of a 10-year prison sentence. for the mystic violence from all four of them that were arrested all had families domestic violence. but bringing punch line here. california has the most restrictive gun laws on the books in all four of these guys were felons and should have the guns. to me it is not a matter of enforcing the law is that were allowing violent criminals to underserved their sentences and then put them on the streets, and that it turns out different and that all by the way we did
thanks very much, congressman. great to see you today. thank you. martha: now for something different. this is a horrifying video from shanghai showing how people are feeling. listen to this. martha: like a horror movie. it s real. that is people standing on their balconies screaming in shanghai. they re under covid lock down for more than two weeks. the man that shot this video says the isolation goes on, something will go wrong. now shanghai says that people can leave their homes and some stores can reopen. it s allowing exceptions to the policy of separating covid positive children. little kids in cribs from their parents who are being kept alone in a quarantine facility. there s that.